3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
@Jel I caught foddermons in Route 2 using Lux Balls so I could do oldstyle cloning, which will never be again.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18136539 That tangela man
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Wed 19 Feb 2014 02:48:59 No. 18136604 Report Quoted By:
>>18136454 CHEEEENN!
Still seeing about getting some of my list back. ;-;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18136530 don't kill them pls.
I'll take them if you really don't want them.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18136591 *@Jeric.
I can't read a shit apparently.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18136591 hope you don't mind breloom the shroomish.
Wasn't my choice lol
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18136652 there must be a cruel cruel god out there. I have a sh. shroomish too but it's german so I need to evolve it to get the eng name and then you give me this.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Does anyone have a good shiny tyrunt?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18136541 I got to go for about 20 min but I'll be back then to trade the luvdisc. I'll post again when I'm back
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18136687 I have a 6iv lvl 1 shiny w/ fire I've and thunder fang I forget the 4th move
>>18136687 urm yeah with dragon dance and fangs ?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18136682 LOL. those two were the only nn ones I had, and hopefully the last.
I wish thee godspeed!
>>18136687 I do, with elemental fangs and lvl 1
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18136744 That's the 4th move I think haha there we go
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18136765 Backup made. Working on transferring to banku now.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18136733 >>18136744 >>18136765 Does any of you have an extra up for trade? Lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18136802 the long and annoying part is trading 42 pokemon. Prepare yourself for 21 goomy street.
>>18136838 i'm sure Daryll can clone you up one
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18136885 dude I know. it's sad when transferring pokemon to be cloned takes longer than cloning.
>>18136838 Not cloned atm nope :( Maybe daryl does
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18136885 Hop online broski. Also stones/tradevoitems are very much appreciated.
Quoted By:
>>18136603 You like? Sorry i went to get something to eat
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>18136645 Sorry I'm here, zoned out for a few minutes but I'm trying to clone him right now
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18136992 Wow that was quick. Don't have any trade evo items or bp but I have all the megastones. Need them cloned though if you're still up for it. Let me know which ones you need so I can stick it on the goomys to minimize the number of trades.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137023 Ok, just let me know when you're done
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137050 I have 5+ of each megastone, soon to be 999x
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18136937 Oh it's fine lol
Do you still want to trade for my lileep?
I just haven't asked you lately because I don't like to bug you lol
Do you have a spheal?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18137102 ok you meant shiny/dusk stones? I don't think I have any but let me check
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>18137060 Welp he just did! Getting on now, you can keep the mon I traded over to you if you wanna
How does one create clones with a Power Saves. Please help.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Is Gerardo here at all? I-I would really like my items back...I had a lot of mega stones and stuff.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137120 yeah I can use those for sure.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137122 Was there anything special about it lol? Anyways, I'm coming back online now
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18137149 ok, I found one dusk stone but no shiny stones. sticking it on the first mon.
Nic 4527-8133-6836
Quoted By:
>>18137174 Nah, its just a Showderp mememon
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137149 I've got two shiny stones if you need them.
Quoted By:
>>18137142 I have an extra of that tangela if youd like one
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>18137174 Oh, and! Do you want the Pokemon I'm returning to you to be unlisted/NFT?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137215 were you the one wanting the Big O?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137112 I think i have the same lileep as you :) The sassy one right?. I do have spheal already ^^!.
Eh im not doing much just MM annoying me SO much. I wonder how ace is fairing
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18137251 shiny kalos born golett nicked Big O
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137232 Yeah, keep it as unlisted for now please. And thanks for the assault vest!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18137235 do you need a moon stone too?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137265 >>18137235 Ah. Yeah, I don't have it yet.
I'm also a person who wants a shiny rotom withouth a silly nickname and the icy show shiny vivilion, which I am casually mentioning for no reason at all.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18137264 Yes. I got the sassy one and I just got a spheal. I was just wondering if you already had one lol
I'm MM'ING for a elgyem atm but I might drop it and do sentret instead.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137307 I got your sweet ass. I happen to have a spare rotom clone lying around
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137331 Awwwwyisss. I'll slap that stones on two bananadinos and I'm good to go. GTS swap or add?
Nic 4527-8133-6836
>>18137270 Thank you for letting me clone that little guy! I hope you can get your Yveltal back though...
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137315 What's the spread and nature of the elygem, if you don't mind me asking? There are a whole bunch of shit ones around, I really hope we can finally get a good one out lol
>>18137379 back up and restore your save.
>>18137403 Haha I'm sure I'll get it back eventually, I'm not in any particular hurry so not too concerned.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137384 It'll have to be a bit. Trading 42 pokemon back to jeric.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137447 But you can't keep items in the bank.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137474 Uhh was this a misquote?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18137466 ohboy.jpg
Sure thing, I'll be here.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>1813744 I'm doing quiet with 0 speed.
I hope I can hatch the shiny one soon. You can suggest another iv spread or nature haha
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18137315 Spheal for Tyrunt? I have one ready
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18137494 Ugh, no, it was not, I just thought the person was asking about cloning items, I have no idea why. Sorry bout that.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18137466 almost halfway there...
Idk how Gerardo did this yesterday. No wonder he's knocked out.
Lyra - 0189-8904-8534 !!1I9L23q1Y+G
Hey guys, I'm open for 6IV Kalos shiny cloning. I really need a shiny Gothita/Gothitelle but there's a lot of stuff I want. Show me your lists and stuff~ <3
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137549 Well the good thing for us powersavers is we can just swap save files if we really wanted to.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18137502 Eh eh? :) let me clone Spheal for Tyrunt?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18137598 I meant to also say that gerardo did like 3 boxes worth at once.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137502 Quiet with 0 speed is good, if you could get an HP ground spread on that somehow, that would be amazing, but HP is generally quite difficult to breed lol. Only other thing I can suggest is nasty plot egg move and a different ball if possible.
>>18137520 Ohh ok, no worries lol. You actually CAN clone items though, if you just don't bank the pokemon - trade, back up, trade back, restore, trade back again.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137630 ugh. so much hate.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18137631 Ah, that's true.
