GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / 6IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts available. Sorry!
Discuss how much better X/Y would have been with Rocket Balls. You know I'm right. Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Previous Thread :
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Old Ball self-destruct mons when?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161146 What if the Bank Celebi activates an event in Z where you go back in time and you can get Old Balls? I know it's dead hours, but if anyone is able to trade/touch trade me these mons, I'd appreciate it: Amax
>>18161169 I can do it, put up a luvdisc for luvdisc
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18161169 Disc up for Lil
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161115 Can I get one of those mews? Also I've just got my shiny eevee to level 30 and am ready to evolve it. What should I go with? And did I wait to long to evolve it? Will that effect the moves it can learn? I'm thinking its between leafeon and vaporeon
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161191 I assume you mean Lilligant? Disc going up, thanks.
>>18161182 Thanks. You should still be in my acquaintances, though.
>>18161202 Sure. I'll trade you one in a minute. What's the nature on the Eevee? I can't remember what I intended it to be.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161216 Bold natur, likes to thrash about
>>18161216 Ok I see you
Also, I don't have Golbat only Crobat
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier]
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier] Thu 20 Feb 2014 08:16:36 No. 18161232 Report >>18161216 > hi shura i can send you an whimsicott for a shiny mew if thats fine
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18161216 Sent. She's one of my HP Rock Lilligant. Not sure if the IVs are optimal, since she was from the batch that I still need to check in Battle Institute.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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>>18161169 I got Musharna, Archeops, and Whimsicott
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161227 It's okay, whatever you have from the list is fine.
>>18161224 Vaporeon or Espeon, then.
>>18161232 You can have a shiny Mew for free. Put a disc up for a disc.
>>18161243 That's fine. Thanks~
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161263 It wouldn't be good as leafeon or vaporeon?
>>18161263 I keep a living dex of all the final evolutions
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier]
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier] Thu 20 Feb 2014 08:23:28 No. 18161281 Report >>18161263 > just put it up, trainer name is vinny
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Is Apple still around right now? I sort of want an Electrike.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161272 It might be ideal for Vaporeon, or for Espeon. I don't remember which I bred it for. But it should be fine for Vaporeon. At worst it might be missing an egg move if I intended it to be Espeon.
>>18161278 Thanks for the help~
>>18161281 I'll grab it as soon as this trade is done.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
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Hello. I need a Hidden Ability Porygon (Analytic). Does anyone have one they could part with?
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Does anyone have a 5 or 6 IV Gale Wings Fletchling they could spare, please?
>>18161202 >And did I wait to long to evolve it? can't imagine why this would be the case
>Will that effect the moves it can learn? Will learn? Yes.
Can learn? Nah. Move Relearners can give it anything it missed.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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I still have HP Ice Pikachus in love balls if anyone needs 'em.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161301 ok thanks for the advice. I'm in a cave right now and I have almost every single stone except for water ;_; guess I'll rush out and fly over to the stone shop. Also I have you on my acquaintance list so just trade me whenever
Mason 3797-7791-1597
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>>18161318 ok perfect, I was checking out all my options for evolution and most of the moves started at 15 so I got worried
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier]
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier] Thu 20 Feb 2014 08:34:45 No. 18161343 Report Amax
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Does anyone have a Deino with Earth Power?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161343 I'll send you a TR in a moment.
>>18161338 Only thing you might want to do is teach it Baton Pass before you evolve it. Lv. 33 is when it learns it, I think.
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier]
Vinny 2938-7113-9042 [gyrados-krabby-frogadier] Thu 20 Feb 2014 08:43:07 No. 18161400 Report >>18161365 thanks a bunch i can bring up my rampardos from black if you need it too
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161365 I think the IVs on the charmander are good but I'm not too sure. Decent move set though
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161400 Thanks, but I'm good. The only ones I have left now are Golbat, Skiploom, and Metang, and if no one has those on hand, I can just level up a Zubat, Hoppip, and Beldum.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161413 >>18161365 forgot to add thanks, your the best
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161413 >>18161427 Cool. I never got around to putting egg moves on a Charmander, so maybe I'll use it as a parent.
Enjoy your Mew~
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Seeking a Vivillon in Icysnow, Jungle, Sandstorm, or Garden patterns ideally Modest or Timid but I'd be super happy with any nature that even benefitted either Speed or SA hopefully without hindering the other
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
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>>18161449 also I'm cool with Scatterbugs/Spewpas that meet the same reqs
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161435 Glad I could help. I will enjoy it. Whats with passerbyers being rude? I saw one looking for a genesect so I thought maybe I could help them and make a trade, and then when I showed them the genesect they said no and left
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>>18161459 >saying no to a genesect Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161435 Oh and what HP did you give my eevee?
Not sure if people ever request items in these threads but would anyone happen to have a spare balzikenite?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161459 Maybe they thought you were just taunting them with it? IDK, passerbys are weird.
>>18161472 Fighting, apparently. Probably intended as an Espeon, then. You shouldn't need Hidden Power for a Vaporeon, though. Especially since it got nerf'd this gen.
