Open to offers, I can clone as well Chase
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18031502 Is that Luvdisc kalos born? Lol
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Fri 14 Feb 2014 21:29:32 No. 18031547 Report >>18031450 what egg move teddy have ?
can also 1:1 zorua 5iv for snorunt
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18031450 Hey Gerardo. Are you up for some cloning?
I'm interested in a few of your pokes
Quoted By:
>>18031521 Nope :( i forgot to add those marks to it
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 ask me if I dont have what you're looking for because this list is outdated as fuck
>>18031547 crunch, close combat
let me clone snorunt first
>>18031552 sure of course
>>18031650 Lucky you got bithday sylveon
Looking for a 6iv rufflet/braviary
Has anyone seen Edgar, I've been looking for him for the past few days
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18031685 I'm mainly interested in exeggute and spoink (plusle too) but let's do those 2 first. Let me know if you like something. I got hp fire petilil,doduo and stantler too but they are not listed.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18031748 Can you clone today?
I got a 5ivs shiny Rufflet
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18031748 it sucks though... nothing really special about it
capcha is very easy today
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18031685 >>18031759 Who is OT on plusle?
>>18031759 eggs for stantler?
Quoted By:
>>18031772 Nope not today on the weekends my cousin leaves with his 3ds
>>18031796 Need to le me clone it sometime
Quoted By:
>>18031902 Jus wondering if it is legit is all
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18031966 Megahorn and zen headbutt but that one doesn't have memories so you should pick something else. It has the kalos mark and all but it's hacked anyway. :(
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18032052 Dudou is hacked too :/
Didn't you want karrablast?
>>18032052 I assume plusle is legitamate then. Looking for anything specific mate?.
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
Phresh Bread!
Obligatory list paste
>>18032101 got shiny escalavier now im gud
>>18032113 nah, whatcha got?
>>18032135 Illumise
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18032135 So you're not interested in anything else?
>>18032132 Are you taking cloning cloning requests?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18032195 Is that Elgyem
1.) Shiny?
2.) Kalos born?
3.) Not shit?
>>18032132 ooh could I snag honedge and froakie?
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032195 >>18032220 Yes i only have penta perfect kalos shinnies buddy.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18032241 Okay for the most important question....
can you clone?
>>18032175 >anonymous >>18032195 nature/ivs on solrock and elgyem, and are they kalos born?
>>18032200 kecleon:spoink?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
Quoted By:
>>18032241 what?
sorry I forgot to put my stuff up
dan 5327-1587-4109
6iv ada charizard (outrage, DD) 6iv cloyster 6iv klefki 6iv ninetails 5iv trev 5iv wimsicott (various egg moves) 5iv bold chansey (counter, S.toss, aroma) 5iv osawott 5iv glalie 5iv growtlithe 5iv snivy 4iv frostlass 4iv liligant 4iv manetric (hp ice) 4iv conkeldurr 4iv lilligant 4iv ponyta random toys rus distrub mew (will 1:1 this thing) all kalos born save mew, cant clone
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032271 >>18032274 Mhhm. I have a lot of things. Everything with beneficial natures/5-6Ivs Kalos born with memories. I don't tend to collect shit. i gots
Weedle aswell.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032368 Sorry i must decline. You have a nice collection but i'm afraid i don't see anything i need there. Im looking for Sentret-Zigzagoon-Plusle-Bidoof-Lunatone-Allomomola-Castform ect. Penta Kalos with memories and preferred to be at level one
>>18032330 memory girl said plusle cant remember :/ anything else you'd be interested in? Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18032432 Damn, I wanted the Elgyem the most.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
sorry, gota party to go too... see you guys
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032388 > T.y for the offer. May i please have more information on that contrary shuckle? Is it Kalos born/memories/lvl 1 by chance?
>>18032439 Ahh i see. I assume the OT is jaehova or something along those lines?. I see one or two things in your list T.y But I would not trade minum for anything there. Sorry. Im looking for these specifically
>>18032432 Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032491 Oh you were interested in solrock rather? The other person wanted minum. My mistake. Having said that I doubt i would trade that for anything other than what i am looking for too
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18032491 It's level 50, kalos but doesn't have contrary, it seems that it would but it doesn't. Anyhting else peak interest? Everything is kalos aside from the legends of course. All level 1's are described in the doc, anything that isn't listed is not level 1.
Quoted By:
Can anyone help me transfer some mons from soulsilver, i dont have b/w or b2/w2, my cousin lost it, if whoever can help me knows how to clone, they can clone anything i have if on this game or watever ones they can transfer
>>18032523 I have a lvl.50 zangoose and lvl.27 casform (both shiny)
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
Quoted By:
>>18032555 I see. I'm sorry but i kinda already have all of those. Sorry. I'm only looking for specifics for the really rare things.
>>18032593 Sorry Zangoose is pretty common I meant zigzagoon if you misread buddy. Does the castform belong to Waves(legit)? Or the hack one. If it is Waves Then i am interested in trading
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18032780 That wasn't late at all
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18032810 Lmao. I was lagging :(
I had to reload the page
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Back on the phone so I cant post list. Not that it makes any difference nowadays
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
>>18032432 Does the thread have other traders? Should i come back another time or wait. Does anybody have the mons i am looking for here and is not active.
>>18033266 Im getting a castform, whenever Yus shows up, but not the lvl 1
>>18033266 yea the thread is kinda dead now, in 3-4 hours it should be in full swing (well its valentines day so who knows )
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18033191 I just realized Volk's probably hanging with his lady and making babies
>>18033251 Yo bro, im updating the list. It's infinite
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Fri 14 Feb 2014 23:10:04 No. 18033386 Report >>18033266 depend, do you have a list ?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
Quoted By:
>>18033297 Ah i see. Perhaps i should stick around for a while. incase somebody has What i am after. Thank you for the info. Not really traded much on this website
Quoted By:
>>18033318 I think today was the slowest day and thats quite an accomplishment on this post bank era
Jack - 5472 - 7762 - 1407
Quoted By:
>>18033386 Sort of but i am only looking for specific very rare Kalos bred pokemon.
