>404'd before i could post new thread in old thread Also, I didn't notice that the spreadsheet was gone.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>18026817 Ouch. Just look at archives for link.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Why is the spreadsheet gone? We decided to drop the balltism because it was alt+of+ctrl?
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18026887 Haha, I thought they were a gift
I have to run now because I'm supposed to pick my bf in 25 minutes from the other part of the town, I'll slap them on discs and send them to you next time I'm online, okay?
You're the best <3
Quoted By:
Did someone say Tyranitarite?
>>18026887 You will never see them again.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
Weavile, of course Happy Valentine's Day guys!
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>18026972 All dat cloning for nothing!
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
I spent the morning trading pokemon for my gf''s pokedex I got a meloetta out of it
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Slothrop [Snubbull, Spritzee, Clefairy] 2380-3739-4309
Slothrop [Snubbull, Spritzee, Clefairy] 2380-3739-4309 Fri 14 Feb 2014 15:44:16 No. 18027040 Report If anybody has a Stealth Rocks Aron, I would be much obliged. Adamant or Impish would be icing on the cake. Disk is up, says "SR PLZ", thanks friends
Happy Valentine's day!~ Giving away the following today: x6 Impish Quick Ball Vullaby w/ Knock Off and Foul Play x4Male and x6Female Bold Dive Ball Frillish with egg moves I still have some leftovers from last week's giveaway: x2 HA Relaxed Wooper w/ egg moves x2 Impish Ferroseed w/ Stealth Rock, Spikes and Leech Seed x5 Bold Dive Ball Feebas w/ egg moves All of these have 5IVs. A few need to relearn their egg moves. So yeah, take these away from me.
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
>>18027049 Vullaby, please.
Managed to get these dolphins . I'll be handing them out in a few hours. Happy Valentines Day errbody
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink Fri 14 Feb 2014 15:46:42 No. 18027062 Report Morning everyone. Happy Valentine's day. What will everyone be doing today?
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
Quoted By:
>>18027062 Playing Transformice.
Quoted By:
>>18027062 Having drinks with my professors
Ockham 3969-5307-8878
>>18027049 Can I get a male frillish?
putting disc up now with "MIKAN" in desc.
>>18027049 I'd luv one diapered vulture before that thing shits itself, as well a fat blue jellyfish.
Mugen 3969-5760-6973
>>18027049 I would love one of those vullaby disc up
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18026805 Togekiss!
It's too bad it's shiny is awful. Maybe I'll breed some today.
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>18027062 Taking my girl out to dinner and some movies later on
For now it's enjoying some giveaways with /vp/
>>18027049 I'd like a female frillish. Thanks!
>>18027049 Crap, guys.
My router's being retarded right now, I'll get back to you later. 3DS can't connect.
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Giving away: x5 female 4~5IV Heavy Ball Jolly Riolu (Blaze Kick, Bullet Punch, High Jump Kick, Sky Uppercut) x27 female 5IV Luxury Ball Hasty Noibat (Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind) x7 female 5IV Luxury Ball HA Weedle (aka Sniper Beedrill) x17 male 5IV Luxury Ball HA Torchic (Baton Pass, Counter, Night Slash, Reversal)
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
>>18027242 I'll take le Noibat
>>18027242 I'll take a Noibat, thanks!
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
hello guyz. does anyone have starly with egg moves? preferbly in special ball
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:06:48 No. 18027285 Report >>18027242 I would love a Noibat, and a Weedle too if it isn't too much trouble.
Quoted By:
>>18027242 Can I get that female Riolu? Hnnngggg. Disc is /vp/
>>18027242 I will take a Noibat. Disc up.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
>>18027261 >>18027268 Sent.
>>18027285 Not at all. Take everything you want.
Quoted By:
>>18027242 I'll take a Noibat. Disc up!
Quoted By:
Does anybody have Regis? I really need two of them, one for me, and one for my brother, doesn't matter which, just please no fucking Regigigas
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>18027242 Can I get a Riolu and Torchic?
Quoted By:
>>18027062 Being trapped in my house by snow.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>18027294 Forgot name lol
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:11:03 No. 18027329 Report Quoted By:
>>18027304 Oh yay. Disc is up!
Quoted By:
>>18027242 would love a riolu, thank you!
Quoted By:
>>18027062 Drinking and writing some code for a project.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18027242 May I get a Riolu and a Torchic? I need to go disc hunting though hue- unless you were interested in some Litwick w/ Heatwave or Moon Ball Zorua.
Back. It was my ISP being retarded, not the router. ANYWHO Put those discs up again for those who wanted the Vullaby and/or Frillish. I'll look for 'em on the GTS.
I have these left, if anyone is interested: 3 HA Dream Ball Hippopotas 1 Love Ball Lapras 1 Level Ball Magby 1 HA Heal Ball Mienfoo 1 HA Moon Ball Litwick 1 Level Ball Larvesta
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
Quoted By:
>>18027360 I'll take lapras
Quoted By:
>>18027360 Can I get that level ball magby?
>>18027360 Can I have litwick?? what do you want in return???
Quoted By:
>>18027360 >level ball larvesta >moonball litwick
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:17:46 No. 18027411 Report >>18027304 Sent a disc for a Weedle. :3
>>18027397 OK! I'm leaving a luvdisc with VP as description! thanks!
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Quoted By:
>>18027242 disc up for noibat
>>18027358 Put my disc up for a female Frillish~
>>18027414 Are you Serena?
Quoted By:
>>18027057 >>18027117 >>18027121 >>18027123 >>18027180 >>18027432 Sent, enjoy~
Cuan, put up a disc for the Frillish, if you still want one.
>>18027445 Ok, just wanted to make sure I got it to the right person.
IGN: Nishi FC: 3239-4300-4963
Quoted By:
>>18027049 Disk up for Wooper.
Quoted By:
Why'd they have to ruin Finneon with it's evo?
Quoted By:
>>18027459 thank you so much!
IGN: Emily
>>18027360 Could I have Larvesta?
>>18027487 of course, toss a Disc up
Quoted By:
>>18027242 le riolu s'il vous plait
IGN: Emily
Quoted By:
>>18027500 Disc up. Thanks, m8
Question: does this giveaway include a Charmander holding its Y stone?
Anyone have a spare happiny ? :0 I'll love you forever! I put up luvdisc. Ign: Jesse
>>18027542 But once Z comes out you can get all the stone.
Question: Will they ever introduce more Mega's or is it forever static?
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:33:51 No. 18027580 Report Quoted By:
>>18027411 Still waitin' on this. Some fucking jap sniped my disc... Gotta put up a new one.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>18027242 Still got disc up for Noibat btw
If I want a 6IV non ENG/US ditto do I need to learn how to use pokegen myself or is there a distribution already online somewhere because lots of people want them?
Quoted By:
>>18027555 inb4 Talonflamite
Quoted By:
>>18027664 Some people here probably have a few, but there's this other guy who gives out like 30 of those on his threads on a daily basis, along with fan favorites such as Funbro
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:44:50 No. 18027712 Report >>18027613 I think Sophie died.
Btw, I have around 10 female 4-5 IV Naive Moon Ball Absols, all with Zen Headbutt, Megahorn, Baton Pass and Play Rough, if anyone wants one, just put up a disc.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>18027712 RIP
Lime....... Isis
>>18027712 I'll take an absol, a female if you've got a spare one, thanks~
as EV training muy shuckle and bam shiny salad
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
Quoted By:
>>18027049 Disc is up for one of those ferrothorn
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 16:54:44 No. 18027815 Report Quoted By:
>>18027742 Sent. Happy Valentine's Day. :3
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>18027747 Gengar... what a bro.
fuck yeah caught it sweet arceus giving away 6 female ghastly and 5 Male ones all 5IV with egg moves tell me which one you want and disc up
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18027889 top kec
forgot to mention they are in a moonball
>>18027712 >I'll take an absol Thanks! Disc up Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:07:49 No. 18027978 Report >>18027712 Could I get an Absol? :D Putting up a disc.
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18027712 I'll take an absol, disc up, thanks in advance Happy Valentine's Day
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:08:52 No. 18027990 Report Serena 3840-6186-4805
>>18027933 I'd love one, a female if it's possible, disc up
Does anyone have a Starly with HA?
Quoted By:
>>18027990 Thanks Happy Valentine's Day
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:11:11 No. 18028019 Report Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
>>18027978 I'll take one too
Happy chocolate day
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
Does anyone here still have any frillish leftover? In something that's not a pokeball?
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:14:44 No. 18028075 Report Quoted By:
Poon 2793-1081-4203 [Fight] Mienfoo, Pancham, Hariyama
Poon 2793-1081-4203 [Fight] Mienfoo, Pancham, Hariyama Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:14:44 No. 18028076 Report >>18028019 I'd love one also! putting luvdic up
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:15:27 No. 18028088 Report Quoted By:
>>18028023 Sent. Happy lonely chocolate day indeed.
