eel free to Trade and Clone among yourself.
>How do I clone pokemon? [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] (The timing varies from person to person, general accepted timing though is 4.5 seconds)
>Are there any risks? The only risk is losing the pokemon you want to clone, and that can only happen if you turn off the wrong 3DS.
>Can we clone items too? Yes, items can be cloned with the pokemon.
>Isn't this cheating? Duh.
>How do I know so-and-so won't steal my hard-earned pokemon? Honestly there's no real definite way. It's all trust.
>Are the clones usable online? Yes, the clones are completely legal and usable.
>Blacklist, Trusted, and Archives >Note: Trusted just means they've been trading and cloning for a long time. Doesn't mean ignore everyone but them
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
All shiny
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 My list is humble so I'll appreciate any trades and o+1 cloning. Thanks~!
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
Holy damn i've been away a while. Is jeric around?
Quoted By:
gerardo if your lurking Ill let you know when shelmet is ready :) Just got a few to do first!
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 16 Feb 2014 02:18:36 No. 18058931 Report Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
Well, I don't have my latest list and my 3DS' wifi is kill.
Gonna have to play this and wait for tomorrow: 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>have 2 extra 5iv Yveltals ready I need 3 pokes gened if anyone is still willing. To start I'd like (for breeding and I'm terrible, so open to suggestions) 2 shiny 6iv starly >Starly 1: LvL: 1 Male 6iv shiny Sassy Keen Eye Moves: Heat Wave, Roost, Mirror Move and Tail Wind Ball: if you can make it a cool one I'd appreciate it. >Starly 2: LvL: 37 FEMALE and Foreign 6iv Shiny A good nature Reckless Moves: Brave Bird, Heat Wave, Roost, Snore Ball: something cool to pass down
>advertising a youtube account violation of global rule 11 Anyway, geodude.
Quoted By:
Has it ever been possible to trade key items like the SS Anne ticket? Because that might unlock something if you transferred it to XY
>>18058800 aren't you advertising that youtube channel?
>>18058800 Hey faggot janitors!
> That's some advertising violating global 11, isn't it? +5iv timid xerneas/hasty yveltal
+shiny 5iv druddigon
+shiny 5iv pidove
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18058931 I believe this violates global rule 11
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18058956 Can I have that one Yveltal or are they taken?
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Wow I don't have the Heracronite, you wanna do Pinsir plus Pinsirite Daryll?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18058965 Can I get one of those Yveltal's too,
please? Anonymous
Looking for a good iv: preferably modest or quiet eevee. I have a 6iv female modest gardevoir for the person who has one.
Quoted By:
>>18058958 >>18058962 >>18058964 >>18058980 are you violating the don't be a colossal faggot rule? sure looks like it to me
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18059002 Sure that's fine with me man I'm online now
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18059020 I assume it doesn't have Hyper Voice?
If so, pic related.
I got a Shiny 6IV HA One with Wish, Stored Power and Hyper Voice, but my 3DS' wi-fi is kill 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18058984 >>18059012 Lists please?
Do either of you have anything to 1:1 at the moment? It will give me note time to clone extras.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18058956 Can you clone me one of those yveltal?
I'll gen you those pokes.
Can I ask why do you want sassy nature on starly?
>>18059012 >>18059106 >not giving out the legends for free daryll pls
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18059106 >>18058880 Can't clone and sadly don't have any +1.
>>18059062 Just checked, no hyper voice. Although hindsight that would be VERY useful. Gardevoir is Kalos born btw, looking for the same.
Quoted By:
>>18058956 I can't gen it with Mirror move
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18059106 I asked Gerardo, but I guess it doesn't really matter. The only thing you're interested in is the Duskull. But I don't have anything to 1:1..
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18059129 >implying you can get Kalos born HV Eevee >m-m-muh blue shape ;_; Anonymous
>>18059194 Is your eevee Kalos born?you can get em HA from friend safari
Also, I have a shiny 3iv Kalos born zorua instead if someone has one.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18059235 Hyper Voice, not HA.
>>18059168 bryce I'll get you one if u want
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059125 Clone them yourself then anon, good luck.
I'd like something for my time.
David 3926-5754-2050
Anybody willing to clone my Deoxys?
Jae: 1263-7011-3822
Could someone clone me charizardite Y, aggronite, mewtwite Y for keldeo?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059263 1 5iv Yveltel ready, pref 1:1 for time
Cloning more copies for people before I clone your things.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18059250 Sweet, thanks Gerardo.
>>18059304 Gerardo's already getting me one so you don't need to.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18059304 Now I'm not sure if you mean me, cause it's Rynn not Ryan, but those get mistaken a lot, haha.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059304 I'll get your birds then.
>>18059283 enjoying my aegislash you ran off with? :|
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18059289 I can trade you a Charizardite Y for Keldeo.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059346 Why you never mentioned that?
If he stole one of your pokes then he should be blacklisted
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 16 Feb 2014 02:40:53 No. 18059367 Report I'm looking for pincirisite and Heracrossite Can give pokechecks mons
Quoted By:
>>18059346 Gerardo, mind cloning me an eevee? I can offer some 6iv shinies.
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18059346 ...excuse me? I've never got an Ageslash in a trade.
Jae: 1263-7011-3822
>>18059355 can you throw in aggronite in that trade too?
Quoted By:
>>18059380 >>18059346 It's about to go down
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18059364 Hey you get rufflet genned. i wanna start genning but cant becuz i dont have black or white or black2 or white2
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18059392 Nope, only have an Charizardite.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18059367 I think I have a Pinsirite, can you get me this? 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18059336 Ok thanks I appreciate it. I want to use ten for breeding if that makes any difference as to what their natures, abilities and moves should be.
