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Giveaway General

No.18083481 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Since /vp/ is currently being plagued with giveaway threads, this seems like a good idea. Giveaways aren't as special as they used to be, but a lot of people still don't have access to the resources or are too lazy to gen/breed cool stuff, meaning that they still have a reason to exist. Centralizing giveaways means someone can enter a thread and collect a bunch of cool shit much more easily than visiting individual threads, too.

If you have something to give away, make a post here saying what it is and by what method you're distributing it.

Also, I have access to save dumping/injecting at the moment, so if anyone is particularly interested in a good giveaway Pokemon or two I'm willing to copypaste a few boxes and give them away, just make a suggestion and I'll set up a strawpoll or something. If this general catches on, I'm sure other people would be willing to do custom giveaways too.

Please make this work, and happy giving and recieving!