Got a box full spare of 4-5 IV Fennikens, would love something with decent IVS but if not thats all good just throw up one of those beautiful Discs just make sure u put what you put up in your message, theyre all timid and have 4 eggmoves Heatwave, hypnosis, wish and magic coat
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:08:45 No. 17955677 Report Quoted By:
>>17955663 sme are HA as well specify if u want HA
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin)
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:08:54 No. 17955684 Report >>17955663 I can put a 5IV adamant honedge up if that works for you!
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:09:48 No. 17955694 Report >>17955684 sweet thanx man yeah, did u want HA?
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin)
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:10:14 No. 17955705 Report Quoted By:
>>17955694 Sure, that'd be great!
>>17955663 Larvitar up for HA
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin)
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:12:46 No. 17955741 Report Awesome, thanks a ton OP!
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:14:39 No. 17955764 Report >>17955735 sweet just got it thanx man
>>17955741 s'all good man thanx heaps I actually needed a Adamant honedge
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin)
Ashe 4785-5970-9707 (Swadloon, Pansage, Quilladin) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:15:08 No. 17955773 Report Quoted By:
>>17955764 Glad I could help!
Triska 1246-8832-9038
I'd love one with the HA ability. Want a shiny Metagross?
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:18:18 No. 17955808 Report >>17955791 sweet thanx heaps man thad be sick
Chris 5129 1441 8074 RRV2iP4a6U
>>17955663 i put up a disc, could i get a h.a. one? thanks so much man!
Triska 1246-8832-9038
Quoted By:
>>17955808 Cool, Metagross is on the GTS.
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:21:56 No. 17955872 Report >>17955810 yeah man definatley
>>17955791 ru putting it up on gts or wifi trade?
>>17955850 no worries dude Thanx heaps for the larvitar
Triska 1246-8832-9038
>>17955872 I tried to do GTS but got an error, so I may as well do wifi trade. I added you.
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:27:50 No. 17955956 Report >>17955885 Omg Thank you so much for that :), I really wanted a shiny metagross as well
Triska 1246-8832-9038
>>17955956 No problem dude, I really needed a Magician Fennekin so I can start MMing for a shiny. It's nice of you to give them away so I figured you deserved a cool thing in return!
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:30:25 No. 17955995 Report >>17955969 Haha its all good, I've been MMing myself still no luck haha
Triska 1246-8832-9038
Quoted By:
>>17955995 Fingers crossed. Silver fox looks so good.
Abel 1848 2684 2262
>>17955663 Just when I was goons go to sleep...don't have a luvdisc will a noibat work OP?
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:37:52 No. 17956072 Report >>17956039 yeah sure thats cool man just throw it up and ill get to it right away
Abel 1848 2684 2262
>>17956072 Thanks a ton OP, noibat is up
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 08:43:18 No. 17956130 Report >>17956113 maybe it got sniped, i cant find it
Abel 1848 2684 2262
Quoted By:
>>17956130 Putting a lvl 30 noibat up OP thanks again
>>17955663 Sure, I'll grab one, 5IV Synchronise abra good for you?
terrible 1779-1398-1294
Quoted By:
>>17956641 (sorry, to specify if you have any with HA that would be great)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot)
Adam 3394-3668-9668(Gloom Toxicroak Swalot) Mon 10 Feb 2014 09:39:09 No. 17956673 Report I'll trade a 5IV noibat with tailwind and switcheroo for a HA 5IV fenniken. I'll add you
Hey OP, could I get a 5IV female Fennekin with her HA for a 5IV solosis please?
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>17955663 Would you mind a Timid Zorua with Extrasensory, Dark Pulse, Counter, and Sucker Punch with 4ivs?
I'd like a Female Fennekin with HA please, I'll put up Zorua with the message '/vp/' on GTS immediately <3
>>17955663 would you take a shiny ninetales for a 5IV HA female OP?
terrible 1779-1398-1294
>>17956697 >>17956704 >>17956673 I just got my abra sniped, some asshat is coming along and dumping useless fennekins
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>17956728 Haven't been sniped yet, but did OP die?
Quoted By:
>>17956728 well shit, nevermind. gonna wait and see if OP will just do trades then.
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:06:19 No. 17956787 Report >>17956697 >>17956728 >>17956673 sorry im back had to go away for a bit
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>17956787 I didn't get sniped, so I re-upped
>>17956697 Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:08:14 No. 17956799 Report i think they all got niped but throw up anything now and ill send u a fenniken
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:09:39 No. 17956809 Report Quoted By:
>>17956795 got it, thanx heaps for the Zorua
>>17956799 My last Solosis got sniped so I'll send a HA Starly for that female HA fennekins
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:11:34 No. 17956821 Report Quoted By:
>>17956704 >>17956692 >>17956814 unfortunatley i dont have any females left sorry guys
terrible 1779-1398-1294
>>17956799 throwing up another abra, do you have a HA one?
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:17:41 No. 17956861 Report Quoted By:
>>17956847 yeah man heaps, just sent u the fennekin
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle)
Fergo (IGN: David) 2466-2865-5123 (Boldore, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Feb 2014 10:27:06 No. 17956903 Report Quoted By:
I off 4 today but I'll be back tomorrow with more