>>18161479 If a cloner is around, they might be able to help. Otherwise, I would try the cloning threads.
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>Get excited because I feel I'm getting close to finishing my legendary collection >Keep remembering more and more I'm missing Fuck.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161414 I've got a Metang, I'll send you a TR
>>18161492 >If a cloner is around, they might be able to help. Otherwise, I would try the cloning threads. Yea thats what i thought as well. Couldnt see any cloning threads on the front page tho..
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Anyone got a Noibat with Switcheroo? Maybe in a Premier Ball?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161495 I'm not sure what went wrong there.
>>18161503 Try the Catalog?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Does anyone have a water stone they wouldn't mind trading on the gts? I'm pretty deep in this cave right now and I don't want it to level up further. I got a charmander with decent IVs and egg moves I could trade
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161503 I have an extra Blazikenite.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
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>>18161512 Internet, hang on.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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>>18161516 Sure, put up a disc.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161516 Also don't worry about the Charmander; I already have three Charizards trained up. Two for X, one for Y.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161512 You know what? Put a disc up for Metang, I'll get to you when my internet stops being an asshole.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161506 >Switcheroo Oh wow, that's a long chain, isn't it? I'll check in my boxes for a possible parent or two.
>>18161545 Will do. I appreciate the effort.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161541 I don't have any discs on me right now, I can do a cyndaquil, it also has decent IV and 3 egg moves. Does that work? Its a breeding left over if you feel bad about me giving it away
>>18161524 Oh thats awesome. Sadly I dont have that many good mons, but I can give you a maloetta, a shaymin, a 6iv honedge or a charizardite x?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
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>>18161560 and its up. ign is mason
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161550 I can just easily download one off pokecheck if I need too. An Archen that is.
>>18161560 Sure.
>>18161561 >Trying to offer things in a giveaway thread I'll be having none of that. It's free. Put up a disc for a disc so I can have you as an acquaintance and send you a trade since mega stones can't be traded over GTS.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161560 You got sniped.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18161577 I can see that. I'm depositing the disc they gave me for a disc I guess. Its up now. Its lvl 26 in case you search by levels
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161569 Fair enough, I'm not seeing anything in my boxes with it that would shorten the chain.
>>18161577 >>18161560 Cyndaquil is a Bank only mon. It's going to get sniped, especially if it's asking for a Luvdisc.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18161569 Sure thing bro, the disc is up. My in-game nick is Edison.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161588 Got it, thanks.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161586 >Everyone and their mother doesn't already have one Seriously?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161586 Thanks for looking, by the way.
Hang on, this Disc knows an HM move.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
........I'm a fucking idiot. The disc is now in my pc which doesn't help because I'm still in the fucking cave. God damnit
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18161594 Hey are you still giving away Mews?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161608 I can touch trade you now though so...
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161615 we could do a trade then back out and retrade I suppose
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161595 >>18161605 Not every one has access to previous gens, especially if they don't have a gen 5 game. And many of those probably don't have a friend that does/place to get it from other than the GTS. Given the fact that people are still willing to trade fairly rare stuff for most Bank mons, one for a Luvdisc is like a Holy Grail.
And no problem. I'm all for helping skip a few steps in chain breeding.
>>18161608 You can put stuff in your PC up onto the GTS, though? I do it all the time.
>>18161611 Yep, put a disc up for a disc.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>Someone gave me a 5 IV Timid Luvdisc Who did this?
>>18161619 Sounds good.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161622 No I got a disc with an item from the gts, but now I can't use the item because I'm still in the cave. I feel like an idiot
Shura 2750-1424-2684
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>>18161627 Ah, I see. Yeah, that's true.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
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>>18161624 Is it level 26? If so thats the one I put up
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 20 Feb 2014 09:25:15 No. 18161632 Report >>18161622 May I take a mew as well, I'm sending a disc up.
Edison 2852-8505-6440
>>18161624 >someone out there is actually breeding Luvdiscs How horrifying.
Also, is anyone actually breeding those Quick Ball Electrikes? I might be interested in doing that, though I'm not sure how to set one up.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18161622 >Yep, put a disc up for a disc. Sure thing.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161636 I'm doing mine like this:
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Volt Switch
move 3: Overheat
move 4: Hidden Power Ice
ability: Lightning Rod
item: Manectite
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid
But I can't be assed to get off my lazy ass to get my Black Version to download Archen with Switcheroo. Maybe you could? I'll breed you a pentaperfect Electrike for your trouble. I'll even EV train it.
Though I still have to catch one. Mason 3797-7791-1597
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>>18161624 Thanks alot. WhitePower evolved and hes beautiful. Ready to trade back whenever you are
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161636 I bred the Dream Ball ones. We should breed 5IV Luvdisc with good natures and only use those. Our true currency.
>>18161632 Sure thing.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161632 Erm, you actually have to put the disc up for a disc. Mew can't be sent over the GTS, so we have to direct trade.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18161636 I breed them occasionally for giveaways when the op asks for lvl 1-10 luvdiscs to make searching easier
>>18161645 thanks again
>>18161645 I can get you an Archen, hold on.