Serena 3840-6186-4805
>>18028071 thank you!!! btw, I've seen people trading 5 Gen mons in apricorn balls, how can they get through pokebank?
>>18028103 The hack check isn't that great.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:19:04 No. 18028131 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Does anyone here have a Kricketot? Please
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18027242 I'll place a disc up for Riolu
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
I have almost a box full of Dream Ball Chansey. They're Bold with Counter/Aromatherapy/Gravity/Seismic Toss
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:32:03 No. 18028315 Report >>18028265 I'll take one. Puttin' up a disc.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18028296 >>18028315 Sent!
I want to return this Shiny Charm to Sycamore. Clearly a case of false advertising.
Quoted By:
>>18028265 Ohh, disc is up!
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:37:50 No. 18028397 Report >>18028265 Cool beans - but could I have another one with Natural Cure, if you have any? I'll put another disc up.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
Quoted By:
>>18028265 Just taking my disc down for that Noibat then discing up for one.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18028397 I gave you a healer one though. You can get all the abilities from those. I might have a natural cure one somewhere...
I've been pretty unlucky. I just barely got a 5iv female that wasn't healer, so I should be getting more natural cures ones.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18028397 Yeah I don't have any natural cures ones atm. Just Healer and Serene Grace. Sorry! I'm breeding more.
>>18028441 I'd say the point of Dream Ball Chansey is for HA, we have plenty of other Chansey with non-HA around.
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:42:03 No. 18028474 Report Quoted By:
>>18028441 Oh okay, I'm a derp. Thanks tons!
Quoted By:
Does anybody here have a Sheer Force Tauros or Nidoran ?
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
im off to work i will continue to give away those moonball ghastlys at night
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:43:48 No. 18028498 Report Quoted By:
>>18028471 I mostly just want it for the ball, I just derped on the ability part.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Everyone's getting a Healer one until further notice hmph.
>>18028471 Healer really isn't good though. I'm working on breeding Natural Cure ones, it's just at the moment, all my good 5iv females are healers so I can't really switch them.
>>18028509 That's true, but it's nice to have available and some people collect HA-mons.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:48:31 No. 18028560 Report Thanks Battle Maison, paralyzed 8 turns in a row. God... Would anyone be interested in Elemental punch Elekids? I might start breeding some. Or what set-up would everyone want?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18028560 I'd be interested in one. They seem neat.
>>18028557 I guess so. I'll keep a 5iv Healer in a separate box if anyone asks for HA then so I can breed it. Finally got a natural cure one.
>>18028560 I've got Elekids with all elemental punches and Cross Chop if you want. Jolly, I think.
To the people who asked earlier, I removed the spreadsheet from the last OP because I didn't feel it was needed anymore. We had it there to keep track of what we gathered from trades. Nowadays, we can make anything and everything we want. Anyone is welcome to add it back if they'd like.
Also, this pic should have won for the OP image.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink Fri 14 Feb 2014 17:59:15 No. 18028691 Report >>18028662 Oh Y-yeah I would love one
>>18028662 >Nowadays, we can make anything and everything we want. B-but that's not playing legit. ;__;
Quoted By:
>>18028700 We can also make legitimate combos too. And we had no idea how the Pokemon we got in those trades were formed. They may have originally been legitimate, they may not have been.
Quoted By:
>>18028662 I was looking for that image, couldn't find it.
>>18028691 Let me know when you have a disc up.
IGN: Ryuko
Quoted By:
>>18028265 Could I get one? Disc up.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Valentines Day Drink Fri 14 Feb 2014 18:07:16 No. 18028790 Report >>18028749 Disc is up thank you
>>18028662 I'll grab one, Disc up in a sec.
>>18028662 disc up in a second
>>18028265 are you still around? i would love one
George 5343-8274-5372
Quoted By:
>>18028662 Disc up. Thanks
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18028849 Yep! Just disc up!
Glad these are popular! I'll keep hatching them and cursing at Sycamore for giving me a faulty charm.
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 14 Feb 2014 18:18:41 No. 18028946 Report Quoted By:
>>18026805 I've put a Luvdisc up. I'd love if you were able to trade me one of the following.
Love Ball Eevee (F) Modest, Hidden Ability.
Egg Moves would be a plus. Please based-op. Your my only hope.
IGN is G4Y/b/!TCH
>>18028930 You're the coolest
discing up now, thanks
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 14 Feb 2014 18:21:24 No. 18028993 Report >>18028930 I've put a disc up holding a Thunderstone IGN is G4Y/b/!TCH.
Quoted By:
Seeking an Adamant Stunky (Keen Eye if possible) with Crunch, Play Rough and Haze egg moves. Would anyone be able to help me out with this?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18028993 Thank you for the stone! I sent the Chansey.
>>18028976 Sent your Chansey as well!
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure]
Chris Roe -- 2337 4465 3910 [Dragon - Sligoo Dragonaire Fraxure] Fri 14 Feb 2014 18:25:48 No. 18029059 Report Quoted By:
>>18029026 Thank you sir. Much appreciated.
Put up a Disc, can I have a Corsola and Swellow? I'll put up the other Disc after the first trade.
>have 1767 rating in doubles in battle spot >check global link to see how i'm ranked in americant >says i'm 1700 what
Quoted By:
can be used lure ball totodile in battle spot??
Jack 0130 2309 6618
>>18028265 oh god yes disc up
>>18029509 What's your win-lose record?
Quoted By:
>>18029639 uh, 33-12 or somewhere around that range i dont remember lol
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18029556 Sent! Still have plenty of Serene Grace/Healer Chansey.
Working on having a box of Natural Cure right now.
IGN: Luke FC: 3067-5209-9763
Quoted By:
Put up one for gallade Need for dex purpose.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Sorry, guys. A giant truck fucked up some electrical wires from the utility poles. Electricity was down until now. I'll distribute everything again after work (23:30 UTC-2).
Love ball Giveaway 1/5 6 Love ball Drowzees available, 4 of them penta perfect.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18030090 Sure I'll take a Drowzee~ Disc going up!
>>18030090 I'll take one, thanks
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 19:52:47 No. 18030208 Report Searching for a Carbink with its Hidden Ability. Any will do, though I would prefer if it had a nature that decreased its speed/special attack
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
>>18029947 hey sophie
do u still have the love ball mareep with plus that we transferred ages ago ?
Quoted By:
>>18030129 >>18030142 Sent, had went to the store for snacks.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Any Duskull in special balls going around?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Fri 14 Feb 2014 20:00:59 No. 18030321 Report Quoted By:
>>18027242 Do you still have the Riolu?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18030318 Safari's the only other legal one other than the normal balls. I have luxury ones!
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
>>18030335 Aw. If only Moon Balls were legal. Is it alright to disc up for one of those Luxury ones?
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 20:07:57 No. 18030444 Report >>18030208 my luvdisc is now up
>>18027040 >>18027040 Hey guys, sorry to bother but re-upping this disc, really hoping for an Aron.
>>18030444 You are Mothimas?
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 20:10:04 No. 18030493 Report Anonymous
>>18030493 Didn't I see you in a chatroom a while back?
Archimand 0404-6893-4293
Quoted By:
sophie still here ? need to make or get eevee in moonball
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18030390 Sure go ahead! I only have one, she's leveled a bit but she's pentaperfect.
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 20:12:10 No. 18030535 Report >>18030502 hmm...which chatroom are you talking about?
>>18030535 Serebii.net chatroom. I saw someone named Mothimas there.
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 20:14:03 No. 18030559 Report Quoted By:
>>18030545 Hmm...haven't logged on in a long time, though. Still searching for HA carbink.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Shiny charm, you're dumb. I want my shiny stunky.
Tutturu~ (3797-7202-8472)
>>18028265 my luvdisc is ready
>>18030670 Hopefully my shiny charm doesn't make chatots take forever.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18030708 I haven't even hatched that many boxes, but since I assume the rate is even lower I'm really impatient Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18030706 Sent!
>>18030708 It will create the opposite effect and you'll MM forever.
Ignis [5429-7721-6329]
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
What's being bred today, lovebirds?
Mugen 3969-5760-6973
anybody have a turtwig? dont care about ivs/nature/ball/gender
David [0490-5379-5230]
>>18030967 I think I have one floating around somewhere
I also have a bunch of HA Gligars with Baton Pass and a bunch of good IVs if anyone is interested (30 to be exact). All have 5 IVs but they're not necessarily his best IVs.
They're in Dusk balls so nothing special there.
>>18030090 Got another penta for me? Disced up a long time ago, but everything's lagging on this computer
Mugen 3969-5760-6973
>>18031028 thanks dude appreciate it!
Quoted By:
>>18031050 Ya I just sent it. Thanks for helping with the dex yesterday.
David [0490-5379-5230]
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
Does anyone by any chance have a Pikachu with a Lightball? Or even just a Pichu/Pikachu with Volt Tackle? Preferably male. I'll put the Luvdisc up but I have to go out. I'd really appreciate it.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18031159 I do, give me one second
>>18031186 Which will it be, Pikachu or Pichu? I didn't think my plan all the way through.
