Hey everybody. I have a few WISHMKR Jirachi to share from the gamecube colosseum bonus disc. I'd also be willing to trade for a GAMESTP Shiny Raikou, or a female 5 or 4 IV Froakie with Protean if anybody has any to spare. First one to offer will get it. Regardless of that, the first person to get doubles will get a Jirachi from me, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE! FC: 4210-3986-4656
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon)
Eddard 0791-2928-4309 (Beautifly, Butterfree, Vivillon) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:13:36 No. 18170976 Report Quoted By:
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18170948 c-check my d-dubs
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>18170948 I actually have one of those raikous, but I'm rolling anyway Midi 3711-8089-8089
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18170987 I can't do anything right Olivia
Quoted By:
>>18170948 Rolling
IGN Justin
Strauss (FC 3497 - 0318 - 8740)
Michael 0619-4583-8241 (Venomoth, Gloom, Toxicroak)
Michael 0619-4583-8241 (Venomoth, Gloom, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:15:42 No. 18171016 Report Quoted By:
Bobby 0645-5935-7882
Quoted By:
wait forgot my friend code rolling again
Midi 3711-8089-8089
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18171014 If not dubs I sudoku
Bailey 5343-9188-5959
Quoted By:
Well here goes nothing
EverybodyHz !i0xCEvqki6
I can breed you a 5IV female Froakie in a few minutes if you can wait.
Quoted By:
its my time to transcend pokemen
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:17:29 No. 18171060 Report Quoted By:
>>18171006 Oh well, no dubs today. Anyway, I have a Crown Beast Raikou, but its the WIN2011 one, not the GAMESTP one. Still doable?
Quoted By:
lol I can just get all that from Pokecheck you fucking scamming faggot
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171035 why are dubs so hard to get right now?
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194] (Munna-Espurr-Gothorita)
Rogelio [3153-4036-8194] (Munna-Espurr-Gothorita) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:17:53 No. 18171071 Report Quoted By:
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
>>18171066 because its no dub time
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171044 I would've waited but you won anyways haha.
Midi 3711-8089-8089
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18171044 of course you got dubs before me
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Oh. I thought that you were asking for a shiny. I have a 5IV Female Froakie with PRotean, if you want it. Well, it's not pentaperfect, but it has 5IV's. Is that okay?
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>18171075 >>18171066 oop nevermind just saw your post number
EverybodyHz 4227-2314-3535 !i0xCEvqki6
>>18171077 Forgot my friend code. Let someone else get dubs, I'll breed it anyways.
Skid (Phantump Lampent Dusclops)
3110-4477-9045 Skid (Phantump Lampent Dusclops) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:19:21 No. 18171093 Report Quoted By:
>>18170948 I won't be home for a while, but I'm willing to give up the raikou
Quoted By:
Ill take one Jirachi please! FC: 1006-0265-1828 IGN Niki
Quoted By:
>>18170948 I'll take a Jirachi
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171090 Thank you!
that means
>>18171066 Is the first winner!
In a few minutes I'll give you guys another chance for one!
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171090 your too kind thank you
>>18171121 I feel so special, I'll add you now
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:23:58 No. 18171164 Report >>18171121 And you're just going for dubs, or will it be whoever gets dubs or trips again first?
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171158 Cool I added you, I'm ready when you are.
>>18171087 Unfortunately someone already offered me one, but feel free to re-roll in a bit.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:27:16 No. 18171210 Report rolling
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:27:21 No. 18171211 Report >>18170948 Just going to roll.
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171188 thanks a ton man. The cyndaquil has some egg moves, not sure if you needed on though
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18171164 It'll just be dubs again.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:28:25 No. 18171232 Report Quoted By:
>>18171211 Oh look at that.
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:28:49 No. 18171241 Report Quoted By:
>>18171211 >>18171210 It's not time yet.
At least read the thread!
>>18171222 Ok, that's a little impressive but not time yet.
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
>>18171222 OH CRAP. This counts, right? :D
Park 1736-1319-5391
Quoted By:
Rolling. Here's my dubs.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:29:32 No. 18171256 Report Quoted By:
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171226 Cool, I think I might train it haha.
AND WITH THAT, the next post after this with dubs, gets the next Jirachi! GOOD LUCK!
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:30:58 No. 18171274 Report Quoted By:
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:31:06 No. 18171277 Report >>18171268 Well here goes.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171243 >>18171222 Unfortunately not... Sorry.
