>>18023570>Black/Hilbert/Touya - probably snivyDestiny plays complex games, and has a weird way of gathering its players. Hilbert didn't want to be a hero, or care about being
the unofficial champion, but that's just what happened. Thankfully, he's able to take it in stride, and handle things as they come without being overwhelmed. He didn't have a goal or anything special about him at first, but by the end of the journey, he understands. He considers it his obligation to find N, and whatever happens next he's deal with as it comes. Out of the protagonists, he takes responsibility the most seriously, but is also willing to relax when the time comes.
The one most likely to smoke weed.>Nate - OshawottThe most naive with childlike innocence. He went on a journey not because he especially wanted to, but because that's what little boys do. The one with the biggest character devlopment. He starts off like any other new trainer, but once he meets his senpais, he feels like a fish out of water. They're all studs and he's just a shota. He works the hardest to play catch up, and finally manages to get gud, becoming the biggest prodigy. He retains his naivety no matter how strong he gets. He idolizes Hilbert as the mysterious hero of unova,
>Calem - GreninjaImagine if red was a pretty boy, and lived in the big city. That is Calem. While he's able to handle running around in the woods and getting lost in caves, he's the most likely to complain and wish he was at home where it's clean and not smelly. His city-boy tendencies set him apart from the group, and while he's not as bad as
manga!Ruby and all the protagonists are badasses on some level, he's the biggest
pansy of the seven. When it comes to fame and glory, Calem is the only one who can really handle it. The most
flamboyant without being gay, and the only social butterfly in comparison.