>>18033368 >>18033389 Its the list for dexswap Ty, dont get too excited
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18033368 I cant read it ATM because Im not on the PC, but I organized the box and put part of the things n you listed on it
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18033677 Not much, the thread is pretty dead
Captcha sweet valentine
Ty 0404-6826-0574
So bored captcha lonely faggot
>>18033732 anything from my list for shieldon?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Ah. I just got home from work and stopping by and picking up a Blue Pokemon XY 3DS XL for 120 from someone on Craigslist. Kinda bored and it's like, I want to clone but at the same time I know my Datel Powersaver tool is on its way which will make 2 3DS-based cloning obsolete.
Quoted By:
>>18033732 Got 2 sweet valentines in a row. Guess Ill leave the lonely faggot club soon
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18033752 I'll have to talk to Yus about trading Sheildon, if I can I'll take Trubbish for sure.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18033756 Are you talking about the power saves action replay?
So you can clone pokemon with that?
>>18033756 >>18033800 Think its items only ATM
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18033800 >>18033831 Using it and pokebank.
Quoted By:
>>18033854 It works well :>
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18033854 So you're literally going to duplicate to save from pokebank to clone the pokes right?
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18032283 Im interested in your chansey...
Hows a 6iv shiny porygon modest with trace sound?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18033788 no problem, I'll be here all night
Quoted By:
>>18033854 Sounds neat. Guess Ill need one sooner than I thought
>>18033928 Yep pretty much. It's mass cloning. Works great. Only takes about 3 minutes
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18033973 That's awesome. Is there any risk of losing your save?
Quoted By:
>>18034013 Nope not really if you know what you are doing. Got it done. 3-4 times now. I'm certain there is an instructional video about it
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18034013 There is a chance the save can corrupt so it's best to test a spare cartridge first to make sure you know how to use it. I have 3 X and 1 Y since I Craigslist shit so I'm all set.
>>18034030 >>18034013 You might want to try what he said first. I did it on a bunch of shitmons to test it out. Nothing bad happened. However It seems it does not work on X. It works on my Y
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18034049 >does not work on X Fuuuuuuuuck. My main file is X.
>>18033788 Sup tai san Did you not see my shoutout on pss lol ? or do you not check those ><. Oh trading sheildon? sure go ahead if you are getting something you think it is worthwhile. But Just need gerardo to list it as nft if that is cool preasu ^^!
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I am so jelly of you guys with 2 3dses or powersaver. Poland a-shit, everything is ridiculously expensive here, I could hardly afford one console and game. Oh well, I'll still be trying to get some clones from you guys, haha~
Here's my updated list: How's everyone's Valentines?
>>18034030 How much pokemoney you made in total?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18034093 Yeah i saw, figured you one come on at some point, I'm trading it for his Trubbish if he agrees. And of course I will.
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034100 Uhhhhhhhh...........
How about shiny 5v sandshrew? Kalos born.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
Hey guys I'm back! My clone lending list: On the lookout for a shiny (5/6 IV) Plusle and Minun (Kalos born).
P.S The NFT mark in my list is really a "for good offers only" mark.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18034137 Dear lord did I fuck up. *figured you would
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18034115 Sorry to pop in so unexpectedly. I want to feel your pain ;~;
But I'm getting mine during sometime next week :^) Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18034115 <----
>>18034117 er... 1100-1200ish.
>>18034137 Cool ^^Just hope trubbish has memories though? Those non memory mons are practically worthless everywhere as far as i have seen :(. Discarded pretty much all the ones i have.
>>18034093 Yus ready for trade?
I made 0 trades all day, valentines a shit
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034152 sure. for cloning right?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18034171 I'll ask him to check before we make a deal
>>18034171 It has memories, traded and checked yesterday
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034188 Well i cant clone at the moment so im offering the few pokemon i have a spare clone of.
>>18034173 well damn same here really But i picked up a 6IV modest xerneas lul >< i have kabuto and mr mime cloned right now. I kinda asked somebody to mass clone some things for me for abit later on for several trades to get done at once :)
>>18034203 >>18034194 Cool i kinda want this thing too then. I assume its imperfect spread?. I had a perfect impish one but no memory so bin.
Quoted By:
Can someone gen me a 6iv rufflet with good egg moves in a great ball
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18034170 >4 3DS' >making €1100-1200 by being the ironic jew Fyre you German Jewish bastard.
We fucking love you.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034214 ahhh sorry. the chanseys been pretty useful for me
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
Okay guys, i need help with Pokedex. I can clone or gen.
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034251 You want me to make a clone later? Is that what this is about? Damnit why cant we clone D:
Leon 5327-1587-4109
6iv ada charizard (outrage, DD) 6iv cloyster 6iv klefki 6iv ninetails 5iv trev 5iv wimsicott (various egg moves) 5iv bold chansey (counter, S.toss, aroma) 5iv osawott 5iv glalie 5iv growtlithe 5iv snivy 5iv female jolteon 4iv frostlass 4iv liligant 4iv manetric (hp ice) 4iv conkeldurr 4iv lilligant 4iv ponyta random toys rus distrub mew (will 1:1 this thing) all kalos born save mew, cant clone
>>18034231 did somebody say trash pls
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034165 Haha, it's all good, I'm happy for you.
Clone me stuff when you get it!>>18034170 Jelly.
E-bay, right? What are your prices?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Fri 14 Feb 2014 23:58:29 No. 18034306 Report Back on the pc for a few minutes. >>18034264 I'll check it again, but my boxes are a mess. It's hard to find shit here and that search feature is too slow
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18034292 Yes, Sheildon for Trub?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034276 im not sure what ur saying.
id be happy to let you clone it, but i cant just 1:1 her
>>18034254 lul i gota clone another this ones for ace.
>>18034203 Oh ace i scrapped castform. It is that no memory shit hack one. I did get waves lvl 1 castform though but i cant trade it since Not many people got it from her. I'd probably get in trouble if it spread because of me! so i did mr mime instead if thats okay ?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18034292 Did you hatch that yourself?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516 Happy singles awareness day!
>>18034245 Bruhdie you got a clone of smorgasbord boid?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18034245 >4 3DS' More like 4 open 3DS' and a Sealed Zelda XL
>>18034299 The Blue XL I'm keeping since I missed owning that kind and the others I'll be CL'ing/eBaying once the market is right. the regular size is 4.4 Firmware.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034334 Ah, wait, so you're just re-selling mons and consoles, not the pokemon themselves?
I've heard stories about people selling shinies on ebay or something.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:01:31 No. 18034353 Report >>18034264 Those are all now, right? Wish June wasn't kill, she had a living dex and boxes in order. I only have a single stage of most and I can't fid a thing here
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18034348 that was me. I made 1100-1200 off of shiny legends/nonlegends
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18034325 Nope. I've been helping out in the genning general all day.
