>>18059413Ok, let's be general and put pokemon into a few different categories:
Sweepers, Walls, Support and Wild Cards
Sweepers have high attack stats (either special or regular) and their purpose is to mindlessly wipe the other team, or rather some occasionally use moves like nasty plot or swords dance to help in the sweeping. Their second highest stat will probably be speed as killing the opponent before they kill you is important.
Walls are the opposite of sweepers, they have high defensive stats and generally specialise in special defence or regular defence, They carry recovery, stall or defensive moves, generally they also carry status moves too. their secondary stat is either HP or the other defense.
Support pokemon are ones that exist simply to perform some action that provides a form of combat advantage. Entry Hazard setters, Entry Hazard removers, Magic Coat, Status effecting, Trick Room, Weather effects all fall into this category. Support pokemon can overlap with the other categories above, but generally boarderline as walls. The ones that cannot do this carry a focus sash so that they can deliver their payload before dying (hopefully).
So some examples of each:
Scizor is a regular attack sweeper, to compensate for its low speed it uses Bullet Punch which is a priority move.
Alakazam is a special sweeper, it has high speed and high special attack, and generally uses these to great effect.
Snorlax is a wall, it has high defensive stats and HP, while requiring a number of boosts before it becomes viable to use offensively. It can use rest to recover HP.
Ferrothorn is a support pokemon, lacking the defences to wall special attacks and lacking the offensive power to deal significant damage it instead lays entry hazards, leech seeds and can be used to catch physical sweepers off guard with its ability.