Rynn sorry read it as Ryan
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 16 Feb 2014 02:45:57 No. 18059473 Report Quoted By:
>>18059444 6iv Kalos born modest shiny gardevoir for one of your eevee?
want a 6iv shiny jpn cresselia for shiny ralts?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
6iv ada charizard (outrage, DD) 6iv cloyster 6iv klefki 6iv ninetails 6iv pinsir 5iv wimsicott (various egg moves) 5iv bold chansey (counter, S.toss, aroma) 5iv osawott 5iv glalie 5iv sandshrew 5iv growtlithe 5iv snivy 4iv frostlass 4iv liligant 4iv manetric (hp ice) 4iv conkeldurr 4iv lilligant 4iv ponyta Random toys r us mystery mew (will 1:1 this) cant clone looking for shiny TR mons and houdoom/brave mawile
>>18059332 I need to go Rynn, almost 4am. THANKS so much!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
Blue's Pidgeot
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
Damn I should really update that soon :/
>>18059567 Is phione shiny/nicknamable/pentagon?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059417 You want another one?
>>18059532 shiny suicune for mew
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18059562 Same here, but I'm a night owl, haha. No problem, if you're here tommorow I can still help you with heaps of stuff.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18059586 Shiny 4IV timid kalos born not nicknameable
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059586 Shiny:check
NN: no
>>18059601 Okay Rynn, thanks again. Good night! I can help you with shinies tomorrow or whatever you want.
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita)
Oaks - 0361-7281-6458 (Grumpig, Wobbuffet, Gothorita) Sun 16 Feb 2014 02:55:34 No. 18059647 Report Quoted By:
>>18059445 Legal and in bank
I'll add you when it's on X
Quoted By:
>>18059609 Would you take darkrai with roar of time and spacial rend for it? Ir I can offer a 3iv Kalos born shiny zorua. Darkrai is from event btw
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18059608 So, care to explain how I stole you Ageislash when we've never traded before m8?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18059636 If you can clone then that would be nice. Good night!
>>18059595 i could gen it but i dont have white or black but dont worry about it for now im gonna wait and see if we can find my cousins white then i can just gen them myself
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059608 I was just asking if someone had one eRlier today. I'd really like to get a hold of that. Any chance?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18059597 sorry, not a fan of legends
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059665 It's fine. I'll gen another one.
Do you want a shiny one?
>>18059656 I may have been some guy named Dave, too tired to check the archives, aint even mad
>>18059668 a chance sure lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Can someone +1 my espurr? Would be great...
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059706 Wat you want for it? :)
>>18059683 6iv shiny rotom?
>>18059685 sure it dont matter to me as long as 6ivs
>>18059715 (shiny kalos born) harvest tropius, paras, something like that
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18059706 Well next time, maybe you'd like to be sure before you call someone out like an autist? I'd sure appreciate it.
>>18059627 Darkrai with roar of time and special rend or 3 iv shiny Kalos born zorua for phione?
>>18059762 it might still be you for all I remember
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059715 Reckless starly can't be transfered. I can gen a male with 6 ivs and then you can catch a reckless female starly in a horde battle in pokemon xy.
>>18059771 I've seen a few David's in these threads.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18059744 ha sorry i have an exact copy of that.
think you could do either the metagross, carvanah yyamask or venipede from that list of yours?
can also throw in shiny 5iv genesect
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18059784 I have a reckless HA starly I can breed you real quick if you want.
>>18059750 Oh, I'm MMing a harvest tropius right now.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18059809 Well it's not for me lol
It would be for Daryll
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18059771 Prove that it's me, stop being a lazy sack of shit and check. Otherwise, shut it.
>>18059791 true true, thank you anon
>>18059809 best of luck o_o
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18059833 Oh, right.
>>18059715 Do you want a HA Starly? I just noticed I even have a spare female so I don't need to breed, it's Adamant with 5iv.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059710 I still will bud I was still need mons gened I just haven't seen you in this tread yet
>>18059886 >>18059763 Pls respond
I can also gen you mons
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18059784 It doesn't have to be reckless it's all good.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18059910 I will have to clone the Phione first it will be a few minutes
>>18059833 hey josh you know that carvanah i traded you could you trade it back to me
Quoted By:
>>18059940 Okay. Would you do it for darkrai?
>>18059853 >o_o Cut it out.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18059861 I need the female foreign, 6iv and a specific ball or I'd take it. It's for breeding.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
>>18059534 I'll pass sorry
>>18059498 I'm not very interested sorry
Ty 0404-6826-0574
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
So then, back to business. Anyone willing to clone my Deyoxys?
mystery anon
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18060041 Well played anon
Wanting a Nidoran/Nidorino/Nidoking (Modest/SheerForce/KalosBred/Shiny) I have (ALL ARE SHINY WITH 5-6 IVs): Mew (Jap) Ditto (Jap) Jolteon (Modest/VoltAbsorb/KalosBred) Frokie (Timid/Protean/KalosBred) Glisgor (Impish/Poison Heal/KalosBred) Milotic (Timid/VGA09 OT/Marvel Scale) Tyranitar (Sassy/KalosBred) Zoroark (Timid/KalosBred) Infernape (Jolly/Iron Fist/KalosBred) Scizor (Adamant/Technician/KalosBred) Charizard (Modest/Solar Power/Y Stone/KalosBred) Legends (Not Competitve, but Shiny) Palkia/Dialga/Giratina + Raikou
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18060067 Was Phione NFT still?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18060154 I think I got it from Ty and I can't remember if it was NFT or not, so, I'm asking.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:28:42 No. 18060274 Report Almost 4 boxes, no shiny paras. Masuda is a cunt with or without charm
>>18059793 well if i see ya morrow ill get ya a metagross
>>18059947 nvm dont worry bout it
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
>>18060274 Tell me about it, 6 into elgyem. I'm losing my drive
>>18060274 >4 boxes My highest is 43.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce I guess I'll post my list if anyone wants to clone anything.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
How are those starlys going josh? :)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:34:27 No. 18060372 Report >>18060304 I could never do something like that. I'm giving it 15 boxes. The charm was supposed to help.