>>18034334 I know exactly what you should buy next.
Action Replay Powersaves There needs to be a fucking move about this man, how he jewwed his way to a higher class.
10/10 would watch over and over again.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18034356 Cool. How much did people pay?
AND WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT okay that was rhetorical but seriously. Solid
>>18034353 yeah bro.. it's a insane list XD
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:03:50 No. 18034396 Report >>18034371 He ordered one, Brod. Next jewing stage soon
>>18034307 cloning trash now
>>18034322 brodie pls
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:05:16 No. 18034431 Report Quoted By:
>>18034384 I saved the list here, sister is coming back to the pc so I'll have to take a better look later. I'll trade you the ones I have; first thing on the morning thread
>>18034289 Im interested in mew
would you take a victini
>>18031502 What do you want for that 6IV Trevenant?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18034413 >2017-3 >not hatching your own shiny trubbish >not nicknaming it fruitcake Gerardo plos
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
2 diff drowzees~
Lances dragonite
All shiny
~not KB
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18034371 Estimated Delivery Wednesday. Probably gonna be here Tuesday.
>>18034383 I don't know. One guy is still buying pokemon from me. Going to re-engineer my listings now that they all came down on their own (10 day limit) since one of them did get taken down by ebay (lugia).
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:07:36 No. 18034484 Report Quoted By:
>>18034319 Sure or the purrloin I switched for roggenrola.
Or the castform, won't even list it. No one will ever know Chase
>>18034467 Did jaime ever expose his new rare pikas
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:08:50 No. 18034505 Report Quoted By:
>>18034483 Wat mons you got
I'll need a original back if you dont mind i only have one and cant clone atm
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18034487 I wasnt I much late last night or today I don't think so
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18034475 >>18034447 I like where this is going goyim- Err, Fyre.
The Holocausted Jews of /vp/'s Glimmer of Hope: Fyre
The Jewwening of Fyre: Return of the Shoah.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18034319 Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus
where the FUCK is my free rock? jk and when do you wanna clone something for the Sheildon I got? ALSO still want the not NFT Shellos STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034310 Yeah ima make a clone later when i meet up with my friend. Will you be around here in a few hours?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034434 sorry not really interested in legends.
id trade it for pretty much any of your decent iv of your non-legend shines though
>>18034413 hey did you ever finish cloning that pinsir?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
And now back to this shit phone
>>18034292 Don't mean to be rude but It's trash because it had a misplaced iv and it's missing sp def.
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>18034319 It sounds sexy. Very moistening
>>18034578 >expecting a trash pokemon to not be trash lol
Quoted By:
>>18034534 Well if your on sunday i may get it off you i cant clone rite now so i have like only one of everything
>>18034542 I accidentally feel asleep playing pokemon woke up and 3ds was dead
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034527 i might. ill have to see.
>>18034610 pinsir is ready git online
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
I will wait for you until the end of time
>>18034506 I can get any bankmon (legit or non-legit) for you if you need.
Other than that (Kalos):
6IV Adaptability Corphish with Aqua Jet (Kalos)
5IV Drought Vulpix
5IV Chlorophyll Bulbasaur with Giga Drain
5IV Charmander
5IV Thick Fat Swinub with Icicle Crash
5IV Shiny Mandibuzz
5IV Flabébé
Non Kalos:
6IV Shiny Japanese or Italian Ditto
6IV Shiny Mewtwo
5IV Shiny Speed Boost Scolipede
5IV Shiny Reckless Staraptor
6IV Shiny Eevee/Sylveon
4IV Wish Chansey
And a few more things I guess. Anything interest you?
Quoted By:
>>18034306 ^^^^^
Relinking this sheit cos I need new mons
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034633 ha ill try. say when you got ur stuff and ill toss you it
>>18034630 just say when you have it cloned
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034700 I got my pokemon cloned. We can trade em over now and i can clone when i can and trade you your chansey copy back later?
If not ill let you know when I can clone. Shouldnt be too much longer. Im saving your friend code because i am not letting you run away from me
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:28:07 No. 18034878 Report >>18034639 Im interested in the chansey
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18034790 yeah sure. added
ha she is quite a little beast. took out a power herb xerneas and a talonflame with her in succession
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
>>18034878 Alright give me a couple of minutes to clone.
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034898 Dayumn. Yeah chansey is a brick wall. Give it eviolite and soft boiled and its too much. Is your chansey bold by chance?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18035005 yep. its missing speed though, but its never really come up. also, i deleted aroma, so you can still get it with a scale.
just jump on and ill trade it to you and you can pass it back when u good
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
Quoted By:
>>18035026 Im actually about to eat dindin...
Ill be back soon
Quoted By:
Still here
>>18034306 Check my list
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
Quoted By:
>>18034878 Okay I'll send you a trade request now
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 00:51:07 No. 18035301 Report Quoted By:
>>18034906 Awesome thx tell me when your done
Quoted By:
thanks for the trade leon
>>18034516 Sorry i went to shower x_x. lol Free rock is being cloned now!.
>>18034578 There is a better version. the only problem is that it is Pentahacked if you care about that at all!. I think this might be the best one going around at the moment that is legit KB.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Ty 0404-6826-0574
You get the trash cloned G?
Totally not Ace
>>18034306 Damn, thats a fine list. You must be busy with all those TRs
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18035527 Lol. BBY I would totally clone you all night long
and keep all the clones to myself. Ace
Quoted By:
>>18035527 Why thank you stranger. Im not busy, so if you or anyone else wants to trade Im here
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18035527 Ace i'm interested in you're hidden power elctric shiny froakie. Check my list
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18035600 No I am faggot fuck off
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18035505 Haha very funny anon.
gerardo did you get the trash?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Bout to kick me some er Ty's ass
>>18035458 I think you know better than anyone that it's pointless to trade for a imperfect shiny lol
Quoted By:
>>18035600 That 9IVs ditto is NFT? Im interested on that one
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:10:45 No. 18035682 Report thx hayden
Looking for someone to gen me somethin
Also Looking for Edgar
muh list yusuf
>>18035670 Lol yeah that's true. I would not trade something too flashy for imperfects. Still kinda sucks how the only perfect one is a hack though. Even less inclined on trading for those even if they were perfect.
