[29 / 4 / ?]
IVs and Natures are **not** necessary, they are a bonus. Welcome to /vp/'s Leftover Breeding Mons thread. Here you can post your extras/trash, and find people who are willing to take them off your hands before you dump them. They can be anything from weedles to Mewtwos, they just have to be something you're willing to part with that someone else needs and are looking for. Specificaly, this is a thread to give people leftover mons with EGG MOVES and HIDDEN ABILITIES. This thread is **not** centered around me and what I want, etc. This thread is for everyone in need, and anyone looking to give away their trash with their extra time at the computer. Personally I'm looking for: - Literally anything, more or less just started but also the following-- [first stage with HA/egg moves] Alakazam, Amoonguss, Slowbro, Salamence, Cloyster, Croagunk(so hard to get those egg moves!), Evees of all kinds, Arcanine, Hydreigon, Joltik, Murkrow, Brivairy, Omanyte, Kabutops, POLITOED, Knock off Conkledurr Alright guys, get going and help each other out. If you happen to have something on my list i'll probably catch it. Otherwise, good luck guys.
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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>>18021528 Yuy - 2036 8364 5186 is my fc
[I'm OP]
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>>18021528 prankster sableyes with recover get em while there hot.
Protean keckleons get em while there hot.
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4 Boxes of Squirtle In Dive Balls. Egg Moves: Aura Sphere Dragon Pulse Water Spout
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18021528 Can you put up a timburr on gts? Ask for a charmander I got one with good egg moves
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18021852 ow sorry those were all what i'm looking for. i really don't have anything, just started the game. im taking the leftovers after everyone else gets themselves settled =]
Gray 4313-1301-3322
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4 Boxes of Squirtle In Dive Balls. Egg Moves: Aura Sphere Dragon Pulse Water Spout
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18021878 Oh my bad I thought since you started the thread you would have some contribution. No worries. If you want the charmander put up a Shimon and I'll give it to you
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18021936 Since I don't have anything contribute I figured i'd make the thread and keep an eye on it/bump it/keep things going for others instead. It's kind of the most/least I can do :L
And sure about the Charmander, but WiFi trading is easier for me. No one ever finds my GTS stuff. May I add you instead?
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I've been giving away a couple 5 IV's and 4 IV's Larvesta's from today's breeding. If anyone wants it, my fc is 3093-7436-0895.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
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>>18021966 Sure I'll add ya
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:02:19 No. 18022017 Report >>18021528 I have exactly 75 5-6 perfect IV Adamant Meditite. All have Pure Power. All have Bide, Psycho Cut, and Ice Punch. Good mix of males and females. Sadly, they are all in the regular Poke Ball.
Will give them to anyone who wants one, but bear with me as this is my first giveaway, and I might get a bit overwhelmed. Just put a Luvdisc on GTS with /vp/ as the message and I'll do my best to get to you. First come first serve.
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18022017 Going to add you for WiFi instead, much easier for me since I suck at GTS somehow. If you get a chance add me. Thanks Jack.
Also-- We have a couple of people **Offering some leftovers and not many people looking to take them** Don't be afraid to take some of these glorious hatchlings~
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:06:02 No. 18022069 Report Quoted By:
>>18022059 Aye no problem. If you don't have a Luvdisc just give me whatever shitmon. I'm not picky.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18022017 Putting up a disc
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:07:46 No. 18022096 Report Quoted By:
>>18022073 >>18022079 I'll get to you guys in a bit, just gonna direct trade with
>>18022059 first.
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:08:48 No. 18022117 Report Quoted By:
Oh I forgot to mention, if you want a specific gender, specify on the GTS.
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:12:55 No. 18022174 Report >>18022059 <3 Golett. He's a cutie. Don't judge me.
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Anyone with Espurr with Trick and or Barrier?
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18022174 ha yeah i love him too. giong to breed one sooner than later. i love his sub/punch game with EQ and coverage for spinners and denting things. kills momentum but muh feels
also, ty for your time Jack and Guardian.
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Fri 14 Feb 2014 05:18:09 No. 18022268 Report Quoted By:
>>18022236 Bah I'm just a dude who likes sharing what he's got. You know? If I didn't give these dudes away they'd get released. Fuck Wonder Trade, I'd end up releasing 50 of the 75 things I got anyway. Not worth it. Thanks for playing along though mate.
>>18021528 Why dont post this on GTS Giveaway Thread?
>>18018180 Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18022297 This is slightly different. It's more of a group of people coming together and giving away between themselves rather than one person catering to a crowd. Also, doing things this way provides a wider array of choices for people to choose from rather than a smaller selection.
That's pretty much it, otherwise I get what you're saying.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18022236 Np. Tell you what when I breed pokemon I will give you leftovers
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
>>18022384 Would be extremely grateful, I appreciate the thought. Just trade me any time and I'll gladly take whatever. At some point I'll reward you with BP items once I get through the story and train some things.
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>>18022356 Eh... that wasnt one of the multiple giveaways threads that apear all the time here. Is the GTS Giveaway, and is basically what you want:
-You wanna give something you have? Cool.
-Are you searching for something? Ask for it and if someone have it he send it to you.
Just go and read the thread.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
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>>18022426 No need. I got all both items plus I can clone. Spend your bp on yourself
Yuy - 2036 8364 5186
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>>18022384 BUMP@@@
Who else has trash?
Who else has found something posted already they could make use of?