Hey /vp/. I'm giving away a box of each on the GTS. They're both shiny, flawless in the stats that matter, and EV trained. Details of each are as follows: Salamence: 31/31/31/31/31/31, Naive, Moxie, 252 Attack / 6 Special Attack / 252 Speed. Moveset is Dragon Dance, Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast. Metagross: 31/31/31/x/31/31, Adamant, Clear Body, 252 HP / 252 Attack / 6 Special Defense. Moveset is Meteor Mash, Earthquake, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt. Just put up a Bunnelby and ask for a level 100 Salamence or Metagross. Also, I'm currently looking for BP items, and would love if you were to attach one. Doing so would guarantee you receive one of these Pokemon, since I have a limited amount of each. Enjoy!
Quoted By:
Put mine up holding a leichi Berry. Sorry I don't have any good items. Can I have a salamence pls? Thanks again OP
Anon 3024-6179-4652 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Duskull)
Anon 3024-6179-4652 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Duskull) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:05:51 No. 18042685 Report Quoted By:
will throw up a 5iv adamant huge power bunnelby in 2 mins, ign jason :D would like a moxiemence please
Evan 1263-6861-9424
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guess i'll bunnelby up for a metagross.
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster)
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:06:32 No. 18042692 Report >>18042625 I'm putting up a Bunnelby now, I'll give you a BP item if I can get that Metagross.
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Putting one for metagross op, thanks
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IGN Tom Bunnelby with focus sash I would like a salamence
IGN: Nina 5343-8554-0360
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I put one up asking for a Metagross. Thanks, OP!
Putting one up for metagross op, do you want a lucky egg? Sorry I dont have battle items.
IGN: Dimitri
Quoted By:
>>18042625 Bunnelby up for metagross
>>18042730 Any useful item is good, really, Battle items just guarantee that you get one.
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Just put one up for salamence. IGN: Brad Thanks OP
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>>18042741 Ok, putting it up with egg. Ign is mark.
Anon 3024-6179-4652 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Duskull)
Anon 3024-6179-4652 (Ghost: Shuppet, Pumpkaboo, Duskull) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:13:49 No. 18042779 Report Quoted By:
thanks op! <3
Jimmy 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede]
Jimmy 0104-0611-4599 [Poison: Kakuna, Swalot, Whirlipede] Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:15:21 No. 18042799 Report Quoted By:
>>18042625 Put up one for Metagross!
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Ign Steven Would a leftovers suffice?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:16:04 No. 18042811 Report >>18042625 im putting up a bunnelby for salamence
Hayato 5258-0129-8525 (Doduo/Swanna/Hawlucha)
Hayato 5258-0129-8525 (Doduo/Swanna/Hawlucha) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:16:43 No. 18042819 Report Quoted By:
Putting up a Bunnelby with a Razor Claw for Salamence. Thanks in advance OP!
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>>18042625 IGN Yingo, put up a bunnelby with absorb orb for metagross thanks
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Tom again I hope this does not sound greedy but i would a metagross as well PS bunnelby with Life orb
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby]
chaos 2938-7628-9049 [phanpy-dugtrio-diggersby] Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:17:29 No. 18042831 Report Quoted By:
>>18042625 putting up a shitbunny with Weakness policy. thanks for the neat giveaway OP
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster)
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:17:32 No. 18042832 Report Quoted By:
>>18042692 Alright, mine is up and has a Choice Scarf.
IGN is xy, salamance please, bunnelby is holding metal coat
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:23:04 No. 18042888 Report Quoted By:
>>18042625 Toxic orb bunnelby for a salamence please
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:23:50 No. 18042896 Report Quoted By:
>>18042811 I dont have any bp items
Saburo 2638-0899-7131 (Poison)
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Bunny up, thanks op.