Mr.Jelly 2020-0208-6296 Fairy: snubbull swirlix Clefairy
Mr.Jelly 2020-0208-6296 Fairy: snubbull swirlix Clefairy Fri 14 Feb 2014 21:02:58 No. 18031233 Report Quoted By:
Hello. I'm trying to complete my pokedex and I need an ivysaur, is anyone willing to give me one?
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18031237 Okay putting the Luvdisc up.
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
>>18031237 >>18031241 It's up, thank you so much in advance. I searched forever for a Light Ball last night and never got it. Is it 5% or 1%, jesus.
Collective IGN: Serena 3540-0747-0360
Quoted By:
Evening /vp/ thrown a level 15 Luvdisc up seeking an aromatisse, starting to build my Y exclusives up (I own X) If anyone needs X exclusives let me know. Thanks in advance.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18031258 >>18031241 Wait how many Pichu's am I giving away?
I send one I just need to know how many to look for
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Fri 14 Feb 2014 21:09:28 No. 18031313 Report Quoted By:
In about an hour i'm gonna give away a bunch of 4-5IV Jolly Ledybas with Early bird, all are female and they are named Lovebug
Oh god d'aww, I just saw Shiny Virizion in another thread, and I didn't know they were pink. Too bad they weren't in love balls <3
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Get your Dream Ball Chansey here! All abilities available. Counter/Aromatherapy/Seismic Toss/Gravity
Quoted By:
Happy Valentines Day, and all that jazz. I can't actually help with anything right now, but if you need someone to laugh at your holiday themed loneliness, I'm your man.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18031412 They're illegal though. ;_;
I kinda wish this fascination with illegal balls would stop. I think I my shiny Virizion is Heal. It looks pretty nice.
>>18031453 You and me both 3 love ball drowzee left
>>18026805 Is the gts only kill for me?
Quoted By:
>>18031491 Seems so. I just when on it
>>18031412 >mfw i was planning to gen them in love balls but now everyone has one in a better ball welp
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien)
Mothimas 2406-5246-5028 (Magmar, Slugma, Braxien) Fri 14 Feb 2014 21:27:22 No. 18031522 Report Quoted By:
>>18031421 Placed a luvdisc for one with Natural Cure. thanks in advance!
IGN: Mothimas
>>18031509 I would want your loveball virizions<3
>>18031453 >>18031476 There's not really any distinction between illegal and legal ball combos, unless you're talking from a moral standpoint there's no difference
>>18031553 Alright then, give me a moment.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18031509 Safir, you managed them in love balls? :0
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18031509 >>18031576 Me too pls
I bet they'd be fun to play with in amie ;-;
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18031567 Oh I know. I'm not really bothered by that. Heck, I'm a genner. I always tried to make my Pokemon look as legal as possible.
Illegal balls, even if the Pokemon themselves are legal just bother me I guess. Call it Autism.
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Fri 14 Feb 2014 21:34:46 No. 18031630 Report Quoted By:
Happy Valentines Day everyone :)
>>18031579 You can gen really anything from Gen 5 in Apricorn balls I think
Quoted By:
>>18031643 Yep, just as long as you don't have egg moves.
>>18031722 Didn't we do that yesterday?
Quoted By:
anyone sitting on any egg move tentacools in cool balls? ivs don't matter
Quoted By:
>>18031766 Oh, if he doesn't show up I can gen those too I guess.
Were HA Love Ball Pichus already passed out? I can get to work on those here in a little while if there is demand.
Jude 0232-9247-8634
Has Anyone got a female Growlithe they can trade? Can't find one on the GTS that isn't asking for a Kyurem or something, thanks!
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18031794 I'll take one if you do make them.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
28 Heatrans looking for a home, put up a disk with /vp/ in the message or as the name for one.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18031799 I do, slap up a disc
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
Quoted By:
>>18031794 I could only get them in pokeballs, but I passed pokeball ones out ;_;
>>18031815 Alright, but it's going to take a while. Need to cook supper for my family and a few other things before I can start breeding anything.
IGN: Ryuko
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Putting up a Disc!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Disc up in a sec~
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Disc is up, I'd love one. Thank you!
>>18031858 I have that HA Love Ball Raichu I can breed if you want.
Jude 0232-9247-8634
Quoted By:
>>18031852 Thanks! Just need to go fish myself a few.
>>18031842 Yes please, disc going up soon
Firebreather Grzesiek 1204-0010-3600
Garrett 0791 - 2428 - 7911
Posted last night in the other thread, but didn't get any hits. Anyone giving out HA Cleffa? Moon ball or other special ball would be nice, but not required. I've got a luvdisc up for anyone that can help me out. Holy shit why are these captchas not going through.
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Princess IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18031842 I'll put up a disc in a couple seconds please wait for me!!! :D
Thank You so much!!!!
Quoted By:
>>18031891 There's no rush, but feel free. I can only lurk for the next hour or so.
Quoted By:
>>18031842 I put one up, IGN is Keller
Jude 0232-9247-8634
>>18031852 ok, disc is up. Thanks for waiting!
>>18031842 Thanks a ton, great move pool too.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18030469 I can give you one that's Impish and guaranteed to have 3-4IVs...but it's in a Poke Ball...Just up your Disc and put the message as /vp/ Ricky or /vp/ Aron
Serena 3540-0747-0360
>>18031842 disc up up and away, thanks.
Jude 0232-9247-8634
>>18031980 It had CC and Flare blitz too, that saves me a LOT of work. Thanks so much.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Thanks based Matt
IGN: Ryuko
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Received and thanks!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Received. Thank you!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18032031 No problem. Good luck with breeding!
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Still have some of these?
Quoted By:
>>18031722 Give me 5 minutes and I'll give some away.
>>18031842 Hey dude, I was actually going through the luvdisc section and saw the shiny luvdisc asking for heatran. I was gonna trade my shiny heatran for it but it was already traded. Then I saw all the other luvdisc go up for heatran which lead me here.
Well I collect shiny luvdisc and I was wondering if u wanted to trade that one for my shiny heatran?
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
15 Heatrans left. Reply to this post with your in game name if you want one.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18032190 Sure I'll take one. Is this done by trade or GTS?
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18032161 I didn't get any shiny luvdiscs when I was handing them out so someone else got it.
Serena 3540-0747-0360
Quoted By:
>>18032009 Thanks Matt for the Heatran.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18032221 Put up a luvdisc for one. I should have mentioned that in the post.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18031905 I've got an extra one, if you don't mind the fact that she's in a
Premier Ball.
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Quoted By:
>>18031842 Thanks you based Matt
Quoted By:
I put up a luvdisc for a Chikorita. My ign is Ben Dover
Garrett 0791 - 2428 - 7911
>>18032264 That's fine, I'll deposit my disc, IGN: Garrett. Thanks a bunch!
Quoted By:
Thanks for the waifumon OP
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Alright let's get to it. Happy Sad Day to most of you, to cheer up your loneliness I've got 10 shiny Kyogre in Love Balls. All of these majestic sea beast have 6 IVs, sorry I couldn't get ones with 0 in Attack. Anyway I don't think this matters to anybody, but they're only level 50 and don't have any EVs. So what do you have to do to get one? Just put a Luvdisc up on the GTS and I'll get you. Happy Valentines Day!
Quoted By:
>>18032190 Omg I want one
Happy Valentine's day to everyone~ Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18032379 Disc up for pink orca~
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:23:54 No. 18032413 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Quoted By:
>>18032379 I'll grab one, thanks!
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>18032379 Oh lord, one for I please??
Quoted By:
>>18032379 >I want one of those guys, Happy valentine Cuan
Quoted By:
>>18032379 I should feel bad for this, but I take one.
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18032379 Scratch the Luvdisc part, just noticed these Kyogre have Premier Ribbon on them. Looks like I'm gonna have to do direct trades. Haven't done many of those, but think you may need to be a friend so my FC is in my name now.
David [0490-5379-5230]
Quoted By:
>>18032379 Pink orca would be greatly appreciated.
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>18032460 I'll add you if the option is available. :)
Quoted By:
>>18032460 Just do disc for disc, that's what most people do
Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Quoted By:
>>18032460 Trade Disc for Disc, then send a trade request as an acquaintance.
5069 4862 2431 Peathlod
Quoted By:
>>18032460 Yeah, I'll take one if I could. Thanks.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18032460 Or just put a disc up for a disc and I'll make you an acquaintance through that.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:29:15 No. 18032497 Report >>18026805 can anyone give me a study carbink, ivs are not important, just has to have sturdy.
IGN Shane
Serena 3840-6186-4805
>>18032460 so it can't be used in battle spot?
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
>>18032497 I can give you one, put a disc up!
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:29:49 No. 18032513 Report Quoted By:
>>18032460 Well I can add you. Friend safari has been added to my name in case you're interested.
