Hey /vp/, got a few 6iv shiny jap dittos here up for trade, not sure what ther worth anymore so ill probably take anything decent. Looking particularly for any previous gen legendaries =D Thanks!
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>>17990822 I'll give you my freshly squeezed shit for one.
Gray 4313-1301-3322
I'll give you one of these useless Phione for one
Edison 2852-8505-6440
Quoted By:
>>17990846 Oh cool, sure thing mate
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>17990822 What nature on those Dittos?
>>17990822 >=D Fuck off
>>17990846 >>17990863 Stop encouraging him
Edison 2852-8505-6440
GOOBS 2750-1615-5540 Growlithe Pyroar Ninetails
GOOBS 2750-1615-5540 Growlithe Pyroar Ninetails Wed 12 Feb 2014 10:33:11 No. 17990873 Report >>17990822 I can get you a cresselia if you'd like.
>it feels strange not having bravely default in my DS right now. Gray 4313-1301-3322
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>>17990867 We'll why not?
Phione make the world go round
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17990873 that'll be awesome =D
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17990846 Thanks! I didnt actually expect to get much for these so that was awesome lol
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17990917 Originally I was going to offer a Shiny Magikarp like I always do but I forgot i have Phione.
Thanks for the ditto I'm closet to the berfect egg move Shiny Blastoise :D
>>17990917 >lol >>17990924 >:D Stop fucking using emoticons and "lol"
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17990929 Calm the fuck down.
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>All these emoticons Holy shit is dead hours always this cancerous?
GOOBS 2750-1615-5540 Growlithe Pyroar Ninetails
GOOBS 2750-1615-5540 Growlithe Pyroar Ninetails Wed 12 Feb 2014 10:46:39 No. 17990942 Report Quoted By:
>>17990935 No, thank you
I was never going to use that thing anyway
>>17990934 >>17990935 I'll calm down when you faggots stop being so fucking annoying
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17990940 >>17990947 Alright alright. I'm done in this thread anyway (´・ω・`)
>>17990940 Gray's alright, he's the guy from the Luvdisc GTS threads.
>>17990960 I don't give a shit who he is, why the fuck would you use an emoticon on an IMAGE board?
Quoted By:
>>17990954 Are you using these emotions on purpose?
>>17990960 Is he actually like this or is he just messing with us?
>>17990967 This anon get it
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17990960 Thats probably a different Gray. Ive seen another gray around here.
>>17990967 To bait a reaction.
I hate emotes myself Espicially when preteen girls overuse them.
>>17990971 Oh thank god it's just a troll, and decent intelligent people don't actually think this is appropriate. Let's add Edison to the blacklist now
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17990977 I'm getting a bit confused on whats happening now.
I just wanted a ditto man.
Quoted By:
>>17990980 You said you were just baiting a reaction which means you don't actually think using emoticons is okay. And that's a good thing
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 10:57:12 No. 17990991 Report Can give modest kyurem ; )
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
>>17990822 I have a shiny Charmander, Mewtwo, Moltres, a Lucky Egg and my undying love
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17990991 That will be great, thanks! adding you now
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17990997 Can i take the charmander? thanks anon =)
>>17990991 You're doing this on purpose
>>17991003 You can fuck off
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
1 sec, my battery died
>>17991003 Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991008 But this is my thread anon =D why are you still here?
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:03:00 No. 17991015 Report >>17990999 One sec cloning
Edison 2852-8505-6440
Quoted By:
>>17991014 Yeah that's why we have a Wifi general so the board doesn't have to put up with shit threads like yours and you stupid fucking emoticons
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
ok, why so much hate?
>>17991020 also I can't get internet on my 3DS atm....
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991035 lol thats all good, ill still be up for awhile so whenever ur ready.
zamarion 5172 1117 3810
>>17990822 you want an event genesect?
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991059 oh wow! sure I would, adding now
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:14:59 No. 17991070 Report Quoted By:
>>17991064 Imma throw in choice specs!