>>18161649 I think we'd grind the threads to a halt if we forced everyone who traded here to only use well bred HA Luvdiscs.
Though the response people would have to it would be pretty funny.
What we should really be using is shiny Luvdiscs only.
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I have a Luvdisc up if there are any Mew left. Its name is Robbie.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18161636 I'll try to breed a decent sized batch tomorrow. I have a female HP Ice Electrike, but she doesn't have Lightning Rod. I do however have a pair of HP Ice Manectric, they just lack egg moves. I'm gonna get a male with the egg moves so I can pass them down.
For now, I'm going to bed [JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 20 Feb 2014 09:32:38 No. 18161664 Report >>18161655 Ah well, never knew that.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161657 If it is 6 IVs that would be wonderful too.
I already trained Archeops the beautiful flailing bastard but she's female and no Switcheroo. Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161657 It would be hilarious.
>toss a bank breeding reject onto the GTS for a Golbat because I'm lazy >"The Pokemon you deposited was traded" >Golbat is shiny Wow. Probably hacked but still.
>>18161664 S'okay. Just re-upload your disc asking for another disc.
>>18161666 Switcheroo is a gen 6 egg move only. Archen/Archeops cannot learn Switcheroo in any way in the 5th gen according to serebii. I don't think I can get you an Archen with that particular move, at least not from the bank.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161689 Balls. Welp. Looks like I'm in for a wild ride. Buckle up.
I'll still get you an Electrike. Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161699 I've got a switcheroo Archen
>>18161699 There's no rush.
God, I hate trying to figure out breeding chains. I'm not even sure how you would get Switcheroo on Archen.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161711 Katherine have I told you lately you're beautiful?
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18161680 Hey thanks so much man!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161713 Crisis averted.
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>>18161722 You were lucky, this time.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
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>>18161714 You have now <3
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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After I do HP Ice Electrikes I wanna do Adamant Unburden Belly Drum Swirlix. In a premier ball.
Inkay > Corphish > Archen > Electrike If I did that right. Those Switcheroo Electrikes better be the most amazing fighters on the planet.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161743 They're for Noibat silly.
>>18161747 Oh.
This is where I point out I wasn't paying attention again.
Those Switcheroo Noibats better be the most amazing things on the planet, then.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161747 Waiting for your disc
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161752 They're great scouts. I plan on doing two Noiverns.
>>18161754 Putting one up!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161757 Sent. Would like him back when you're done.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alright, I caught lightning rod Manectric. Not really sure what egg moves to put on it.
Oh man shiny Manectric looks so cool. >>18161779 Of course, gimme a sec here.
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>>18161782 >Not really sure what egg moves to put on it Switcheroo, obviously.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>Telepathy Noibat Eh....good enough.
Bob 4768 8000 6957
So I got some Shiny giratina and kyurem im not using. Anybody interested? Like 20 of each. Ready those luvdiscs if so.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161867 disc going up for kyurem. What are their levels btw? Also does giritina have an orb?
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
Quoted By:
>>18161867 I wouldn't mind having both if its alright. Otherwise, just Kyurem. Adding a disc now.
IGN : Lwyn
Quoted By:
>>18161867 Interested for a Kyurem. Disc will be up soon
Bob 4768 8000 6957
Quoted By:
>>18161898 Kyurem is caught level. Giratina is the same level 1. No Orb.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18161867 I think I'll have to take you up on that just so I can use them as bartering chips for the pretty Vivillon I want
>every single GTS request is demanding a legendary Do I need to request a disc for a disc or will disc for Kyurem/Giratina work?
I always forget that most Pokemon players aren't 20+ until I get on WiFi
Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18161909 Disc for legendary works. I'll be ready in about 10 minutes so take your time.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18161867 I'll aim for that Kyurem
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161779 Alright, put up a disc.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161867 wait a minute, bob? As in best sniper ever known bob?
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18161916 ok cool
I'll put up a disc for a Giratina
Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18161931 Yes. That Bob.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>checking out luvdiscs on gts seeing if I can score some for some starters >find this one fucker >his disc is named "GAY PURSIN!!!" >hes asking for an Xerneas >his message says he needs a larvitar gts, not even once
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161930 Internet problems again, hang on.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18161943 Its good to see you again, do anymore sniping?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18161951 >>18161966 It's up
>>18161949 I saw someone with a 7iv adamant Luvdisc asking for a Cleffa
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
hello if anyone could gen me this mon that would be great! I've got some bp items like life orbs, power herbs, flame orbs and choice specs so take your pick :)
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161966 We're getting some nasty storms today. I think the forecast was freezing rain, then thunder storms, which means really bad fog. I imagine it isn't very different for you.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161980 I don't like this...
>>18161977 This isn't Pokegen general you faggot.
>>18161867 I want one Kyurem. Can I take one?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18161943 oh and I didn't get one of those dialgas you were giving out the other night? Does it have an english name? If so I would love one
Sal 3625-9300-4294
Quoted By:
>>18161867 I'll take a giratina! disc up
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18161977 >gen Why not just transfer that one up? It's Public.