Quoted By:
>>18032460 5386-9172-7891 :)
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Quoted By:
>>18032460 Dan 2423-2537-3560
you'll make my day :D
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:31:13 No. 18032540 Report Quoted By:
>>18032510 ok one second thank you man!
Quoted By:
>>18032495 Disc-for-disced.
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>18032495 Added and put up a disc for disc haha
Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Quoted By:
>>18032495 heart fish for heart fish
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Quoted By:
disc for disc.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18032501 Tbh I'm not too sure, I had a buddy of mine trade them to me last night and haven't really looked into them.
Adding the people who added me now, for the people who haven't added me yet put a luvdisc up for a luvdisc and I'll get you,from that.
terrible 1779-1398-1294
IGN Byakuren FC 4613-7118-3313
Quoted By:
>>18032460 If it's still possible to get one, I'll add you now as well. Thanks.
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:35:12 No. 18032611 Report >>18032510 sorry took a bit to connect online, disc is up. thanks for your help
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>18032574 disc is up for disc. also added.
>>18032611 Sent. :)
Anyone interested en 2 HA Dream Ball Shelmet?
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee]
Shane 0146 9389 5851 [heracross - Illumise - Combee] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:37:27 No. 18032657 Report Quoted By:
>>18032645 you are amazing, thanks man
Rick (4184-1702-5554)
Quoted By:
>>18032574 Added and ready
Ace 1177-6924-0098
Quoted By:
I'll take one, if you still have some!
Dan 2423-2537-3560
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Okay I added an EccentRick, Bambii, Test, David, Aaron, Dan, and B.Togamii. I'll send you guys a trade request in a sec. I'll have 3 left after I get these guys so I'll get the 3 earliest disc on the GTS.
Hi guys. I am just filling in the ol' Pokedex and don't do competitive stuff really. So stuff that's a little harder to find but competitively garbage would be swell! Babies, adults, IDC I just need 'em all...my 'dex has like 114 in it and I try to have a live specimin of everything. Maybe: Any of the starters (for mass production) except Froakie and Charmander. Version exclusives from X, Swirlix, Clauncher, etc.. Fraxure Surskit Generally weird stuff from X/Y I might not have seen at gym badge 3 levels but would be fun to level with through the game I am running a puppy mill with Snorelaxes right now so I can throw some up. OH a Dusk Stone would be nice if that's possible, for my Honedge to evolve with. He is my bro. <3 <3 <3 <3
Dan 2423-2537-3560
Quoted By:
>>18032737 Just saw you as a passer by, shall I send you a request again?
I've never done this before David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:44:05 No. 18032791 Report Quoted By:
>>18032574 Thank you! You're good people, Corrick.
Jeanne - 3969-4755-9695
Quoted By:
>>18031303 Sorry I had to go out. I was the Anon I just posted without my name by accident a couple times. So only one. Thank you for the Pichu!
Quoted By:
Thanks Corric, whis you had a good valetine
Dan 2423-2537-3560
Quoted By:
>>18032737 You're absolutely wonderful. Much love, thank you so much :D
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:48:04 No. 18032877 Report Quoted By:
>>18032743 Got a Chespin that's been lying around for a while. You have a luvdisc up or some other pokemon?
Quoted By:
>>18032743 I've got tepigs, a venusaur, and I can catch a swirlix and a fraxure. which do you want first?
and are you saying you'll put a snorlax for the mon, or luvdisc?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18032737 I'd love one, but didn't you say you can't trade via GTS?
>>18032743 Would you like a Turtwig?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18032737 Ah, disregard previous post, I am derp. Let me know when to put up a disc for a disc, okay?
Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Quoted By:
Thanks so much corrick!
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Completely random giveaway: I have: Dream ball Dratini (Adamant) most of them have HA and moves: Dragon Dance, Extremespeed, Aqua Jet. Dusk ball Duskull (Impish). Dive ball Kabuto (Jolly). Heavy Ball Larvitar with pursuit. Moon Ball Cherubi I am also giving away an Arceus with 6IV to the first person who calls dibs on it. I have to add your fc though. And a shiny Chinchou with perhaps shitty IVs (I haven't really checked), I encountered it randomly. If no one wants them I will wt or distribute them randomly on GTS!
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18032743 Sorry I missed my info: NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
Any of that stuff is great, I put up a Luvvy.
>>18032991 call dibs on arceus
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:54:13 No. 18033043 Report >>18033014 >>18033032 >tfw forgot friend code could you also save me a dratini?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18032991 Shiny Chichou please?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
terrible 1779-1398-1294
>>18032991 Could I nab that Dratini? (and the Chinchou if you really dont want it)
IGN: Lord FC: 0877-0867-1138
Quoted By:
>>18032991 Dibs on Duskull
Quoted By:
I have 5 HA Love Ball Pichu, if anyone wants one.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>18033045 You can have it. Put a disc asking for a chinchou and I will get to you.
>>18033078 I am sorry he/she wanted it first.
IGN Byakuren FC 4613-7118-3313
>>18032991 I'd like the Cherubi please
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:58:03 No. 18033141 Report Quoted By:
>>18032998 Put up a luvdisc for Chespin and I'll throw it your way.
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:58:28 No. 18033147 Report >>18033070 >communication interrupt did you clone it?
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18032998 Furiously adding people. Got 3ds xl from wife for Valentine's....Pokemon orgy (in the game).
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>18032737 Thanks for the orca!
terrible 1779-1398-1294
>>18033121 Nah that's fine, first come first serve and all that
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee
David [0490-5379-5230] Normal Lillipup, Loudred, Eevee Fri 14 Feb 2014 22:59:51 No. 18033188 Report Quoted By:
>>18033152 Oh it's a friendcode thing. OK. Gimmie a sec.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>18033147 Nope. My internet is being a pain.
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 14 Feb 2014 23:01:05 No. 18033213 Report >>18033200 >tfw I now get two arceus er.. do you want it back?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18033121 Hooray! The disc is up~
>>18033152 Adding people can be bothersome for those of us who have full friendlists, that's why we do the luvdisc thing. Or other mon. Can you put up any shitmon on the GTS asking for a Turtwig? If you don't have access to luvdiscs then a low lv fletchling will be okay, or that Snorlax you're breeding, just let me know what it is.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743
Quoted By:
>>18032991 can I get that duskull?
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 14 Feb 2014 23:02:07 No. 18033232 Report >>18033213 wait, nevermind. the game is tricking me. I'm a dumbass.
Bambii 3754-8101-2687
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>18033213 I have two more so no you can keep it or trade it for something else. It's cool.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18033219 Oh hell I didn't realize it filled up.
You want a Snorlax specifically?
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18032931 You can probably put one up now, one of the people I added is coming on and an acquaintance isn't coming on either so I have two left.
>>18033257 can I send you a trade request?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Quoted By:
>>18033232 Lol.Alright then
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18033274 Sure no problem. Actually I think you were the acquaintance that I didn't get. I'm not seeing you on here.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18033249 I don't want anything specific, I've completed my Dex, just anything you don't need.
>>18033257 Okay, putting up disc!
>>18033121 Thanks!
Midi 3711-8089-8089
I would love a female Rufflet if anyone has a spare I'd love it even more if it knew Heat Wave
>>18033374 >female >rufflet
>>18033331 Sorry about that, I wasn't sure you were gonna get to me. Thanks for the Pink Whale!
Midi 3711-8089-8089
Quoted By:
>>18033388 Ah, I just realized my goof, sorry.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
Ok I am passing out some Arons if anyone wants one. Out of Snorlax :_; but I will make more in a couple hours.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743
>>18032991 can I also get my hands on that dream ball dratini :3c?
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18033394 No problem at all. I probably should havegtten more Kyogre, because I couldn't get everybody.
:L Got your disc Rynn, sending request now.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
>>18033128 >>18033170 Did you put a Luvdisc?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18033468 Okay, give me a second to grab it or else I won't see them.
>>18033430 Are you depositing something for that Turtwig, Ninja?
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18033468 Holy shit that pink orca is majestic.
I have: -3 Lightning Rod Timid 5IV Love Ball Pichu -3 Static 5IV Love Ball Pichu It should be noted that Pichu's hidden abiltity, Lightning Rod, is not a legal combination with Love Ball, but Static is. Everything comes with the egg moves Encore, Wish, Endure, Reversal, and I can breed more if there is more demand.
IGN Byakuren FC 4613-7118-3313
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
Yeah I have a Luv up there.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
12 Heatrans left, put up a disk if you want one. Posting a reply with your in game name makes it easier to find you.
>>18033572 I can chip in with 6 HA Love Ball Pichu if you run out.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18033572 Discing up for one of those HA Pichu
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 14 Feb 2014 23:23:02 No. 18033634 Report Quoted By:
>>18033572 Both are Timid, forgot that part.
>>18033613 Looks like there's hardly any demand, I saw your post offering a few earlier.
>>18033628 Of course
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18033601 Yes ploz!