>>18137447 I did that but what do I do after that.
Sorry google hasn't been helping.
Quoted By:
>>18137584 >>18136539 My kalos born list finally
Can i get that ralts back
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18137679 1. save
2. go to the bank
3. upload your mons
4. restore save
5. now you have the same pokemon both in your PC and in your bank
6. go to the bank
7. take the deposited mons back
8. you now have x2 of everything
I guess.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18137142 I'm back and ready to trade that luvdisc now
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Yusuf you want to let me clone that Spheal?
>>18137718 Hey if i can morrow i need to get those two pikas off you that jaime showed us a while back if you got them,
Want tangela?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18137718 you gonna be ready any time soon?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18137758 Yea I'll clone tangela, I don't think I got the chus yet do you remember what 2 it was and I can check
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18137778 Not sure this mewtwo is being a Doucher
Quoted By:
>>18137788 The pktopia and something else i cant remember ill show you my list morrow and what ones you dont have ill clone for you and ill clone the ones you have that i dont
no need to clone tangela i have an extra
Gringo 0490-6539-8386
Quoted By:
You still around, Gerardo?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18137807 sucks, let me know if you make progress
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18137631 It has nasty plot as egg move and the ball is a dream ball :)
>>18137624 I'll think about it :p
>>18137315 Sorry i was just trading somebody x_x. OO nice. i love sentret lol he looks kinda fat in x y though >< abit too fat lol. Does anybody know what egg moves Ace is using on paras? I might do one with different egg moves if there are enough good ones
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18137828 Sounds good, let me know I have a clone ready whenever
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 List repostan in the new thread.
I have +1's on some of them, so I'm also good on 1:1 trades on anything I don't already have, just ask.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18137874 I'm planning to do a paras too lol
I already genned a male one. It has 6ivs calm nature with dry skin and the egg moves I gave him are leech seed,bug bite,pursuit and cross poison.
Paras doesn't get any good egg moves lol
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18137901 thanks. The jap nickname was a little disappointing but I can deal with it
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18137807 need yo list buddy. Gonna clone some stuffs.
Also what was the list of things you wanted cloned again that's not pokegen'd?
>>18137991 awww no good egg moves :(?. Maybe a different nature then. I have parents for surskit right now that i wanna start breeding!. but i want to get powersplit on it somehow.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18138045 Last one is goomy lol
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
Gray, I just got a panic attack thinking I might get a shiny with bad IV's. Can you gen me a female Tropius with 6iv, modest nature, HA, egg moves (or is that impossible?) and some cool ball? Is anything fitting for the bananadino shiny? I'm doing dream ball one.
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18137828 Nice, if dream ball, then I'm assuming you're also going for HA?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18137965 Whimsciott, carbink, flabebe and roggenrola.
Pref 1:1 any available?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138045 Budew
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18138103 Yes on the whimsicott, carbink and flabebe.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18138084 You can get power split from shuckle on xy! Lol
>>18138097 Yes! I did a HA spinda before elgyem and I managed to get the HA lol
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138157 Would you take Psyduck, Sandshrew and Buizel? 3:3?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Fyre you missed the last one which was shiny goomy, I can understand the mixup seeing as I sent you 20 so far.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138148 Do you have any idea what the IVs on all your unorganized in post stuff is and what's KB out of it?
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18138194 Oh, nice! How did the spinda hatch come out?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18138226 I think it's the ones before when he says "muh list"
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18138206 KB? IV's?
And do you have any other +1s? There are some on your list that I like more, like spheal, trapinch, purrloin, cranidos.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138226 Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees~
Lances dragonite~
2 different Growlithe~
All shiny all 5-6iv
~Not KB
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138268 but I'm wanting to look at the stuff below the pastebin :U I know the drowzees are both NKB.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18138246 I went for a brave with 0 speed one.
The one I hatched is 31/31/31/x/x/0 with a contrary and egg moves. It's not that bad.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
Quoted By:
>>18138315 ohh yeah, decent, could definitely be worse. Anyways, good luck with elygem!
>>18138194 oh fuck i hate i hate shuckle ;_:
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138297 Killing me brosef.
make sure you add the new 3ds.
>>18138322 Hopping on in a moment. didn't realize he was there.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138396 Lawl :) adding now
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18138379 I still have some safari balls surskits with egg moves.
I could give you a female if you want :)
>>18138480 Does it have powerslit OO ?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18138522 Nope. The moves I gave to my shiny surskit are aqua jet,signal beam,hydro pump and psybeam.
I can try to breed you one with power split. I don't mind :p
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18138396 Thanks for your patronage man! I'll let you know if I get any more goodies. But they won't be all at once lol.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138598 dude, yusuf's gonna be the pain for me... over 300 mons.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18138640 Quick shiny stone trade before that? PLEASE!? Haha.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18138640 better pepper your angus for then my friend. Thanks again!
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138659 oh I'm not gonna be doing yusuf for a while unless I get bored. after I finish getting the pokemon from daryll I'll add and trade ya.
Quoted By:
See ya morrow ill give you a tangela morrow daryll
>>18138581 oh what really haha x_x. thats asking too much. is aqua jet an egg move oO ?. I think i have some parents lying around with that moveset But endure instead of aqua jet!. Did you get a good surskit ? shiny i mean
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138431 so do you need O+1's or am I just cloning for me?
Also with how large your list is now, you need to organize it so people know the IVs, KB/NKB etc...
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138765 +1 please or +2 if you're bored :D
I know I'm just really lazy
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18138693 Okay, I'll add you and wait.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18138893 I should delelelewhoop your shit for sending that breloomshroomish at me after I had just finished jerics... I'll clone after sneding rynn their stuff.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
does anyobdy have a shiny 4iv mawhile female? (pref brave) or a houndour?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18138721 Yes! Aqua jet is an egg move. I'll breed a power split surskit for you tonight!
Also yeah. I hatched a penta surskit. I think I told you lol
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18139015 I've got 2 6IV Mawiles though I believe both are male.
Out of curiosity what do you have?