>>18035631 >>18035658 >>18035620 What is even happening lol ?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18035682 I might be able to gen something. Can you clone right now though?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18035717 The Ty take over has begun
run yusuf
>>18035758 Lol what the heck.
Is anybody breeding anything at the moment ? Just curious
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
Quoted By:
Sorry guys I got called in for work (supposed to be my day off...) Anyone that wanted cloning done or clone lending lemme know Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:17:51 No. 18035835 Report Quoted By:
>>18035725 Nope unable to clone right now
>>18035772 Not yet, but I want to start soon
Need some novelty to bring new trades
Yusuf I updated my list abit with more KB pokes. Not done but atm i am looking for shiny vivilion patterns penta perfect . I have 5
Looking for others!
>>18035772 im trying to complete my fucking dex first :(
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18035772 I'm MM'ING for a shiny Spinda atm lol
Quoted By:
>>18035836 You should ace? you might be hatching shinnies in the time the threads are kinda dead. Some people that can gen here can get you some parent pokemon!.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
>>18035772 I would if I had the charm
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18035772 HA dream ball Tropius, bold with egg moves.
I'm not really sure why I'm doing it though.
My offer to lend for o+1 always stands. >>18035839 How I want that Icy Snow Shiny... ;__; I might try MMing a Continental One for you.
>>18035864 LOL how's that going for you ? good luck ><!
>>18035859 oh erm..i dont have any pokemon in my boxes other than hoothoots/slugmas and whatever is on my list. I might have pokemon you need to dexswap if they are mostly basics?. Can you bump me to your list of what you need :)
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
>>18035772 I actually hatched this beauty earlier
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18035905 I started last night. My spindas are brave with 0 speed and I gave them a few egg moves. (Too bad superpower can't be passed down)
Quoted By:
>>18035859 Ill help you after I have time to read it again. My sister is on the pc...
Still I dont have a lot of them here. Traded some, dex swaped to get a lot of entries
>>18035914 Sweet! congraturatioratirions! Did you get a chance to work out the missing stat?
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
>>18035682 Yeah I can gen for you
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:27:43 No. 18036051 Report >>18035998 I need a 6iv rufflet with good egg moves and a good nature in a great ball and if ya can give it HA ability hustle
im not very good with egg moves and nature
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
Quoted By:
>>18035962 I believe the stats are 30/31/31/31/31/31
Unless im horribly wrong
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil)
melric (ign=melodie)3754-8040-3566 (petilil) Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:30:47 No. 18036112 Report Quoted By:
>>18035772 breeding spinarak at 14 box
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
I guess Gerardo is kill
>>18035905 What shiny mons are still too rare?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18036174 Fletchling line, Honedge line, and Froakie line barely anyone has any of these
>>18035972 > holy fuck. Did you start again or something solid :S? i have these shones i can dexswap;
1st dex:
Ledyba you can evolve into ledian? or safari
dex 2:
mr mime
dex 3:
JKust scrolled through frist 3 kalos dexes but im sure i have alot form the non national too!
Quoted By:
>>18036211 :^)
Seriously now. I dont want to breed something no one needs
>>18036174 quite a few are not even done yet lol . Paras nobody has nor a Male burmy. the burmy is one i want to do sometime lol i like mothim
Quoted By:
>>18036258 Might start with paras, I wanted to breed a gen1 mon
>>18036224 haha no.. but i need alot ;_; we can swap tomorrow if you want, and if you like i can gen everything you want, change jap names from jap events to ENG, everything "Legit" I can not offer much more :(
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
>>18036051 Rufflet can't get any egg moves at all. I would recommend Jolly or Adamant natures. It does learn these moves by Move Tutor, though. I'd say go for Tailwind, Superpower, Roost, Sky Attack.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18036211 I'm guessing they have to be at least pentaperfect to be worth anything, right? Haha. I have a shiny fletchling but it's shitty.
>>18036310 wow man :(. Okay sure il save this list and send you the pastebin list so you can cross off what you have. . don't worry about it!. If you need the dexswaps tommorow hopefully i'l catch you online and i can help out :)
Namine 3540-0435-0725
My list: >>18031450 Anything for Gothita?
>>18036258 Hi there Yus :D do you have any Gothita there? >< and do you still have that hippowdon and Shellder?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:43:09 No. 18036344 Report Quoted By:
>>18036317 Awesome i guess adament
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
>>18036317 It learns Sky Attack as Braviary, though. Just clarifying.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:47:05 No. 18036422 Report >>18036370 Im trting to get one so i can get it ready for the forth of july, currently im trying to figure out a mon for easter
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18036335 Hey Namine!
Is that Omanyte a hard NFT?
>>18036310 Ill help you with some too, bro. And I want to start breeding again, so you can help me gening parents
Hayden 0705 - 3902 - 1418
>>18036422 Alright, fair enough.
So did you want Braviary w/ Sky Attack or Rufflet w/o Sky Attack?
>>18036334 >>18036444 thanks guys. of course Ace, what are you goin to breed?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:49:53 No. 18036491 Report Quoted By:
>>18036454 rufflet im going to breed them for a giveaway, thats why i need 6iv
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18036359 Yus your list got 80% bigger O_O
ca-can I clone Hippo, Shellder, Driflbim and Gothita? (I see gothita as NFT b-b-ut maybe you could make an exception?) Also do you need anything on my list that you are missing? (I guess not but maybe you do haha)
>>18036429 Its NFT because the person who have it to me requested it ><
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18036359 Progress on Gothita? You were dead yesterday while I was waiting.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:51:45 No. 18036535 Report Quoted By:
>>18036474 Still not sure, might start with Paras.
Back on the pc, not sure for how long . Just sneaked in Yusuf
>>18036503 yeah sure ^^ can you plus 1 me on gothita please?.
>>18036513 ^^^ . Hey jay i checked your list and i remmeber you having more vivilion patterns that what was on there?
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18036475 Hello Ty ^^
>>18036513 Who is the OT of Gothita? o_o just wondering
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18036550 Sure! You are awesome Yus ^^
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:54:58 No. 18036584 Report Quoted By:
>>18036571 lmao hate klefki but love that song. come online on steam ?
Jess 3153-5139-7881
Ok I'm pretty desperate for a shaymin, keldeo and Manaphy, I can clone any of the following for people in exchange: Mew, deoxys, meloetta, genesect, all of the shiny legendary dogs, shiny eevee, that's the best I got :( I've completed the dex so anything you want I can check if I have it
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 01:57:42 No. 18036658 Report >>18036608 i have all three
Jess 3153-5139-7881
>>18036658 Oh my gosh! What would you want in return?
