Alright, /vp/. I am back. Unfortunately, my Rayquazas are not being nice and don't like to get through trades. SO. I have some other hopefully enticing offers. All you need to give me? A battle item of your choice. I don't care, I love it anyway. What do I have? 4iv Japanese Togepi 5iv Japanese Larvitar in a Luxury Ball 5iv Feebas with Prism Scale 5iv Charmander in a Luxury Ball 5iv Adamant No Guard Japanese Honedge Random Scatterbug (if you're into Vivillon) Cyndaquil Turtwig Chikorita Turtwig You interested? Send a battle item down my way and it's yours. First come first serve. Enjoy.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:46:32 No. 17967200 Report >>17967153 trade for the feebas
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967200 Deal. Adding ya.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:47:48 No. 17967232 Report >>17967217 let me buy a battle item and i'll trade you.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:49:25 No. 17967264 Report I notice you have Y. would you trade me your mewtwonite for a second battle item?
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967264 Uhh heh. Didn't catch Mewtwo yet for some reason. When I do I'll give him to you for sure.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:51:56 No. 17967319 Report >>17967293 Ok. trade me then
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967319 Don't see you online.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:53:44 No. 17967358 Report >>17967330 No I'll still trade you for the first trade. but after you get mewtwo trade me again.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967358 I don't see your trainer name.
John 4055-4228-4021 (Combee, Masquerain, Heracross)
John 4055-4228-4021 (Combee, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:56:03 No. 17967398 Report I'll take the Honedge, what item ya want?
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:56:21 No. 17967404 Report Quoted By:
>>17967392 connecting now.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967398 Anything, would prefer a lefty but choice items are great too.
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331
Duck (Trainer name is Andrew) 5258-0018-2331 Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:58:42 No. 17967458 Report Good trading with you. See you again once you get Mewtwo
Ben 0361-6887-7086
John 4055-4228-4021 (Combee, Masquerain, Heracross)
John 4055-4228-4021 (Combee, Masquerain, Heracross) Tue 11 Feb 2014 01:59:22 No. 17967472 Report >>17967414 Alright I'm ready whenever.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Quoted By:
>>17967472 Is your IGN "!!"
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Quoted By:
Shameless bump #2
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
Well, sorry the Rayquaza's are not working. I will hold off until you find some working ones. Keep in touch, stay thirsty my friend.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
Quoted By:
Shameless bump #3 (last call) I'll try to gen some rayquazas and get them through the trade system. So until then, thanks for the offers so far
Battle items are much more valuable than what you have to offer bro. Nice scam you got there.
Ben 0361-6887-7086
>>17967764 Well, it was originally rayquazas. They kinda failed. I'll try to gen some ones that can get through trades :)
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17967792 Please post when you do :D
Kathy 0103-9691-7903
Sorry to hijack this thread, but I have a Latias, Manaphy, Arceus and other legends/pokemon I'd willing to trade for BP items as well. (I'll even try and gen one in for you if I don't have it.) Mainly looking for Air ballon, Focus Sash and Red card.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752 [Diggersby, Sandslash, Camerupt]
Kelly 5343-8612-3752 [Diggersby, Sandslash, Camerupt] Tue 11 Feb 2014 09:53:04 No. 17973964 Report Quoted By:
>>17972601 You're probably gone, but I have some BP I could use to get any of those things if you or anyone else wants to trade for them.