>>18139027 oh what yeah! I remmeber now ._. holy shit. I'd probably feel like shit hatching an imperfect ;_;/. Really? Thanks ,man :)! if you get time that would be great! I kinda suck at breeding lol. Don't understand those egg groups and whatnot ._.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18138997 You even said to send it :)
>>18138396 iluhyou Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18139081 you shouldve noted it was breshitmish
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139042 Ugh, I want that. But you probably have everything from my list already.
Any other stones you're looking for? I still have one Sun.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139042 -6iv pinsir (HA)
-6iv klefki
-6iv ninetials (HA)
-6iv carizard (outrage, DD)
-penterfect esspurr (f)
is what i have to 1:1. also various assorted shiny kalos mons for cloning
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Anybody have some hatching power to give? I could sure use it
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139105 For pinsir or ninetales would you be interested in:
Rotom (nicknamed BraveToaster though), Carbink
White flabebe
winter sawbuck
Oh, and they're KB?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139154 but of course. (shiny too)
what are the dets on slurpuff, carbink, archen and sawbuck?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18139076 Well i happen to have a 5ivs shuckle with power split so it will be easy to get the egg move! Lol
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18139173 All KB 6iv for the 3:3 I proposed
Muh list
>>18138297 Also abra and Spheal not KB
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18139102 haven't even seen your list. the sun stone is fine.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18139105 What are the kalos mons. I can mass clone so it's all good.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18139232 >>18139218 It's here for future reasons. Okay, I'll slap that stone on the third bananadino, cool.
>>18139217 Eh, okay, let's do the 3-3 you proposed.
Carbink, whimsi and flabebe, was it?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139218 would you do slurpuff and carbink for those two?
>>18139266 6iv ada charizard (outrage, DD)
6iv cloyster
6iv klefki
6iv ninetails
6iv pinsir
5iv wimsicott (various egg moves)
5iv bold chansey (counter, S.toss, aroma)
5iv osawott
5iv sandile
6iv flabebe
5iv glalie
5iv sandshrew
6iv greninja
5iv growtlithe
5iv snivy
4iv frostlass
4iv liligant
4iv manetric (hp ice)
4iv conkeldurr
4iv lilligant
4iv meowstic (f)
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18139319 Is that growlithe level 1 and kalos born?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139319 Sure would. Can we do a gts swap and trade from acquaintances? If yes, put up a luvdisc for tropius.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139345 ahhhhh. its kalos born with egg moves... but is now an arcanine
>>18139354 ill get on it.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18139319 ok so when I'm done with Daryll's mons (cloning for him as soon as rynn trades me, who I've been sending trade requests to for 10 minutes now), I could do both mawiles (2 diff movesets) if you'd let me clone:
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18139319 Dat Growlithe pls is it KB???
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139385 Shit, sorry! You know I need to refresh the internet since I added you some time ago so now you don't show up on my list.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139385 im a bit petty is supose and kinda just want a female. ill gladly let you datel them for a couple copies back. the unevolved mons are all in their final form though.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18139449 nvm then. I need Lv 1 babies.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18139424 Yup those 3 for psyduck, Sandshrew and Buizel
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
>>18139373 luvdisc up (ignore the mesage)
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
So I'm free to mass clone. Will give you a good MM shiny 4IV Modest Togepi that I hatched as collateral.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
Anyone seen Brodie around? I meant to ask him for one of his Skrelps, but I was out all day. If anyone else has one I'd be grateful. Can gen.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139479 All right, can we do a GTS swap? Put up a luvdisc for Tropius?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18139507 Hmmmmm I don't know.....
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18139154 What would you want for that Skrelp? Anything I can gen?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139590 Not really interested in genned mons, sorry. Just other good stuff I don't already have.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18139557 Starly for tropius on GTS going up now
Description: /vp/ TY RYNN
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18139616 I got a Flychu if you can clone.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139662 I can't, sorry, if I could I'd just give you the sklerp.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139616 aight so i got your tropius... now what?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139698 What's your in game name?
Also, check in the settings if you ticked the acquaintances to be able to trade.
>>18139637 Got it, I don't think you're seeing my trade requests though, so check the gts.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18139701 li'l bit >>18139680 What are the IVs/Nature/ball on it? And can you nickname it? I needs one really badly mane.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139730 it is leon
and the thing is on
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139766 Skrelp, lv. 1., male, (5iv -att), modest, poison touch, don't know about the ball, can't nickname.
>>18139345 I hatched my ledyba finally x_x . HA too :). so happy!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139927 Congrats!
>>18139791 It's weird, I don't see you in my acquaintances, you're online, right?
I guess I'll just add you, add me.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
Damnit man! I can't hatch my shiny torkoal. Going on 8 boxes now
Quoted By:
>>18139950 Thanks! 17 boxes. I hope ace is still going with his paras!.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18139563 I'm the same guy who has given away free shiny Eevees, Dittos, and Funbros to /vp/.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18139927 Oh damn. That took a while lol
Congrats Yusuf!
>>18139846 I might need that skrelp because Brodie leveled up mime lol
What are you looking for?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18139846 >modest nature >-atk >poison point Rynn pls gib
Leon 5327-1587-4109
Quoted By:
>>18139950 yea. not really sure how the aqquaint works anyways. yeah added.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18139992 >>18139993 Well I'm always happy to give it for cloning +1 purposes if you can do that, how come it's been on my list for days and noone wanted it and suddenly people are all over it?
>>18139991 >>18139992 Yup shiny heh ^^ Iron first ledian here i come LOL. I never checked out the stats. Still have a box of eggs to hatch still ^^
Thanks josh !! yeah it did x_x i was going to give up on box 15
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18139950 think the aqquantance thing didnt work cause i already had you and you must have deleted me at some point.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Quoted By:
>>18140048 I just found out about what it can do to steel and fairy types yesterday, but Brodie wasn't around.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18140073 Yeah, I figured when I added you and you showed up instantly, hah. Thanks!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18140048 Also, should have specified that I can't clone.
;-; Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18140048 Oh I thought you had an extra up for trade.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140172 I do, only one though, so I thought I'd offer the +1 thing first. What can you offer? Looking for some nice stuff I don't already have, list is here: I also got pinsir, ninetales, psyduck, sandshrew and buizel that are not yer there.
