Hey /vp/. I'm giving away a box of shiny 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Dragonite on the GTS. They're EV trained (252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP) and have the moves Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Fire Punch, and Earthquake. Just put up a Bunnelby and ask for a level 100 Dragonite. Also, I'm currently looking for battle items, and would love if you were to attach one (doing so would also guarantee you a Dragonite), but you don't absolutely need to. Enjoy!
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>>17986557 I'll give you Air balloon or an Ability capsule for one, oh or maybe leftovers
Synthetik 3110-5713-4842
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I would love one but I do not own a bunnelby as I am still sort of new, Is there anyother pokemon I could put up??
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I deposited one, OP. Sadly I don't have any battle items, but I gave it a rare berry, if that helps at all.
Synthetik 3110-5713-4842
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>>17986557 Scratch my last post just got one!! Going to throw it up in the GTS as fast as I can. thank you OP :)
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Wow, thanks OP, I didn't realise they were Kalos bred! Enjoy the leftovers :D
>>17986557 Oh, and they have Multiscale of course. Forgot to mention.
Austin 0748-3172-6432
Quoted By:
I just put up a Bunneby with an Assault Vest thanks a bunch OP for this
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon Wed 12 Feb 2014 03:56:28 No. 17986697 Report Quoted By:
I just put a jap bunnelby with life orb
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby)
Aaron 2191-7647-8370 (Ground: Dugtrio, Phanphy, Bunnelby) Wed 12 Feb 2014 03:56:34 No. 17986702 Report Quoted By:
Please Understand, i want one
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>>17986557 one with PP MAX up
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>>17986557 uploaded one
female level 3
holding a max potion
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Got the Dragonite. Thanks, OP! Much appreciated!
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What ball are these in?
>>17986662 Ugh, mistake in the first post too lol. Extreme Speed, not Earthquake.
Youngster Joey
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>>17986557 Are you still offering?
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon Wed 12 Feb 2014 03:59:04 No. 17986745 Report Quoted By:
>>17986727 Thank you OP. Let me 5uck ure d1k
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Wed 12 Feb 2014 03:59:10 No. 17986747 Report Quoted By:
Yo puttin up a Bunnelby thanks OP
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>>17986557 Put up a Bunny with Heart Scale, I hope that's enough. :(
Dex 4081-6685-2697
Quoted By:
I'll upload one right now thanks in advance OP
Quoted By:
>>17986557 Hey OP, I put a level 8 Skitty up on the gts holding a life orb. Is that okay? Its also holding a life orb.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:00:23 No. 17986774 Report Deposited with a weakness policy.
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>>17986557 I want one OP! I'll throw in a life orb Bunnelby
Isaac 0533 - 4650 - 6031
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>>17986557 I don't have a bunnelby but I uploaded a fast ball shinx if that's okay??
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Put one Bunny for you OP
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You are awesome OP thank you!
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>>17986727 >that nickname you have a lot of stuff up on pokecheck, don't you?
Synthetik 3110-5713-4842
>>17986557 Ok I found something to give you with the pokemon, granted its not the best item or anything. Thank you!!! This will be my first shiny!!
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Left one with choice scarf
Gee, OP, I don't have any items to give. All I've got is a Cheek Pouch Bunnelby. But, I put it up anyway. IGN is Anthony.
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Goied 0447-5508-1025 (Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:03:54 No. 17986848 Report >>17986557 got you a 5iv bunnelby with huge force + kings rock
Shit, I don't have Dragonite in pokedex, are there any trainers anywhere with one?
>>17986557 Just saying to everyone in the thread ops trolling, its just a regular dragonite with terrible stats that was cloned, oh well
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>>17986874 Just type it in. You can do that now, remember?
Cat 3325-3047-4032
Putting up a Bunnelby with Choice Scarf now!
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>17986874 Just write "Dragonite" in the "What pokemon?" section
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putting up a Bunnelby with Smooth Rock, thanks OP
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>>17986893 I think you got sniped. Don't know why, but I think you got sniped.
