Talk about shinies and all that fun feels that come with hunting them! Don't have any of the educational images, but I'm sure someone does! Pic related is my most cherished shiny.
S-Senpai 4227-2314-3535 [Bergmite/Snorunt/Dewgong]
S-Senpai 4227-2314-3535 [Bergmite/Snorunt/Dewgong] Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:46:29 No. 17955365 Report Still trying to get that Ralts. On box 7 right now. If this thing turns out male I'll be pissed.
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
Quoted By:
>>17955365 Keep the faith dude, working on a Solosis myself
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 07:57:55 No. 17955530 Report >>17955365 If I can get a last minute shiny, the rest of you can.
So glad to finally have my machop, but not sure what to go for next, maybe a shiny arcanine or a totodile or something.
Decisions decisions...
Gave up on Hawlucha after 265 boxes, fuck that shit. Gonna work on Furfrou now. Doubt I'll get it knowing my luck.
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:01:25 No. 17955582 Report >>17955539 >265 boxes jesus christ I don't blame you. Sometimes it's just not happening man.
Black furfrou looks slick though, best of luck.
>>17955582 Thanks man and you should totally go after an Arcanine.
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:08:27 No. 17955674 Report Quoted By:
>>17955613 Well I was looking towards a good fire type because a regular in /shw/ was a huge help to me and I'd love to pay him back.
At the very least, a penta perfect parent, but a shiny arcanine would be fantastic too.
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>>17955539 Good luck.
I got a Japanese shiny Furfrou on release night, as one of my first Wonder Trades. I'm assuming they didn't know it was shiny. She's one of my most treasured Pokemon now. Joseph 1048 8540 2091
I'm still working on this damn shiny froakie. Been at it for 3 weeks now. Will this ride ever be over?
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>after midnight >no mareep Oh boy here we go again
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:10:55 No. 17955713 Report >>17955678 when it's
Torrent Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier)
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:12:04 No. 17955731 Report my precious....
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17955289 I just have one beautiful shiny Illumise (it's called Lumia) that i can fully call my own, cause i found and caught a shiny ivysaur and a shiny mightyena but it was in a friend's 3DS, he gave them to me but still... that different OP is still there..
>>17955713 >>17955731 man sorry but gettin' off topic here but may I add you? I have Helioptile and some other two in my safari, honestly don't remember but i've been looking for someone with cacturne, pawniard and frogadier!
sorry to bother
>>17955678 hang in there man! i'm planning on start breeding for one myself in a couple of days!
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard)
Slipp 3480 3068 3325 (Cacturne, Pawniard, Liepard) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:15:54 No. 17955781 Report >>17955755 nah sure man, go nuts. Anything for a /shw/ bro.
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier)
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:16:03 No. 17955783 Report >>17955755 sure bud, I'll add you right now
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
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>>17955781 >>17955783 thanks guys! adding now
Alex 1564-3238-2254
>>17955731 I hope you don't mind me asking but do you have any spare female Espeed dratinis in dream balls?
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier)
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:26:40 No. 17955939 Report >>17955882 no problem man, I just checked and I just have 1 female like that but it has shed skin...want me to breed you one with marvel scale?
>>17955755 Can I add you for Helioptile? Name: Tyler FC: 0877-1214-8193 Tangela Ivysaur Gogoat
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17955985 help youself man! give me a sec and i'll add you back
Alex 1564-3238-2254
>>17955939 If that's alright! I may have to leave soon though, will you be around next shiny weekend if you don't manage to breed one in time?
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier)
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:41:20 No. 17956111 Report >>17956073 probably, I'll get started right now and save it for you if you gotta go. It shouldn't take too long
Alex 1564-3238-2254
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
Just bred my first Shiny on my 6th Charmander. However the goal was to get a 5IV Charmander. The shiny one has HP/Atk/Def/SAtk/Speed. I'm torn on what to do with it...
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
Quoted By:
>>17956228 keep it, train it and enjoy it
>>17956228 Check the SpDef IV.
Might not be 31 but might be high enough to still use
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>>17956228 I'll give you a shiny 4iv growlithe with close combat that was just hatched for it.
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
>>17956328 Still new to a lot of this, but how could I go about checking it w/o 99 rare candies?
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier)
Nick 0559-7366-1109 (Birabel Wartortle Frogadier) Mon 10 Feb 2014 09:13:06 No. 17956467 Report Quoted By:
>>17956133 There, man that took a little longer than expected. are you still here?
