TemporalMC/Noah 0001-3597-3953 ( Farfetch'd / Hoothoot / Hawlucha ) No.17961778 Report It's lost a certain niche with weather teams being less viable than they once were, however Volcarona has always been able to stand well on its own so it's still got a lot of utility.
If there's one thing that threatens Volcarona's position, it's Talonflame. So far as I'm aware, any unboosted 252 Atk Talonflame will OHKO it with Brave Bird. So if you want to Dance like a motherfucker, taking out Talonflame first is a necessity.
With that said, Volcarona still manages to be the best boosting mons in the game. When up against another special attacker, I'll be at +3 or higher in SpA, SpD, and Spe before they realize their attacks are now worthless and I simply roost off the damage taken and sweep.