Tangent: why the loving hell does every person want a Lugia or a Celebi for even the most trivial crap? Are they on crack or is there some hack or something laming things up?
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>18033601 Hello there. also disc up, IGN affaren
IGN Byakuren FC 4613-7118-3313
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18033601 Disco is upo
>>18033661 Because reasonable requests get sniped very quickly and only the ridiculous ones are left. Proper way to use the GTS is to deposit something reasonable and ask for something reasonable.
Affaren 1547-5317-4639
Quoted By:
>>18033601 Got it! thanks a ton
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
Quoted By:
I've managed to give away all 10 of these marine animals in a hour, damn I work fast. Sorry Peathlod, you added me as a friend but you weren't on when I started handing them out. I can give you a female Level Ball Elekid with 5 IVs if you want it. Not much, but if ballmon are the things that makes your dick hard then you can have it. On an unrelated note does anybody have a Slowpoke with it's Hidden Ability? I just put a disc up for one.
Sylv 5300-9414-6239
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18033649 Thanks!
Also, I have 4 timid HP Rock Petilil in Love Balls to give away. Each of them is holding a Sunstone.
Because everyone deserves a waifu on V-Day ;-; Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18033661 I don't see your disk.
Quoted By:
Guess I should be giving away legendaries. Double Shiny 10IV Love Ball Arceus, anyone?
>>18033748 No problem.
Corrick 2681-0506-9693
>>18033748 Oh shit I want one of those. Switching my disc out now.
Dan 2423-2537-3560
Quoted By:
>>18033601 Elpha, disc up. Much love.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18033782 It's named Luvdiscoteque. It's holding a Heart Scale for some reason, I just noticed.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Still have love ball Chatots HA(illegal) and non HA available. Did the love ball HA Pichu get through?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18033864 Yeah, pretty easily. I have a few Timid ones to spare, working on Jolly now.
Unfortunately if you want Volt Tackle on them you'll need to find a Light Ball, I don't have one and failed after quite a bit of searching to find one.
Dan 2423-2537-3560
>>18033748 Elpha, disc up.
What was a horrible evening is now wonderful thanks to you guys
Quoted By:
Safari larvitar
Moon zorua
Take em
>>18033864 Yup
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18033892 I'll take one anyway.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18033911 Of course, put up a disc.
>>18033892 I've got two, but it should be noted that you HAVE to have the thing equipped to pass the move, even if one of the parents know it. You're sacrificing either IVs or nature to get the move. Had tried to spread it back when fast ball pichu was still new
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18033851 Take it back and put it back up. I can't find it in the sea of Cresselia requests.
Quoted By:
>>18033948 Yeah, it would be a waste of time to actually breed Volt Tackle unless I was working on a Pichu for my own purposes. If people want it on their Pichu they will need to breed it themselves.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
TheDude, if you're lurking by any chace - I can give you some nice Kalos Shinies to clone for yourself if you want them, just let me know if you do <3
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18033943 Ok it's back up!
terrible 1779-1398-1294
Quoted By:
>>18033470 Sorry, got sidetracked with some statistical mechanics, discing up
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18034090 Did you spell Heatran correctly? I still don't see it.
Quoted By:
Any more interested in HA Love Ball Pichu? 5IVs, and I have both Jolly and Timid variants. Otherwise I think I'm just going to lurk a bit.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18034147 For real this time! I got confused between you and the Tortwig dude.
I have no excuses.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034226 I am the turtwig dude, and your spelling explains why I never saw your disc.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
>>18034147 Victory at sea! Thanks Matt. I will roast their bones in your name.
While I'm in here, does anybody have recommendations for screen protectors that are not like $
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18034328 It's up now :)
>>18034328 Hey, Turtwig Dude. What's up?
>>18034359 How come rynn gets all the cool nicknames?
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
Does anyone have a Mawile with any Egg moves I can use to start MMing with?
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18034394 What moves? I may have one.
>>18034394 I can breed you a 5IV male with all the elemental fangs, if you want.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034359 You know, same old, turtwigin' n' shit.
>>18034355 Is your in game name Yvonne? If yes, then sent. If not, then hell, I still don't see that disc.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18034428 That'd be great man. Thank you.
>>18034427 Pretty much what Gray said
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18034393 We've called you plenty of things before. Grayeon, 50 Shades of Gray, Graybeard, Gravy, The Grayt Escape, WHAT ARE YOU GRAY, Grayhound, Macy Gray, Robot Guy. All of those.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18034463 I have one with metal burst, seismic toss, fire fang and ice fang if you want me to breed you one.
>>18034463 I'll get right on that.
>>18034473 I think some of those you may have just made up.
>>18034504 Maybe. It's a gray area.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18034473 Also Which One Are You when that second Gray showed up.
>>18034471 Okay, you might want to change your name here from NINJA to Yvonne or at least add that, because that's confusing.
NINJA007 3883 6780 6561
>>18034504 Grey the Grey, known to Men as Mithrandir.
>genned 30 Love Ball Shiny Virizions >none of them got through bank >mfw i forgot to check
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Anyone got a sheerforce mawhile with egg move? Also I guess I missed the Pichu's while I was mowing the yard.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18034504 Thanks again man
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
I still haven't ironed out how the 3ds handles all the names...I have had to make 3 different ones so far just to play the game and use the Bank.
>>18034514 Now you're just making fun of me.
>>18034526 Thank you.
>>18034550 I am just about to breed HA Dream Ball Mawiles with elemental fangs, how does that sound?
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18034532 Save one for me. I have to leave for a few hours. ;-; YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
>>18034563 I don' t know what a Mawlie is but it sounds peachy.
Quoted By:
>keeps getting luvdiscs via gts fuck
>>18034689 From the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald games, unless you're joking.
Quoted By:
>>18034751 Okay. That makes more sense.
Quoted By:
>>18034739 They put "mawlie" so I assume they thought you made a typo (?)
You didn't though, so who knows YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
>>18034550 You mean you were out in the
tall grass IGN Castiel 4055 3393 6072
>>18034563 can i get a loveball hidden ability pichu :)
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
>>18034739 I am not, I didn't play that long ago, just Diamond/Pearl and Heart Gold and I missed a lot of them.
>>18034780 I have 6 of them, if Gray isn't around right now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034781 You just sent me a trade, what would you like?
>>18034557 I have your male, not sure of the IVs but it's at least 5IV.
>>18034584 I have your female, as well. Same as above.
>>18034780 >>18034818 This works, I'm running low on them.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
Quoted By:
>>18034842 Thank you so much, I'll throw up a disc now.
Quoted By:
>>18034842 Excuse me, I meant
>>18034806 >>18034780 Yukari has Pichus as well.
IGN Castiel 4055 3393 6072
Quoted By:
>>18034806 thank you so much! i have my disc up and any nature is fine
>>18034818 Heart shaped chocolates.
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:28:49 No. 18034893 Report >>18034781 T-There's another?
Quoted By:
Vullaby please? IGN is Lloyd, disc is up
>>18034893 It's okay, that one is YVONNE. You're just Yvonne. Simple.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18034893 Obviously this calls for a fight to the death.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18034763 I wish, it wasn't what I would call tall and I hate sand spurs
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:30:56 No. 18034948 Report >>18034924 Oh okay good. Do you want a lovebug? No one wanted them :(
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
>>18034818 Dealer's choice!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18034842 >>18034856 >>18034888 DID I ASK YOU
you're getting all my love and chocolates tho Flash
Quoted By:
>>18034948 Of course I want a lovebug! Let me start my game up.
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
>>18034584 >>18034842 Actually, did you want a HA male or female Mawile with egg moves? I still have females, but would need to breed another male.
>>18034948 Disc is up, thanks!
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:37:38 No. 18035061 Report Quoted By:
Xyrie, if you are around I have both your Mawile and the Pichus you missed earlier.
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
>>18034937 Count your blessings, it was -17F here last night. Barf!
Ok I looked up that thing and I have never seen a Mawlie and it is the best thing of all time.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Quoted By:
>>18030259 I just got home.
Yeah, I still have the Love Ball HA Mareep.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18035158 You're so adorable.
I'd love to send you some good leftovers from my breeding but our trades keep crashing, boo.
Quoted By:
>>18035158 I still have a spare female with it's hidden ability, if you want one.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18035140 Sorry was in the shower will put a disc up for Mawile now and Female is fine.
>>18035184 >our trades keep crashing, boo "No problem, babe."
You two are cute.
>>18035200 No problem at all, though I don't see your disc. Was it sniped?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18035205 Adorable Edition.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18035233 no its still there
>>18035243 Found it as soon as I said that, sent.
I also have a Jolly and a Timid HA Love Ball Pichu, if you want one.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18035259 I'll take a Jolly Pichu, Disc should be up
>>18035259 When are we battling again?
>>18035290 Nuts, just sent you a Timid one.
Put up a disc and you can have the other one as well.
>>18035296 Right after I finish this last trade. Any particular rules, or the same as last time?