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle]
Zelda ~ 4184-2775-8353 [Nosepass, Pupitar, Barbaracle] Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:24:11 No. 18042901 Report Quoted By:
>>18042625 Hey OP. This is awesome, you're the best. I'll be putting up a bunnelby with leftovers for a metagross as soon as i get out of this restaurant. Thanks!!
IGN: Keller FC: 1564-3309-0433
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>>18042625 Put up a Bunnelby for Salamence
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion)
J Sal 4742-6496-8948 (Espurr, Munna, Duosion) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:26:22 No. 18042937 Report Quoted By:
I will cherish blue Metagross "Epic Trole" forever anon. Enjoy the Toxic Orb.
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Putting up a Bunnelby with a Power Herb for Metagross.
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Put up one with red card
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:29:40 No. 18042993 Report Quoted By:
Thank you for the amazing salamence
Quoted By:
ITT: OP trading his mons for battle items (keyword TRADE, not giveaway)
Hayato 5258-0129-8525 (Doduo/Swanna/Hawlucha)
Hayato 5258-0129-8525 (Doduo/Swanna/Hawlucha) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:30:28 No. 18043003 Report Quoted By:
Cool thanks for the epic trole OP!
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
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Sorry OP, I would give you BP items but I don't play in the Battle Mansion at all :L. Metagross if possible please. IGN:Ash
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where the FUCK is bunnelby I've been searching route 2 for 10 minutes
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster)
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:35:48 No. 18043093 Report >>18042625 Hey, thanks a ton for the Metagross, but didn't you say it would be shiny? I don't need a shiny one by any means, but I'm just wondering if you made a mistake in saying that
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>>18042625 bunnelby is up for metagross, thanks in advance op
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster)
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:37:00 No. 18043108 Report Quoted By:
>>18043093 Oh lol, just realized that. Nice joke OP, made me lose 48 BP. Oh well, Battle Maison is easy as fuck.
Quoted By:
hilarious troll
Quoted By:
nice "giveaway" you've got here OP
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
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Predicted that shit. Something told me to wait it out, and see how it went first, plus BP item for a fucking Salamence is fucking stupid. I can breed my own.
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
Quoted By:
I'll put a Bunnelby with Flame Orb in a few minutes for a Salamence
Steven (5086 2329 0230
>mfw there is someone beating op to the trades and giving them level 100 regular metagross Considering I got one that's shiny I'm pretty sure someone is just fucking with you all and the op.
Quoted By:
Thanks OP this was glorious
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster)
Alex 3926 6092 6338 (Snover/Bergmite/Cloyster) Sat 15 Feb 2014 08:47:48 No. 18043240 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Keller FC: 1564-3309-0433
>>18043209 If that's ture, let OP come out and say so. I never put up a BP item and still got a trade, so I would think if someone was doing that, he'd be fucking himself over
IGN: Keller FC: 1564-3309-0433
put one up with weakness policy. Op hurry before i get sniped.
fish 0318 7873 0066
Quoted By:
>>18042625 putting one up for a metagross, thanks op!
Meri 4527-8651-5076
Putting up a bunnelby, thanks OP.
Quoted By:
Traded my Epic trole for a level 91 japanese salamance. Now is not my problem.
>>18043278 oh hey, it's that 9fag from the thread a few days ago!! holy shit bro. i finally got something from him!enjoy the Wp i got it for free.still 2 more c;
>mfw troll ignores my bunnelby because no bp item. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18043314 I thought the bunnelby part was familiar..
Meri 4527-8651-5076
Quoted By:
>>18043309 For Metagross, btw.
>>18043248 Not sure why op isn't responding, but op is legit, pic related
>>18043359 OP here, ty for posting proof. It's legit guys
Quoted By:
>>18043373 yo gimme your friendcode my bunnelby got jaked and i have no more.i don't want to get jacked again...
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>>18043359 >>18043373 >exactly one minute after each other. ok
>>18043359 >OP pretending not to be OP Matthew 3282-3268-6115
Quoted By:
putting one up for metagross now, thanks OP!