>>18171277 That was fast. I guess we have our next winner!
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:33:03 No. 18171304 Report Quoted By:
>>18171290 When your ready I'm online now.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:35:03 No. 18171319 Report Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171268 I got an eevee with egg moves if you want one. Its a breeding left over
Benson 1435 4770 3654
Quoted By:
Here come the doubles!
Oblivion 3325 2045 0738
Quoted By:
Trying my luck.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171319 Your Welcome!
>>18171324 I appreciate the offer, but I'm good.
The next post with trips, gets the next Jirachi.
Maximus 4081-5541-3791
>>18171358 I've got a GameStop Raikou if you still need one. I'd love a Jirachi.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18171358 I also got zorua and charmander left overs with decent egg moves
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18171398 Awesome, thanks. Lets trade!
EverybodyHz 4227-2314-3535 !i0xCEvqki6
Alright, female Froakie with protean (and timid nature) hatched. 5IV, missing Attack. My IGN is S-Senpai.
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18171417 thank you so much!
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:45:50 No. 18171444 Report >>18171358 How are we suppose to manage that?
Tom 3024-5169-0500
Quoted By:
rolling for the doubles!
TK 4210-3986-4656
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18171444 by questioning how to manage it apparently
Nick - 4811 8296 8909
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:48:45 No. 18171478 Report >>18171462 Nice. I guess I'll add you then.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171398 I've added you did you still want to trade?
>>18171478 Good good
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat
Obsidio (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:53:06 No. 18171511 Report >>18171486 Nice, dude. Thanks a whole lot!
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171511 My pleasure!
Okay, I'm going to be giving out one more Jirachi for now, to the next person that gets Trips again! In the meantime I'd still really like a GAMESPT Raikou. Also if you have a ditto friend safari and are the first to let me know and add me, I will also give you one.
SO, next Trips! GOOD LUCK!
>>18171537 trips get pls....
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171537 did you want that charmander or zorua I mentioned?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171551 Sorry I meant to respond before. Again, I think I'm good, thank you for your offer though, I appreciate it.
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Quoted By:
>>18171537 one last roll for the day
>>18171581 mfw no luck since the start of this thread... reroll
Odin !!FdiFGhScWuz
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Quoted By:
>>18171537 one last roll because the numbers are being a tease
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:07:19 No. 18171613 Report Quoted By:
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171566 oh ok. Would it be a dick move if I were to roll again?
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171620 Technically haha, but I never specified that you couldn't, so feel free.
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171630 I'll be a technical dick then
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
Doug 3497 1140 5261
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Me !1N8Q1ycY4M
Quoted By:
So, if I got like 100 or so of these things to give out people would want them?
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:12:20 No. 18171662 Report I'm a dick?
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Quoted By:
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Nick - 4811 8296 8909
>>18171666 D-did I win Lucifer's Jirachi?
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171666 Oh woah, Persistence Pays off. Congrats!
>>18171662 Everyone is a dick probably haha.
I'll give one more out tonight in a few mins, so stayed tuned!
TK 4210-3986-4656
Maximus 4081-5541-3791
>>18171486 Yes, sorry 4chan went down for me. Add now, I'll send the request.
>>18171712 I hope what i gave is good enough, thank you TK.
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18171707 Oh woah thanks for the shiny!
>>18171752 Awesome
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171758 It was more than good enough, thank you!
>>18171752 Thank you so much!
AND WITH THAT! I'll make another Jirachi Available! Next Trips gets it!!
Also if you have a Ditto friend Safari I will also give you one if your the first to add me.
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Quoted By:
>>18171800 My last get was foiled by the angels of Heaven, but this next get is mine! I'll be back in 79 posts
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:37:14 No. 18171903 Report Quoted By:
TK 4210-3986-4656
IS nobody going to roll again? Should I bother continuing?
>>18171904 1 jirachi is enough for me, unless... Dick move rollout 1
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:40:29 No. 18171944 Report >>18171904 Maybe you would accept a trade
For something not pokégen made
>>18171930 dick move rollout 2
>>18171963 dick move rollout 3
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18171904 I'll take a second one
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18171936 Well Kenny, I'll keep watch for a bit if you want to still keep trying. Haha, watch out for those dick move rollouts thought!
>>18171944 Oh, what do you have in mind?