>>18035332 Same as last time works.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18035332 Sorry was getting a drink, disc should be up
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:55:16 No. 18035388 Report Does anyone want a Lovebug before my next shiny giveaway?
>>18035373 No problem, both Pichu sent. Though now I'll need to breed another Timid one for Lime.
>>18035359 Let me figure out a team, last time I didn't have things well figured out. That poor Minccino had Skill Link but no multi-hit moves, for instance.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18035398 >figuring out a team for a level 1 battle Check this guy out.
>>18035403 We saved a replay of the first time we fought.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18035414 I should learn.
Also, why would you say that and not post the code. Flash pls, stop being a tease.
Quoted By:
>>18035439 It's his code, he uploaded it.
I have so many level 1s. I need to do many more battles to use them all.
Quoted By:
>>18035414 Team set, ready when you are.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>me not knowing how fairy types work >Gray not knowing how Belly Drum works Yep.
Quoted By:
>>18035659 >body slam paralyzing every time it hit Rough. Time for the tiebreaker.
>Body Slam paralyzes every single time I'm so sorry. Marill is too stronk.
>>18035731 Different team, I'm assuming?
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Yvonne 3926-5666-5983 (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:14:24 No. 18035752 Report >>18035550 Disc up for Ledyba
First fight: QLJW-WWWW-WWW5-HKET I won, maximum haxs, going again.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>18035752 Sorry had to run afk I'm back, putting a disc up now
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
>>18035184 I shall throw a Luv up with the name Luvyoulongtime.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Ahhhh I have a lot of Dream Ball Chansey. They have Counter/Aromatherapy/Seismic Toss/Gravity. If anyone wants one, let me know.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
Quoted By:
>>18036024 I'll take one, disc is up
>>18035816 Absolutely destroyed. Well done.
Does No Guard allow ghost attacks to hit normal types? I wasn't sure.
Quoted By:
>>18036147 I have no idea, now that you ask. My guess would be no, though.
Second fight, though I'm pretty sure no one is actually watching these. UX4W-WWWW-WWW5-HKTU
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Cacnea? The Disc is up.
>>18036200 I'm watching them, and crying.
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Somebody just gave me a corphish and a ghastly with a dusk stone. You are a true hero, Anon.
Quoted By:
>>18036218 Pretty sure this is the only style of gameplay I could win at, anyway.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >Finally /shw/
>>18036200 >>18036218 I am. Gives me a break from MMing
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18036238 Get online, I have a nice Tropius for you, with Harvest, in a Dream Ball and with some egg moves.
Quoted By:
>>18036252 Don't watch the second one. It's a sad showing.
Bambii, if you're lurking, that is one beautiful disc. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>18036291 Happy banana disc day
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18036238 Each of those should be pentaperfect IV wise.
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Anyone else want to duke it out, level 1 style?
>>18036385 To clarify, I'm really just looking to put a team of my Heal Ball Chansey against a team of Cynthia's Dream Ball Chansey. Let the mind games of Seismic Toss vs. Counter begin.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18036376 Well, your internet hates me.
Just put up a disc for Tropius.
Quoted By:
kek lv 1 Seismic Toss
>>18036427 I can slap together one more team, if you want. I'm pretty burnt out from breeding, to be honest,
>>18036489 Sure, request me whenever you're ready.
I brought a team of hacked level 1 Mewtwo. YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
>>18036505 Team set, ready when you are.
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
If I want to make myself useful generally, what are some good ones to breed with a Ditto? Tropius get, thank you!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
Someone could breed Timburrs. Conk still stronk.
Quoted By:
Gray, I'm sorry, but this is Frillish's entire moveset.
Well, at least I get one shiny in 50 boxes of shite. Moon zorua Safari larvitar Take em off my hands.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Still doing level 1 battles? I threw a team together, also are items allowed?
>>18036834 Rules are no items, must use the moves it hatched with.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
>>18036851 Whelp I'm going tl have to go to the move deleter real quick for one of them. Wont be long.
>thunder fang disabled And it was almost over.I'm forfeiting if we end up 1v1.
>>18036820 What IVS of Zorua
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Are trade/ stone evolutions allowed? If they are I'm ready.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18036820 Congratz on the shiny, what were you MMing?
was looking for hidden ability starly when bam, my second shiny of the day
>>18036996 >Croagunk didn't have any moves to hit Frillish You technically won, but it would have been another 30+ turns of me using Acupunture until I confused myself to death.
>>18037041 We didn't really have a rule on that, but I'm thinking no, since the idea was just to battle them as hatched.
>>18037067 I'm sorry. That Frillish was way too annoying, considering you had zero special attackers.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18037061 btw still have some moonball ghastly 5IV with eggmove, 5girls, 5guys give them a good home please
YVONNE 3883 6780 6561
Quoted By:
Well I put a Luvdisc up for a Mawlie, thanks a TON guys, this kicked ass. Going to go breed like crazy for a while and hopefully contribute more next time!
>>18037076 Don't apologize, you won. I now have a new appreciation for stall teams.
>>18037110 I'm fine stalling people I don't know. But with people I know I just feel bad.
>>18037041 I'm going to put up a disc for a disc so we're in acquaintances. Still need to grab a new 6 Pokemon though.
Quoted By:
>>18029345 Thanks so much! Second Luvdisc is up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>Tropius 50/50 female ratio >getting 2 f a batch at max >whole male batch >rng pls Aaaand I still haven't seen a shiny since getting the charm.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037126 Ok, I assume egg moves are fair game. If they are not allowed I have nothing to battle with.
>>18037161 Rynn, your friendship is more valuable to me than a whole Bank full of shinies.
>>18037172 Obviously.
Third fight: GRVW-WWWW-WWW5-HMAD Frillish saves the day>HMAD Even the video understands.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18037182 That's adorable but it's not making me feel any better Flash
Quoted By:
>>18037197 If you don't enjoy stall, I'd avoid this one.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
I traded for a disc providing that was you. I'll probably lose but I'm ready when you are.
Quoted By:
>>18037279 >probably lose Nah, I don't think any of us here are experienced battlers. We just like having fun in between breeding, and finally getting to use these boxes of leftovers.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18037161 How many boxes has it been? Mine's at 20 boxes no shinies. ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18037317 I don't know. I'm not counting.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18033601 >>18033572 >>18033613 Er mah gerd, Heatran and Love Ball Pichu. Pls gib, I fell asleep after staying up all night and now I'm just waiting to get ready to head out for dinner.
Can I put Male Zorua up instead of discs, I have an overabundance of the former and none of the latter
still. Wait are either of these still here? ;_;
>>18037411 Yes, I still have Jolly HA Love Ball Pichus, and need to breed some more Timid ones. Dunno about those Heatrans, though.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037411 I still have heatrans, I'll trade you when this asskicking is over.
>>18037469 >implying there wasn't a Dratini comeback. Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037450 W-wait, why don't I have this love ball cutie? Gib!
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037475 I should have spammed leer instead of whatever I was doing.
>>18037493 rynn fite me irl
>>18037496 Yeah, Prankster Leer was actually very helpful. Who would have imagined that?
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037411 Put up a Zorua for a Heatran.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037521 You do know a target the size of a human is incredibly easy to shoot with a bow, right?
>>18037493 Have Jolly, working on more Timid. They don't have Volt Tackle, since it isn't an egg move that passes without a Light Ball and it would be torture trying to breed enough Pichus with the right nature + IVs + gender without and Everstone.
>>18037521 >Prankster Leer We should start writing this stuff down, those big shot top tier battlers will never know what hit them.
>>18037544 >implying I'm not super fast I'll close the distance down in no time.
Quoted By:
>>18037524 Can I get a Heatran too pls?
Disc is up thanks
>>18037549 Rewriting the tiers.
For the one person watching from home, here's the last one: KP8W-WWWW-WWW5-HN24
Going to start breeding for bulky Arcanine now.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037583 I wonder how items or Tms would work in one of those battles.
>>18037611 If we had items, I'd definitely be running Mega Snorlax and everything with Knock Off. Probably be less switching with TMs because we'd have better coverage.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037559 This might be hard with an arrow in your eye.
>>18037549 >implying I know what you're talking about Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18037524 Ah! I took a shower, but Zorua is up now!
>>18037549 Tell me when you've got some timid and I'll fox it up!
And then after dinner and after what comes after dinner I'll get more lovdic Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037583 Is there any way to watch those online?
>>18037631 I'll be there before you even nock an arrow. Plus I can see just fine with an eye gone.
>>18037635 >lovdic But this isn't lewd edition...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037653 >implying an arrow just stops at the eye >flash pls >also I am legolas you ain't gettin anywhere Flash
>>18037647 Go to your Vs. Recorder and look it up.
>>18037665 >being legolas >having absurdly long, not tactical hair Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18037653 DISC I MEANT DISC
Also I put up fox for Love Ball Pichu, Timid or Jolly is fine.
>>18037631 I'm breeding Jolly and Timid HA Love Ball Pichus. If you want Timid you'll have to wait a bit longer, otherwise you can put up a disc now for one.
