>>18006867Clefable with Minimize/stored power/cosmic power/Moonlight(softboiled) is a ragequit machine. you can run unaware to laugh at setups, or magic guard to laugh at burn/toxic stallers. itemwise pick leftovers for extra recovery or brightpowder for extra lulz. The problem with the conventional funbro on wifi is battle timeout, iirc the person with most pokemon/most total hp at the end of the battle wins, so you can run a modified funbro - replace heal pulse with a damaging move(i run scald), stall the shit out of them till the last minutes and when you feel there's around 3 turns left, spam scald to ensure battle timeout gives you the win, that is provided they don't ragequit. Paraflinch Gaybird and Toxistall Gliscor deserve special mentions too. Since this is wi-fi and no megas bar Mewtwo are banned, take PerishTrap Disable DBond Gengar for a spin, too. Remember to lead this combo off with a good old prankster - Klefki, Thundurus, Sableye come to mind. Oh, and post resulting videos.