Why can't I be one of the lucky kids that gets it on the second box?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18060372 I was getting a shiny every 300 eggs or so. After shiny charm - nothing since the last two and a half weeks. I want to return this thing.
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:39:24 No. 18060453 Report >>18060394 Think our charm is defective, they better give some sort of refund
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18060360 > Hey bryce, can i clone your helioptile and snorlax?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18060368 I got your birds Daryll.
I made one of them jap because you mentioned you wanted to MM. It has a nice ball too.
Reckless starly can only be obtained in xy so you'll have to catch that one.
>>18060275 I got your rufflet.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18060394 >>18060453 Charm from what I have been told doesn't do shit for masuda, only wild.
Also almost done with the list. Just need to add 6 pokemon that are currently on my other cartridge, which is german, which I can't translate beause a shit. 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18060461 Yeah sure. Can I get a clone of your Carbink and Elekid? If Elekid is KB.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18060469 Awesome thanks man I'm online now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18060479 Noone will know about the MM+shiny charm thing for sure untill someone hacks the game. The description in english says that it makes the shiny rate higher for the pokemon in the wild, but the japanese one stayed like the one in xy.
So who knows. For me it lowers it.
>>18060469 nother passerby challenged me and i accidentally went in with four instead of six
my kyogre and groudon were left out im screwed
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:43:55 No. 18060539 Report >>18060479 Guess Yus and Steven are just naturally lucky, this charm a shitty
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18060479 How do you explain Steven getting 4 shinies in like 2 days?
Speaking of him, where has he been?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18060554 Luck?
I should clone my ditto and Masuda on 3 machines at once... Pretty sure I'd an hero if I did that.
Quoted By:
>>18060070 Willing to give two shinies for the one listed above
>>18060526 Lol i still won
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18060469 That ball is so awesome which one is it man?
Thanks so much, very much appreciated!
Quoted By:
>>18059750 > Hey gerardo sorry for the long wait just got it cloned. Was being so difficult "/ im online :)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18060518 You're welcome, Daryll.
Thanks for the Yveltal! So umm I noticed the male went through with reckless. I don't know how because the ability I picked was keen eye ._.
You can pair that one with a ditto to get reckless starlys
Lily 2466-3321-1678 (Vullaby, Sandile, Sableye)
Lily 2466-3321-1678 (Vullaby, Sandile, Sableye) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:49:18 No. 18060628 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a torchic with blazikenite they could clone for me? I missed the event. I have every starter except oshawott and torchic, and a handfull of other assorted bank mons that I could breed to trade for it.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18060609 Awesome I'll let everyone know when I've got my Shiny 6iv KB Gnarly Starlys OT Daryll!!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo)
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 16 Feb 2014 03:51:17 No. 18060656 Report Time to ride the bike again. I'll beat Masuda on his mind games. See you all tomorrow with a shiny Paras!
>>18060598 This fukin passerby wont leave me the hell alone
he doesnt have shit and he expects me that i want to trade his lucario for somethin i already have a damn lucario
>>18060609 thnk you so much
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18060635 Oh and the ball on the female is a level ball.
>>18060661 You're welcome!
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18060656 Best of luck! Hopefully it's sooner. I'd give a lot for one of those fellas and I'd help you get some extras as well.
Quoted By:
>>18060661 Lol he just battled me im so gonna kick his ass
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18060683 If I ever am able to hatch if yea sure man. Wish me luck!
Captcha: byabwar fruitlessly
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
>>18060510 Took me 5 minutes to figure out KB meant kalos born. Yeah they both are, i'll clone em up
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18060719 oh I misread that as you having already gotten it.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18060672 Can you get me a couple things Josh?
>>18060719 You could've just asked. It is a new acronym getting tossed around these threads now.
>>18060539 I don't feel all that lucky at the moment. 9 boxes in and nothing yet on my current project .
Also gerarrdo i have shelmet for you
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18060921 I misquoted. It was meant for Ron Paul.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18060933 Ok no problem
>nice dubs Anonymous
>>18060881 GearsOfWar are ready
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18060831 What do you need?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Bunnelby Scatterbug SKiddo Phantump Pumpkaboo I'm looking for these 5 shiny right now. Prefer just to clone what I need but if you need O+1 I can accomodate that.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18060995 Is Trevenant okay?
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18061019 I've got 2 different Trevenant and 2 different gourgeist. I want the god-tier pre-evos.
>>18060992 Thanks gerardo for the trade :D! Any particular way you want me listing this :) ?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18061042 Wut. They're trade evos.
Dakishi 1521-3857-4729
>>18061116 what is everstone
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18060995 I might get the pumpkaboo tonight.
I have bunnelby,scatterbug and skiddo atm
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18061128 Oh I forgot about that. Still a hassle though taking it off.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18061116 Living Shinydex Broski
>>18061137 Care to let me borrow those 3 for now(hopefully the clones behave unlike most the ones I've done lately)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061161 Sure.
Can you make an extra of scatterbug and skiddo?
I want to evolve them lol I'll get on now.
Thanks Fyre.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18061161 nevermind. Old friend who I've not played a game with in 2 years is on and I'm going to play Garry's mod
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18061256 ;_; I want to but "The Signmaker" is on steam
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18061097 That zekrom is nasty
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18061282 That's fine lol
You can borrow my pokes whenever you want. Have fun and stuff
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Anyone able and willing to gen me 2 mons? I'd appreciate it.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18061097 I'll get them in a sec
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061347 What do you need?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>18061047 Got your internet working?
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Hey guys, any cloners in here have any Gen 6 event pokemon? (besides Celebi/Torchik)
Anybody have a shiny Shuckle with decent IVs?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18061380 >Tyrogue 6iv Shiny
Moves: Vacuum wave, Bullet Punch, Helping Hand and Brick Break.