>>18161987 Just don't leave your house. Ice + fog is not a fun combination.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18161975 Can you tell the ivs without trading first?
Quoted By:
>>18161991 If I'm not late, disc's up. Thanks in advance, Bob.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18161999 I have to go to school...
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162011 oh, right I just saw ivs lol. Thats why I never trust any gts pokemon claiming good ivs
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
>>18161999 I dont have black/white to transfer
>>18161990 pokegen general is basically dead
Bob 4768 8000 6957
Keep checking the GTS. I've traded at least six so far.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18162012 Fuck school.
Just don't get hit by blindly driving cars, okay? >>18162024 Then ask someone to transfer it for you?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18162036 I better go to bed, then. I'll be back tomorrow with hopefully HP Ice Electrikes.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Bob 4768 8000 6957
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162058 a-are you god? And did you see my post asking if you have any more of those dialgas and if they have an english name? Thanks man. One per customer or can I throw up another?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18162044 Night~
I should probably go to bed too, actually.
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
>>18162036 i dont have anyone to transfer it for me Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18162068 I think Dialga is japanese, may have spares left.
I got 20 Kyurem left and 9 Giratina. Go for it.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18162074 Ask someone here. If no one is willing, ask me tomorrow when I transfer up a box.
IGN : Lwyn
Quoted By:
Well I'll take another Kyurem then.
Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18162074 What do you need done? Might be able to help.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162087 I'm good on dialga if its japanese then. I really want an english one. throwing up a disc for another kyurem
Kevin 1564-3518-3824
>>18162098 i just need someone to transfer this mon i'd breed it myself but it requires 5th gen tutor moves and i dont have black/white
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18162106 I'll see what I can do when I finish up here.
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 10:53:55 No. 18162124 Report Quoted By:
>>18162087 I just put up luvdisc for Dialga
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162122 I love you based bob
Quoted By:
>>18161867 Thanks so much!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18162087 Discing up for Kyurem, thanks!
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18162031 Thanks a bunch!
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:02:53 No. 18162167 Report Quoted By:
>>18162087 You are a boss, sir. Putting up for Giratina
Joey !ac9annMFZc
There was someone who gave out a ton of shiny Goomy a few days ago, and I've gone and made a bunch of them. If anyones interested, throw up a disc?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162168 I'd love one but I'm out of discs, would you take a zorua?
Quoted By:
Anyone want a 6IV Female Litleo? I've been breeding for a 6IV Male for a friend and got the wrong gender. No egg moves, Rivalry, Lonely. If no one wants it I'll just toss it up on the GTS for something to help fill up my dex.
Quoted By:
>>18162168 I'll be throwing one up in a minute for one!
Bob 4768 8000 6957
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
Quoted By:
>>18162168 I'll take one. Adding a Disc now.
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162175 Yeah a Zorua's fine, I'll get to it for sure
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18162168 sounds good
disc is up
minimumu 1564-3527-4963
Quoted By:
i put,u disc for giratine too. Need it badly for dex >< please!
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162186 zoruas up, thanks. It has extra sensory as an eggmove
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162206 Awesome, Ill get to Zorua next! I'm moving through these as fast as i can everyone
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
>>18162215 Fast indeed. Thanks for the delivery.
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162227 No problem looks like I've got everyone for now, forgot to mention the Goomy were all outfitted with Ability Capsules
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162168 Id like one please, disk is up
IGN Moya
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:16:25 No. 18162249 Report Quoted By:
Thanks again Bob, I'll take one of the Kyurems too, please.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162243 shit, double based op. Want another zorua for another goomy?
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162250 you could throw another zorua up, I will get to it after I do another run through the Luvdisc if thats alright
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin)
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:18:10 No. 18162256 Report >>18162168 I tossed a disc up a bit ago but forgot to even post, if you got an extra that would be great, if not no biggie.
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:19:23 No. 18162263 Report Quoted By:
>>18162243 I'll have a luvedisc up in a minute or so, if you've still got some.
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin)
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:19:28 No. 18162264 Report Quoted By:
>>18162256 Oh never mind, I just checked GTS you hit me up already, thanks a ton.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162254 sweet, put it up. I got 8 more of these zoruas with extra sensory as an egg move if anyone wants one. 2 of them have pokerus
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162087 Hi do you have any Giratina left?
Bob 4768 8000 6957
>>18162106 So if yer still around, I can bank that.
Quoted By:
>>18162087 discing for kyurem
Quoted By:
>>18162243 Thanks a lot man
Quoted By:
>>18162289 If you still have any I'll disc up for a Kyurem
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:26:08 No. 18162299 Report Quoted By:
Joey !ac9annMFZc
Got everyone thus far, curious question. What else would be good giveaway ideas? Aside from Kalos Shinys of course. Thats implied.
>>18162243 Could I have one please? Disc will be up in a sec.
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:28:12 No. 18162305 Report >>18162300 Any chance you could put a kuyurem up with luvdisc as the request I'm waiting for another trade to happen.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162087 I disked up for Giratina if there is one availabe
IGN Moya
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162302 Sending one your way when I spot the Disc
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:29:14 No. 18162310 Report >>18162305 Sorry I meant Goomy
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162300 Shiny eevees are nice, people can decide which type they want to make their shiny then
Quoted By:
>>18162308 Alright, it's up now. Thanks a ton!