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Is time-travel breeding cheating? Some dude actually got a 31/0/31/31/31/31 poliwag in this thread.
>>17952795 Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17956376 Using an IV checker on google
>>17956228 Have it participate in Battle Institute. The level will temporarily be adjusted to level 50 for you to check.
>>17956228 I hatched basically the same thing a few weeks ago after about 40 boxes.
Grunty 3325-3286-0306
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>>17956544 Thanks for that. It's either 28 or 29, which is still very solid.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Quagsire, Krabby, Azumarill)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838 (Water: Quagsire, Krabby, Azumarill) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:27:21 No. 17956905 Report Guys, I did it. if you get that reference i love you
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>>17956228 I'd still use it. The important thing is that the really important stats, speed and its main offense are still there
>>17955289 I wasn't exactly hunting.
I was leveling an entire team from level 1 to 50 for online matches.
And I happened to find a shiny jigglypuff that I named "Kirby".
The sad part is that the only ball I had was my one masterball.
Which is fine since I caught legendaries with normal pokeballs. Except Moltres because I don't want it.
I don't even want the shiny jigglypuff. Off to the GTS dump it goes.
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17956966 asking for what?
>>17956985 its not up yet. I'm awaiting for a zorua to be traded first.
I seriously hate that you can't send off more than one pokemon.
>>17956966 >I don't even want the shiny jigglypuff. Off to the GTS dump it goes. What? NOOOO. Jiggs came out of hiding because it wanted to be with you forever. It was destiny to catch it with that master ball. Don't subject it to a life of wandering the GTS. YOU MONSTER!!!
Just kidding, do what you want with it Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>17956995 *waiting for my
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17956995 it woudn't be very gamefreak-y to do something as useful as that
but what would you ask for it?
Quoted By:
>>17956998 lol.
That post made my night anon, thanks for making my laugh.
I just don't like jigglypuff. Not a fan of normal types.
And I don't like female pokemon.
>>17957001 I honestly don't even know.
I don't know the value of shiny pokemon as this is literally my first one that I obtained that wasn't a red gyarados. Never had an actual shiny.
I'd probably ask for a shiny eevee for a shiny umbreon, or my pokebro Oddish.
Though, I don't like using pokemon that aren't mine. That is why I breed traded pokes so I can have one of my own. Its a strange obsession I have.
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17957021 oh i thought you weren't interested in shinies or something,
i could offer you a japanese eevee for you to breed so you could dream of having a shiny umbreon that it's yours but i don't know if it's a fair trade honestly, woudn't want you to just regret letting go of your first shiny later on.
>>17957055 I don't care about shinies.
Though I figured a shiny for a shiny would be even.
Again, I wouldn't know.
I might have to re-think it at some point.
Rocka 4356-1197-0407 (Electric)
>>17957089 well i hope you get satisfied with whatever deal you end up making, i'm sure there will be people that would offer something that might catch your eye.
also, nice going with Kirby, as obvious as it is I still really like it
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>>17957107 Thanks, anon.
I hope so too.
I'm so new to shinies. Once I'm fully done with my online team im training, maybe then I'll think of something.
FranKie: 1521-4014-2106 !mXYWAz9zZU
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What happens when the music changes while chaining?
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>>17955289 My personal favorite shiny! Too bad it's kinda useless. At least it's pretty to stare at
Nameless - 0533-5570-3867 (Phanpy, Marowak, Palpitoad)
Nameless - 0533-5570-3867 (Phanpy, Marowak, Palpitoad) Mon 10 Feb 2014 12:24:40 No. 17957424 Report Quoted By:
I hope Im not late.
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>>17956905 It's not that hard to spot a KLK reference these days but congrats regardless
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Filling the dex is truly a nightmare..
Fiona 0232-8656-7626
>>17955289 Hey aren't you the guy I traded a foreign ferroseed to?
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Mon 10 Feb 2014 12:57:20 No. 17957561 Report Trying to get a shiny Shinx, just started hatching the first box... be kind to me Masuda. ;_;
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>>17955539 Wat.. S-surely that won't happen to me, r-right guys?
Nameless - 0533-5570-3867 (Phanpy, Marowak, Palpitoad)
Nameless - 0533-5570-3867 (Phanpy, Marowak, Palpitoad) Mon 10 Feb 2014 13:13:33 No. 17957634 Report Quoted By:
>>17957561 Famous last words.