(If you know of better moves be my guest)
Ball: Level ball or something cool
>Ho-oh 6iv Shiny
Moves:Brave Bird, Sky Attack, Sacred Fire and Fire Blast
Ball: something that goes with Ho-ohs colors
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061629 I have a 5ivs one with contrary.
>>18061652 Got it.
>>18061729 Is it Kalos born?
Jae: 1263-7011-3822
Quoted By:
Could someone please clone me up some y exclusive mega stones? I still need charizardite Y, mewtwite Y and aggronite
Chris [ Joe]
>>18061600 i have a meloetta, offer?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061769 Yeah.
>>18061790 You're welcome.
>>18061652 I think you can only get regenerator ho oh in a dream ball also I don't know if the shiny one will go through but I'll give it a try.
>>18061833 >Yeah. Is there anything you're after? I don't have much, but if you have a list of stuff you're after I could take a look.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18061919 Nah, I can't clone.
Pretty much all I have is some legit crap-IV event mons.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
Daryll, I have a shiny Ho-oh with HA. And I think we both know what I want. :^)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18061652 Just got home. Let me know what mons you want me to gen and I'll do it this time lol.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18062240 There you are! I've been looking for you. I want to give that porygon back to you before I disappear into assignments again
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061652 Hey Daryll. I got your pokes.
I ended up making 3 ho-ohs lol
The HA shiny one somehow made it through.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18062442 Sweeeet you always treat me like a princess!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18061652 Lol it doesn't let me trade the HA shiny one for some reason.
It says that ho oh is in my party and it can't be traded lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18062288 You aren't kill by hw now yay! Too bad our ds's still probably hate each other.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18062637 Dream ball maybe?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18062637 It's won't let you from the box? It was giving me the Same message.
I don't know how to get around that :(
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18062675 It's in a box lol
Maybe I could send it to you via the gts?
>>18062668 I don't know. It passed through the bank without the dream all so I doubt that matters lol
>>18062637 Because Ho-Oh can't be shiny and have its HA you idiot.
Also all HA Ho-Oh should be in Dream Balls.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18062713 Risky but how would we do it?
>>18062637 It's an obvious hack, you imbecile.
>Dream Radar + Dream Ball + HA >Shiny Pick one.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18062731 >>18062758 I have one, and it was traded to me..
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18062731 >>18062758 But that shouldn't stop it from being traded over wifi
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18062731 >>18062758 I know that. I was just testing if it would get through.
Please forgive me. Expert anons
>>18062737 I sent it to the gts asking for a Meloetta and it worked lol
So just put something random and i should be able to send it to you
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18062804 HA ho oh needs to be in a dream ball so the ball actually makes a huge difference fyi. Try it if that doesn't work.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18062838 I already said it was a test haha
I'll gen a dreamball one later.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18062804 Ok female Starly named Daryll going up with description: /vp/ TY JOSH
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18062793 If we can't trade like last time do you mind sending it to daryll (if he's not busy later)?
>>18062876 If Ron and I aren't able to trade can you be the middle man for us again?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18062876 It didn't work lol
Oh well I'll just make a dreamball one. Give me a few minutes.
Leave that starly on the gts
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18062935 Yea I'm outside smoking an using the phone so if might have to be a second.
Also have you heard from Steven? I cloned his Pancham for you but haven't seen him
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18062956 Not in the last two threads, no.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18062935 >>18062956 Yeah i don't mind, lets give it a shot though
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18062986 Of course, I'll be online shortly. Hopefull you're done with that report now lol.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18063041 Oh god not even, this thing is so damn time consuming. I'm going to finish it up tomorrow night, and then i'm going to be tied up with midterms through next week
summer pls 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
So this is the first time I've ever bred any mons for the soul purpose of getting a shiny. The parents are 6iv each I believe and the eggs are hatching into shit ivs (1-3ivs average) is that common?
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow
Chase 4339-2760-0233 Flying type:Hoothoot, Fletchinder, Spearow Sun 16 Feb 2014 06:07:43 No. 18063103 Report Quoted By:
muh list outdated anyone seen Edgar
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18063098 Did you give one of them a destiny knot?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063071 Haha I know that feel. I had a group report that was supposed to be 50 pages (10 per person). I ended up writing 40 + on top of compiling it, most of it in the span of 4 days. Never again ><
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18063114 No it's the starlys you made me ha :)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18063147 Both of them are 5ivs right?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063071 >le disconnect face 3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18063181 I think so yea I check them and everything.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18063194 siiiiiiiiigh, daryll can you help us?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18063197 Then you're just being unlucky lol
You can pair the female with a ditto if you want to get the extra sp atack iv. I sent your ho-oh!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18063228 I will help those in need, what DO you need?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Good evening sexy peoples
Who can I help clone tonight?
Here is my treasure trove Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063270 Ooo there you are! I fell asleep before you could get to me. Still up for cloning the espurr?
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18063131 Dude that sounds terrible..what was it on?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18063270 > Alright. I'm interested in quite a few things.
Anorith, Arceus, Aron, 5IV Eevee F, Heracross, 5IV Kabuto, Sandile, Skarmory, Talonflame and Tyranitar. Is that too much?
And is your 6IV Absol?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18063318 ya you bet! what was our agreement again?
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Quoted By:
>>18063256 I want to pass a porygon 2 to jeric, our ds's don't seem to be able to trade together
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
Anyone have Assault Vest I may clone?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063349 It was an engineering ethics class that was supposed to be piss easy but my group members were either esl or didn't know how to write. One of the non esl ones was always mia so that didn't help. The topic was on Privacy and Big Data, with a bit of an engineering background/solution approach. We had to apply Kant and whatnot to our ethics discussion. All in all it was complete bs amd I've never been up for more than 36 hours straight by that time so yeahhh. Got a 100 on it though.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18063403 I need a +1 for espurr to be able to trade someone. I believe it was the one you didn't have, the bold female HA espurr if I remember correctly.
