So I have been browsing this board on and off since its creation and did some pokegen requests back in gen 4 / 5 and since pokebank came out a little while ago I figured I should do another one Since it takes a while to gen a pokemon and get it through the bank would you guys prefer if I just mass genned shiny legendaries or just did all around requests with stuff such as nicknames and moves? TL:DR how should I pokegen for /vg/ giveouts
>>17982172 You know, I honestly think all of us should be grateful enough for what you are doing, so I would say it is really your decision.
But if i had to choose, it would be via requesting
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>>17982172 Shiny legendaries, cool guy.
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Can't go wrong with some Raquaza's, Mew's and Groudon's that are shiny. Also, there was a guy who did a pokecheck thing where you picked two and he would get them for ya. Just a few things I saw
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>>17982212 I was thinking the same since people trading level 100 shiny legendaries for items are everywhere, however it would mean I could give a lot less out since it takes a while to gen specific requests and it might pile up
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
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>>17982248 And by get them I mean generate them through pokecheck, put them through pokebank and trade them to ya on X and Y.
Anything would be really appreciated for giveaways, but request you can never go wrong.
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>>17982248 Ill probably stockpile a box or two of random perfect IV shiny legendaries and take requests during the thread then
Amulet 3866-8670-2526
Would you do any non-shiny legends as well? Because I have been dying for a normal Mew. I like my pink.
Please consider BW/BW2 as some of the legendaries <3. I'm dying to get a Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem, but I don't have the games
>>17982366 I could do whatever, the only difference between a shiny and a non-shiny mew is just the click of a button.
>>17982447 Sure, ill probably just stock up on a few of the shiny popular legends and do requests for the rest.
Just tell me what pokemon you two want and ill do them, shiny and nicknames are up to you
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17982552 Hey for me, could you make a Shiny Gensect and a shiny Ho-oh?
It would be much appreciated :)
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
>>17982552 I'd like the trio! Reshiram, Zekrom and Kyurem. And, if it isn't asking too much, a Genesect too. The trio don't need to be shiny, I prefer them normal.
>>17982646 Sure ill just give them generic smogon move pool
>>17982753 Alright ill make all 4 then, if you want them to be shiny just say so ill transfer them in like 5-10 minutes
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
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>>17982772 Care to give us your FC so we can add ya? :3
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
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>>17982772 You're awesome. If you want anything, like Battle Items or so, I can grind and get some
>>17982772 same. I would really appreciate a Unova legend trio, and if possible, a groudon as well.
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 00:44:31 No. 17982810 Report Quoted By:
>>17982552 I would greatly appreciate a Meloetta and Keldeo, if you could spare the time.
Seriously, this is mighty nice of you, OP! Mucho good karma coming your way.
Amulet 3866-8670-2526
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>>17982552 Just a normal Mew with no nickname, I'm not too picky! You are wonderful anon. I mean there are more I want but I would hate to sound greedy.
>>17982808 whoops forgot my info]
subject line
Could you please gen me a shiny timid Kyurem with Meteor, Ice Beam, Fusion Flare, Earth Power? You don't have to send it through bank, linking me the file is good enough :) What can I do for you in return?
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
>>17982841 Also, my IGN ((Pokémon)) is Hy0u, not Doubt. And my Mii is a female one. lol
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
Quoted By:
>>17982841 And I already added you
Currently pokegenning:
2x genesect
2x unova trio
>>17982857 My fc is
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
but ill post again and add everyone when im done
>>17982900 thanks!
Btw i feel kinda bad... i just realized all of us are swamping you with lists
is there a specific system you have for trading?
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17982943 Don't forget le shiny Ho-oh i asked for :3
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
Quoted By:
>>17982943 Wait, I quoted the wrong person then LOL Got things mixed, sorry
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17982943 If it wouldn't be too much to ask, could you unfuse it please? I restarted my Black 2, and don't have the Gene Splicers yet.
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 00:52:29 No. 17982990 Report Quoted By:
>>17982943 Ah, awesome!! Adding you now, will be online patiently waiting.
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
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>>17982960 I accidently quoted you, sorry! I'm not OP.
>>17982943 He is!
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
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>>17982981 You are a god. I bow down to you, o nice one.
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
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>>17982943 For the love of all that is holy can you please gen some Zekrom, shiny or not?
I'd love you for the rest of my life (I already do for you even considering doing this), I just want a damn Zekrom
Amulet 3866-8670-2526
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>>17982943 Could I also possibly request a Jirachi? If it's too much trouble then don't worry about it.