>>18037698 You sure? I'm breeding Timid right now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037687 >not realising how long and wiggly things distract enemies do you even hunger games
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037630 What megas can you use at level one? I know mawile can but I can't think of anything else.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037724 Okay, I can wait.
>>18037687 And I know how to watch them on the DS, I was asking if there's any way to watch those in the browser.
Also, what does the yellow wiggly smiley face on the PSS mean?
And is it a very bad idea to swallow both ibuprofen and paracetamol pills?
And can this be Rynn Is Asking A Lot Of Dumb Questions Edition?
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Quoted By:
>>18037727 >long and wiggly things lel
>>18037727 Yes. What are you referring to?
>>18037749 Pinsir, Heracross, Aerodactly, Kangaskhan.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18037724 Oh! Then Timid please.
>>18037727 >long and wiggly things distract enemies I tried that once, and it got me arrested.
>>18037756 >paracetamol and ibuprofen Why both at once anyway?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18037786 Gray confirmed for sex offender.
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037786 But did it distract?
>>18037770 What do you think?
>>18037798 Ibuprofen helps me with my inflamed gum and paracetamol helps me with the cold I'm trying to stop from making me kill Flash
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037770 >mega mom Yep let's settle with no items ever.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18037777 Dem 7s. Also my Zorua got sniped by a Korean. I hope they enjoy their new fox.
I'll hold off on Zorua upping til Gray gives the go...!
>>18037825 The ibuprofen isn't helping you with the cold?
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18037840 Also, thank you for the Heatran! I'm pretty sure it was you. It's got Lava Plume / Earth Power / Stealth Rock / Toxic, Timid w/ Flash Fire. The OT is Dawn though; did someone else just give me a nice Heatran?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037884 Not really, I feel better when I take the paracetamol. Dunno why. Maybe it's placebo. Maybe I should be taking tic-tacs. Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18037756 This
>>18037884 but you should be fine to take both together.
>>18037939 But those are terrible for your teeth. Save the teeth please. >>18037942 I agree.
Disclaimer: Do not take medical advice from /vp/.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037942 Hi! <3
I'll live, good.
That extremespeed dratini, what a beast.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
>>18037924 That's the one I sent.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18037961 Hey, I've got a Biology degree. That has to count for something, right?
>>18037967 Hi~
Why are Gen 5 Pokemon a bitch to evolve?
>>18038000 Yeah, it does.
Disclaimer: Do not trust people on /vp/ who claim to have biology degrees.
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18037967 Have you tried drinking hot tea? That always helped me with colds. I put a disc up for a Bronzor if anyone has one.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18038018 I'm also really a doctor. Cool, right? Gray
Rynn, Cynthia 2.0, I have your Pichus.
>>18038018 Trust me, I'm a doctor. I once performed open heart surgery while sky diving, I know a thing or two.
>>18038075 a medical doctor?[/spoiler[ Flash
>>18038083 Obviously the most sterile environment available.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18038047 I don't think tea is technically a medicine But yeah, I'm drinking lotseveryone is a doctor edition
>>18038083 Direct trade me?
>be me >be breeding a 6iv ditto with a 3iv female >only getting 2-3iv offspring >why >check ditto >it has a focus lens instead of a destiny knot >head, meet desk Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18038083 Fox is up! Thank you Gray!
>>18037973 And thank you for the wonderful Heatran! I can't wait to add it to my sandteam <3
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18038123 He died. It was still an incredible medical feat.
>>18038158 Sure, let me get online.
>>18038158 Ladies and gentlemen, our most prized talent.
>>18038185 "I'm sorry, your grandfather didn't survive the surgery. But let me tell you about how impressive his death was!"
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18038209 It's a really cool story to tell at the funeral, you have to admit.
>>18038246 "But...why did Frank have to elect for skydiving surgery? If he could have just done it in a hospital, he'd still be with us today!"
"God you're insensitive, Joan."
>>18038177 Sent, no problem.
>>18038209 >implying dieing during open heart surgery while free falling thousands of feet above the earth isn't the most metal thing you've ever heard of They didn't buy it at the funeral or the court hearing the next day, either.
Matt (In game Maria) 4313-0707-4196
Quoted By:
Anyone got a pinsirite stone? I can trade a heracrossite for after I finish preparing for this next giveaway.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18038282 >dieing am I learning new words today?
>>18038281 Yeah, I hate Joan.
Quoted By:
>>18038307 Hah.
>>18038318 She was never very tactful.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18038307 Yes, you're learning how some words aren't and shouldn't be spelt
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Friggin' blackouts, man. A disc is up for any Tympoles any of you may have. I'm also very concerned about the mental faculties of some of you.
Quoted By:
>>18038307 >dieing Yes, that apparently I am terrible with the whole English language thing
>>18038378 Well I'm certainly not going to send you a Tympole now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18038418 This is reverse psychology Flash, he actually doesn't want a Tympole, don't let it get to you! Send it!
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18038418 I'm sorry, dude I swear. ;_;
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18038460 he is like that, just disc up
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18038479 It's already up.
I think I've filled most of the demand for Love Ball Pichus, so suggestion box time. I won't do the speech, if you need a Pokemon in a funky and/or fabulous ball, let me know and I'll help. Ability/nature/egg moves if you want them.
>>18038505 Yeah, and the Tympole was already sent.
>>18038438 I sure showed him.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18038528 You sure did!
>5 females >only one HA >fuck you rng IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Quoted By:
>>18038528 Thank you based Flash.
Just put a disc up for a Seel.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18038522 WAIT. YOU FORGOT ME.
>>18038522 Chanseys pleaseeeeeeeee
Oh and maybe in moon balls?
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18038522 dive ball snivy?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18038653 When one forgets Lime, one forgets oneself.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18038522 Moon ball Boldore
>>18038653 I did not, I have ones to spare just for you.
>>18038666 We have Heal and Dream Ball ones floating around, I suppose I can do Moon Ball Chansey as well.
>>18038686 I don't think that is possible, unfortunately.
>>18038738 Get that shiny.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18038739 darn i'll think on another combo probably maybe tomorrow becouse im kinda drunk and cant think straight
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18038746 Pedaling that bike.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Guys, if I'm breeding two hexaperfect parents, the dit is holding destiny knot, the parent is holding an everstone, what's the chance of getting a hexaperfect offspring? I mean I know the one stat is always generated at random, but what are the chances it being perfect.
>>18038774 Well, are they truly generated at random, or are some numbers more likely than others?
>>18038766 I'll send you Shiny O Power.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18038738 That works, as well.
Chansey I can build on my own, how do we want Boldore to look?
>>18038794 We want it to look shiny. It matches better.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18038786 >>18038791 I don't know, I've seen some guys quarreling about it and it got me confused.
If it's as simple as 1/32 then okay though, thanks.
>>18038824 What were the points they were making?
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>>18038809 I'm only genning balls, people will have to breed them if they want shinies. I think that's my line as far as "hacking" goes.
The bigger, more hypocritical question: what male Pokemon is in Chansey's egg group that can learn Seismic Toss, Counter, Gravity, and Aromatheraphy?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18038837 I don't remember, it was weeks ago, but basically one of the guys was saying that numbers from 1-10 will have different probability of being generated than 10-20 or something like that.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18038794 Meant Roggenrola.
Only useful looking egg move is curse as for nature, maybe brave?
>>18038862 >2/64 Vs. 1/32 Wut.
>>18038883 If all numbers had the same probability of being picked then 1/32. If not then who knows.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18038883 Could've definitely tested this out with all the Hoppips I had if I was bored enough.
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
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I put a Disc up for a Girafarig if anyone has any.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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Guys, does any of you have a different version of the game than eng/german?
>>18038739 Moon ball Chansey is beautiful
Lime, are you around somewhere? You asked me about those Pichus, and then never answered back.
>>18039201 How upset would you be if I just got the ball through? Egg moves on a Chansey are a miserable pain.
>>18039201 That's a legal combo, right?
>>18039223 Well I guess just the ball is fine, As long as you could get it 3+ IVS I would be so happy
>>18039237 85% sure
>>18039237 Yes, it is actually.
>>18039247 I can get you guaranteed 5IVs. HA or not?
>>18039247 >>18039286 Neat, don't see much legal requests lately.
>>18039286 I would like Natural Cure but HA is fine if that is all you have.
>>18039301 Ikr
>>18039309 Natural cure is fine, give me just a bit then.
I'm sorry about the egg moves, but you'd be waiting for quite some time as I tried to untangle the proper breeding chains.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18039223 Well I went to get Subway.
>>18039431 Did you at least get me something? I'm kind of hungry.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18039446 You can have half of mine.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18039431 eat fresh
right hand of the forbbiden one IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
Is it alright to request Castforms?
Quoted By:
Who is going to make a new thread?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18039476 You better not.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18039481 let me breed one
>>18039474 I suppose that's better than nothing.