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18063431 Goddamn, good thing you pulled through. I couldn't imagine writing group papers, coordinating group projects are terrible enough considering how unreliable some students can be. Luckily in chemistry assignments tend to be done solo, can't say the same for lab work though. What did you study?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18063396 I dont mind clong all these for you but im not doing all of them now or tonight for that matter, i can do em tomorrow during my freetime and then ill be back on here tomor night with all of them.
Of yours I want, Turtwig, Oshawott, Florges, koffing, Litleo, Pancham, Snorlax, Inkay, Nidoking, Hawluch and Slowpoke for an even trade of 11 for 11
Joseph 1907-8567-0743
can anybody clone me up a heracronite ill give a 5iv pawniard/absol/shuppet/gligar for it
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18063522 That's fine. I wasn't expecting it all to be done today.
Well I only asked or 10 unless the Absol is female. Koffing and Pancham are NFT
I forgot to put it there . Is there anything else you're interested in?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063518 Finished my bs in aerospace engineering december, been looking for a job. I have a friend working for lockheed martin now on the f35 and I'm hoping for a similar job.
You're chem eng? If so I heard oil companies are pretty good at paying high salaries to new grads.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
We trading Stephen? Also anyone got some hatching power I can get? :)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18063634 Got a list? I have one you can clone along with most other bp items.
Quoted By:
>>18063634 Dude. It's only 48 bp on the maison.
It takes like 15 minutes to finish the single challenge lol
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18063601 the 6 IV absol is male
2 of mine you asked for are NFT so i think its a fair deal.
Alexander 4914-3795-9174
>>18063650 I don't have much else other than a 3 IV shiny Trevenant or a 5iv shiny Torchic.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18063669 Alright then which one wouldn't you like from the 11 you picked?
I'm a genderfag Fair enough. Which ones are NFT though. And please make mine NFT when you list them.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743
Quoted By:
>>18063584 I can also give a 6iv sassy HA eevee with curse for the heracronite
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18063678 Nah I'll just let you clone it. Did you have an eject button/absorb bulb/binding band we could straight up trade?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18063706 my Kabuto and Anorith, Sandile too but ill cut ya a break.
and absolutely ill note your NFT's too, ill trade you. ill shoot you a trade of 10 correct?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18063864 My Turtwig will cancel out the Sandile then. Because it kind of is too. Yes 10, but you asked for 11. Which one would you rather not have?
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18063706 oh and you can takeout Nidoking for now. ty
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
6iv Ho-Oh
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
All shiny
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
>>18063602 Nah I'm a double chemistry math major, in my third year right now. Chem eng is damn interesting though i've been giving it some serious thought, plus the job prospects for chem e are a little better than for pure chemistry. Oil companies are paying hella money to science students in general but i've only heard that on the geology side, not so much for chem engineers. I'm probably gonna end up doing analytical work like toxicology
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Ron Paul 0044 4000 0807 (IGN: Stephen)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
I'm about to be kill. More hollow job applications to be sent tomorrow...
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18063905 Ill start duping em now, will have all done when i post here tomor.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18064233 Get ok for porygon dude! Wait!
Saria 2191-8219-2297
>>18064233 still want to trade? also to reiterate, you want me to O+1 your Espurr?
Quoted By:
could anyone please get m foreign 31/31/31/31/31/ 00 ditto? I desperately need it for a trick room set.
i have a pokecheck link if that helps.. Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18064267 Ok ill hobble online lol. Thanks Ron!
>>18064287 Yup. It seems like you're cloning a lot of things right now so I'll hit you up tomorrow
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18064337 I appreciate it. Youll get it promise.
>>18058800 >>Are there any risks? >The only risk is losing the pokemon you want to clone, and that can only happen if you turn off the wrong 3DS. Really? That's the only thing that can go wrong? I remember being scared to do this in Diamond thinking I could corrupt my save.
Saria 2191-8219-2297
Quoted By:
>>18064372 nope no risks this gen unless your retartedly dupe the trash mon
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18063233 Still around at all?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Anyone able and willing to gen a mon or 2 for me?
holy shit i love anons sometimes i put a luvdisc up for an ivysaur for my living dex and they gave me a shiny one
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
Quoted By:
>>18064772 What do you want?
>>18064805 I got a shiny ivysaur for a luvdisc on GTS, I was trying to get a norm one for a live dex. Sorry I'm on my phone.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18064990 Haha, I didn't mean I didn't understand you. I was just surprised.
Quoted By:
>>18065007 Oh ok, I was extremely surprised. I'm gonna just start breeding luvdiscs and putting them on GTS for the mons i need to complete my living dex
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
For lending: 5IV Deoxys-S 5IV Cobalion 6IV Shiny Trevenant 6IV Terrakion 5IV Shiny Terrakion 6IV Arceus 5IV Lugia 6IV Shiny Thundurus 6IV Shiny Tornadus 5IV Shiny Suicune 6IV Shiny Genesect 6IV Shiny Lati@s 6IV Shiny Kyurem 6IV Shiny Shaymin 6IV Jirachi 6IV Meloetta 5IV HP Ghost Raikou 5IV HP Rock Virizion 5IV Zapdos 5IV Stealth Rock Heatran 5IV Mew 6IV Shiny Greninja 6IV Shiny Gardevoir 5IV Shiny Landorus 6IV Victini 5IV Azelf 5IV Shiny Swampert 6IV Celebi Original+1 or Trades, sometimes.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18065081 Do you have any nonlegends?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>18065101 Any listed in that post + Shiny Jellicent.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18065109 Is the Jellicent KB and what are its IVs?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
>>18065143 Calm, Cursed Body. 5IVs in all but attack, and I think attack is 0.
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18065191 > Born in Kalos?