>>18140145 That's a shame. Maybe someone will be able to clone it for us, Gamby might show up or something.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18140052 You should hatch the last box of eggs maybe another shiny pops out lol
>>18140221 I got a shiny 5ivs totodile. It's not perfect tho
Leon 5327-1587-4109
i have this shiny 5iv espurr and 6iv charizard (X-build) i really want to get rid of. offers? (really want shiny f mawile and houdour/doom
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140277 I got a timid pentaperf houndoom w/ sucker punch if you can clone
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Wed 19 Feb 2014 05:18:01 No. 18140361 Report Quoted By:
>>18140277 I want Charizard, but have nothing besides anything on Pokecheck you want to offer.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18140221 Dugtrio
Those are my Kalos shinies, I don't know any IVs but I'll check if you want.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140273 What's the missing stat?
>>18140370 Please do, I guess I want something that's 5-6ivs since I can apparently only use that as a trade token here, haha.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140360 I can clone it for you if you want.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18140395 Any specific mon you want, or can I just check until I find one?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18140360 You've been holding out on me......
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18140360 ...well fuck. i really wanted the houndoom too.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140412 It's in my list that i've been posting the last two threads lawl
Does anyone have a shiny espurr or shiny hawlucha 5iv?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140411 Um, not mawile since I already got one. I like Gengar, Froslass, Eevee, Absol and Lucario most, so you can start with these, and if any is good we're good.
>>18140407 I'd really like you both guys to have the sklerp, can you clone, Josh? I could just give you one so you can clone it for yourself and then give it back?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18140448 what do you have? (shiny competitive?)
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18140427 You're so subtle and sneaky though just slip em in there everyone and a while.
Thanks Fyre!!! You rock!!!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140400 Chris I can let you +1 it for me if you want.
>>18140424 looks like there's more than enough people who can clone it. nature/ability/egg moves on the espurr and charizard?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140482 Ok so you want two back.
Sure not a problem.
Any items with that?
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18140482 dont think the espurrs got any. zard has outrage and DD. also have these.
>>18139319 all kalos and assume all pre-evolves are in their final forms
plus a mandibuzz/surpuff and carbink i recently got.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18140453 The only one that qualifies is Eevee, but it's got super rad egg moves and I kinda need it too. Any chance you can get it cloned somehow? If not, I understand, but I won't be able to give it away ;-;/
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18140528 Nope, like I said, I can't clone, sorry..
Quoted By:
>>18140479 Kyurem, terrakion, thundurus, cresselia and couple more
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140500 Yep, just need proper collateral as per the usual.
Nothing really comes to mind. Though I have all the megastones and most of the bp items minus trade evo items if you want to clone them for yourself.
>>18140481 I can lend it to you afterwards, and it's been in my list for a while actually.
>>18140516 that list is for 1:1?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140546 I can give you literally any item you want. Any BP item, just name it.
Thank you based powersave.
I'll give you 6IV Shiny Jolly Char with Egg Moves for collateral and keeps after the trade is done.
Leon 5327-1587-4109
>>18140546 only 1;1 is klefki, ninetails, zard and espurr
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140584 If after this trade you're still up for some cloning I would like to.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140604 Sure any good Kalos shones?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140584 ok. No items then, I think I have all the ones that matter. I'll add you in a moment.
>>18140597 Was the espurr male prankster? forgot to ask. and how about the moves on the ninetales.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140617 This is my list: I also got pinsir, ninetales, psyduck, sandshrew and buizel that are not yer there.
Quoted By:
>>18140622 it is unfortunately female own tempo.
not sure bout the egg moves on ninetails
Justin 5043-2291-6582 !vn/WMETVxI
>>18140649 Is the buizel kalos flawless?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140649 Lend me Smogon Bird?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140669 Nope, missing speed. It's jolly with swift swim.
>>18140694 Sure, but I would like you to clone some other stuff for me, too.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140715 What do you need clone?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140733 Whimsicott, carbink, solosis?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18140760 Sure.
Just let me clone for Jeric first.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18140760 I can help you first since Jeric isn't responding and I don't see him.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18140840 I can't see you either, and I actually just got online
>>18140715 That buizel still sounds pretty cool!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Anyone have Hatching Power they can send my way? I'd appreciate it a whole lot.
>>18140919 Watcha hatching?.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18140896 Wanna clone it?
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18140928 pic related Don't you steals it ;_;
It's the 1st time I've ever tried to MM a shiny
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18140896 Wanna clone it?
>>18140840 >>18140868 Refresh your internets.
Chris, I have to go for like 15-20 minutes, I'll be back and we can trade.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18140981 I accidentally MM'd an Eevee back during Instakek.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18140928 Hey Yus, I don't suppose you have a 6/5IV Skrelp (missing attack) on you, do you?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18140868 Jeric I'm ready.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Well maybe it's time to ask, any one have a 6iv Yveltal at all? Have you seen one here?
>>18140984 Sorry lol i was casually falling sleeo >< yes please ^^
>>18141033 Oh probably do!
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141023 Hey Fire!
Are you free to clone some stuff?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18141090 Could you check? I'd be eternally grateful!
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Wed 19 Feb 2014 06:03:38 No. 18141115 Report Quoted By:
Who has extra Charizard!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141090 Can you clone me a shiny icy snow vivillion for it? Haha.If you don't have the sklerp and you're willing to clone one for Drew I can also send you one.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18141101 Gimme a list and I should be on 3DS #2 (ARPS came in)
FC on it is the one you have added already
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
Jeric dude where are you?
>>18141111 well shit how can i say no to dem numbers lolShiny Skrelp M - Modest With poisonTouch - 31/xx/31/31/31/31 - WaterGun/ToxicSPikes/SmokeScreen
Not sure if this is what you want? im really sleepy x_x
>>18141118 sure thing ^^. do you mind if we do this a little later on? I think it's about 4am or something...oh shit its like 6 haha
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141142 Oh I just need 4 pokes cloned lol
I don't want to abuse your mass cloning powers. I'll get online in a sec. Thanks!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141262 It's 7.15am where I'm at, lol. But my sleeping schedule is fucked anyway.
