[138 / 27 / ?]

44KiB, 548x305, bandicam_2013_08_31_10_14_00_482_by_legitred-d6kh0yx.jpg
Quoted By: >>18080312 >>18080341 >>18080391 >>18080745 >>18081078 >>18081408 >>18081493 >>18081719 >>18082809 >>18083531 >>18083545 >>18083781 >>18086281 >>18089074 >>18089149 >>18092563 >>18092653 >>18093035 >>18093764 >>18095764 >>18095887 >>18096391 >>18096724 >>18102470
>has won all gym badges and counting
>has countless friends
>has a pending girl friend
>is friends with all legendary Pokemon
>has very strong Pokemon himself
>Has traveled the world
>has laughed in the face of death
what do YOU have?
>has countless friends
>has a pending girl friend
>is friends with all legendary Pokemon
>has very strong Pokemon himself
>Has traveled the world
>has laughed in the face of death
what do YOU have?