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
None of you have a shiny 4 -6 IV Sentret/Furret with HA... I hope you all know what this means
>>18036692 what is it's hidden ability oO ?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>18036550 I believe it was Jungle. You still interested in Klink?
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18036596 Yup, going online.
I need KH 2.5 Remix in my life now
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>18036551 I have no clue. I just saw it in Yusuf's list and was interested in it.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:02:20 No. 18036737 Report >>18036691 Are you able to clone them and send the orig back i only have one of each
if so id like mew deoxys and meloetta
Jess 3153-5139-7881
>>18036737 Yes I can defiantly do that for you! I can give you a trash email address to communicate better with , just email nelavair @ live . Com, I've added your friend code and I'll get right on that :)
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:07:05 No. 18036823 Report Quoted By:
>>18036787 na ill just you know talk to you on here im too lazy
Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:08:59 No. 18036860 Report >>18036789 Any extra Ty? I still need some of your stuff, but it's all so slow lately that I don't have any good spare
STEVE 2208 5682 1883
>>18034534 Yo im ready for u whenever
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
Ugh I'm so bored waiting for my new toy. I know I'm gonna get raped once I get it (good thing I have 3 3DS XL's so I can do triple the cloning)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:11:24 No. 18036925 Report Quoted By:
>>18036878 Damn, I have that one.
The only extra I have around is kangaskhan
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:15:49 No. 18037009 Report That was a manaphy where my meloetta
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
>>18036864 yeah just come online.
once you cloned it just post
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>>18036730 >dat gourgeist what do you want for it >< Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:17:04 No. 18037033 Report >>18037009 Holy shit fuck, i hope to god i was not just scammed
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:20:09 No. 18037100 Report Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18037033 I'll give you some legends if you don't get yours back
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
>>18037033 that suck if you were i would try cloning for you but i dont know how exactly and think i might mess up scared i delete the mon :/
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18037031 Sorry Jeric, it was requested NFT for the person who gave it to me ><
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:22:21 No. 18037138 Report >>18037100 Well i traded keldeo, shaymin, and manaphy but around the time of manaphy she put up a zigzagoon name manaphy? and i was spasming the button to go out of trade and it send us into trade
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18037033 You can clone right? I'll hook you up with a Meloetta if yours got scammed, no worries.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18037134 Was it from josh?
JD Dark 5370-1200-5251 !H0qdUeT81Y
Quoted By:
>>18037119 wow so many spelling errors .-.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18037138 Do you need those back? I'll gen them for you.
You can pick any moveset,nature, etc
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18037150 ....I dont remember
but I think it was Josh :c it's a SS one
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:24:03 No. 18037177 Report >>18037138 Lol i cant clone rite now but on sunday ill have the details and ill get em off someone to clone plus a gift for helping me im not angry, ill get em back
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18037168 Josh did you remember if you sent a.Gourgeist to Namine?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Namine 3540-0435-0725
>>18037220 Super Size sorry, and its Female
aaand im back Ty still around?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:32:08 No. 18037322 Report >>18037177 Lol
Keldeo (WIN2013)
Manaphy (E4ALL)
Shaymin (PC)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18037263 If it was indeed from Josh he seemed ok with me getting it from Pao. But Pao is kill by snow. I just need to make sure with Josh first
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:36:37 No. 18037389 Report Have to leave. I'll get on in game soon to maybe finish some ongoing trades. Night, guys!0 new mons all day ;_;
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18037389 I only had 1. I consider it a good day ;_;
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18037322 Did you get that wish Chansey?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:41:39 No. 18037476 Report >>18037465 yep ive got two a shiny and a nonshiny
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18037476 Is the wish one shiny? Or is that the non?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:46:17 No. 18037551 Report Quoted By:
>>18037322 Dont worry i got my mons back, :( it kinda freaks me out though when my mon goes for a zigzagoon then when i try to trade again they go offline
ive been scammed plenty times before
so im a little paranoid
>>18037488 both have wish
remember i gave you a shiny one with wish
Jess 3153-5139-7881
>>18037138 Oh gosh man sorry to scare you! The cloning was a bitch to get right, I hope you enjoy your meleotta deoxys and mew, thank you for trusting me !!
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:47:18 No. 18037563 Report >>18037553 sorry im a little paranoid, thx
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18037547 You have to add me
>>18037598 I thought we had traded before guess not lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:52:49 No. 18037641 Report Quoted By:
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18037563 Oh ok I didn't remember all it's moves thanks man.
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
What I have up to loan 5IV Deoxys-S 5IV Cobalion 6IV Shiny Trevenant 6IV Terrakion 5IV Shiny Terrakion 6IV Arceus 5IV Lugia 6IV Shiny Thundurus 6IV Shiny Tornadus 5IV Shiny Suicune 6IV Shiny Genesect 6IV Shiny Lati@s 6IV Shiny Kyurem 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Jirachi 6IV Meloetta 5IV HP Ghost Raikou 5IV HP Rock Virizion 5IV Zapdos 5IV Stealth Rock Heatran 5IV Mew 6IV Shiny Greninja 6IV Shiny Gardevoir 5IV Shiny Landorus 6IV Victini 5IV Azelf 5IV Shiny Swampert 6IV Celebi Looking for anything not on this list. I can clone, and give +1 back.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18037613 I'll need the dino back and keep him NFT. Keep Trub NFT too?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 02:55:14 No. 18037684 Report >>18037658 Im interested in swampert azelf and victini cant clone so i need orig back
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
All shiny
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037658 If you want to clone o+1 anything from my list then go ahead.
Or I'd be interested in the Garde or Swampert.
>>18037674 sure of course, and yes keep him NFT/hard trade
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18037704 I want to get my hands on the trub!
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Cloning servces offered
muh babies Ezekiel 2638-0788-3253
Quoted By:
Help me out bros, I need a Sentret/Furret with Frisk, Idc if its imperfect IV's or not shiny, I just need it
Anyone have a penta perfect Clauncher/Clawitzer?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18037739 Hey Saria!
Can you clone 2 pokes for me? Please
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:02:23 No. 18037811 Report >>18037739 Interested in eevee in cherish ball
muh list
>>18037684 Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18037801 I have a 5ivs shiny clauncher.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18037801 I got a 5IV shiny modest Clawitzer missing attack
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18037834 >>18037828 We probably all have the same clauncher/clawitzer
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18037805 sure what can I clone for you?