>>17991064 this better be a reall 6 IV jap ditto
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17990822 Err...
-shuffles through boxes-
...5IV Meowth? Pick Up or Technician?
Nein [3093 7586 9972]
I have Japanananese Meloetta, that worth a Ditto?
>>17991073 Thanks! and dont worry, it is, u can check for urself now anyway
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>17991084 i'd give you an italian 6 IV ditto for that
>>17991084 Pretty sure it is =O most likely worth more tbh. I'd be happy to trade if u are
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991079 np mate, ill just take the pickup meowth? honestly ive already gotten so much more than i was expecting lol
Quoted By:
>>17991046 >ur >>17991093 >u >>17991102 >=O >>17991106 >np lol This has to be bait. No human being is this retarded
Edison 2852-8505-6440
decided to give them away instead. add me if you want a free 6iv shiny jap ditto =D ill take anything (like bunnelby or even arceus)
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
>>17991143 arrrghhh, nearly had it, 1 sec
Edison 2852-8505-6440
Quoted By:
>>17991149 also adding for safari cuz i need togepi =)
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991149 Take ur time bro, and thats not actually me lol, but I probably will take most pokes for them.
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:37:31 No. 17991171 Report >>17991153 Could I give you a 5IV Greninja now and trade you Kyurem later?
I really suck at cloning
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
Edison 2852-8505-6440
Quoted By:
>>17991171 its kyurem or nothin mate
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
>>17991143 Added if you've still got one
Justin 3282-3089-0624
>>17991171 Yea thats fine lol, ill just take the greninja
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991184 >>17991185 only accepting 6iv shiny events for them (any nature tho)
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>17991149 any chance I could add for that safari
Justin 3282-3089-0624
Quoted By:
>>17991193 this is why /pol/ exists
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
>>17991197 sure
>>17991189 >>17991193 also wth?
Im trying to trade the Edison that added me, whoever you are
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>17991201 im the only Edison hear?
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:41:55 No. 17991209 Report Quoted By:
>>17991193 Got ! adding now
Joel (Fairy - Togepi) 3582 - 9561 - 7141
>>17991207 ok. Good luck friend. With things.
Hey guys, op here, got about 2 dittos left, will take anything half decent for them. Any pokes from previous gens or something. Thanks!
John 0576-5154-9122
>>17991143 I have shinies, aura sphere/dragon pulse squirtle and more.
Edison 2852-8505-6440
Quoted By:
>>17991218 fuck you
>>17991222 sounds good mate
Justin 3282-3089-0624
Quoted By:
>>17991222 Oh a squirtle sounds good. Adding
>>17991239 Sorry, i actually just traded the last ditto QQ
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear)
Steven 3196-4117-4154 Fire (Charmeleon, Ninetales, and Pansear) Wed 12 Feb 2014 11:48:40 No. 17991254 Report Quoted By:
Thanks Eddison! Can confirm legit 6 IV Jap. Ditto
Justin 3282-3089-0624
>>17991263 Actually I'll still have 1 left if
>>17991222 dosnt respond
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17991106 I'm back! Had to do something. Still good to go?
John 0576-5154-9122
>>17991263 >>17991274 sorry about running out of dittos, its just im such a huge faggot and i like dicks in my mouth and anus
Gray 4313-1301-3322
>>17991278 you aren't the guy who hates emotes are you?
Justin 3282-3089-0624
Quoted By:
>>17991281 no im Edison i've been posting the whole time ?
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17991278 Ah that's alright. You did good tonight. You did good.
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op here, thanks for the trades guys! and sorry to anyone at the end who didnt get a ditto.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17991290 Nevermind, I actually got one! You didn't do good tonight. You did incredible!
>>17991314 no, i did well. fuck you
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>17991283 Sorry man >< I would totally give you one if I still had one
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>>17991325 bite the pillow i'm goin in dry
≃D Justin 3282-3089-0624
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>>17991328 its cool breh no worries