Alexander 4785 4441 4397
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18064467 I just came back haha
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18065439 Ugh right as I need to get some sleep because of work in a few hours.
Will you be on around 4pm EST?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18065473 Yeah. I'll be around.
Goodnight Fyre
Fyre 2852-8641-1048 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18065553 okie dokie. Night
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18065081 I'm new to these threads, what do you mean by lending?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18065713 It means he'll lend you the Pokemon so you can clone it.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18065993 oh, idk how to clone
Jae: 1263-7011-3822
Quoted By:
Does anyone have cloned charizardite Y and aggronite? I'm not sure what I can offer in clone threads but I do have legendaries for you to clone.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18066087 Do you have 2 3DS' and 2 Pokemon X/Y games?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Eric 1864-9299-5543
Quoted By:
What does it take to get a Charizardite X for somebody who can't clone? I've got pentaperfect KB shinies in Snorunt and Mawile that can be lent. I can also gen any bankmon, offer any BP items.
Quoted By:
>>18059608 At least this is better than that faggot's fucking imperfect peice of shit.
does anyone have a non-english 6iv ditto?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 (On phone)
Quoted By:
I AM HERE But before I go and post my list, a question: Is there any Passrby/Aquaintance/Friend in X and Y that really grinds your fucking gears, drives you up the fucking wall? For me, it's THIS little whiney bitch. I can't stand herAnd I don't know who she is on My Friend List on the 3DS, do I don't know which it is so I can delete her.
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk)
Eric: 0473-8917-1029 (dedenne, heliolisk) Sun 16 Feb 2014 12:30:01 No. 18067982 Report Quoted By:
>>18067211 I have a couple I think
X 0963-0276-2416
Gonna update this today. Will take a while. Yus, I crashed yesterday and yesterday was hell when I woke. 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18068374 X, it's been a while. Last time we talked you wanted my Singchu and Chikorita. Did you still want them?
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
Masuda gave up on me, but I pulled through.>tfw you're sad after 26 boxes and 31/31/31/31/31/xx
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18068469 That sucks man.. Did you ever get that Zigzagoon?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18068393 Yeah, what did you want from me?
>>18068469 You slut.
I can get shiny Sentret? Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18068469 Yeah, it was shit though.
no HA and missing s-def
>>18068498 I lent it for cloning so it's not with me currently
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18068522 Damn it. ;-; Who has it?
>>18068548 I...forgot I had that Rhyperior. Sure. I need to clone them first.
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18068469 That sucks but congrats
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18068692 My own circle of local friends, not sure when I'll be getting it back.
>>18068740 Meh, people won't even use it for speed anyways. Floatzel is more balk and aqua-jet
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18068811 >Floatzel >balk >implying 85/50/55 is balk Ty 0404-6826-0574
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18068843 >implying 85/50/55 The base HP w/ 252EV's and some investments in Def/sDef go a decent way on a Switcheroo, Balk Up and Baton Pass set.
>>18068934 >>18068843 >Implying 85/50/55 isn't already a decent stat-set for a NU and RU pokemon.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18068934 yeah, but it's still pretty frail. Tricking a Flame Orb too would be good, but there's a many water type that can fill the role of a wall much better.
But hey, if Floatzel works for you, use it. I ain't stopping you, nor is anybody else.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18069017 >>18068964 I'm agreeing with Anon over here, it's an NU and RU poke, there's more room for it in it's own tier.
I'd never use a floatzel in OU.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18069067 I don't play competitive much, so there you go. Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18069089 wat, then why breed/collect perf. shones?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
As usual, here's my list of stuff, o+1 or others are appreciated.
Also, did anyone try cloning this way: ?
Looks time consuming but then you don't have to have 2 games and 2 dses to do it...
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18069348 By competitive, I meant Smogon and all that shit.
Should've specified.
I do play online a lot though.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18069348 >>18069089 Also wat breed next.
or continue Zigzagoons or Buizels
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18069401 Spinarak.
That buge's a bro.
You better have something that can pass Megahorn onto it.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18069631 You want to help me again :D?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18069730 Sure thing~ just give me 10 minutes because I just got back from archery practice so I'm freezing.
Steven 1907-8691-6231 (Zaniciel)
>>18069431 >>18069467 So spinarak in what ball? It's light blue then evo is light purple/pink.
adamant or jolly nature?
what egg moves, pick four: Megahorn, Disable, Baton Pass, Night Slash, Pursuit and Toxic Spikes.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Quoted By:
>>18070022 Spinarak in Any ball you want.
Adamant, since Ariados only has 40 base speed.
Megahorn, Disable, Toxic Spikes and Pursuit.
Can I get a leftover please?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18070165 Yeah, I thought I already sent you a gogoat yesterday. Did you not update your list or what? It will make stuff harder for me.
>>18070241 yes i did! but i forgot to delete gogoat
>>18070241 >>18070413 Btw, im updating the list
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18070546 I copied it and I'm updating it for myself as I go, I also just took 10 minutes to remover the numbers so I can go alphabetalically, so I'm good, haha.
>>18070584 damn i canceled -.-
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18070976 Yeah, I assumed it's not because you REALLY wanted that gothielle, lol.
>>18071003 Damn phantump evolved
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18071353 Yeah, but you still got the dex entry, so no worries. And I've got heaps of them.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 16:59:12 No. 18071432 Report Hey guys, Gamby here, ready and waiting to clone your Pokemon as usual. Today I have a somewhat odd request - please send any Pokemon you need me to clone holding a Maison item. If it's competitively viable and costs BP, I want it. Naturally you'll get it back; I just want to clone one for myself. Thanks in advance!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071432 Gamby, could you clone me any of this list, pref. kalos shinies? I've got an ability capsule the mon can hold.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 17:05:23 No. 18071532 Report >>18071477 Adding you now; ability capsule sounds excellent. I'm most interested in your Sawsbuck-W, Torchic, Noivern, and Greninja, but feel free to send me whatever your top priority is. Assuming all this goes smoothly I'll be happy to clone more than one for you.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071532 No priority, I'll be glad to have +1 of anything. I'm just finishing dex trade with Solid and I'll prepare the shinies for you.