We can do it next time we're online, sure. Go take a nap!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18141284 What so you need cloned eh?
>>18141299 oh you in europe too ?. Think there is an hour difference between us. yeah i'm so tired lol. so the icy snow is the white frosty looking one?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18140868 Hey where are you?
Your Houndooms are ready.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18141224 That's perfect! Can you nickname it? If not, it's still good, it's just a perk if you can.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141324 Yes, the prettiest one of all....ah!
Where do you live?
I'm from Poland. Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141299 Hey Rynn we can trade while I wait for Jeric to go online.
>>18141331 fuck the person who breeds those things lmao. Sorry it's not mine Im afraid :(. Mind if i clone it for you in a little while? I'm kinda really sleepy :)
Quoted By:
>>18141355 Near
london un the UK lol ^^
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18141358 No problem man, I'm sleepy also, and I think I caught a cold from snowboarding...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141357 Okay, let me add you.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (2449-5506-5320) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Wed 19 Feb 2014 06:21:59 No. 18141395 Report Quoted By:
I miss my Charizards.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141306 It's a shellos,Turtwig and purrloin ;p
I just want to evolve them lol
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18141404 I see, I will do it!
Anyone have Japanese dittos? Like Max IV dittos?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18141404 I already sent them to Fyre lol
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141357 Since it's only 4 mons, would you mind +2ing them?
And can I request some of that BM items if you have indefinite BP? Yusuf
Quoted By:
>>18141383 woah snowboarding sounds cool though oO. aww man you should take it easy then. yeah i'l get it cloned for you :) when i'm back.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18141393 By the way keep the Charmanders after this is done.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141426 I already sent them to Fyre :(
Thanks for your offer, Daryll
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141441 Three each?
I don't know.
The BP I'm fine with giving you whatever you want.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18141461 It's all good man there's always next time
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18141461 Bare with me for a few minutes, people trading me left and right on gamefaqs.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18141469 Yeah, but if you don't want to +1 is still fine, especially since you're giving me the charmanders, haha.
Okay, I'll check what I still don't have, thank you!
>>18141448 I don't have any genned mons, but I might have something you need.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141483 That's fine. I really appreciate your help
Btw I just need an extra of those. Don't make something crazy like +5 lol
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18141517 kk. Cool beans.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18141475 Daryll, I'm back. Were you able to clone the Inkay. And have you got the Zapdos back?
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18141514 Any competitive shiny mons? Can you clone anything?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141469 For the BP items, assuming you're sending me 8 mons back:
focus sashx2
life orb x2
choice scarfx2
ability capsulex2
Thank you!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18141469 Sorry, I hadn't eaten for nine hours so I scarfed down some pizza and wings. Thanks for looking out for me.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141576 Correct.
And yes I'll make sure you get all of these.
Give me a bit my friends are desperate for Ability Capsules so I'm trading with them first.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141607 Haha, no problem. I'll go do some stuff for 15-20 minutes anyway, but I'll be back.
>>18141534 Never clonned before. I have little to most nothing, really.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18141593 Ok hit me up with a trade request.
Drew (4570-8259-1672)
>>18141622 Alright, I'm going to sleep. Look for me tomorrow and I might be able to hook you up if someone doesn't get you tonight.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141593 You don't want my shiny girl Charmander?
Check your poke privilege.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18141690 Oh I thought that was the collateral! Thanks for duping them and for the ability capsules. If you have too many charmanders I'll gladly take one off your hands
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141739 Just hit me up with a trade request when you see me online.
Right now I have to clone for Rynn.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18141777 for sure. I hope you didn't have that espurr before
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Leon you still around? I got the houndoom
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18141816 oh yeah. its kalos and shiny right?
>>18141828 hey man, did you get your cloning machine yet?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18141974 so does it corrupt the file? a review plz lol
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18141938 of course. let me go up to your list again.
>>18142011 i regret to inform you that pinsir is gone. everything else is still good for it though.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18141996 I haven't had a single corrupt file except for when I tried to put the save file from 1 cartridge on another cartridge. Boss as fuck imo. Def worth the 20 if you're a high-end cloner (I'm on gamefaqs right now cloning using 2 3DS's with it for double the cloning power, could do 3 if I wanted since I'm using that beautiful 30day trial for banku
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18141938 I hope the ninetales is timid/modest drought. does it have egg moves? sorry for being annoying.
>>18142025 and as far as pinsir, I already got one so no probs.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18141898 Okay, I'm back.
>>18142039 it is modest drought but i dont think it has any egg moves.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18141828 Thanks for your help Fyre!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142068 can you check tho? I'll stick an ability capsule for your trouble
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142075 No problem man. Now I really need to organize all the new acquisitions from Gamefaqs.
Quoted By:
>>18142026 ok, with dat now i dont have to fear anything... i got mine this morning but fear didnt let me use it...let the cloning begins
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18142046 I can do more cloning if you lend me that Greninja
>>18142085 not one im afraid.
only one that has egg moves is charizard with outrage and DD
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142109 Sure thing. Do you want anything else from the list?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142142 quite a unique one that i got of gts for a xernaes of all things. ready have you, just ask for the trade.
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18142093 Show me your updated list when you're done lol
Thanks again!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142164 yep just added. I'll be online
>>18142093 oh shit! all my 250+ mons cloned in a blink of an eye LOL this thing works wonders ;-;
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142188 if only I could figure out how to have other peoples saves work. then we could circlejerk hardcore.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142164 oh damn you're the same Leon I battled once and handed over my ass on a silver platter lol
>>18142181 sorry ninetails wasnt to your likin.
thanks lots for the houndoom though!
been looking for one for ages.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18142217 yeah, i got a contact with 550+, i'll do science with this thing and i'll report back my research dont worry
>>18142219 eh? i dont battle outside of battle spot often plus leon isnt the most rare name.
could u describe the battle
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Anyone interested in a 6iv Yveltal?
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18142128 You do know the Carbink you gave me wasn't shiny right?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142248 cool beans.