>>18037811 sure, ill trade you for your Psyduck
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>18037702 That Eevee with Hyper Voice looks nice, as does Zorua.
>>18037684 Yamask and Poliwag are both awesome.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18037739 That Mareep, Snivy and Swampert. I like a few more as well.
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
2 diff drowzees~
Lances dragonite
All shiny
~not KB
>>18037828 >>18037834 Okay, this is my first time in cloning general so I don't know how this works/ I have cloned before but not with anyone from /vp/. What would you guys like in return?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18037871 Okay, then I can lend you Eevee and Zorua for the Garde and Swampert?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18037867 I'll send you 2 nice pokes in a sec. I just need an extra.
Thanks Saria.
>>18037854 Lol yup
>>18037883 I have 1 up for trade so you don't need to clone and stuff.
What do you have up for trade?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18037883 Proper collateral to the person lending it while you clone i.e. kalos born shinies usually.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:08:05 No. 18037920 Report >>18037867 Are you able to get orig back
>>18037871 Ok then swampert and azelf i need orig back though
if thats not a problem for you guys
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>18037920 >>18037904 Oh, I thought you guys were interested in straight-up trading.
1822 0130 3290
>>18037910 Clauncher guy here. Not much...
Shiny Crobat?
Shiny Hitmontop?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18037875 > the only ones I want are in your NFT including
5iv Shiny Nincada
5iv Shiny Sandile
5iv Shiny Arcanine
5iv Shiny Anorith
5iv Shiny Mankey
5iv Shiny Munchlax
your non nft ones I have
>>18037920 ya so you just want 0+1?
>>18037910 got it
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:12:20 No. 18037991 Report >>18037965 na i just need orig back
>>18037950 that sux i cant clone atm and have only 1 of each
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18037957 What are the ivs on hitmontop?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>18037991 Oh. :/ My cloning partner is breeding right now, too.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18037950 Unfortunately I only have a spare of the greninja.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18037993 >>18037893 Click the links for an adventure
1822 0130 3290
>>18037993 They're perfect
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:14:20 No. 18038029 Report Quoted By:
>>18038004 That sux if your here sunday or if you can clone morrow hit me up i lurk almost all day evryday
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18037991 cool. as soon as im done with Josh ill be with you
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18037965 Swampert for Arcanine? I just need original back and can not clone at the moment.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:15:43 No. 18038065 Report Quoted By:
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18038062 ya thats cool can we do Arcanine, anorith, and Munchlax for the 3 you want of mine?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038021 Is your female espurr pentaperfect and level 1 with own tempo?
I got an extra gourgeist.
>>18038027 Oh awesome! I'll take hitmontop then.
So you want the clauncher? It's level 1 5ivs modest and shiny haha
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18038159 It's whatever the HA is, I forgot. I'll ask someone to +1 it for me if that's the one you want.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038159 should let me see that hitmontop when you're done and I'll O+1 it 1822 0130 3290
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18038126 I can't do the munchlax that's one I'd have to ask about and have been told to keep NFT for a while. The other 2 I can.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038190 Sounds good Jeric.
You can ask Saria for help. She is really fast at cloning lol
>>18038193 I won't need extras lol you can clone it for yourself when I get it
>>18038207 Ok! I'll add you now
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038225 cool beans. While we're at it got a list of anything else I can borrow while I wait for the rain to kick in so I can evolve sliggoo for muh livingdex?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18038216 could you do Nincada or Sandile insteador Munchlax then?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18038259 Sandile I can do, so, Arcanine, Anorith and Sandile for Mareep, Snivy and Swamp?
You saw that I can't clone at the moment right? So I'd just need my orig 3 back when you're done.
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038280 did u ever get a teddurisa
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18038225 Ok. I'll ask her/him.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038309 Nope. I haven't got anything interesting lately lol
I might get a spinda,caterpie and delibird tonight but that's it :(
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Quoted By:
I gotta go, when Gerardo comes back tell him that I left and hold onto Sheildon until tomorrow if he doesn't see this himself.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038280 Swirlix (This one for sure, been having a bitch time finding one)
So these plus top when ya get him.
I'll be hitting you up for mass cloning next week when my AR comes in since then I can clone boxes in less time than it takes to send 30 pokemon between 2 3DSs.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18038299 perfect! Thank you for working with me. Ill be with you ASAP im done cloning for Josh
1822 0130 3290
>>18038225 Thanks Josh. You have no idea how long I've been trying to hatch one of these mother fuckers.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18038259 If you're not busy after trading with Daryll can you do a +1 for me to trade with Josh?
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038322 i just got a teddy
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038344 You're welcome. Also you didn't mention hitmontop wasn't kalos born :(
Oh well enjoy your clauncher
>>18038362 Want a krabby for it? :)
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038341 action replay works with 3ds alreadly?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18038280 i too would like to clone Swirlix sometime.
im 1/4 of your Pokes now
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038370 sure and i dunno if its me but can we keep non kalos born or make a seperate section for non kalos born pokemon on people list
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038375 AR Powersaves works with X and Y, though a lot of people have trouble with X. Basically you can back up saves and edit money/items.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18038393 Hey X can I get that Xerneas now?
1822 0130 3290
Quoted By:
>>18038370 Oh...I'm sorry about that. Yeah I got him in a trade.
It won't happen again.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038341 Hitmontop isn't kalos born but I got a tyrogue if you're interested.
>>18038341 Do you want to clone them now? That's a lot lol
I'll add you.
>>18038393 Well I don't have any kalos born pokes on my list. I removed the few I had. They were like 3
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038397 so u edit pokemon too as in generate new pokemon ? or just dupe pokemon
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18038346 sure thing, I have Josh then Daryll then ill be with you
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038434 yeah the tyrogue would be boss. KALOS OR BUST!!!
since I don't need to do +1s I can usually get them done relatively fast.
>>18038437 just duplicate using the pokebank bait and switch tactic.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18038370 I have the shinies event Genesect and Rayquaza and I can't clone... I would love a shiny Greninja and Noivern
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038465 Actually I'd like extras of a few of them.
I'd like extras of Swirlix,horsea and onyx.
You can clone goodra,carbink and tyrogue for yourself.
Is that ok for you?
