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237KiB, 1300x710, Pokemon-Pre-School-pokemon-18756934-1300-710.jpg
Quoted By: >>17959135 >>17960860 >>17961440 >>17961513 >>17961535
Think of three pokemon.
After this point there's no going back.
The first two pokemon you thought of are your school bullies. Everyday they insult you, beat you up, steal your lunch money, and generally treat you like shit. The third pokemon gets tired of their shit and one day shows up to defend you. The third pokemon challenges them to a battle after school saying that with the power friendship, you and the pokemon will be able to defeat them easily. How badly do you get beat up after school?
After this point there's no going back.
The first two pokemon you thought of are your school bullies. Everyday they insult you, beat you up, steal your lunch money, and generally treat you like shit. The third pokemon gets tired of their shit and one day shows up to defend you. The third pokemon challenges them to a battle after school saying that with the power friendship, you and the pokemon will be able to defeat them easily. How badly do you get beat up after school?