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/vp/'s MS Paint Topic Day 38: It's Not Rigged I Swear Edition!

!!5FVS7Ai6IW9 No.18035493 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Hope you all enjoyed or are enjoying your Valentine's Day! Okay, okay, so I -may- have picked this Pokemon out specifically for today. I'm not entirely sure if it's the right thing to do, either. Ah, what the hell. I'll consider saving specific Pokemon for specific holidays or special days and whatnot. Or not. Who knows? If it bothers you for some reason, let me know!

>Pokemon 38: Luvdisc
>Hard Mode: No References

You know the drill. Pokemon is usually selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Luvdisc in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.

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