Hello, Welcome to Pokégen General.
We gen shit, trade that shit, check if pokes will go through Bank and all that jizz.
Go ahead and gen some shit amongst yourselves.
>>FAQ >How do I into Pokégen? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEdbAT37VmY Follow the video, and you'll get the gist of it.
>Can genned Pokémon be used online? They can be used everywhere but ranked battles at the Battle Spot.
>Are there any risks? None whatsoever.
>Can Pokémon from gen 6 be genned? No, but there is a gen 6 Pokegen on the horizon.
>HAHA FAGGOTS U HAVE TO CHEAT A KIDS GAME WOW HAHA Kindly fuck off. We won't bother you if you don't bother us.
With that said, GET OUT THERE AND GEN.
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>>18171058 Any genners in the hizzle todizzle?
>>18171058 >They can be used everywhere but ranked battles at the Battle Spot. Does this apply to pokemon whose parents are both genned?
So all I need to gen is a copy of black2 or white2? I'll be genning by tomorrow!
>>18171131 If they've been breed in Kalos they get the blue pentagon which means Kalos-born. Kalos born mons are legal for battle spot.
>>18171135 Normal Black or White do work too.
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>>18171153 Oh boy, this gon be good.
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>>18171165 Well, I don't have them either, so I might as well get the sequel.
can somebody gen me something? i can offer starf/lansat berries or these non-kalos shinies.
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If you gen the pokemon correctly it can definitely be used in battle spot. If you're having problems making them right, look at a .pkm of a pokemon on pokecheck. Or breed them.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18171201 What do you need?
>>18171237 Machamp
Nickname: MUSCLE
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ability: No Guard
Moves: D-Punch, Stone Edge, Knock Off, Icepunch
Ivs. perfect everything save speed, which is 0
i need to eat now but if you can get me this in 20 mins or so id be grateful
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
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>>18171308 I'm not actually a genner. I was just asking hoping it was something like a shiny legendary. I got tons of those layin' around, and I really need those berries, lol.
Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette)
Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:36:30 No. 18171341 Report Quoted By:
Hello , anyone here able to gen me a 6IV jap Ditto? i Don't care about the nature, maybe timid or naive, but it really doesn't matter. I dunno what i could offer in return.
>>18171058 >They can be used everywhere but ranked battles at the Battle Spot. Why is this, out of curiosity?
>>18171385 Not sure, I guess GF wanted to restrict legendaries for tournaments/hacked mons? Legendaries and movetutor mons are really the only thing it doesn't allow, since they're bank-only
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18171385 Only Kalos born, kalos dex pokemon can be used for VGC, iirc, so I'd assume ranked battles would follow the same rules.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:43:54 No. 18171428 Report anyone be generous enough to gen a shiny adamant conkeldurr with guts ability moveset :knock off,drainpunch,icepunch,mach punch evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD nicknamed:elli i can offer an assault vest in return.
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes)
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:47:03 No. 18171459 Report
Got nothing to do 'till like 10PM Est so I'll be taking requests for genning.
Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette)
Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:49:58 No. 18171488 Report >>18171468 Could you take mine please? a 6iv jap ditto with naive/timid nature.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:50:28 No. 18171494 Report Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes)
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:51:22 No. 18171498 Report >>18171494 Does Gender matter? I finished a male one, but if you want female, just tell me.
>>18171468 Machamp
Nickname: MUSCLE
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Ability: No Guard
Moves: D-Punch, Stone Edge, Knock Off, Icepunch
Ivs. perfect everything save speed, which is 0
trained in atk and hp
you mind doin this?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:51:57 No. 18171503 Report Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes)
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:53:14 No. 18171512 Report >>18171503 Cool. Let me just download him and transfer him over. Stay online, I'll be done in less than 5 minutes.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo] Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:53:27 No. 18171514 Report >>18171468 may i get a Timid 5iv o atk jirachi please with moveset sub/Calm mind/Thunder/Water pulse i can offer a cloned movie 14 victini or whatever guess you dont need much since you can gen stuff.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:55:20 No. 18171524 Report >>18171512 ok np do you mind if i add you or do we trade via gts?
Edison 2852-8505-6440
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Would anyone be kind enough as to gen a chansey in a regular pokeball for me? 6ivs would be nice too but not necessary.
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>>18171409 >>18171414 Just tried getting onto the ranked battlespot singles with a Wish Chansey, Softboiled Clefable and a Heal Bell Granbull (all Genned), and it was perfectly happy to let me use them. Tested again with Elgyem, Koffing and Cottonee, all Kalos born. Shiny Latias, Crown Beast Suicune and Shiny Virizion presented no problems.
Trying to get on with a Mewtwo, Deoxys-S and a legit Kyurem didn't work.
So, as far as I can figure, it doesn't care about the pentagon or move tutor moves, just Box/Event Legendaries.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes)
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes) Fri 21 Feb 2014 01:56:16 No. 18171531 Report Anonymous
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:00:26 No. 18171556 Report >>18171531 done added cya online
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
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>>18171530 No prob. Probably my last gens for a bit.
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes)
Cel 4313-0545-3222 (Speed Boost Whirlipedes) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:06:50 No. 18171609 Report >>18171556 Thought it was going to be an Assault Vest, but Weakness Policy works, too.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
Would anyone be kind to gen me this mon? Eevee Gender: Female Nature: Calm Ability: Anticipation (Hidden Ability) IVS: All perfect save Attack. Moves: -Wish -Heal Bell -Hyper Voice I can offer BM items in return
>>18171488 >>18171502 >>18171514 Got 'em. Transferring them over now. I'd appreciate any bp items or scatterbugs but otherwise I don't really mind.
can anyone gen this for me? Akmun-Ra (Ho-Oh) in Fast Ball (shiny) Ability: Regenerator EVs: 252 Atk / 200 HP / 56 SDef Adamant Nature - Sacred Fire - Brave Bird - Earthquake - Roost I can offer BP items, high plains scatterbugs and extremespeed 5iv adamant dratinis.
Is this the thread where I get a 6iv Japanese Ditto
>>18171629 Try cloning general, 6iv jap dittos are worth next to nothing there.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:10:57 No. 18171641 Report Quoted By:
>>18171609 sorry bout that i thought i had spare assault vest but it was actually 3 weakness policy i had spares off. and are gen shinies not possible to transfer thought it would be shiny conkeldurr but thanks anyways. appreciate it.
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:11:13 No. 18171645 Report >>18171621 sweet thanks so much i will give you a scatterbug with heart scale attached i'll add you now.
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:11:25 No. 18171650 Report Quoted By:
>>18171621 awesome. what battle item you want? also, what level is it, cause i want to swap over gts
http://www.mediafire.com/download/a1vdns0hn39hibh/Smogon+Sets.rar Found this and figured you guys might want it. It's a database with .pkm files of every set on Smogon.
>>18171628 yeah sure. i can't make it in a quick ball though
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:16:17 No. 18171701 Report
>>18171668 choice scarf or assault vest would be great. it's level 100.
>>18171645 no problem man
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo]
Tommy 0662-4390-0749 [Hawlucha-Woobat-Doduo] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:18:35 No. 18171724 Report Quoted By:
>>18171699 thanks for the jirachi.
>>18171701 since the hidden ability can only be found in the dream world, it can only be caught in a dream ball.
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>>18171682 You might as well post the main site:
http://kazowar.webs.com/ Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:19:02 No. 18171729 Report Quoted By:
>>18171428 I would really like one of those as well if its not too much trouble.(minus the nickname) I can offer pretty much any bp items. Please and thanks
>>18171716 im gonna put a luvdisc with the vest on gts asking for the machamp lv 100 aight?
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:20:28 No. 18171748 Report >>18171726 can it be in a park ball? if not park ball then pokeball please.
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>that feel when going to the GTS thirty times to fill a box for transfer Is there a way of doing this quicker that I just don't know about, or am I doomed to tedious monotony?
>>18171748 >only be caught in dream ball Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette)
Erich 1907-9922-4110. (Togepi , Spritzee, Floette) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:23:08 No. 18171771 Report >>18171621 Thank you , lots . Can i give a 6v zorua? Im online right now, ingame name Roll.
>>18171748 looks like its restricted to dream world only, it being a legendary and all.
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:25:19 No. 18171790 Report >>18171759 >>18171785 I'm an idiot, ignore me.
>>18171742 sounds good.
>>18171771 yeah sure.
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>>18171802 its up. go fast nugga
>>18171790 you still want the ho-oh?
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:30:15 No. 18171830 Report Anonymous
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>>18171822 thanks man! priciate it.
>>18171617 on it.
>>18171830 can't make it shiny cause its from dream world tho
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)]
Payton [IGN: XY 4098-4011-1748 (Dark: Sneasel, Nuzleaf, Liepard)] Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:33:55 No. 18171862 Report Quoted By:
>>18171849 can it be pressure instead of regenerator then?
Is it possible to gen a Wish/Hyper Voice Eevee in a Love or Heal Ball?
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:35:49 No. 18171884 Report >>18171058 Would be eternally grateful for someone to gen me this please..
Bisharp-Shiny please(love the blue)
No Nickname
Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Moves: Knock off, Iron Head, Sucker Punch, and Swords Dance
Ivs: Perfects Minus SP.Attack
I can offer pretty much any bp items. Please and thank you.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>18171849 Thanks!
Is there any BM item of your preference?
So why do people want to gen 5iv pokemon instead of 6iv?
>>18171878 heal balls possible but it wouldn't have its HA
>>18171884 alright.
>>18171900 choice scarf would be great
>>18171910 I can just get the HA from something I already have on X/Y though I think. Unless Hyper Voice doesn't breed down.
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:39:26 No. 18171929 Report >>18171910 I really cant thank you enough. What can get you in exchange?
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
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>>18171906 Having 0iv on attack reduces self infligted damage from being confused.
>>18171928 Hyper Voice is not an egg move, it doesn't indeed breed down, sadly.
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>>18171954 God, get your shit together Game Freak. Z better have a good tutor/egg move selection.
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>>18171058 >No, but there is a gen 6 Pokegen on the horizon. lol, like maybe in 2016. The guy said himself that he cannot progress until the 3DS gets fully hacked.
>>18171929 assault vest or choice specs would be great.
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 02:52:41 No. 18172091 Report >>18172026 Got it ready mate. Whenever is convenient for you.
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>>18171900 Any chance you could clone said Eevee and trade me a copy? I haven't had much luck in these threads for asking for that particular build.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
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>>18171910 Also ready with choice scarf. Mind if we do the trade directly instead of gts? I don't want to get snipped.
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
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Could anybody help me out?
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=6535277 I actually want four of these, but any would be helpful. (:
I can offer BP items, or Lucky Eggs.
>>18172091 for whatever reason I can't get it through without a nickname. When I did it with my bisharp, I named it BlueRanger and it got through. So got any nicknames you want?
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:08:43 No. 18172370 Report >>18172323 How about Cutman (sooo original) lol or maybe BlueCutman. Either One I leave it your obviously better nicknaming skills haha.
>>18172370 Nevermind, it got through. Just Pokecheck analysis being screwed up.
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:14:18 No. 18172437 Report >>18172380 Alright cool. How do you want to do this, Gtc or direct? I seriously cant say thank you enough.
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
>>18172380 Just cheked the trade, you caught me leveing up. i'll answer really fast
>>18172437 direct would be preferred so it doesnt get sniped.
already added you on fc
>>18172447 lol ight just send me a request when you can
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio)
Chris 0018 1813 2101 (Pikachu electrode luxio) Fri 21 Feb 2014 03:20:50 No. 18172551 Report >>18172459 Serously cant thank you enough. Very much appreciated. Good karma to you
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>>18172551 no problem man.
>>18171637 Cloning general didn't work out.
Don't suppose anybody could gen me up a 6iv ditto? Jap or not doesn't matter
Lobo 4527-8725-2553
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>>18172459 Thanks a lot! :)
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
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>>18172604 I have one, but I'm not a cloner nor a genner so I'd like something decent for it at least. (:
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Looking to make a 6 Poke request. Not too much to offer, except some BP items. Any takers?
Grace 2809 - 8467 - 2259 (Bergmite, Snorunt, Piloswine)
Grace 2809 - 8467 - 2259 (Bergmite, Snorunt, Piloswine) Fri 21 Feb 2014 04:49:11 No. 18173971 Report Is it true that starters can't be gen'd with hidden abilities and traded?
0946 3624 2667
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Anyone be generous enough to gen me this?. Gardevoir (female) Ability: Trace EVs: 252 SAtk / 82 HP / 180 SDef Ivs: 31/0/31/31/31/x Modest Nature - Hyper Voice - WoW - Heal Bell - wish Please!.
>>18173971 That is correct. They are not able to be traded at this time.
Grace 2809 - 8467 - 2259 (Bergmite, Snorunt, Piloswine)
Grace 2809 - 8467 - 2259 (Bergmite, Snorunt, Piloswine) Fri 21 Feb 2014 04:54:42 No. 18174067 Report >>18174034 Damn. Okay, thanks!
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>>18174067 You're welcome.
faggot Anonymous
Anyone got luck with passing HA non-pokeball Tepig through bank?
>>18174283 Yeah. I have a luxury ball and diveball one.
>>18174317 how did you do it?
would you mind terribly sharing your secret?
>>18174337 I can't seem to find the file now, but I think it had something to do with setting the caught area to entree forest.
3711 8310 0503
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can someone help a nigga out? I have bp items....
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=7222236 Anonymous
>>18174390 I'm giving it a try, thanks for letting me know!
>>18174744 No problem. Let me know if it doesn't work out.
>>18174784 didn't work, I did both, entralink location and keep blaze as ability with the extra 1 bit.
any other idea?
>>18175341 This isn't the exact same one I had but this should work:
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=2064300 Anonymous
>>18175456 so should I keep the ability as HA (in this case reckless) and everything else the same? (level 10, Emboar, entree forest)
>>18175610 I don't think that'll go through so to be safe, just change the trashbytes like usual.
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
Would anyone be able to make me this Rotom-w named Kenmore @chesto berry 240 hp 188 def 80 special def Hydro pump Volt switch Will o wisp Rest ? Let me know what you would like in return. Is
>>18175640 thanks a lot dude, it finally worked!
I did have to do the trashbyte thing but everything else worked just fine.
thanks again.
I can't transfer any pokegenned pokemon with the poketransfer. It says they are not able to send them because it found a problem with them. I'm 100% sure they are legit because I didn't change even an IV from the Smogon file folder. What am I doing wrong?
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Can anyone make gen me a Suicune Suicune Not shiny and No Nickname Ability In a normal Pokeball calm OT Jesse 5x31 iv no attack IV in a normal pokeball Level 50 no ev ill ev train it my self Attacks sleep talk rest Scald Ice beam I can offer BM items and X megastones Mewtwo and Pinsir and have spare Lucarionite
What are good Mons to generate before free Bank closes? I can only name a few off my head>catching Smeargles >HA starters with egg moves >legendaries Anything more?
>>18178689 You'll want to make some move tutor mons. Stuff like knock off weaville, hyper voice gardevoir, sucker punch hitmontop, maybe a crown raikou with aura sphere and weather ball.
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>>18178714 Got any complete movesets? I already have a Crown Raikou
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???)
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???) Fri 21 Feb 2014 17:22:27 No. 18180707 Report Would someone be awesome to make a Female Deino (Hydreigon) in Dusk Ball 31/31/31/31/x/31 And/Or West Sea Female Gastrodon in Dive Ball 31/x/31/31/31/31 Thanks
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Is there a good guide out there to making a Pokemon that originated in Gen 4? Can't seem to figure it out.
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>>18171682 these dont wrk for me on pokegen or pokegts. anyone got working ones?
Could somebody explain how is this even possible and what I'm doing wrong?
>>18185283 Try putting a \FFFF at the end
'Ight, back again. Genning pokemon while hatching Honedges. Any requests for legendaries w/ iv spreads gen 4 and lower might be more difficult to do.
>>18180707 >>18175760 >>18180707 >>18175760 doing these now
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
hey everyone, a friend of mine (who can't do 4chan) asked me to ask if anyone's willing to gen him a timid kyurem in exchange for any BP item. any takers?
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>>18185304 It worked, thanks! Now even more confused, though. I thought finishing with \FFFF was only for gen IV OTs.
Guys could anyone help get this pokemon as females and in a premier ball? Omanyte Kabuto Aerodactyl* Lileep Anorith* Cranidos Shieldon Tortouga If its too much work i can priorice the * ones. Please!
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18185633 Aren't fossils Pokeball only?
Jared 1650-2624-2725
Could anyone do a Shiny Adamant Kecleon with Drain Punch and Fake Out? If you can do IV's then 31/31/31/00/31/31 or 6iv. If you'd like anything in return tell me.
Quoted By:
>>18185692 I think you were able to catch them in any pokeball in dw?
>>18185654 ight got it. transferring now.
>>18185719 ye sure. although it won't have protean since it got unlocked in gen6
xeno 0705 -3224 - 9634 !0eFYke/1u.
Can someone transfer me these pokemon?
>https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=box&bid=1&u=xeno54 I can give you in return every BP items (Ability Capsule included) or any pokemon from here →
>>18185847 sure. I'll take a life orb.
Jared 1650-2624-2725
>>18185810 Well shit, that's still fine then. I'll add you right now though.
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
xeno 0705 -3224 - 9634 !0eFYke/1u.
>>18185910 Only one? they are 5 pokemons
>>18185933 Sorry, what do you mean with AB?
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18185910 What did you want for it?
>>18185979 um i dont really care
>>18185969 i'll take a life orb and heart scales i suppose
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Invidia 2981-7265-4220
>>18186017 sure. i'll take two lucky eggs
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
>>18186176 Sweet! Let me know when you're ready (:
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Quoted By:
>>18186353 Sweet, I'm adding you!
xeno 0705 -3224 - 9634 !0eFYke/1u.
Jared 1650-2624-2725
>>18186356 any specific moveset/evs/shininess/name?
Trask [1461 - 7444 - 0109]
Quoted By:
>>18186528 Thank you so much! (:
Damien FC: 4441-9499-9497
Could I get help with two pokemon please? I'd like this:
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=8798223 And also:
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=1910926 I can offer a trade of a manaphy and HA dream radar level 5 lugia holding a houndoomite
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Can someone gen me a Shiny Jolly mewtwo with the aqua tail, psycho cut and drain punch? The name Verde and a duskball will be appreciated. I have a shiny female HA poliwhirl with okay IVs who's kalos native. Please and thank you.
0946 3624 2667
>>18187090 Ok i'll help you, keep your mons
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18187615 >>18187695 Hey anon, mind helping me with this as well?
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=8954406 I will gladly give you my shiny poliwhirl.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Can someone gen me some shiny eevees? I'm looking to make a shiny eevolution team. I already have vaporeon, glaceon, and flareon. I have a 6iv kalos goomy I can give, also a choice scarf
Damien FC: 4441-9499-9497
>>18187695 Awesome, thanks. Let me know when youre ready. I'll add your FC now
0946 3624 2667
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18187943 Thank you so much! You made a ten year old boy happy! I'll add you and wait online.
>>18187876 Anything specific? I have some shiny eevee for Offensive Svyleon
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18187876 I also have a lvl 100 shiny blissey
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18187987 I don't have that unfortunately. And I'm just looking for them to be offensive, with whatever nature would best suit the different evolutions. Oh and with adaptability
0946 3624 2667
>>18187920 >>18187972 Done send me a trade.
Anybody in here know how to do legit competitive pokes from XD/Colosseum in Pokegen? Trying to make a legit Baton Pass HP Ice Zapdos, and I'm failing miserably. I'd like to know how to do it myself.
Damien FC: 4441-9499-9497
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Quoted By:
>>18188116 I don't see a different icon for you
>>18188065 Mines have their Hidden Ability since they're going to be used as Sylveon anyway. I can give you one over the GTS for a Luvdisc
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>>18188119 nevermind, after some research, I found a program that I can make legit ones with.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18188204 That would be awesome thank, what level should I request?
>>18188238 Level 1-10, Female. I have HP Ground or HP Fire.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18188253 Fire please, its up
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18188278 Just got it, thanks anon
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
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>>18188662 >https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=1910926 Gimme a minute to boot up black, and I'll get it done.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Quoted By:
>>18188662 Oi, there's no button to add it to DL queue, and I have not yet gotten the hang of genning, so I'm going to need a functioning link to get it for you, unless yuo just needed help fixing it, then I'm just plain useless.
0946 3624 2667
>>18188662 >https://www.pokecheck.org/?screenshot=8782265&la You don´t want modifications? you want it just like that?
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
>>18187615 Hey Izzy, I still have the data for the original Verde if you want me to modify it.
https://www.pokecheck.org/?pk=8616018 Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Alexander 2981 6579 0302
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 02:53:03 No. 18189351 Report Yo requesting :6IV shiny Charizard Jolly natured nicknamed Ddraig EV spread (248 on HP, 84 on Def and 176 on SpD) D-dance dragon claw roost flare blitz and 6IV shiny timid female espeon with magic bounce nicknamed bakeneko with 252 speed/240 hp and the rest in special attack.. I don't care about the moves i'll do them myslef later I can offer battle items and stuff.
0946 3624 2667
>>18189351 I gladly help you but i have problems with the nicknames...
Quoted By:
>>18189351 Why Jolly if you're not going to invest in speed? go Adamant
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 03:06:33 No. 18189576 Report >>18189496 If you can't do the nicknames it's cool no big deal .Thanks what items do you want?
Quoted By:
>>18171058 >They can be used everywhere but ranked battles at the Battle Spot. why?
Kota 4167-4825-4272
Anybody think they could make me a basic smogonfag Latios and trade it to me? I'd be willing to trade a shiny charizard. I think it has a bashful nature so it's kind of shit, honestly.
Anybody kind enough to make me a 6iv ditto?
>>18171058 >Gen 6 Pokegen No, there's no Gen 6 Pokegen coming in the near future.
Kota 4167-4825-4272
Quoted By:
>>18189624 OH, and if nicknames are a thing, Jetstream works if it'll fit. In honor of Jetstream Sam.
0946 3624 2667
>>18189576 No, no i don't want anything, another thing i'm going to eat so can you wait?
>>18188994 Preferably, but if they're needed, then I don't mind them.
Quoted By:
>>18189649 How can you be so sure?
>>18189640 any specific nature you want?
>>18189624 alright, on it.
Kota 4167-4825-4272
>>18189726 Thanks bro. I appreciate it.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 03:17:42 No. 18189744 Report Quoted By:
>>18189685 Yes I can wait.Thank you just update here and let me know when your good and stuff.
>>18189726 No, any is fine
So, I gotta question. I successfully Transfered a pokemon into Black 2, however all its stats are zero. I didn't give it any ridiculous stats for that matter. It's all legit looking
Quoted By:
>>18189835 That isn't a question.
What location, level and Encounter type do you set DW ability mons too? Is dream ball the only possible ball for DW ability mons (other than pokeballs)
Quoted By:
>>18190008 dream world, depends, egg/pal park/event, yes
don't forget to set extra bytes to 1
only reason I'd do this is for dw legendaries though
Kota 4167-4825-4272
Quoted By:
>>18190131 Cool man. I already added you and I'm about done with this battle I'm in. I'll send you a trade request when I get out.
Quoted By:
>>18171058 >They can be used everywhere but ranked battles at the Battle Spot. This is wrong. Don't listen to OP.
Zaros 4441-9306-8566
Quoted By:
>>18190131 And I just realized I haven't had my friend code up
Kota 4167-4825-4272
>>18190131 Thanks for the Latios bro. I'm gonna use that shit right now.
>>18190235 how the fuck did a charmander in a masterball get through bank.
Alphonsie 1822-0042-2640
Quoted By:
>>18171514 I'd also like this, need Jirachi for dex completion
Is it possible to gen a contrary snivy that can work online and be transfered to XY?
Quoted By:
>>18190270 Bank doesn't actually check ball types, just anything in a non-standard Pokeball + either egg moves or having been bred and hatched from an egg. At least for generic Pokemon, I haven't played with legendaries all that much.
Kota 4167-4825-4272
Quoted By:
>>18190270 No idea man. My friends gave it to me.
So how do you guys get nicknames through the transporter without it transferring to the original name?
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18190347 It only resets censored names.
Quoted By:
>>18190293 you can get it to xy but it cant be used online.
source: tried it myself
Quoted By:
>>18190357 I named my Bisharp Jet Jaguar, but it didn't get through. Do i have to do something with the trash bytes or something?
Zaros 4441-9306-8566
Quoted By:
>>18190131 >it's japanese too Thanks a ton, breeding time
David 3926-5754-2050
Anybody here willing to ten me a Keldeo? Been trying to get one through trade for a week now without any success.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18190602 Get a pokecheck link, and I'll get it for you.
0946 3624 2667
Quoted By:
>>18189699 Sorry to keep you waiting, i got both of them.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 04:24:51 No. 18190754 Report So the other guy left i think can anyone gen me thsese I can offer battle items and stuff. :6IV shiny Charizard Jolly natured nicknamed Ddraig EV spread (248 on HP, 84 on Def and 176 on SpD) D-dance dragon claw roost flare blitz and 6IV shiny timid female espeon with magic bounce nicknamed bakeneko with 252 speed/240 hp and the rest in special attack.. I don't care about the moves i'll do them myslef later I can offer battle items and stuff.
David 3926-5754-2050
Infiltrator Chandelure with Clear Smog. Is it allowed in Ranked? It's not possible in the slightest under normal circumstances so I'm curious. It's Kalos born.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18190760 Alright, add me. I'll have that for you in a jiffy.
0946 3624 2667
>>18190754 dude lol, i think you didn´t noticed my post, i got both of them.
>>18190782 Yes it nincompoop. Koffing has clear smog which i've bred onto Litwick with infiltrator. both are completley legitimate with pokebank(legal) and friend safaris.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 04:34:00 No. 18190877 Report >>18190842 Oh sorry about that.I got you added now bro.Many thanks
>>18190859 Is Bulbapedia outdated then? Because on there, most pokemon have shit-all for egg moves in Gen 6. It tells me Clear Smog is Gen 5 only, along with a lot of other egg moves that really shouldn't be
>>18190890 Incredibly, use Serebii instead.
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18190806 Added you now, send me a request when you're ready.
Is there something you wanted in return? I've got 5 IV Kalos pokes and a Charizardite Y.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18190890 Charizardite would be appreciated, if you never plan on using it, since I got jewed out of mine, but if you might use it, just keep it. I don't really need anything in return.
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Quoted By:
>>18190951 >>18190931 D'oh, clicked the wrong post, my bad.
0946 3624 2667
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18190951 Eh, I got another one. It's yours.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 04:42:35 No. 18191002 Report >>18190981 Yea I saw on the friends list,also qt
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
>>18190991 Oh nice. I really appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>18190909 You're a godsend. I've been misled for weeks by that shitter pomfret.
Back to Serebii it is
Strix FC: 5429-8251-5439
Quoted By:
>>18190991 Enjoy the Keldeo
Anyone gen me a shiny petelil? I will trade a shiny giratina for it
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 04:49:27 No. 18191105 Report Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 04:50:05 No. 18191111 Report Quoted By:
>>18191002 Is your IGN you penguin?
David 3926-5754-2050
>>18191010 No prob, thank you.
Now then, anyone care to gen me this Victini
https://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=8651204 But with the moves Zen Headbutt and Blue Flare instead of bolt strike and Thunderpunch?
0946 3624 2667
>>18191002 lol thanks, invite me whenever you're ready
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:02:07 No. 18191301 Report Quoted By:
>>18191213 i'm invting you pls respond
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Requesting some 6iv shiny eevees. I want a sparkly eevolution team. I can offer a choice scarf and a 6iv kalos shiny goomy.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:06:10 No. 18191365 Report Quoted By:
>>18191213 I love you thank you so much.