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>>17986557 I just put one up with no item I forgot to put one on I'm going to catch another and out an item on
Thanks OP
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:07:54 No. 17986939 Report Quoted By:
>>17986848 Am putting one up right now OP
>>17986893 The one I got fit OP's description.
>>17986942 I put mine up and got a level 100 normal non shiny dragonite named epic trole ot 9gagxD and all stats are abismal and the only move it knows is frustration and sheer cold. >_>
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
OP is trolling, he sent back a normal Dragonites...
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:09:32 No. 17986979 Report Quoted By:
>>17986557 Just put up a 5IV huge power with lansat berry many thanks OP.
>>17986557 I just put one up bit forgot to put an item
Going to catch another and out something on
Thanks OP
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine)0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:09:43 No. 17986984 Report Quoted By:
>>17986557 Putting one up in a bit.
>>17986965 Sounds like someone else took the trade. Because the one I got is precisely what OP offered.
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon
Saynth 4871 4656 9097 Ledyba Beautifly Vivillon Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:10:25 No. 17986996 Report >>17986965 someone else scammed you, op didnt. OT of the dragonite you got?
>>17986919 360 noscoped! Redeposit
Cat 3325-3047-4032
>>17986942 Just got a dragonite named 'epic trole' from trainer 9GAG xD.
>>17986982 >puts one up with out an item >sais he'll catch another to put an item on This greedy little anus is expecting to get a second Anonymous
>>17986919 I don't know if "scammed" is the word when, at worst, all anybody is losing is a Bunnelby.
>>17987026 it is a scam when they lose Battle Maison items but it is their choice
>>17987026 I also had a fucking life orb on it for op
>>17987026 Could lose a high-tier battle item.
>>17986967 >>17986965 I got a green and Purple Dragon, you guys must've got snipped
Could leddit be monitoring giveaway threads and "countering" offers with shit just for the "lulz"?
Quoted By:
>>17987044 >>17987049 >not having 500+ battle points Anonymous
>>17987044 >>17987048 >>17987049 Fair point. But I still don't think it's a scam, considering I ended up with a shiny Dragonite. Sounds more like some asshole sniping the GTS. Check your acquaintances list - who did you get it from?
Cat 3325-3047-4032
>>17987059 Gonna put up another. If I get one of OP's Dragonites, I'll clone it and pass out for those who got sniped. Hell, this isn't even inconvenient, it's kinda just sad.
>>17987059 >implying you aren't just OP same fagging Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:17:01 No. 17987129 Report >>17986774 .
>>17986965 >>17986893 I got my shiny just fine, i think you got sniped
Quoted By:
>>17987090 >not samefagging >given 18 shiny dnite already Anonymous
Whether OP's the scammer or not, the 9fag's only going after the ones with items.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718
Quoted By:
>>17986557 I'll place an item for you.
It would also happen to have it's HA right?
>>17986557 Im gonna post one more time but the only maison item I have now is a power weight, I hope that's fine. I lost a life orb from a sniper so. :\
Hey OP, I put up one with a Quick Claw for ya. Thanks for being a cool guy.
>>17987136 is this our punishment for sending them 0iv dittos?
>>17987136 maybe 9fag is op?
>>17986557 Fuck i got epic troled
Can i get an actual shiny if I put up another bunnelby?
Having "lost" my previous bunnelby (w/ leppa berry), I'm trying again with one without an item.
>>17987194 not getting that 9fag is OP get trolled.
Maybe if you people didn't plaster "/vp/" all over your trade you wouldn't get sniped by the "le epic trole xd"
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:22:08 No. 17987247 Report Quoted By:
>>17987194 Op I just re put one up back holding a wide lens
Oh, boy. I wanna go to bed but I can't stop reading this thread
Quoted By:
>>17986557 IGN God
bunnelby up
level 3 male lonely pickup
Whoever posted the bunnelby with the wide lens, thanks, you can have my second fucking epic trole as a fuck you to /vp/
>>17987297 ^^^
proofe that /vp/ has assimilated too many reddit fags.
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:25:54 No. 17987323 Report >>17987297 Dude that was me
>>17987297 Gosh! Falling twice. That's amazing. Guys, why don't you all just start trading the dragonites amongst yourselves?
>>17987222 >you are the 9fag I kinda want one named epic trole xd now
Quoted By:
I put one up holding no item as a test,IGN is Rose.
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
Quoted By:
>>17986557 I'll put up a HA Bunnelby with Lucky Egg if you've got time for it
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:28:07 No. 17987365 Report >>17987338 >implying I don't have over 1000 Bp and more than more than 1 wide lens Jokes on them actually
>>17987173 i got epic troled xd
I wanted an Epic Trole anyway. Enjoy your quick claw! Anonymous
>>17987365 Yeah, but still it's very funny. Because once is ok. I deposited one too. But twice? Also, the one I deposited was not holding anything so ~le epic trole xD~ didn't trade. But I'd like to have one
>it's only move is frustration clever...
>>17987338 >how do i clone items yeah, not even once. PP-Ups, BP items, mega stones, and more. I've got a bunch of each just in case one of you fags come along.
But now I've got a novelty Dragonite and sure got troled!
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099
>>17987413 The problem is not losing your item (which apparently, most of you have 1k of each) but the frustration
>>17987339 put one in to try to get epic trole xd
>>17987136 >everyone with items is getting sniped >those without are being ignored Gee, I'm not saying I WANT to be sniped, but seriously, the guy's got an infinite supply of genned shit IV Dragonites which are all nicknamed, and he only snipes the ones with items? He could at least go with quantity and not quality. That'd increase the chances of people thinking it's OP doing it.
>1k of each I just borrow an item or mega stone from a friend, clone two or three, and send it back. You can never have too many life orbs or leftovers.
You made me fucking rage, god damn your stupidity Anonymous
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>>17987518 You're right, yes. But still, I had a giggle here.
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>>17987519 9gag decided to be nice to me? why?
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Aaron 5043-2708-2201
Op, i want one please, dragonite is my pokebro :)
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode]
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode] Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:45:20 No. 17987679 Report >>17986557 AHAHAHA I JUST GOT TROLLED HARD WOW.
That's what I get for not reading the thread.
>>17987660 OP is a ruse, don't even bother
>>17987679 Oh, Tori, my sweetheart dear, If I were online I'd give you a nice to cheer you up
:( Aaron 5043-2708-2201
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>>17987680 yeah, iread the thread after posting
Chris 2423 2070 4052
I put one up as well, doubt it's still happening though haha
Quoted By:
>>17987708 If you have an item it'll get sniped, if not it'll just sit there with the rest of them, all while the Japanese are questioning why everyone is asking for a Lv. 100 Dragonite for a Bunnelby and making up some strange description
Quoted By:
>>17987781 Are you gonna make this thread tomorrow? Please!
>>17987781 but, why did you give me a shiny one?
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode]
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode] Wed 12 Feb 2014 04:56:42 No. 17987866 Report Quoted By:
>>17987695 psh, I don't really mind, it was my own damn fault for being gullible.
successful ruse/10
Quoted By:
>>17987858 not even. I actually feel like shit seeing how my fellow /tr/ainers got sniped.
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>>17987781 >>17986557 OP is cancer, dont fall for it guys
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I have no idea what's going on here except that I definitely got a shiny Dragonite in exchange for a Bunnelby. I feel bad for those who got screwed, though.
Quoted By:
You should be ashamed of yourself. You're a poor excuse for a human being. fucking scum
Jay 4656-8743-0034
This actually upsets me. I'll put up some extreme speed dratinis ive been breeding. Most are 5-6iv. I've been MMing for two days now so i have a 5 boxes full of them. Just put up a fletchung. No item required. I'd rather these guys find a good home. Also op is a faggot.
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode]
Tori (0619-4877-8927) [Luxio, Helioptile, Electrode] Wed 12 Feb 2014 05:23:04 No. 17988287 Report Quoted By:
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Quoted By:
>>17988104 Bah, I got a japanese dratini with no egg moves.
Can we make the trade directly? I can give you a 5IV froakie with HA...
Quoted By:
>this fucking thread
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988104 I agree.
i have 2 spare TRU archeus here. first reply and add me can have them 1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988504 first two to reply to this that is
Quoted By:
>>17988554 Looks like no one believes in the pokegod anymore
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 05:43:34 No. 17988616 Report 1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988616 adding, gimme a sec
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 05:48:19 No. 17988700 Report >>17988682 no worries, it might be a minute, my shit won't connect to wifi
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988700 sever maintenance it says
Quoted By:
>>17986965 >I put mine up and got a level 100 normal non shiny dragonite named epic trole ot 9gagxD and all stats are abismal and the only move it knows is frustration and sheer cold. >_> Oh god my stomach hurts
I normally insult scammers but this is brilliant
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 05:54:34 No. 17988780 Report >>17988764 yeah. well no big deal. i'm probably gonna be heading to bed soon, if the maint isn't done by the time i go, would you mind hanging onto the arceus till tomorrow?
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988780 yeah, usually I'm on around 1 in the afternoon Pacific time. prolly look for me on the GTS giveaway thread.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>17986965 Oh lord, I am laughing so hard.
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 05:59:41 No. 17988843 Report >>17988827 well we added each other so it'll be fine. i'll be on periodically throughout the day. eastern time, so 3 hours ahead of you. but yeah, i'll check that thread. is there anything specific you wanted in return for it?
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988843 >giveaway I got it off of pokecheck so no
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 06:03:19 No. 17988881 Report >>17988869 true, i'm just asking. i feel bad taking without giving anything even semi-decent in return
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988881 Don't it took all of five minutes to get 10 of 'em. I realize some people don't have bw/bw2 carts so I might as well give them away.
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 06:07:37 No. 17988923 Report Quoted By:
>>17988912 good point. well thanks again
Kelly 5343-8612-3752 [Diggersby, Sandslash, Camerupt]
Kelly 5343-8612-3752 [Diggersby, Sandslash, Camerupt] Wed 12 Feb 2014 06:08:46 No. 17988933 Report >>17988912 Are you out? I would love one a lot
Quoted By:
>>17986557 I haven't Seen a Dragonite yet, But I'd love one Can you search for dratini my IGN is Monty
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 06:14:27 No. 17989011 Report Quoted By:
>>17988912 looks like maint is over, if you're still around i'll do that trade quick
1736-1496-3647(IGN:Calem) !ub5V8wGAj.
>>17988933 nintendo servers are down for maintenance. please understand.
I'll probably be giving out a box of them tomorrow about 1-2pm Pacific hoii 2208-6227-5884
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Wed 12 Feb 2014 06:17:29 No. 17989056 Report Quoted By:
>>17989021 Thank you Based Calem. One step closer to National Dex completion
Quoted By:
>>17989021 theyre back now
Shane 1220-7918-2256
Quoted By:
>>17986557 just put one up with a power lens
Monty FC: 1220-7923-5939
Quoted By:
>>17988104 >his actually upsets me. >I'll put up some extreme speed dratinis ive been breeding. >Most are 5-6iv. I've been MMing for two days now so i have a 5 boxes full of them. >Just put up a fletchung. No item required. >I'd rather these guys find a good home. >Also op is a faggot. Jay, if you have any of your dratini's left I would love one, I just put up a fletchling for trade on the GTS
Quoted By:
Are there any left?
>I accidentally this thread I'm disappointed at how easy this heist was to pull off, /vp/. Still, many lulz were had.
>http://youtube.com/i1338 Monty FC: 1220-7923-5939
Quoted By:
>>17990621 >http://youtube.com/i1338 I'm disappointed in you OP, you truely are a faggot
Good job on fooling me though, good thing I didn't even loose my bunny