>>18171979 dick move rollout 4
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Quoted By:
>>18171944 That would be acceptble, I bet
But it ain't gonna beat this get.
>>18171993 dick move rollout 5
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18172001 damn. I almost was the perfect dick
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:47:38 No. 18172022 Report >>18171990 Red Genosect
Victini, Regice, Regigigas, Reshiram, Kyurem, Latios...
My heart
>>18172015 'perfect dick' made me lol for some reason. Dick move rollout 6
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:49:20 No. 18172040 Report >>18171712 All praise goomy
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172022 I wouldn't mind that Red Genesect actually, I'll trade. Only if your heart is included too though.
Benson 1435 4770 3654
>>18171904 A free Jirachi. How did my sheckles not sense this?
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:50:22 No. 18172054 Report 0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:50:22 No. 18172056 Report >>18172040 Goomy failed me
>>18172033 dick move rollout 7
>>18172056 try the almighty helix
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172054 Awesome awesome awesome
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Benson 1435 4770 3654
>>18172052 Rolling for the give away
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
>>18172061 Dick move rollout 8
Quoted By:
>>18172118 dick move rollout 9
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18172105 damn seriously I keep missing the perfect dick opportunities
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172054 And you gave it a heart scale! ADORABLE <3
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder
Sasha 2165-5760-5049 (Ex-Werther) / Hoothoot, Doduo, Fletchinder Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:58:13 No. 18172179 Report Quoted By:
>>18172150 You wanted my heart
Benson 1435 4770 3654
>>18172184 >but it failed! Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Benson 1435 4770 3654
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
>>18171290 Late as fuck reply, but damn. Are you serious? That sucks.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:02:54 No. 18172266 Report Quoted By:
Is it even possible?
>>18172216 WHAT!? IT CAN'T BE! Use Lock On again!
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:04:40 No. 18172294 Report >>18171800 How many time can we try btw?
>>18172267 >Jirachi used Protect! Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172294 As many as you want... Within reason.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
If I get another I'll feed it sweet hearts until it gets diabetes. If thats possible
Quoted By:
>>18172295 Dammit! Hyper Roll 3 GO
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
That's it! This next get is MINE
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18172315 Have I gone beyond reason yet?
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:07:11 No. 18172341 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18172333 Congratulations!
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Quoted By:
>>18172333 Ooh, Trips. Congrats. (:
Benson 1435 4770 3654
Quoted By:
>>18172315 I don't think you understand. Reason can no longer govern us
Praise Helix TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18172317 That's adorable, and reminds me of my father.
>>18172333 Oh man, Persistence really does pay off haha. CONGRATS.
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu
0388-0079-6756 BIGEggman Munna/Sigyliph/Xatu Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:08:13 No. 18172362 Report Quoted By:
>>18172333 It's over guy the ride was fun while it lasted.
Wished the capcha wasn't something like 6599833 42222114.
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
Yes, this Jirachi shall make an excellent addition to my other 5 jirachis
TK 4210-3986-4656
Congradulations to everyone who won, and thank you to everyone who traded me, and everyone who rolled! When I get the time to make some more from my colluseum bonus disc, perhaps I'll comeback and offer some more! HAVE A GOOD ONE EVERYBODY!
So Is she cloned, pokegened or something?
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172417 Nope, I spent like, 20 minutes getting each of these legit from a gamecube. I am crazy.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172410 I'm glad, also your Shuppet "SeamenSponge" definately has a good new home now.
>>18172415 Thanks for the giveaway TK!
Kenny 5386-8098-0463
>>18172457 I have a gamestop Raikou, not sure if you still want that. Sadly, I would much rather clone it then give one to you, but I don't have a second device.
TK 4210-3986-4656
Quoted By:
>>18172498 that's cool, someone traded me earlier in the thread, so no worries. Thanks for the offer.
>>18172479 No, thank you for participating.
TK 4210-3986-4656
>>18172631 Not sure why I'm actually showing this since the giveaway is over, but here is a pic of my disc
>>18172769 Cause you're a nice guy
TK 4210-3986-4656
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:41:19 No. 18172880 Report Quoted By:
>>18172769 oh yeah well here's a post of my doubles
Quoted By:
>>18172769 Oh dang it. I'll wait for the Gen 3 remakes. I'll get a Jirachi.
Also is it cheating OP if I genned the Colloseum traded NPC Pokemon? You know the people that rade Pokes with you in the game?