>>18162312 Natures are usually a problem though
Quoted By:
>>18162300 Whatever you feel like giving away. If you let the people decide they'll ask for legendaries and shinies 100%
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162310 I could...problem with Kalos shinys on GTS is they get gobbled up extremely quickly
Quoted By:
>>18162087 Hey have you still got either of these to give away?
I put a disc up for Kyurem if you do, thanks
minimumu 1564-3527-4963
Quoted By:
>>18162320 i put up a disc if you still have any goomys left
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:33:01 No. 18162327 Report Quoted By:
>>18161867 Oh yo could I get a Kyurem?
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:33:46 No. 18162332 Report >>18162320 It was a dumb idea anyway. There's a million Goomys to search through, I'll post when I can get one up. Hope you're still here, and thanks.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162087 You're the best Bob!
If you have any other legends can you let me know tryna fill my dex
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162318 true, different types need different natures
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:37:17 No. 18162345 Report >>18162332 Alright I got it there.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18162087 If you still have some Dialgas I can place a disc up.
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162345 Doing another sweep through the luvdisc
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:40:25 No. 18162359 Report >>18162347 Got it thanks. This board has a great community.
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin)
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:40:35 No. 18162361 Report Quoted By:
>>18162087 Thanks for the Giratina, Bob.
Quoted By:
>tfw legend dex almost complete, only to remember more you're missing
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Thu 20 Feb 2014 11:42:07 No. 18162372 Report Quoted By:
Bob, I'm retarded and spelled Kyurem's name wrong. Can I still get one?
Quoted By:
Thank you for goomy!
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162359 No problem, ill be checking this thread every 10-20 minutes and giving out other Goomy until I pass out from lack of sleep :D this is what this game does to my life
Bob 4768 8000 6957
I am now out of Dialga and Giratina. Only Kyurem remain.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
>>18162087 Disk up for kyurem if there is any left
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162410 zoruas up for kyurem
>>18162406 Disc is up for Kyurem if you have any left.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162406 Disc up for Dialga thanks
u da bes mane
Senpai 1564-3068-7548
Quoted By:
>>18162406 Hey again, Disc is up. Thanks so much
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18162300 A diverse selection of Vivillons would be pretty fun imo
Giving away extras from last nights big giveaway, this is what's left Put a luvdisc with the nickname of the pokemon you want in the description
Quoted By:
>>18162497 I'll take a leftover pinsir, disc is up
Bob 4768 8000 6957
And with that, I'm out. Probably so some shiny Eevee later.
>>18162497 I'll disc up for a Glaceon
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>first time winning a WiFi battle :')
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18162514 I look forward to it.
>>18162497 I'm fresh out of discs, would you take a zorua?
Quoted By:
>>18162520 That'll be the last one
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Would like the Blissey, discing.
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Threw a disc up for a Chansey.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
Anyone got a good electric type they can spare? :)
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Disc is up for a Pinsir.
Joey !ac9annMFZc
>>18162542 of course! just throw up a disc asking for one :)
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Disc up for Chansey
Blueh 4656-6935-3735
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Disc is up for that sweet Farfetch'd
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 12:20:19 No. 18162557 Report Quoted By:
>>18162406 Any more Kyurem available?
Is there still a Mew giveaway? I am so desperate to complete the dex
Senpai 1564-3068-7548
Quoted By:
>>18162497 Disc will be up for a Pinsir.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18162549 Discing up, thanks in advance!
>>18162564 You don't need Mew for the shiny charm if that's what you mean by completing the dex.
Quoted By:
>>18162564 I can let you touch trade mine
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18162564 If Shura's not around you can have the one I got from him.
I only wanted it as GST bait for some pokes I actually liked but I realized it can't be traded through GST
Quoted By:
>this pokemon has already been traded Sorry whoever wanted a blissy
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18162578 Oho, really? Adding you now
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18162590 Sure thing. You don't happen to have any pretty Vivillons do you?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 12:26:45 No. 18162596 Report Quoted By:
>>18162497 Hope I can get myself a Blissey. If there are left.
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
>>18162573 How do you complete the dex without mew?
I need the 2 porygon evolutions and dusknoir then all I need is legends
Pinsirs all gone, blisseys very low
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18162593 Unfortunately, no
How about a shiny Rhyhorn for that Mew
>>18162600 Do you still have Chansey?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18162598 You don't need event legends to complete the dex.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18162602 haha close enough let's do it
>>18162600 Can I have a chansey?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18162600 Discing for Blissey again
>>18162605 >>18162612 Yes
>>18162616 OK
Turns out I still have 1 pinsir
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Calem 3711-8693-5960
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18162624 Oh shit I wasn't connected to internet in-game my bad
was wondering why you weren't showing up on my list
Quoted By:
>>18162621 Disc up for Chansey, thanks dougie
Quoted By:
>>18162621 Disc up for that sweet chansey
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18162621 Received, thanks!