If you want to put up discs at some point, I have both Jolly and Timid HA Love Ball Pichus.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18039494 i wont
;-; enjoy your sub Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Do we have Repeat Ball Cyndaquil?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18039522 Putting two discs up noooow!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18039584 >>18039587 And premier too right?
I guess I'll breed some repeat ball quills. Man I want to return this shiny charm.
Quoted By:
>>18039620 Yes. Good luck!
>>18039576 1/2 sent.
>>18039568 >>18039584 >>18039587 So it is possible to get second gen starters besides Totodile in funky balls through bank? Has anyone tried fifth gen starters?
Quoted By:
>>18039642 Second gen, yes. I haven't tried any from fifth.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18039620 >Man I want to return this shiny charm. I know that feel.
Does anyone have any need for 5iv protean timid froakies? I'm releasing them by the dozens...
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18039635 Do you have timer laying around? ;_;
>>18039642 Yes, it's actually legal through Pokemon Colosseum.
>>18039691 I'll breed you one.
Both Pichus sent. They don't have Volt Tackle, I don't have a Light Ball and it would be a terrible waste of time to breed it anyway since it only passes with a Light Ball.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18039662 How dramatically does it increase the chances?
>>18039720 I have one. Someone sent me a Pikachu over WT holding one.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18039715 Thank you! I really do love Cyndaquil.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18039740 >increase >no shiny since I got the charm 2 weeks ago >I've been getting at least one or two every week before I got it >what increase Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
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>>18039740 It's supposed to be from 1/800~ through MM roughly normally, and then shiny charm cuts it to 1/400.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>18039766 This is that same for me. Fuck this shiny charm.
Want to bread but I have a flight to HK in a few hours.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18039813 Gab. I am getting you a hexa french protean froakie.
Bring me something nice from HK.
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18039506 Thank you.
Is requesting Spiritombs fair game?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18039895 I think requesting anything but shinies/legends/6iv dits is okay, and even those get fulfilled sometimes.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18039895 sure just let me breed them wont take long
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18039813 You still want that hexa foreign froakies, right?
>>18039766 >>18039813 Pretty close to the same for me. I halted 25 boxes in to a larvitar and went another 15 in for a zorua before hitting one finally.
Though I've hatched 4 shinies I didn't want distributing stuff in here, so I guess there's that
>>18037045 fell asleep, sorry about that >>18037038 parents were 31/xx/31/31/31/31
>>18039247 >>18039340 Sorry for the wait, I have your Moon Ball Chansey.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18039943 damn that looks great gotta mm one myself
>>18039943 >Kalos native and in a Moon Ball Oh wow. Bet there aren't many of those floating around.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
:| Breading Entrainment into Clauncher is a pain.
>>18039861 ARE YOU FRENCH? ty bb
The trip is for work. Hope I have to buy shit. Probably pkmn gashapons only.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Dream Ball Chansey here! They're getting mostly WT tonight to make way for MMing Cyndaquil so get yours today~ Counter/Seismic Toss/Aromatherapy/Gravity
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18040000 No, but I found someone who is and is willing to breed one. It will take some time but I will get it to you.
<3 Flash
>>18040002 Wait, did shiny Chansey happen?
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18039955 Thank you.
>double dubs nice.
I've put a disc up for a Throh.
>>18039981 I fuckin adore that combo, thanks for genning them in
>>18039949 Okay 1 sec
Disc will be up in a minute
IGN Shigu
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18040032 I wasn't MMing. I was just hatching 2 flawless Chansey with 0 attack for my
bf and me. C:
>>18040046 Glad I could help, apparently I have good ideas every now and again.
>>18040058 Sure thing.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18040066 A shiny would have been nice though. ;_;
>>18040095 Disc up~
Thank you <3
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18039750 Toss a Disc up, I have your Cyndy.
Also hatched an extra female if someone wants it.
Quoted By:
On to Moon Ball Roggenrola. HA or not? Also, I have 4 more Moon Ball Chansey, 5IVs and Bold. No egg moves, though.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18040177 Thanks so much! Disc up!
IGN: Roxy 4897-6255-7662
>>18040153 Thanks.
Well, that's my last request for tonight.
IGN: GabGab / Gabriel
>>18039943 Pretty cool illegal shiny. Congrats.
If I ever get a shiny now it would be this Larvesta instead of the Gligar I've been MMing.
(Breeding a new hatcher. Talonflame too mainstream.)
>>18040027 Wooo. I think I will have trouble looking for Koolean, Spanish and Italian.
>>18040066 Hatched 2 flawless Igglybuffs for gf and me haha. Igglybuff sucks. :|
Egg Hatched: 2/14/2014 Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18040233 gonna go watch some showderp myself
and try to get a HA starly Flash
>>18040269 I can trade you one of those.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18040274 thanks that would be great
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18040247 Cute pink things make good gifts. <3
Igglybuff are cute! They're just a softer Clefable is all.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18040303 Okay, 6am, why again, why do I do this to myself. Good night, guys!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
Still have two HP Rock Petilil. Someone please take them. Pls ;-;
Can someone help me evolve my Haunter?
Anyone have an extra Heavy Ball Phanpy?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Quoted By:
>>18040455 thanks man i was only geting nidoran hordes haha
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Anyone have one of those female Zorua?
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18040562 I've got a female in a moon ball, IVs are unmarked but parents are 6iv and 5iv. Disc up and I'll get you.
Happy House of Cards day 'erybody. I've got 10 HA Dream Ball Calm Togepi (Mirror Move, Extrasensory, Nasty Plot, Psycho Shift). Mostly 4 IVs, some with 0 att. and 12 HA Love Ball Bold Eevees Disc up and reply (with IGN) if you want one!
>>18040577 I remember them coming through the threads a while ago, but I don't personally have one.
Quoted By:
>>18040613 I'll take a Togepi, thank you!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18040589 Disc is up. Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>18040617 Yeah, gave it a couple minutes, then just made my own.
Demian 2079-6715-9293
Quoted By:
>>18040613 I'll take a Togepi. Thanks.
>page 10 I'd make a new thread, but I don't have the version with the spreadsheet saved. Unless we're intentionally dropping that.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18040768 I intentionally dropped it. But feel free to add it back.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18040613 Do you have any Serene Grace Togepi? If not, I still want a Togepi in a Dream Ball, that's a cute combination. I'll disc up for it.
Also want a Love Ball Eevee; can i put a Zorua up for it? I've got two boxes of those.
>>18040629 Gotchu!
>>18040768 I heard we're dropping that because (a) we can make whatever we want now, (b) too hard to keep up with Everything.
>>18040791 >>18040788 >>18040801 It's probably for the best, we weren't updating it any more anyway.
>>18040795 They're all HA Togepi :O (I put the HA before the ball). Yeah you can Zorua for the Eevee too!
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18040811 I think it's nice to have a list, but it's probably so out of date at this point, that it might not be worth it to deal with.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18040821 Wait I just realized.
>Apple >Cider Are you two connected in some way?
>>18040831 I tried to compile a list of everything I have at this point, and ended up giving up. Too much stuff, it's easier for someone to just ask for what they need than for me to list it all out.
Quoted By:
I need to stop sniping.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
How do i get volt tackle on my pichu with the preferred nature and 4-5iv? i know pikachu must be holding a lightball, but ditto is already holding the destiny knot and the pichu is holding the everstone! what do i do!
>>18040859 I tried to somewhat update my own list but I feel squeamish listing the illegal combos (cause I list it on Reddit too) and it's just too hard to keep up with all the new combos that pops up every day.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18040879 You'll have to risk it I think.
Does Volt Tackle pass down without any Light Orb if one of the parents know it?
On the topic of spreadsheets does anybody have the link to the one with all the legal apricorn ball combos?
>>18040853 >>18040858 What's up with the fruit theme of these threads any way? Flash, you and I need to change our names to some kind of cute food related pun.
>>18040890 I believe at this point I may have ruined whatever reputation I might have. Which doesn't bother me too much, I haven't done a formal trade for anything in a long time.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18040942 Um. I'll be....Blueberry?
>>18040976 And I'll be your Muffin.
>>18040992 Aw, I like that. Well done.
>>18041008 I don't do emoticons, so just imagine I did one of those little heart things.
How much interest is there in HA Moon Ball Roggenrola?
>>18041045 At least two interests.
Quoted By:
>>18041063 Good, because I have two HA females at the moment.
>>18041045 That was one on my list, so yeah I'm in for it
>>18041097 Well, put up a disc and you can have one.
Maybe I should make a list of just the illegal combos I have, that would be significantly shorter.
>>18041125 Yeah, make that after you make the new thread.
Quoted By:
>>18041149 Fine, give me a minute.
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We are gon 404 bery scurry Dddd:
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad)
Jack (IGN Ash) 2079-7631-3688 (Nincada, Trapinch, Palpitoad) Sat 15 Feb 2014 06:08:51 No. 18041265 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a Darumaka/Darmanitan? Need one with HA. Female would be better for breeding, but I'll take a male too.