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18038434 >>18038403 both of u gimmie a min im on my phone and not near my ds
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038526 sounds fair to me. Gonna be borrowing everything else some time mid-late next week and having a palooza.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038572 Sounds good! Lol
I'll get online now to send you the pokes.
>>18038558 That's fine Pao.
how rare is shiny stunfisk?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18038652 i have one in my list
>>18038620 3/4 done!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18038716 Thanks Saria. Btw the pokes I gave you are kinda rare so only trade them for other rare stuff or keep them in your personal collection.
>>18038572 I'll be online. Send me a tr whenever you want.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18038749 ok, just watching Lost Girl while I wait.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18038558 No problem. And do you want me to keep it NFT?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18038749 fair enough, ill make a note
>>18038747 yes, caught in FS. Impish Limber
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18038870 Yea I want a shiny Sentret too guys!
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 03:59:17 No. 18038945 Report Quoted By:
>>18038928 me too i never got one ;_;
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18038749 Been waiting, Reconnecting to see if it was just being a dick and ignoring your existance
Quoted By:
well i looked through all the lists and no one has a 5-6 IV sentrat with HA, so i just need a sentret with HA so i can start MM'ing
>>18038923 what about a 5iv one lol
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18039049 I wish
>>18038749 all ready when your done with your trade
>>18038299 ill be cloning your 3 in a min, just waiting for Josh to finish his trade
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18039109 Ok cool thanks for the update! :)
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:10:04 No. 18039143 Report >>18039109 hey dont forget me
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18039143 nope havent forgotten. your afer Daryll
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039020 Good luck cloning!
>>18039109 Thanks for your help Saria!
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
so Im back, and looking for a honEDGE and smogon frog pic not related
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039261 I have your smogonfrog. Do you also mind +1'ing something for me this time?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039356 5IV bold shiny female HA espurr
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18039379 but didnt I get that from you yesterday?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18039190 You feel like Gening a few things for me man? If you're busy it's all good.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039427 oh fuck you did ;_;
I was going to trade it to someone for their gourgeist
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039440 What do you need? You still owe me a sandsdrew ;(
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:30:41 No. 18039492 Report Quoted By: Looking for Edgar
Hayden did you get that mon genned
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18039453 Goodra is the gooeyist cunt I've ever had to deal with. 0/9
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18039453 I got you a shrew for sure. I get side tracked easy when cloning a bunch of stuff.
I have a couple of mons i need.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:36:19 No. 18039605 Report Quoted By:
I got a nonKB shiny 6iv rampardos for a shit victini(hacked)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039539 Oh fuck.
I hope that thing gives up soon.
>>18039555 What pokes? Do you want more pikachus? Lol
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
STEVE you done with chansey?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:38:05 No. 18039643 Report >>18039606 none of the japs that i trade with ever seem to have that damned birthday chu 6th gen
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18039443 wait.. im confused
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039643 What are the details on that one? I could try to gen it
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039647 I was going to ask you to +1 that espurr so I can trade that copy for someone's gourgeist.
I forgot you already had it so it's useless for you to +1 it for me.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:40:52 No. 18039704 Report >>18039680 no id rather try to get it legit
hard to get shit
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039704 I could try to get the legit .pkm file and just make the pikachu 6ivs lol
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18039737 isn't he talking about the pikachu with move celebrate?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:45:00 No. 18039779 Report >>18039737 Na im good, lol
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18039688 I could still clone it for you and trade it for frog
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:46:26 No. 18039804 Report Quoted By:
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039779 Ah nvm. If you're talking about the 2013 birthday pikachu then that thing can't be genned.
Yusuf probably has a legit one lol
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18039737 I'd take a birthday chu if it's legit.
I was wanting to start with a
Moves: Morning Sun, Heat Wave, Iron Tail and Outrage
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:49:08 No. 18039851 Report >>18039814 yusuf has all the evnt eeveelutions and pikachu with celebrate
it fukin pisses me off that japs get every damn mon in the world and we only get torchic and celebi and they got those too
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039792 I'll think about it but it's my only one.
I can lend it to you though to copy for yourself, and just give me the original back.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18039833 Ok. I'll work on it now.
Birthchu can't be genned ;(
>>18039851 Nintendo is biased towards the japs
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 04:54:50 No. 18039945 Report Quoted By:
>>18039894 extremely small country
populated out the ass
they couldnt spit without hitting someone
theres so many
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18039865 wait what? lets get this straight
>you trade me edgesword >then I clone it >then I give it back yes?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Can pokes be gen'd with tutor moves? >quads
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18040011 >quads Double dubs fail ><
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18039969 wut, no. I said smogon frog in the original post.
That you could just give the original back.
Never mind about the espurr, someone else was already going to clone it, but they had other people in line that's why I asked.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18040081 sorry meant frog lol
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18040105 yea that's fine
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18040174 okay, ill get online real quick, do you need collateral?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18040164 I'm going to fucking strangle this goodra...
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18040195 nah you cloned for me before I don't think you'll do anything sneaky
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18040197 Why don't you try with another one? Lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18040251 I'm online when you're ready.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18039555 added you and online ready with your 3 pokes
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
Quoted By:
opk guys. Japanese event mew for the person to clone me a Xerneas. Trying to complete the dex
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18040292 cloned first try :D
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18040011 I got your growlithe. I made 2 :p
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18040560 Sweet! Thanks getting online now.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18039555 please reply when your ready, i have others to tend to
>>18037811 working on your Eevee now
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18040604 I'm online now, are you gonna have time to clone all 3 of mind still?
Sorry if you said something already missed it, my bad :(
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18040614 Awesome! I hope the other pokes doesn't give you any troubles. Good luck!
>>18040581 I'll get on soon. Fucking pokebank is being a bitch.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18040726 Tyrogue's being a bitch.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18040652 >>18040652 ll get on now and yes ill do all 3 of yours asap we trade
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Hey guys I'm back! On the lookout for cool mons/Plusle + Minun/Pikas
My current Pika list:
Pikaku-Colored Pichu
SPR2010 Pikachu
6IV ANA Pikachu
WOLRD12 Pikachu
ANA Pikachu
Ash's Pikachu
New Additions:
SMR2012 Pikachu
Also my outdated list: NFT really just means "for good offer" so don't be shy (except for ones which are hard NFT)
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 05:48:28 No. 18040915 Report >>18040846 When i can clone you need to le me clone those two new pikas, :)
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18040846 Pktopia pls :) ill clone him
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18040483 Got sidetracked. I'll be on when you're ready.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18040916 What else do you need genned?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18040969 Shiny 6iv Trapinch
sheer force
Moves: super power, fissure, bug bite and signal beam.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18040969 sitting at 5/9 so far... carbink's flipping a shit.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>18040915 No problem dude
>>18040916 No problem, do you have a shiny kalos plusle or minun by any chance?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18041193 Awesome! You're almost done.