Alex (0044-2931-7386) Electabuzz, Luxio, Emolga
Alex (0044-2931-7386) Electabuzz, Luxio, Emolga Mon 10 Feb 2014 13:26:03 No. 17957718 Report Just caught this beauty 5 minutes after I found a shiny fraxure Though Its ability is frisk
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>box 6 of my third Venipede hunt H-here I go...!
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 10 Feb 2014 13:46:37 No. 17957848 Report Hatched this gal by pure chance. Has shit IVs, but it's Calm, and has Prankster and Recover Wasn't even intending to get a shiny. In fact, I actually hate it in comparison to the original.
FranKie !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17957848 Would you trade something for it?
Wrath 3024 6102 5563
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Finally get my shiny tyrunt! It's 5iv, but missing HP instead of special attack. ;( here we go again.
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier]
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier] Mon 10 Feb 2014 13:55:43 No. 17957903 Report Quoted By:
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Still hatching Elgyem eggs. I just want my red-eyed spooky alien.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:00:49 No. 17957946 Report >>17957859 Yeah, what do you offer?
Alex (0044-2931-7386) Electabuzz, Luxio, Emolga
Alex (0044-2931-7386) Electabuzz, Luxio, Emolga Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:04:59 No. 17957974 Report Quoted By:
>>17957832 Prob not viable because it doesn't have natural cure or harvest but i'll love it anyway
Going to try get a shiny muk now
>>17957848 It doesn't look that bad, at least the colour change is noticable but the original colour scheme is far better
Wrath 3024 6102 5563
Quoted By:
Now that there's, Destiny knot, everstones, 6iv dittos, shiny charm, oval stone, hatching O powers, and poke swarms, it's on! I can't conceive how people used to look for shinies with that retarted 1/8000, not being guaranteed good natures/ivs and egg moves. FUCKKKK that, now In this gen vi , I'm going to be one shiny hunting motherfucker. I'm getting hooked.
FranKie !mXYWAz9zZU
>>17957946 Would you trade it for a few pentaperfects, Or is it a shiny for shiny deal?
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:10:29 No. 17958013 Report >>17958000 yeah, I'm kinda looking for other shinies, sorry.
Serena 0190-0025-9918
Looking for a shiny fennekin Serena 0190-0025-9918 Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:13:32 No. 17958033 Report Quoted By:
hey anons. i'm looking for a shiny fem. fennekin. nature doesn't really matter. just wanna have one. i have several shinies for trade, if anyone is interested. among those are mienfoo, staryu, tangela, golurk, bannette, and a few others.
FranKie !mXYWAz9zZU
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>>17958013 That's alright. I'd be looking for other shinies too lol
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier]
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier] Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:45:57 No. 17958274 Report On box 16 for my Azumarill hunt.
Wrath 3024 6102 5563
>>17958274 Damn son. You got the shiny charm yet?
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier]
Jace 4184-2510-4630{Krabby,Wartortle,Frogadier] Mon 10 Feb 2014 14:59:20 No. 17958417 Report >>17958389 No. I thought that didn't affect bred mons?
Wrath 3024 6102 5563
>>17958417 Well honestly I don't know. I must have gotten lucky with my tyrunt. I got him after only 4 boxes. And this was just after I got my shiny charm.
It does say "wild pokemon" though. Hmmm
Let me go try and get a swarm shiny, i need a break from all the egg breeding :| I'll report back if there's anything
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>>17958438 Smogon is already searching this and i does seem to help.
He only language the shiny charm description changed was english, the translator are probably idiots.
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>>17958013 I have a couple extra shinies and I'd love your Sableye but I won't be out of school for another 4 hours, will you still be around?
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>>17958274 >box 16 is bad I'm on box 42 and this isn't even anything.
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>>17955530 Tell that to my sewaddle, I am not even asking it to be perfect im just breeding to get a normal shiny i dont do competitive its just cute its been a long ride.
Gastly - 109 eggs Eevee - 348 eggs Beldum - 60 eggs Froakie (Protean) - 33 eggs Totodile - 4 eggs I tip a lot, but I'm not sure if that's been debunked. Also, I hatched every single one in the evening between 6-9 PM (worked on them at all hours of the day), probably correlation but not sure. It should be noted that I also hatched 276 Elektrikes for a friend before stopping.
>>1795978 i aint done many but of what i have done is starly within the second lot of 5 eggs and anorith was on like the second or third box but not sewaddle wont just hatch shiny
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Tue 11 Feb 2014 05:38:24 No. 17971199 Report Quoted By:
I think I'm gonna aim for the hardest shiny, but is that Vespiqueen?