I also have a focus lens and some evolution inducing items that cost BP, what about those?
Quoted By:
Thanks so much Rynn. I really appreciate it
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071353 Solid, that's everything I had from your list, phew! I don't have anything else, unfortunately.
How many do you still need?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 17:12:39 No. 18071626 Report >>18071562 Alright, then let's start in the order I listed them. Gf will be happy to hear I've got a winter Sawsbuck for her.
Evo items sound good; I'll pass on the Lens though, thanks. My top priorities right now are Ability Capsule, Choice Items, Orbs, AVest, and Focus Sash.
Quoted By:
>>18071603 You helped me a lot!. Only 100~ but im going to use pokecheck :p
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
Quoted By: my list if anyone interested
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18071626 Okie dokie, I have the capsule then, Razor Claw, razor fang, dubious disc. Pick whatever you want. The torchic I'd like cloned with blazikenite though.
I'll add you~
>18071736 Alright then, let's do the capsule and both razors. We'll discuss more once I've finished these four. :)
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071805 Okay, I'll send you a Sawbuck and Greninja to start with, I just realised my Torchic is in the bank, so it will be in the second batch.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071805 Ah, I added you but you might need to refresh the internet to see me online.
>>18071860 is winter sawsbuck memory checked? the one most people have is a hacked penta :(
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18071986 I'm not sure what's a memory check.
But the one I have I hatched myself (accidentaly, hah).
mystery anon
>>18071986 gerardo, chan i see your list man?
>>18071882 I'll get right on it. Would you like clones of your items as well, or should I just keep them?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18072072 I'd like one more ability capsule and one more blazikenite, the rest you can keep.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 17:47:51 No. 18072292 Report >>18071986 "Sawsbuck battled at Rynn's side and defeated Druddigon. The Pokemon remembers that it felt good. And... Sawsbuck became Gamma's friend when it arrived via Link Trade at... a battling spot. The Pokemon remembers that it felt nostalgic."
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18072292 Ah, this. What does it say when it's hacked?
>>18072028 if you go to the memory girl outside the pokemon center in anistar, if she says that "the pokemon cant remember" then it' a hack
but since you hatched it no worries lol
>>18072046 Anonymous
>>18072316 It says it has good memory but doesn't remember , or something like that.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 17:54:00 No. 18072431 Report >>18072381 >>18072388 Just so you guys know, that message only indicates the Pokemon has gone through Bank, nothing more. Whether it's hacked or not can't be directly confirmed.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18072388 >>18072381 Cool, I did not know that. Thanks.
>>18072431 That's even more interesting.
Chase working on my living dex
if any of you has any of the mons lying around taking up space and dont need em send em my way
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18072532 I can give you an Abra and see if I can catch you a wartortle in the safari.
Put up a luvdisc on the GTS for Abra.
>>18072381 Are you interested in the Sawbuck? I'd love that Archen, nigga's cute
>>18072681 I just got a wartortle from gts
Lol im using it to help me too
ill put one up for abra thx
>>18072431 If it has the Kalos pentagon and says that, it's hacked.
X can i get those few mons back if you are done pleae :)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:09:39 No. 18072792 Report Quoted By:
>>18072745 Kalos mons aren't barred from going in Bank. As I understand, any banked mon has its memory "wiped."
Question for anyone who knows: when I'm cloning, do I have to wait for the error message on the second DS before resetting, or can I reset while it's still hanging?
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18072788 Can you get online now?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18072788 You can hack Kalos mons?
I still need to learn a lot of stuff, huh!
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>18072812 IICR People were able to edit some stuff with the region location and it got through as Kalos marked, but I'm unsure if they had patched that out a while ago
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18072759 Yep, just give me a minute.
>>18072839 It was patched when they released it again in japan and some asian countries. I guess most of the hackmons are still the same ones as they were before being patched so most people that care and trade alot know which one's hey are. Most people with fairly large lists write wether it's a hack or no so others can see.
>>18072857 Thanks x !.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18072917 I don't see you online, slut.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18072990 I don't see you online. Maybe you deleted me accidentally?
Quoted By:
>>18072990 Yea ive seen you online for the past 1-2 hours
>>18073003 oh maybe :S let me check
>>18072973 i have you added still lmao >< just saw nic online breifly
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18073024 hey yusuf u play bravely defaulted?
Saico 2535 3975 7862
hey guys, can someone please clone a shiny goomy i have? i can give you any bank legend or any legend actually i know i cant control this but please dont steal it thanks guys!
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Quoted By:
>>18073024 Oh yea, I saw both you and X online before I logged off to clone some shit
>>18073046 yeah i got it really early cause EU so i finished it quite a while ago :) was so good!
>>18073003 >>18072973 i see you now online in friend list. i'm coming on :)
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18073071 ugh i just got it since im in the us quick question on it how do u get more villagers
Saico 2535 3975 7862
>>18073055 oh yeah and you can keep a copy of the goomy too if you want
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:27:11 No. 18073142 Report >>18073090 Saico, I'm about to go get some food, then I've got two more mons to clone for someone when I get back, but once I finish all that, if no one's gotten to you I will. See
>>18071432 >>18072812 All done! Getting back online now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18073142 Aaaand I still haven't grabbed that torchic from the bank, shit. I'll be online in a minute.
Quoted By:
>>18073089 ooh You know that traveller guy ?. The easiest way to get villagers is to talk to him. then there is some online option where you can "invite" people from around the world to the village. You can do this once every 24 hours and most likely you will get 3-5 new villagers/special summons per day. It takes a while to build up but it's really cool. I think that if you have friends registerd and you invite them from the friend list. they come in the village too? . try that it might add me in there.
