>get called jew in Insta & trade threads, selling it all on Ebay, lol at the abuse
>making about £200 a week for no effort, no tax, makes it better than real job
>buy 2nd DS to clone when Insta dies, buy Shiny Mew for £30, undercut the guy by £2.
>sell and trade Mew mercillessly, Mew itself makes me over £2000
>£9500 in sales over 2 months
>Bank is released and price on everything non 6th gen turns to shit
Was fun while it lasted, PS4, clothes, trainers, year supply of protein, dumb teenage debts paid and about £5000 left and i basically watched TV and pirated movies while cloning shit for faggots for it. Wouldnt advise bothering with it now, too many people doing it and prices all horribly shitty.
Thanks Pokebank