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>checking forms in the pokedex for shits >notice I have seen a shiny Frillish >I had just got done breeding some Frillish, about a box worth, released half of them >oh god oh no oh please >check the box >it's there! It's missing a perfect SPATK IV but whatever.
I'm about to start MMing for a shiny Pumpkaboo. Is there any way to ensure the size of it?
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>>17972235 It comes out the same size of the parent
Huey Lewis 0189 8989 4432
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>>17957541 Yes I think so! I love her so much, she's my pride and joy
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 11 Feb 2014 07:16:45 No. 17972658 Report Quoted By:
>>17958013 I can give you a shiny Drifloon and a shiny Growlithe for it if you'd like
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Gonna start now for a shiny hawlucha Hatched this beaut a couple days ago without even trying to MM, just kinda happened
Second shiny Tyrunt, missing HP this time.
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph]
Frederik 3067-5263-9178 [Abra, Duosion, Sigilyph] Tue 11 Feb 2014 07:44:01 No. 17972953 Report >>17972903 I was wondering, but what sort of pokemon is still fine even though lacking in HP, Def or SDef?
>decide to try to go for hawlucha again >i-it'll get here eventually >tfw 42 more boxes of worthless hawluchas
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>>17973716 >I-I'm sure this next egg will be a shiny! Anonymous
Why are shiny hunt threads only on weekends? I hunt for shinies through the whole week as well. Do people seriously only try to get shinies on the weekends? I miss these threads when they're gone ;_;
>>17956650 >no dragon claw or fire punch for the tough claws boost senpai
>>17974295 Because daily generals are repetitive and complete shit.
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Tue 11 Feb 2014 11:21:33 No. 17974428 Report Got my Shinx late last night! At 150 eggs or so. Took way less than I expected. It's missing Def (which turned out to be 0) but otherwise it's flawless. MM'ing for a pink Buneary now.
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>>17974346 generals are better than people posting the same threads 10 times a day
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>>17974295 I think everyone hunts during weekdays, it's just they have more time on their hands to do more thorough searching and bitching Friday to Sunday. It gives us something to look forward to, not something to eventually grow sick of.
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>>17974318 i use flare blitz, dragon dance, outrage/dClaw and thudner punch. thats the one i transfered, if not using transfering one ill drop tpunch for earthquake
Enn 2552-0490-6791
I've been trying to get a shiny metang for the last few days in FS out of a safari with just two pokemon. I encountered one but it was a ferroseed even though I encountered Metang far more times than I did the latter Any other FS has been unsuccessful.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Woobat,Doduo,Hawlucha] Tue 11 Feb 2014 13:12:40 No. 17974888 Report Quoted By:
i keep finding shiny scraggy in hordes. please stop.
IGN Byakuren FC 4613-7118-3313
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Got this guy today after 15 boxes. I should train my Pokemon for now then go for shiny Shelmet on the next /shw/
>>17974877 I was going for a shiny FS Wartortle, but got a shiny Bibarel instead.. count yourself lucky
Salazan 4484-7890-2773
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Someone traded me a shiny krabby for one of my old shitmons only 70 mons away from completed national dex, then its MMing for the rest of the week with the shiny charm Also caught a shiny Gyrados in the Friend safari
ok I can't make this shit up. After 5 days of straight MMing I finally get my shiny Froakie this morning. Except it had Torrent. I was a little pissed, but I was still happy to get a shiny, so I hatched the remaining two eggs and found another fucking shiny. The kicker? It also had fucking torrent
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>>17975088 I-I'm so sorry.
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>>17975110 I can take it out if you want?
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Tue 11 Feb 2014 16:34:49 No. 17976169 Report Quoted By:
>>17974428 Damn, that was fast! Got a shiny pink bunny in under 60 eggs. 31 in everything but Attack which is 0. Figures.
Sari IGN Michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet)
Sari IGN Michelle 1349-5683-2035(fly spearow, swanna, rufflet) Tue 11 Feb 2014 17:24:48 No. 17976619 Report Quoted By:
updating my current safari hunt shiny ratio with shiny charm : 7/3000. 1 mienfoo, 2 panchan and 4 breloom. will continu until at least 10 000 I think but so far the data seems to indicate something close to 1/400 if not less.
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Wasn't even hunting, I was training. Found a shiny Spinda in a horde.