Is it time already?
Why exactly do you people complain about Smogon?
>Everyone uses the same shit
That's how competitive battling is, people are going to use Pokemon that gives them the best chance to win, and if that means using the Smogon Sixx like everyone else, I don't think they really care.
>They force you to use certain mons
No they don't. It's your decision. They just explain what Pokemon give you the best chance to win, and why. If you want to use Raichu over Mega-Manectric, then go right ahead. Nobody will stop you
>Muh low tier bro
Then go play lower tiers. OU isn't the only tier there is. It's actually the reason why we have tiers. To let Pokemon that can't really hang in OU find a place for itself so it can be successful. Do that with your bros. I love Leafeon, and she wrecked fucking shit in Gen 5 UU with Sunny Day Support.
>They Ban everything
Everything that's too OP for the regular metagame gets sent to Ubers.
I'd really love to see arguments for why those 3 shouldn't have been banned.
>Muh Evasion
You do know everything that deals with Double Team and Minimize spam is either:
A. Poorly distributed
B. Only terrible Pokemon get them
C. They don't work in the bigger picture (Aerial Ace/Swift/Aura Sphere)
Aura sphere is the only reliable of those moves, and well, what the hell gets Aura Sphere other than Lucario, Blastoise, and Clawitzer?
Come now guys, be mature about this.