Senpai 1564-3068-7548
>>18162621 I got sniped...Disc up again
>>18162660 Ask for level 91-100, less likely to be sniped
Also that last pinsir is gone
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
Quoted By:
>>18162600 Would like a Blissey if any are left. Disc'ing now.
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18162630 Fucking error codes, brah
Also thanks for the Shiny Chansey, giveawaybrah
Quoted By:
>>18162666 Chansey received, thanks Dougie
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18162671 No worries. Lemme get my ass kicked by this passerby real quick
I'll shoot you another trade request soon
Quoted By:
>>18162666 Thnak you very much.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18162682 Jesus Christ his Mewtwo mega-evolved what the fuck is that thing
being new to a pokemon gen is such a great feeling
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
>>18162564 Do you have all the rest of the legends?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162702 putting up a zorua for it
Calem 3711-8693-5960
>>18162688 Thank you very much!
>>18162701 I'm missing Genesect, Keldeo, and Victini
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18162742 yeah man glad we got it to work out
Quoted By:
>>18162725 Put up a disc for Chansey
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Moyap123 - FC 3952-8209-3594
Quoted By:
>>18162742 Fancy trading a few with me just to complete the dex, ill obv give them back. I am looking for 25 legends atm. Whenever you get a chance.
>>18162771 Make sure it's spelt "Blissey"
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162804 oh thats it. I went by how you spelled it last. Its up again
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162822 thanks anon. any thoughts on what your giving away next?
>>18162833 Not sure, more eevee with the HA this time. Probably another charizard, built for X mega this time. I still can't get wish kanga to pass the bank unless all its stats are total shit.
I don't see any reason for a mawile since it doesn't gain anything from previous generation moves, and maybe some other mega-evolution sets, if I can come up with some good ones. Also considering another eeveeloution, since the glaceon was so popular despite being a shitmon
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162856 they are popular, I'm leveling up my shiny vaporeon right now. I'll probably end up mating it with the glaceon to see if I can get some good egg moves. You wouldn't happen to have one of these fancy 6iv dittos I'm hearing about do you?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 13:18:11 No. 18162908 Report >>18162497 Any left for Chancey?
>>18162902 I think I still have a couple lying around, its naive and ITA. Also have some dittos with 30 in every stat and others with 0 in atk or spd or both.
>>18162908 Yes, I've got loads of wish chancey and crithax farfetch'd
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162914 I'm ditto illiterate. What is the difference between them?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 13:22:21 No. 18162940 Report >>18162923 Disk out . Thanks.
If possible can you name her Butterball ?
Quoted By:
>>18162940 Butterball, LOL
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 13:25:53 No. 18162960 Report Quoted By:
>>18162923 Oh it's from another owner. How retarded of me. But thank anyway, save me from Lv'ing.
>>18162933 Do you know how IVs work? Because that's a long explanation. The dittos I have have the following IV spreads:
All31s 31/31/31/31/31/31 <your one size fits all parent
All30s 30/30/30/30/30/30 <for the experienced breeder that wants hidden power spreads
AllZeros 0/0/0/0/0/0 <"I want shit stats" has only a very few, specific uses
NoSpeed 31/31/31/31/31/0 < for trick room or gyroball users, and agieslash
NoAttack 31/0/31/31/31/31 <for special attackers, minimising attack lowers confusion and foul play damage
NoSpd/Atk 31/0/31/31/31/0 <the last two combined
Also have some
HPFire 31/30/31/30/31/30 <for breeding HP fire on pokemon, mostly froakie
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
>>18162923 Thanks for the Blissey earlier. I was wondering though if I could also have a Chancey? I'm curious about trying them both out.
Adding a Disc now. If not then I understand.
>>18162973 How do you check IVs btw?
>>18162940 I don't see your disc
>>18162981 Blissey is a special wall and Chancey is a physical wall, you can have one
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18162973 I know the general info about them. So an all 31 ditto would give about the best possible max stats?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Thu 20 Feb 2014 13:32:29 No. 18163001 Report Quoted By:
>>18162990 Sorry Disk out in 30 sec.
>>18162991 For most situations, All31s is fine. The others are for breeders with a good understanding of IV breeding and hidden power mechanics.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18162923 Let me go set up a disc for Chansey
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18163012 I see. Do you have a foreign all31 ditto?
>>18163048 Mines are ITA, so long as you're not Italian then it's foreign
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18163058 b-but I'm part Italian on my father's side May I have one?
>>18163071 Ok, so long as you aren't playing the game in Italian the it's foreign
Quoted By:
>>18162989 Kiloude city has an IV checker in the pokemon centre
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18163077 I know I was trying to make a joke. I Think it failed
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
well, I know it sounds like a silly request, but I'd need Aromatisse for the dex (yes, I'm late)... If you're willing to give it, please tell me! I don't care about natures / ivs, I just need it for dex purposes
>>18163058 are you italian?
IGN : Lwyn
>>18163077 Can I have a all31 ditto too?
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
>>18163077 I promise I'll only pester you once more. You have an extra NoSpeed Ditto I can have?