>>18041068 I got your trapinch!
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18041493 7/9 Just got Onix2 and Swilix2 to go.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 06:28:09 No. 18041551 Report Damn im lookin for quite a few people
Saria you still around
Hayton you get that mon genned
Edgar wth are you
muh list 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18041493 Ah hell yea man you rock!! I'm online whenever you're ready.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18041551 yep working on darylls pokemon
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 06:40:06 No. 18041699 Report Quoted By:
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 06:50:58 No. 18041814 Report Anyone got a good idea for a pokemon that would be good for easter, I'm thinking maybe chansey
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18041553 Am I the only one who has problems connecting to pokebank?
>>18041498 Oh great! I hope that one is easy
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18041848 Awesome thanks again man I really appreciate it as always! That Growlithe that you made is way better than what I made, haha thanks again!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18041814 Togepi or Chansey.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 06:58:39 No. 18041918 Report >>18041873 Togepi prolly
Now i need someone to gen me a good one for easter
im getting hayden to get me a rufflet so i can breed and have a giveaway the forth of july
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18041869 Trying to trade you back you're pokemon back now.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18041498 Thanks a lot Fyre!
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18041958 No prob. If the clones weren't being bitches I'd do more now but I'll just wait for when ARSS gets here.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:07:39 No. 18042018 Report >>18041953 Just for that all them rufflets gon be named 'Murica
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18041982 Let me know when you get it. I really want to see that thing in action. If it works for you then I might order one lol
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18042018 ready with your eevee shoot me a trade please
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:21:11 No. 18042168 Report Quoted By:
>>18042122 Ill get you after i trade with this random
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:26:19 No. 18042226 Report >>18042122 tell me when your done
>>18042062 if you have two 6iv mons and bred them with a destiny knot will they have 5ivs
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18042226 I think the average would be 5iv, you could still get a perfect though maybe a small amount of 4iv.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:31:53 No. 18042299 Report >>18042241 awesome thats wat i figured becuz they say its supposed to guarantee 5ivs from the mom and dad, so it cant really choose a bad one out of those five becuz there are no bad ones
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18042299 What're you breeding? Rufflets?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:40:58 No. 18042415 Report >>18042388 Going to after hayden gets it genned for me
plus i need a togepi genned for easter
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18042415 Nice ha well shit I was about to start a ruff breeding project but then I saw you talk about it earlier and naming them murrica so I didn't think I should bother.
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:45:38 No. 18042478 Report >>18042453 Lol cant wait to start breeding them
what should i name the togepis
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18042478 Hmmmm I don't know a good togepi nickname. That would be a tough one.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Is Josh still here?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 07:54:48 No. 18042572 Report Quoted By:
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Thread is kill
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
anyone need anything cloned? im a little bored..
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18044603 I need you to clone this Talonflame for me twice.
This little cunt isn't cloning for me.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 13:59:03 No. 18046229 Report Morning, guys! I'm back to another day of no new trades. Anonymous
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:15:36 No. 18046415 Report >>18046365 Morning, anon
>>18046389 I knew it. Get online, bro. I garnered some of the pokes you needed. I'm only on the first part of the dex, though
>>18046415 i catched some mons, i need to update the list :P
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:19:58 No. 18046471 Report Quoted By:
>>18046434 I'll send you some, if it's one you got you can interrupt the trade and I'll move to the next mon.
Are the yesterday dittos ready?
>>18046415 >>18046434 I catched:
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:24:04 No. 18046516 Report >>18046496 Think I was only sending 2 of those, moved them to different box. Send a TR
>>18046516 I give you the dittos first?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:29:37 No. 18046579 Report Quoted By:
>>18046553 I was thinking about swaping first, but that will work. I'm sending the shiny I had on my party first, 4 mons there.
You can send them back when we end
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:33:13 No. 18046618 Report >>18046553 No need to send those 3 now. Send always the last one we traded. In this case Chesnaught so I know what I'm sending
>>18046618 ok sorry, i cant cancel
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:42:02 No. 18046718 Report >>18046627 When I get on the last mon I'll show you a egg, then you can send me those. I have more stuff you listed but some are in the bank and others I still need to organize in the boxes.
I'm sending you the Central kalos first
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18046718 anyone have a wailmer shiny
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:47:42 No. 18046782 Report >>18046756 I have one, but I would need to ask Cloner Josh if I can trade it. Think it's non kalos, though so you probably want a different one
Anything on my list for that high IVed Xerneas?
>>18046229 Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18046756 Hello!
Any bored cloners?
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18046782 anything on hand for 1:1?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:50:54 No. 18046825 Report >>18046806 Nope, the threads are getting too slow. Only a Kangaskhan, but most people have those
>>18046825 this bitch is evolving lol shit
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18046825 if u dont mind ill take i havent gotten on yet for my collection suprisingly
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:52:55 No. 18046856 Report >>18046836 Yes, I forgot about that. No problem he had to do it at some point
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
If there are any bored cloners I'm happy to offer those for o+1 or other stuff: IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:55:07 No. 18046890 Report Quoted By:
>>18046854 Ok, clone yours and I'll send it to you as soon as I finish the trade with Solid. Got any other new mons last week? Haven't seen you around lately
>>18046856 Thanks Ace, i'm going to update the list
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 14:59:53 No. 18046941 Report >>18046927 Ok, post when you are done editing and I'll check what else I have here
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 15:04:30 No. 18046993 Report Quoted By:
>>18046927 And thanks for the dittos. I'll use them for breeding pokes whose egg moves I don't really mind.
If I think of anything more specific that needs gened parents I'll ask your help
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 15:08:09 No. 18047031 Report >>18047012 I need that one too, want something else on the list?
>>18046229 Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18047031 u gotta give me a bit im getting tired of cloning lol im just working on completeing my dex atm
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 15 Feb 2014 15:14:55 No. 18047105 Report Quoted By:
>>18047086 Ok, X, Kanga is here send a TR when you have yours ready