Quoted By:
Hope there's a Metagross left. Putting up mah Bunnelby.
>>18043397 >tfw someone points out that op is the 9fagger, it's ignored and everyone goes on with the thread. Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
>>18043416 Risk: Bunnelby I caught in 3 seconds
Reward: Shiny Metagross
Even if it fails, nothing of value was lost.
Quoted By:
>>18043438 what did i just fucken say!?
OP here. I only have a few left, so I will now only be trading for Bunnelby that have battle items attached.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>18043359 >conveniently hides stats Hmm...
Of course, if this is all legit I'll swallow my words. But after being burned by that 9fag fag...
>>18043448 >>18043453 Looks like the risk just got a bit higher
>People will still go for it even after people have been calling out OP for half the thread Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18043478 Yeah. I ain't fucking with that.
Putting air balloon bunny up for metagross now, ty op
>>18043478 >tfw we see the car crash and can't stop it happening Anonymous
>>18043454 There
But I guess the damage is done, once paranoia spreads its a bitch to stop. Too bad no one else is posting their shiny meta gross to shut the naysayers up.
Quoted By:
>>18043498 >this pokemon has already been traded Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18043528 where the fucks the bottom half? show the whole damn thing dumbass 9fagger.
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki)
Dylan 4441-9684-5369 (Ferroseed, Forretress, Klefki) Sat 15 Feb 2014 09:09:33 No. 18043539 Report Quoted By:
>>18042625 Enjoy the leftovers, I have 10 more. I can't believe people are still falling for this though, fucking hilarious.
Le epic trolole xd
Quoted By:
>>18043507 >We're seeing a stretched limo crash >It's a fucking mile long >The crash is taking hours >Force ripples throughout the vehicle, people in the back are perfectly unharmed even when the front is mangled >The passengers sit there, waiting for it to reach them >We call to them, we try to warn them >But we can't make them get out >We can't stop it Anonymous
Quoted By:
Can confirm that my non-BP-equipped Bunnelby was never taken. In case anyone was on the fence.
Quoted By:
>>18043552 I think someone is busted.
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
>>18043528 I'll bank on you, fair anon. I've put up a bunnelby named /vp/ for metagross. Don't fail me, giveawayanon!
Quoted By:
>This fucking thread Sorry op, I tried, I really did, but the paranoia has run rampant and there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. Whoever you are, blue metagross anon, Good fucking job, 10/10. I'll just sit back and enjoy the dissension and chaos you've sown into this thread.
Quoted By:
>>18043621 As said fair anon, don't, the op already said hes running low, I wouldn't risk it.
>>18043621 i don't see it bro but i'm ready to deliver as soon as it's up, provided it's holding a bp item
Pigbane 5258-0458-7331
Quoted By:
>>18043621 Nvm, haven't seen Metagross yet. Hehehe.
How about Salamence?
Quoted By:
>>18043666 >>>/out/ shame on you op, atleast give le troles to the poorfags.
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
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Must want I have Bunnelby up for Metagross
Quoted By:
bennelby is up troll me if you want but i want that metagross
IGN: Luke FC: 3067-5209-9763
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Putting one up now for Metagross. Tyvm OP
>>18042625 Bunnelby is up for trade. Sorry, but I don't have good items, OP.
Quoted By:
>>18046787 Forgot to tell I want a Salamence. Anonymous
Quoted By:
Why did anyone fall for this AGAIN? Holy shit, the shiny Dragonite thread was only a few days ago.
Dingus (5215 - 0887 - 1726)
Quoted By:
Hey do you still have those Metagross? I'd love one, I could throw you just about any BP item
Carloz 0903-2783-6541
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>>18042625 OP do you still have one of those pokemon, pls tell so I can put 2 bunnelbys with choice items each.
Quoted By:
Threw up an ability capsule and got my Metagross. Thanks, bro!
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sat 15 Feb 2014 17:10:32 No. 18048415 Report Quoted By:
any salamence's left op?