>>18142274 you fucking found one?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142232 I like ninetales but I shy away from things that I can gen. I have a legit shiny char y build so I need a legit shiny x build. Thanks!
>>18142249 It was battle spot and all I remember was that I got beat badly and you had the same avatar. I was probably using a mandibuzz/rotom/porygon/zapdos. Plus, you had the battle shoutout disappear after the fight.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142233 I just realised it's sitting in my battle box, gotta take it out first.
>>18142283 What? Are you sure? How did I end up with a non-shiny carbink!?
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak)
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak) Wed 19 Feb 2014 07:19:49 No. 18142306 Report Does anyone have any extra birthday vees/chus or a smeargle with Celebrate? A friend has been pestering me greatly for one.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18142274 Yes. But Daryll see this
>>18141527 Volk-1934-0770-7015
>>18142290 i'll go kill for some much trades coming up
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18142283 I got a non shiny earlier as well. Pretty lame
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18142283 You're offline and I still have that Treve for you, get online. And I forgot about the carbinks, but still, why are they not shiny, what did I do, aaah.
>>18142332 How did that happen though? Maybe a person who was cloning them for me cloned the wrong one? This sucks.
>>18142302 hha if he was leading with a slowbro/hariyama then it was probably me. probably have a 90% success rate with my trick room team.
and yeah the shiny x build is hard to find these days.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18142304 I am getting back online.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142306 I've got a smeargle with celebrate. I'd have to sketch it though.
>>18142217 Other people's saves wont work at the moment.
They might not ever. They are encrypted with game Game Cartridge ID, so unless Datel finds a way of doing that, there would probably never be a way.
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak)
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak) Wed 19 Feb 2014 07:24:46 No. 18142382 Report Quoted By:
>>18142356 That'd be great.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18142313 Yes sir I have inkay and I got the Zapdos back and have to check which zap is which I'll get on to trade inkay back after this cig.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18142346 I don't remember, but what surprised me most during battle spot was getting rekt hard by a person using an nu/ru team with poliwhirl. Low sweep first for some damage and the speed drop, then finished me off with a stab move. Same goes for a rock tomb Garchomp.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142367 Ah bullocks.
>>18142317 looks like if we ever want to circlejerk we'll just need to do 30:30 trades lol
>>18142404 the worst thing its that i was already doing massive trades LOL, 32:32 , 18:18 etc etc, this thing will speed up the business
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142355 If it's okay I'd also like to ask for a white herb, a friend is looking for one.
>>18142332 I was doing a 3:3 trade with you earlier, right? With a Carbink? Now I feel like shit, I had no idea it was non-shiny since I'm pretty sure I gave the shiny one to clone, didn't think to check it again. Can I give you something else?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142436 Imagine that with 2 3DS's. Welcome to my world
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
Quoted By:
>>18142452 Sure dude it's not a problem.
>>18142459 im a cloner man, i have 4 3ds's lol, i can finally say good bye to the tradicional metod ;-;
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18142452 A 3:3 yea, it's not a big deal I was just bummed cause I expected a shiny ha
I'd appreciate whatever you'd think is fair and whatever you want to give I still need a lot so I'm not too picky
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18142488 Still interested in cloning the houndoom later?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142479 Dude. Dem feels when we're like... the gd power rangers of cloning now. I'm only using 2 of the 4 I have, before I even count the Sealed one I have on the shelf.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18142509 Probably yea it getting late here but I might be up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142488 I'm bummed too, because well, I had a shiny and now I don't and I don't know why. Argh. I have to try tracing back to who did it last, um. It might have been Lyra.
So I have spares of Typhlosion, Chansey, archen, female espurr, charmander, goomy. So just pick one.
>>18142512 >>18142479 Are you dudes actually trying to sound bigger than the other? Cause you both sound like small pricks to be fairly honest.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142479 So here's the question, do you have to lick any of your cartridges?
Gringo 0490-6539-8386
Quoted By:
Any of you fine folks have a Amoongus or Foongus with Effect spore? Shiny, of course.
>>18142531 The feels when they shut up because this is so true. Fucking faggots .
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak)
King of Espurr - FC 4468 - 1601 - 9118 (Poison: Gloom, Garbodor, Toxicroak) Wed 19 Feb 2014 07:49:31 No. 18142645 Report >>18142356 If you deliver on it before anyone else does, you'll get a shiny meowstic male.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Wed 19 Feb 2014 07:52:16 No. 18142672 Report Hey everyone! Gamby here, cloning your mons one missed timer at a time. I'll clone whatever you need me to; all I ask is that you send the mon holding a Maison item for me to clone (unless you need me to clone a different item, in which case you can send me the Maison item on the tradeback). Any Maison items are appreciated, but ones I need specifically include:
White Herb, Power Herb, Red Card, Eject Button, Weakness Policy, Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, Assault Vest, Safety Goggles.
Thanks in advance!
>>18142523 Rynn, do you want Chesnaught to have a specific name, or should I just leave it with the nickname I gave mine?
Quoted By:
>>18142531 not really, why? i have 4 3ds cuz my brothers
>>18142538 no LOL why would i?
>>18142672 Hi Gamby! Can I have a default name please?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Wed 19 Feb 2014 07:56:51 No. 18142746 Report >>18142704 Sure thing. I'll rename it then hit you up with a trade request; you can send me something to +1 if you want, or just a foddermon. Either way.
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142700 A lot of people apparently have to do that. I on occasion have to do it to my spare X that I'm using to help clone the fuck out of everything
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>18142751 I have to do that. Got it off one of the gbatemp threads.
>>18142718 >>18142512 >>18142479 >>18142459 >>18142436 >Being this much of a fag >Trying SO hard to sound like an elite just stop
>>18142751 well i have only use it 3 times, maybe i'll need to do it later LOL
Jace 4656-6549-6659
Quoted By:
>>18142645 What are its IVs?
I have an Eevee with celebrate on-hand
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18142783 meh. I've been using the fuck out of it since I've almost picked up 60 pokemon tonight for the collection.