>>18163100 >are you italian? No, I'm Scottish
>>18163102 If I've got more, then sure
>>18163097 Want to put up a disc?
IGN : Lwyn
>>18163113 Yea
>>18163102 I had 2, so I sent you one and the other is for
>>18163097 Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18163118 I would love to. I still havn't had time to get more discs though. Is a zorua ok? Whats the level on the ditto so I don't get sniped?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18163148 its up. bless you
IGN : Lwyn
breakfast 1650-1794-2948
Quoted By:
>>18163166 Thank you very much. I've got no way of thanking you so here's my favorite mon.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18163166 Thanks so much. I'm gonna go to sleep now, see you next giveaway
I have 14 Quick Ball Joltiks - mostly Compound Eyes, Timid, egg moves, 5 IVs. Reply, Disc up if you would like one.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
>>18162973 are you still giving these dittos away?
If so, I'd like a No speed, No attack, and HP fire :)
imlying I can have more than 1 IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
>>18163626 I'll take a female with compoud eyes. pumpkaboo up with egg moves and 5 ivs.
implying pumpkaboo has good eggmoves
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18163626 I'll take one, disc is going up now.
>>18163626 Disced up. Don't care whether it's male or female, but should have CE.
>>18163628 Yeah, if you're still around
Still have loads of wish chancey and crithax faerfetch'd, see Also some mandibuzz named balk bird and slaking named GIGA NlGGA
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
Quoted By:
>>18163900 Headed to class now. Will be back in a hour and a half hopefully you will still be here
>>18163845 Ok, got you.
>>18163878 Sent, if you're Cuan.
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
>>18163626 I'd love to have one of them
Quoted By:
>>18163937 Forgot to add the name there. Thanks.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Oh my god I am so tired. I really should've gone to bed earlier.
>>18164032 I don't see your Disc. Did you get sniped?
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
>>18164094 uh, that's weird... I reuploaded it! Sorry
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18163900 Are you still around? I'd like a Chancey if I may.
>>18163626 Can I get a Compoundeyes Female Joltik with perfect speed and special attack? Love how Quick Ball looks with it.
>>18164092 Oh Lime, are you still looking for Switcheroo Noibat?
>>18164186 Sure thing.
Oh my god, I am so tired. That aside, I got even more Dive Ball Feebas with Mirror Coat, Brine, Dragon Pulse and Haze. Won't MM until Friday, but I have plenty and they all need a new home.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18164196 I got one, actually. Was gonna start breading them as a warm up before doing Quick Ball HP Ice Electrike. The Noibats are in Premier Balls.
Quoted By:
>>18163900 I wish my wi-fi wouldn't act like a dickhead so I could disc up for Blissey, Porygon-Z and the other shones
trying to disc up for Blissey first Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18163900 >>18164186 I've actually gotta step out for a bit, mind saving it for me?
>>18164196 Thanks for the Joltik, Yukari!
Quoted By:
>>18163900 I deposited one for a Farfetch'd.
Xyrie 4527-8908-4158
>>18164206 I'll take one, disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18164401 Ok wait a sec, I'm battling rn
Need a latiasite and the guy says contact him if you want one but I'm lazy. you guys got one yet?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18164434 It's available now? Someone please enlighten me.
Quoted By:
>>18164401 Ok there you go, a female penta Feebas ready for training
or MMing if you're not from Germany
>>18164459 Yeah contact a guy on project pokemon named codem8kr if you want one I guess
>>18164434 From what I heard, this can't be traded in any way. Only cheated into the game, with the risk of corrupting your save file if you mess up.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18164508 Is there any risks? If I could get my hands on it I'd gladly spread the love but...what if the guy's bluffing?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18164531 So it suffers from the same curse that Sheer Force Totodile suffers from? Makes sense.
Quoted By:
>>18164531 weird.. idk he made a youtube video
>>18164532 can't hurt to try and trade i guess?
They just edited the thread to say you can't trade them ;-; it's okay i guess. idek where my ds is anyway
>>18164587 Did they got unreleased Gems and Berries? I'd love one of each.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18164635 Even if they did it's highly unlikely they're tradeable at the moment.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>Acrobatics Flying Gem Archeops and Talonflame My body is ready.
>>18164687 >Unburden Hawlucha Lime 3883-5402-8331
>Two Passerbys nearby >I'm at school with no wifi I don't know what to do in this situation...
>>18164702 I really need to start building one or two. But I bet it's amazing with Flying Gem.
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
>>18164206 holy shit, are you still doing that? Hell... I wish you luck
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
>>18163900 Putting a mon up now, Guess a luvdisc? or do you want my pumpkaboo leftovers.
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill)
Khakis:3110-5685-3390 (Ferroseed, Skarmory, Excadrill) Thu 20 Feb 2014 17:48:54 No. 18165105 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a bulbasaur with giga drain and preferably hidden ability
>>18165050 What size are your Pumpkaboos?