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>>17982943 Dude we meet again!
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17982984 Cannot learn fusion flare without it im afraid
Alright so I have genned the following and am now transferring them to gen 5 which will take a while
2x genesect
2x unova trio + 1 extra zekrom
Please be patient it will take a little while
Ill post when all is transferred after that just reply with your FC and what pokemon you asked for
>>17983183 I understand. I'll find one from Pokecheck that will work. Thanks, sexy!
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
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>>17983183 ok, thank's broski. You are great.
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17983183 Also genned the ho-oh I forgot to post of course, if there is enough demand for it I could do a round 2
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
Quoted By:
>>17983183 Hey! I asked for the Unova Trio and a Genesect. I'm leaving my FC here already, in case i'm not online in /vp/ anymore. But I'm going to stay online in Pokémon.
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:12:15 No. 17983324 Report Quoted By:
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Halfway through getting the pokemon to gen 5, if anyone has any other requests I could do them now
>>17983351 Could I get a shiny toxicroak please and also a shiny bellsprout?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
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>>17983484 Sure, any specific level or such you want?
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
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>>17983183 >1 extra zekrom Anonymous
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>>17983484 I'd like the bellsprout level one please and could the toxicroak be a shiny croagunk so i could train both of them also can they be competitive please. also how many requests may i make and sorry for all these questions
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Can i have a non shiny modest mew? Ign rooster and my fc is 0920-0456-1783
Oh and that mew how low of a lvl can u make it?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Alright I am banking everything now
I have genned the following pokemon:
2x genesect
2x unova trio + 1 extra zekrom
Bellsprout(level 22 sorry)
>>17983708 its level 50
Reply with your FC and what pokemon you asked for, after I banked them ill trade you one by one
Doubt [2552-1853-5225]
Quoted By:
>>17983766 Unova Trio + Genesect. Already added you. Thank you very much!
Amulet 3866-8670-2526
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>>17983766 Mew and Jirachi! You are the greatest!!!
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
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>>17983766 Zekrom!
Thanks a lot OP!
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:41:08 No. 17983850 Report >>17983766 ok i dont mind the bellsprout also how many pokemon can we request?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Alright all pokemon are in Y now, ill add everyone who replied to friends and trade one by one
>>17983850 It got way too late here so im not doing anymore today, maybe tomorrow if I get time
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:48:07 No. 17983982 Report Quoted By:
>>17983766 I asked for Meloetta & Keldeo, and I've already added you. Thanks soooo much!!
>>17983766 Ho-oh.
Quoted By:
>>17983962 Accepted and waiting!
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:51:11 No. 17984048 Report >>17983962 ok thanks OP ill add you in a sec
Dylan (Forretress, Ferroseed, Klefki) 0748 2729 0136
Dylan (Forretress, Ferroseed, Klefki) 0748 2729 0136 Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:52:35 No. 17984073 Report >>17984048 I know its off topic but would you mind adding me for your safari? From one steel bro to another?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
If you are using an ingame name that is different from your FC one please reply with it, I cant keep track of who is who otherwise
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:55:16 No. 17984138 Report Quoted By:
>>17984073 sure no problem
>>17984118 My ingame name is Hy0u, my FC is Grazi
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 01:56:41 No. 17984172 Report Quoted By:
>>17984118 hey do we just trade anything for them
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17983766 I requested the Shiny Genesect and the Ho-oh, thank you very much OP
Amulet 3866-8670-2526
Quoted By:
You are the BEST!! I cannot thank you enough!!
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
>>17984118 Well my IGN is Ruby
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
You're the greatest OP
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:01:12 No. 17984247 Report Quoted By:
>>17984118 Everything is as listed for me.
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle)
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:02:47 No. 17984279 Report IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17984142 >>17984007 Beware op, this guy is lying. I requested the Ho-oh.
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:04:50 No. 17984325 Report >>17983962 just to let you know i'm the guy with croagunk and bellsprout
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984181 That lovedisc :3
>>17984160 I love magikarps man
>>17984280 Oh fuck I already traded it to him, if you dony mind waiting ill gen another one for you after im done
also, current status
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17984331 its cool. Just tell me when it's ready.
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17984358 Well, i'll wait for the shiny ho-oh and the shiny Gensect. We should do them both in one trade to eliminate any more confusion.
So are you controlling IV's/EV's/nature/moves/etc with this as well or are you just doing sort of cookie cutter stuff?