Quoted By:
>>18142404 m>Begging this badly Gib Gub tipity mkeker
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18142779 not an elite man, just feels good to be able to clone in mass, you ARE the faggot, i didnt said anythig to you lol, you ARE the one starting shitstorm on Anon name, faggot and coward lol
>>18142899 >>18142889 >>18142889 trelelel tipitylel. Keep telling yourself that lad, if it makes you feel better.
Chris 5129 1441 8074 !RRV2iP4a6U
>>18142899 >>18142889 I can clone on mass like you two but I don't have the same shitty elitism like you guys do.
Seriously you're just cheating at kid's game, grow up.
Quoted By:
>>18142645 Okay, I'm done. You still up for it?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Wed 19 Feb 2014 08:18:08 No. 18143009 Report Quoted By:
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
>>18142999 >nice trips brah Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18143015 Oh fuck didn't even notice.
>>18142986 Thanks Based SquarePants. If you agree then i know there is truth.
>>18142986 well, Fyre its a jew and make money out of this, you tell me lol
and i...well i just want to make my list bigger, got somthing on your list? i could trade with you
Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18143041 >replying to your own post Anon thats just pathetic..
>>18143048 Here is that same shitty elitism. Sigh... So you spent money to cheat even harder at a kid's game. You need to fuck off to reddit mr elite.
>>18142986 >>18142899 >in mass >on mass >instead of en masse Both of you are retarded.
>>18143084 so you dont want to trade?
>>18143096 sry, my english is bad i know, not amerifag sry
How much is the powersave?
>>18143099 I'd rather have zero pokemon than trade with a full blown faggot like you. Please fuck off to reddit MR ELITE. Or is that where you do all you're trades anyways lel. Tipity keker
>>18143114 ^But you are an elitist fag. Please kill thyself
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18143132 About 20 bucks. Relatively cheap compared to the shit that bricks everyone's 3DS's as of late.
>>18143132 got mine for $31 at ebay but you should be able to find it even cheaper
>>18143153 nah, never trade in reddit, im good here, thx
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Muh very out dated list: Also have:
6iv Yveltal
5iv Yveltal
5iv Xerneas
2 diff drowzees
Lances dragonite
2 different Growlithe
All shiny
>>18143174 >Dat Reddit Denial You're move.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18142645 I'm off to eat for now, but I will be checking every once in a while if you replied, smeargle is waiting.
Quoted By:
>>18143198 its true man lol, from what i heard they are very picky and do 3:1, thats bullshit lol
>>18143153 >implying you even know what reddit is >implying your only knowledge of reddit isn't just some vague abstract within your head >implying you don't think 9gag and reddit are the same thing >implying you know english >you're >you're >every post you're Anonymous
>>18143157 Okay MR Video Game ELITIST. That faggot that posts pictures of his Ds's and whatnot is you right?. Nobody says ' Amazing, Whatever the fuck your name is is so EBIN' They think ' Yup this Cunt is confirmed Tipity Keker attention seeker' It is a fucking Childs game.
>>18143220 >no What a waste of time even writing that. Fuck off you stale nigger.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>18143157 >>18143174 Just ordered mine of amazon for 21.99 so its no that bad. How common is this bricking you speak off?
>>18143266 I'll fuck off when you fuck off
seriously who calls people elitist unironically what the shit ahahahaha
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18143286 Yo mate you should stop talking. You sound like a honest twat. Yea we know it's you. Stop digging a deeper grave
>>18143157 Volk-1934-0770-7015
>>18143268 nice, never serch there lol
>>18143289 i know :|
>>18143290 I know it hurts....Those feelings you feel right now of embarrassment? You should be used to that.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18142746 Thanks Gamby! I was making that trade and simultanousely making pancakes, lol.
You want something else to clone?
Also, I have a question, were you cloning a carbink for me? I gave someone a shiny carbink to clone, got some in return, turns out they probably cloned the wrong one and now I have useless carbinks. And the shiny is gone. Pretty sure it wasn't you, but can you check?
>>18143299 >implying I'm Fyre >implying you're not one person >>18143315 >embarrassment >hanging out in a thread full of people who approve of what he does, being badgered by one butthurt anon Sure bro.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18143335 So we have 1 good anon?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Wed 19 Feb 2014 08:53:03 No. 18143353 Report >>18143326 None more tonight, thanks. I can feel sleep about to take me.
You traded me your shiny Carbink that first night; it was in the batch of mons I traded back to you without cloning. I checked earlier when I saw you talking about it. Sorry :\
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Quoted By:
Anyone have any Hatching Power I can have? I'd really appreciate it!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18143353 Thank's for checking
;_; Had to be Lyra though, I hope I can catch her sometime then.
Have a good night!
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Wed 19 Feb 2014 08:55:28 No. 18143374 Report Quoted By:
>>18143364 You too; good luck tracking down Carbink. Take care!
3952-7100-5673 Daryll
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>18143312 And free two days shipping lol. Hopefully that shit doesnt brick my ds
>>18143382 i dont think it can brick your 3ds, maybe get corruption data, but that only happen if you want to transfer your save data to another cartridge, so as far as i know its safe (:
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>18143399 Good thing then, i wont be doing that then
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18143606 all that happens if it corrupts is you just put the backup back on the cartridge, easy peasy.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
X 0963-0276-2416
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18144397 Hi eX!
I think I found out who fucked up my shiny carbink, it has Ezekiel's OT
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18144402 Oops, X is kill again.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18144417 What do you mean fucked it up?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18144425 Where's my shit?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18144447 Where's my Amaura?
I crashed yesterday. Gonna start on them now. 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18144431 I sent him some stuff to clone and he did it, gave it back, but he probably cloned one of his own, bred Carbinks, and gave me three of those in return. I didn't notice and I am now left with no shiny carbinks, just ezekiel one.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18144453 Gerardo. I was sleeping when he was on.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18144461 Isn't Ezekiel's Carbink shiny?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18144494 Now it is, lol.
Maybe he grabbed one random one by mistake? I don't know.