Saico 2535 3975 7862
>>18073142 oh yes! thank you!
ill get a competitive viable battle maison know!
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:29:17 No. 18073176 Report Quoted By:
>>18073160 No problem. Like I said to Saico, I'm gonna run get food once I trade these back to you anyway.
>>18072468 you got a nice list but nothing for zigzag sorry, anything else you needed?
>>18072681 Sure would, lemme clone archen first :)
>>18073089 il jump on my game real quick and try invite you. I't should send friend summons to eachother
Thanks x :)!
jay i still don't see you online :(
Saico 2535 3975 7862
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:31:41 No. 18073220 Report >>18073185 >>18072681 I cloned an extra Sawsbuck in preparation for this. :D
I'll throw you the extra when we trade, Rynn.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18073208 I tried to delete you and add you again, this is all it says right now
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18073271 i deleted you too. Re adding.
>>18073089 Try save>add friends>Via internet You might need to update data and progress a bit and set up a friend summon to send before you can add people i can't remmeber
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18073220 You're the best~!
Can you also clone me a Goomy when you're doing it for Saico?>>18073185 Okay, thanks to Gamby I have an extra one so I'll add you~
>>18073271 Got you on John - faveourite title x see you online on friend list coming on
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 18:39:32 No. 18073388 Report >>18073358 Haha, yes of course I can.
Pao X: 2208 5693 3828
>>18073309 im able to summon u but u werent added to my village for some reason
Quoted By:
>>18073420 oh that's weird :S. Was my summon any good ? . lol i can't rememeber what i set it as maybe need to set a better one lol. oh erm...try the option " update data as opposed to add friends "
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>18073373 Weird. I see you online on the 3DS but not on my game.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18073388 You said you want orbs from the BM so I'm trying to grind some points to get you those.
Toxic and Flame are 16bp, I should be able to get one of those in a minute, and hopefully the second one, but in case I fail badly, which one is better for you?
Or should I just keep going to gather 48 for the life orb?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Looks like Saria isn't here.
Anyone want to clone my HA female espurr?
list here
>>18073492 Also, Josh you still have an extra of gourgeist?
>>18073725 if i can later tonite and no one else has ill clone it for ya
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18073751 good lookin'. I can gen you two mons by then.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:12:09 No. 18073837 Report >>18073699 I've got Life Orbs covered; I'm looking at Toxic and Flame in terms of those, thanks. I'll get you added in a sec.
>>18073837 Did you delete me? We JUST traded, haha.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:19:36 No. 18073908 Report >>18073853 No, not at all! I'm just offline right now. Like I said, I was out getting food. I'm starting cloning your mons now.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:21:20 No. 18073933 Report >>18073853 OH ha! My bad; I thought that was Saico getting an item ready for me to clone with Goomy
>>18073908 Sure, no rush, I'm battling for the points. What did you have?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:22:24 No. 18073951 Report Quoted By:
>>18073938 McBeetus. Just needed some quick, cheap sustenance.
Saico 2535 3975 7862
>>18073933 hey gamby sorry but i wasnt able to get you any BP items
right now the only good things i have are a masterball or a destiny knot or a whipped dream or a wide lens
Saico 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>18073999 sorry to bother man those are all shit
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:27:43 No. 18074027 Report >>18073999 Whipped Dream will work, thanks.
Saico 2535 3975 7862
>>18073834 could you try to gen a 6iv female darmanitan with HA
and a female minun 6iv in a diveball with HA, i will definitely clone your espurr
Ty 0404-6826-0574
Saico 2535 3975 7862
>>18074027 ok just reply to any of my posts so i know that youre ready when you can
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:34:32 No. 18074141 Report >>18074114 I'll get online and take your Goomy now, just bear in mind it'll be third in my queue
Saico 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>18074141 yeah sure its alright man
thanks so much
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18074091 both shiny right? And what nature/moves do you want?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 19:38:23 No. 18074213 Report Quoted By:
oh my god my roommate just now "They need to just release a patch that gives you like five more battle boxes." WHY MUST YOU SPEAK OF WORLDS I DON'T LIVE IN
>>18074205 Sure both shiny, well does the HA move up when you evolve if it does get darmanitans devolution, but the natures can be wat you thinks good and the moves juss make make them good egg moves because ill prolly breed them
Im not good with moves or natures
>>18074205 My cousin should be home soon and i can start cloning
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18074291 >>18074314 Let me finish up something real quick and I'll start genning and show you if you like em.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Sooooo Steven, what're you doing with that Buizel and Sentret? :) is like to clone em!
Also I have your Pancham still dude!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
02/15/14(Sat)21:14 No.18058857
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18074411 You lazy son of a bitch, update your damn list
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18074428 I know it's to the point where I really should ha.
Damn my laziness
Gamby I went out for lunch earlier, I have archen ready, add me pls
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Sun 16 Feb 2014 20:03:18 No. 18074629 Report >>18074592 Rynn has the Sawsbuck for you.
Quoted By:
>>18074592 Ah, yeah, I'm the obe trading. I've added you already, add me! my fc is in the namefield in the posts above, i'm posting from my phone now.
>>18074592 You there? I'm waiting~
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18075343 could I o+1 your luxray?
Quoted By:
>>18075278 Hnggggggg what a cutie
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
>>18075373 if I knew what that meant... then yes
Ty 0404-6826-0574
>>18075402 He'll give you the original and a clone of Luxray
>>18075402 He clones and give you two back
Kacy 0018-1134-1070
Quoted By:
>>18075417 t>>18075424 Oh. OOOOooooh ok
i feel so retarded right now
Quoted By:
>>18075417 Hey how do you name the columns on google docs
Quoted By:
>>18074629 gamby, y-you d-dont steal pokemon, right?
because i have a request for you when you can