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Thank you very much op! You are a beast!
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984389 Yeah ofc, I always trade people all the mons they requested or its a complete mess.
>>17984279 Adding you in a sec
>>17984325 Adding you as well
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:09:45 No. 17984430 Report Quoted By:
>>17984416 hey im giving you one of my shiny dunsparce OP
thanks in advance
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984403 I try to give them perfect IVs and generic cookie cutter smogon moves but I do requests
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto)
Misty 1048-9664-3349 (Loudred / Lillipup / Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:13:09 No. 17984501 Report Quoted By:
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:13:28 No. 17984508 Report >>17984443 i'm not groudon im bellsprout and croagunk
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill)
IGN:Marcus(0791-1174-8420) (magneton, metang,excadrill) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:15:06 No. 17984540 Report >>17984443 Thank you so much hope you enjoy the dunsparce
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984279 KnK was pretty good, good taste friend
>>17984508 Yeah I messed up sorry, thanks for the pokemon though.
>>17984540 Ill probably level it up just because parahax dunsparce is hilarious
Only have the trio and groudon left to give then ill remake the ho-oh and genesect
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Quoted By:
Alright im remaking the ho-oh and genesect now if you still want the trio "god" ill trade you it after the genesect and ho-oh
Wyatt (4484-8630-4854)
>>17984443 If you wouldn't mind I'd like:
Arcanine (Adamant, Intimidate).
-Flare blitz
-Wild charge
-Morning Sun
and if you've got time
Infernape- (jolly, iron fist)
-Flare blitz
-close combat
-thunder punch
-mach punch
(neither of them shiny please)
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle)
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:23:31 No. 17984690 Report Quoted By:
>>17984571 Thank you, much love
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
>>17984571 Ya did add me, right op?
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle)
Arcueid 0018-1423-1972 (Onix,Nosepass,Shuckle) Wed 12 Feb 2014 02:32:48 No. 17984867 Report >>17983766 do you still have a group of the unova trio to give?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984689 Im sorry man im done after I give that guy the pokemon I promised him a while ago, its 3am here and im tired as balls
>>17984800 Yeah sorry I had some trouble with the GTS, wouldnt let me send the genesect im afraid. im banking and then ill add you
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
Quoted By:
>>17984892 Fuck I mean it wouldnt let me send the genesect at first, its fine now
Speaking of Pokegen and Pokebank, does it actually DO anything to check the Pokemon? I just started it up and it gave me a pretty spoky message.
Wyatt (4484-8630-4854)
>>17984892 That's all good I understand. Do you do these giveaway threads often?
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984924 It checks for hacked pokemon, but if you know what you are doing you can pokegen a pokemon to be 100% legit. if it passes pokecheck, it should pass pokebank
>>17984924 it's not going to kill your game if you try to transfer a badly hacked pokemon. it's just gonna tell you "oops there was a pokemon that couldn't be transferred and it's not gonna show up in your box"
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984940 I used to them once in a while in gen 4 / 5 but ill do another one this week seeing as there was a lot of demand
>>17984867 sure
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>>17984947 >>17984950 Oh, alright. I have some pretty shoddy hacks from the GTS in my White 2, I'll see if they go through. Thanks.
Wyatt (4484-8630-4854)
Quoted By:
>>17984970 I'll keep an eye out, thanks mang.
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
>>17984800 Just waiting for you now, trade me when yo log on or something
IGN:RockyBalboa FC:1934 1248 8329
Quoted By:
>>17985044 TYVM!
Hah, reminds me of the days I genned the Ho-oh, Lugia and Deoxys ecounters using a gameshark on Fire Red. I then caught them with masterballs, safari'd them up to Pokemon peral and GTS'd them for everything.
I lost those games, but I will return.
Plus if any of those ever got to X or Y, I would shit my pants because I did that over 5-6 years ago.
Thanks for everything man.
Korago - 2638-0440-8043
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Alright thats all folks, ill probably gen and bank some level 100 shiny legends in advance for next time so I don't have to spend half my time on that and can do some more requests. Next time will hopefully be a bit more organized as ill just write down every FC and the requested pokemon Have a nice night / day /vp/ and enjoy your pokemon
What am I doing wrong with PokeGen? I can get whatever Pokemon from PokeGen I want to my copy of White 2. However, when I try to transfer them to the Poke Transporter, they don't appear for me to transfer them. They seemed pretty legit, just shiny with egg moves. Is there something I'm just missing?
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>>17986242 Did you run them through PokeCheck?