X 0963-0276-2416
Well, fuck. I just remembered to grab my Celebi from Pokebank. Timid 31/2/31/24/31/31
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18144776 i just get mine, bold 31/??/??/31/31/31
how do i know the value of the other stats?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18145162 My celebi:
Bold 31/20-29/29/31/31/31 HP dragon
didnt see that coming
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18145350 >tfw mines shit X 0963-0276-2416
>>18145350 Very sexy.
Gimme a copy of yours 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18145391 How's the cloning going? I have to leave in an hour.
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>18145827 Just Kabuto left. Dialga wasn't being friendly.
MrJimbo: 4055-3658-2363
Quoted By:
Hey, I'm continuing my quest to completing my MegaStone collection. Currently looking for: Charizard Y Mewtwo Y Houndoom If anyone could clone me these that would amazing and I would like you forever. All I really have to offer is either: Kalos shitty IV Shiny Chimar, shitty IV Shiny Mudkip, FS Shiny Bronzong. Also Pokebank legendaries/can Pokegen.
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18145827 Done. Get online, slut.
Repoastin' stale list. 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18146041 Update it, whore.
MrJimbo: 4055-3658-2363
>>18146041 I can probably gen you that Crobat if you like?
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18146149 You know how long that'll take, faggot?
>>18146188 Already got both a shiny and non-shiny of that bat. Like I said, that list is so old it's gone stale.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18146205 >perfect example on why you should update it Keep the Kabuto NFT if you ever decide to..
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18146248 >implying I put my NFT on that list and not a different one. stay pleb.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18146301 >implying anyone else does that >implying anyone but you is pleb Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By: My list, plebs everywhere edition. Also have a pinsir, charizard x, and skiddo
X 0963-0276-2416
>>18146483 Because I don't feel like getting begged by randoms for NFT shit for nothing, faggot.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18146660 That's why you mark them as "NFT you nerds".
X 0963-0276-2416
Quoted By:
>>18146675 >implying that stops people begging. Volk-1934-0770-7015
Quoted By:
>>18145391 yeah no problem, just let me clone it
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Just got a timid 5IV shiny monsoon vivillon!
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18147238 >compound eyes Well's still good right ;_;
accurate hurricanes and spore?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
time for new bread?
Tess 3523-2852-2073
Would anyone mind cloning some shiny 6iv genned Cottonees? Could give this guy >
>>18145583 one. I'd have it hold Leftovers.
Yes I still need Lefties, haven't seen Ezekiel all day. Muh Leftovers ;___;
O+2 would be awesome. Or even O+1+shitmon holding leftover.
>>18147254 Personally I find Compound Eyes far more useful than Shield Dust. I might like Shield Dust if it were distributed on anyone tankier, but...I don't plan on leaving a Vivillon in against someone who's gonna be hitting me like that.
>>18146660 Others might complain, but people like me and my gf really appreciate it. As she said when she was first looking through people's lists, "Why the hell would they put it on the list if they don't want to trade it?"
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18147450 I might be able to get a shield dust one, polar pattern. should I go for it?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>Brodie not being alive at 4 I AM BACK MAH NEGROS
LIST: Looking out for Josh, also gonna start up the giveaway again.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18147542 would you like to clone muh new shone vivillon?
after I get back the fennekin of course Tess 3523-2852-2073
>>18147542 Supreme commander, didn't you have a shitload of items from he AR?
>>18147415 Please understand
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18147601 >Would anoyone like to clone some 6iv shiny cottonees? Yes.
Take all the leftovers you like.
How many Fluffy Little Shits do you need?
>>18147517 Your call, man. Just has to do with how you want to run it. Regardless, at least neither is hidden so you can ability capsule anytime.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
fully updated list on pg 9 here we go >>18147697 forgot about that, thanks
Quoted By:
Someone with a Shiny 5-6IV impish Inkay or Malamar? Would offer: Shiny 6IV Greninja (Protean) Shiny 5IV Klefki Shiny 5IV Aegislash like every gen 1-5 shiny
Tess 3523-2852-2073
>>18147678 Awesome. Really just need three Cottonees back at most, however if I could jew a total of 6 leftovers back I'd be in heaven. Couldn't care less what pokes are holding the last three, Cottonees or otherwise.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18147765 I'll slap on 6 lefties then.
Tess 3523-2852-2073
>>18147811 You da man. I've added you.
(you want to receive it holding a leftover, amirite?)
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18147845 No, I got an infinite supply of leftovers.
Tess 3523-2852-2073
>>18147904 Topkek indeed.
Oh and the Cottonee got it's HA.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18147972 >>18148064 gonna have to agree w/ brodie on this
Tess 3523-2852-2073
>>18148064 Admittedly the other two abilities are superior in most setups. However one can always use a Capsule from a HA to the others but not the other way around.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18148098 IF a pokemon has it's HA, the Ability Capsule is unusable.
Tess 3523-2852-2073
Quoted By:
>>18148114 Wow just tried it and damn I had gotten that backwards.
Yeah fuck then the Cottonee is pretty limited.
The captha couldn't have been more ironic.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
I can't believe the amount of shitposting that went on last night and the fact that it's the same thread. Also. Thread is almost kill so I'm making a new one. (page 9 atm)
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18148185 just got a shiny vivillon, and might be able to get a pumpkaboo
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18148207 >shiny vivillon now it's my turn to beg.
Is it competitive ready?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18148238 not ev trained and it's only level 20 so no. But it's timid pentaperfect. Should I train it before lending it for cloning?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 !KzC4W6owgw
>>18148252 What is the pattern?
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18148252 No.
But I'd really like it
I'LL NEVER JEW AGAIN 0946 3159 6516
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18148267 promise you won't jew again bby grill
at least to me also need da fennekin back.
I might be able to get more patterns as well
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18148289 nvm, the thread I'm getting it from is dead it seems.
Brodie 0344 9276 6527 !!dJLo/HZGvFe
>>18148289 I'll give you it back AND I'll throw in a free suprise item.
If you can get River, Ocean or Sandstorm, that'd be great.
Would they be pentaperfect timid too?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
>>18148329 Hey Brodie.
Do you think I could have a clone of the shiny skrelp?
The one you gave me was leveled up for some reason :( lol