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
Quoted By:
>>18165023 I haven't MMed for a while but... yeah. I must stay strong. ;_;
and thank you Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18164743 Lime
Can you clone something for me but not give it away to other people? I know it's unfair to ask that, but I got a shiny I'm not supposed to be trading to other people and redistribute it further. I want to give one as a gift to a friend who can't clone and has no means of getting in touch with someone who does, so I'd be okay with it, but I can't trust anyone but you with cloning it and not doing a giveaway with it, haha. And I don't want to get in trouble with the person who gave it to me. I will give you another shiny in exchange for the trouble though, would that be okay? Anonymous
>>18165367 fuck off faggot.
Quoted By:
>>18163900 Any Chansey left?
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
I really wish I had access to OP's docs. Got 3 boxes of leftovers.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18165442 Can be done. Give me your e-mail.
>>18165385 Aww, I love you to, anon. If you ever need a hug don't hesitate to come back.
>>18165462 Yay! Here it is.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18165478 I'm afraid it has to be a gmail one to edit in the googledocs.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18165367 Okay, no problemo. You don't need to worry about giving me a shiny.
>>18165501 Really? It's the same e-mail I use for googledocs and youtube.
Well, I'll make a new account, then.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18165512 I know. But I want to. It's going to be soft and fluffy and you'll like it. Or let me know if you're missing any legend.
You don't have access to wi-fi now, yeah? So we can do it later?
>>18165527 My mistake, then? Sent you the invitation, so just check if you can edit.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18165540 Spanish got cancelled so I actually just got home.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18165554 >cancelled Lime, by that do you mean you just decided not to go.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18165567 No, it really did. I'm appalled you think I would ditch.
>>18164232 After I got my Quick Ball HP Ice Electrike female, I realized that I forgot to get Switcheroo on my Electrikes, so I'm redoing. Would you want my old female? Timid Lightning Rod with Crunch, Flame Burst, Shock Wave and Electro Ball.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18165585 Lime pls, you're a student who thought you didn't have a test, then panicked you're having a test, then it turned out you're not having a test.
This was the only reasonable explanation.
>>18165540 Just received an e-mail in polish, and looks like I can edit now.
Thanks a lot, Rynn. <3
>>18165597 Add me as well
>>18165596 I was just about to get to work on those, with switcheroo.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
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>>18165597 He talks fast...sometimes he's hard to understand...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
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>>18165598 Ah yes, sorry about the polish mumbojumbo, can't change that.
Let me know when you're online~ I'm trying to work so I'll be lurking.
>>18165616 I have 2 extra non-ice pentaperfect (-Att) males with Switcheroo if you want one.
>>18165624 Nah, it's fine. I have two HP Ice Manectric. The female has switcheroo. Gonna make a male and pair it with the female you gave me.
>>18165129 >mfw I can't differentiate the sizes in-game Super-sized is bad for health.
I really need that K Unown to form vital phrases like "Fuck off" for random passersby. ;__;
>>18165640 Btw, I managed to get a Yanma with two more egg moves, so I have some extra male HP Ground Lure Ball Yanma with Reversal, Feint, Signal Beam, Silver Wind. Want one?
>>18165799 it has the highest for health. wtf are you talking about
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18165881 Sure. I'll take it once I finish checking this batch of Electrike for hp ice.
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>>18165799 you are an idiot super size is only bad for speed
>>18165896 It's bad for my health to eat it.
>>18165961 I have 4 extra potential males that I have not 100% confirmed IVs at Battle Institute yet, but are 90% likely to be HP Ground, as both parents are HP Ground.
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>>18166022 I meant 90% likely to be pentaperfect HP Ground. (Anistar judge already confirmed HP Ground type)
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Giving away: x5 Luxury HA Timid Abra (M), Barrier, Encore. Guard Swap, Psycho Shift x4 Luxury Jolly Archen (F), Defog, Head Smash, Knock Off, Switcheroo x9 Luxury Jolly Darumaka (F), Encore, Flame Wheel, Focus Punch, Yawn x21 Luxury Hasty Noibat (F), Outrage, Snatch, Switcheroo, Tailwind x12 Luxury HA Jolly Poochyena (F), Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Play Rough, Sucker Punch x12 Luxury HA Jolly Torchic (F), Baton Pass, Counter, Night Slash, Reversal
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18166127 Discing up for Archen
>>18166022 Let me know when I an disc up for the Yanma
>>18166127 :O Is that Archen legal? HA?
Also interested in the Poochyena.
>>18166141 Just let me know when you have one up.
>>18166127 I'll grab an Archen, thanks!
>>18166158 Archen doesn't have HA.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
>>18166127 Ill take an archen and Abra disc up for abra first!
>>18166127 I'd also like one of those old birds. I'll up a disc.
>>18166022 Sounds awesome. Speed Boost or Compound Eyes.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
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>>18166127 oh nvm abra is male, i will take the poochyena then?
>>18166203 3 compound eyes, 1 speed boost. Just let me know when you got a disc up.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18166221 Disc is up. Santana was nice enough to give me CE just a bit ago, so I prefer Speed Boost now.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542
>>18166264 kk disc up again for poochy
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18166127 I want a Darumaka, discing up
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
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Finally got my Wi-fi back, yay.
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc