>>18103681If you're looking to start, buy yourself two each of the theme decks from the most recent set, which is XY.
The two theme decks are the Fairy/Psychic Xearneas deck and the Dark/Fighting Yveltal deck. This will give you a lot of semi-decent cards to begin with, including playsets of the set's Trainers. From there on, if you have a handy friend, you can play starting matches against him, learning the rules at your own pace and getting to hang with each deck, learning what works and what doesn't. (read: half of the random pokemon in each).
I would not recommend buying booster packs. The pull rate of the decent cards in XY are very low so you'll spend less simply doing research online for what is good and what isn't. If you get the hang and taste for the game, your first purchases will be playsets of common Trainers like Skyla, Colress and N.
After that, say if you liked the Dark deck, you'll want to purchase decent Dark cards, like Darkrai EX, Sableye, Dark Patch (trainer) etc.
It may all seem a bit much at first, but remember it's a kids game so it's not really that hard to figure out.
>>18114215Yes. It's good. And rather valuable. £20 IIRC.
>>18116497Plasma is still viable, yes. It'll slowly start falling on its arse when FlashFire comes along but until then it's good.