0946 3624 2667
>>18191105 Nature, ivs, evs, ability?
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:07:36 No. 18191388 Report >>18191367 Modest, 5iv with none in attack and it doesn't have to have any abilities except the basic level 1 shit. Also female.
0946 3624 2667
>>18191388 No nickname right?.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:13:56 No. 18191469 Report >>18191456 Hmmm You know what go wiht Lily.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18191363 someone pls reply
I'm almost always ignored in these threads David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
Asking again if anyone wants to gen this
>>18191120 For me.
>>18191363 uh, how many do you want?
I feel really bad wanting that Goomy.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191533 Why feel bad? How many would you be willing to do?
>>18191581 As many as you want, I guess.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191614 Whats a reasonable request, because right now my inner happy merchant is screaming
>>18191640 Uh, I guess all the Eevee forms. Do you want me to put 0 attack for the ones not named Flareon, Leafeon, and Umbreon?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191650 0 attack? Sorry I'm pretty new to genning
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:27:47 No. 18191695 Report Quoted By:
>>18191678 0 iv in attack i think
>>18191678 0 Attack IVs, for taking less damage from Foul Play
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191700 Is that the only benefit? I just want them to be competitive, sorry for being ignorant
0946 3624 2667
>>18191469 got it, i leave the Ev training to you.
>>18191755 If you want a hexaperfect that's fine, it only really matters for Espeon anyway.
So specify how many you want again, or do you you just want me to do the whole Eeveelution family lol
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:35:15 No. 18191810 Report >>18191762 Thanks should I go on gts and look for the lil? My friends list is full. Let me see who I dont need added anymore
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191809 By the eevee family do you mean they will already be evolved or just the number?
C-can I get 10? (IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:36:36 No. 18191843 Report >>18191810 Wait enever mind wow it says I have u added already lol
>>18191834 Uh, do you want all of them to be just base Eevee forms or their evos? It'll be easier that way, only one that'll be an eevee is the one for Sylveon. And sure, give me a moment lol
0946 3624 2667
>>18191843 ooh ok give me a sec.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18191869 Evos works if thats easier for you. Just make them competitive with good natures please
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:47:15 No. 18192025 Report >>18191903 Thanks dude. I hope that level 1 shit didn't irk you
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18186528 Fuck I fell asleep. You're probably not still here but if anyone wants to jump on this, looking for a timid kyurem in exchange for BP item of your choice
0946 3624 2667
>>18192025 You sure about it? i need it for the dex but still.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Sat 22 Feb 2014 05:50:48 No. 18192080 Report Quoted By:
>>18192058 Keep it I sure as hell don't need it.
Quoted By:
I need help. I want to pokegen an eevee that I want to evolve into a sylveon, so do I have to give it the Sylveon nickname, or can I leave it as Eevee?
>>18191906 Ok, so I get the evos and an eevee for sylveon, the other two eeveelutions are for...
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192126 Can those just be plain eevees?
>>18192135 Alright, do you want me to make them the same as the sylveon eevee?
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192195 Ok, now just to get them through transporter.
0946 3624 2667
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192258 Am I giving you the choice scarf as well?
>>18192323 nah
put my fc and name in the field
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192410 i just see the name, no friend code
>>18192323 Oh, fuck, forgot to get Glaceon. Give me a moment.
>>18192452 Hover over the name.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192474 not seeing it still
>>18192510 Uh, alright then. 1736 0977 8705.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192568 give me a moment to get the glaceon from bank
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Yandere 0576 5391 3878
Anyone have a Murkrow with prankster?
>>18192626 can you give the goomy first so i know you won't scam? lol
Mason 3797-7791-1597
>>18192658 oh, I'll give it now
0946 3624 2667
Quoted By:
>>18192653 Kalos? nope, Gen yes.
>>18192671 oh lord, didn't notice the espeon is nicknamed, is that fine? lol
Quoted By:
quick question if i gen a poke and it has the pokeball, does it still go to the dex and what does it mean soz noob
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18192693 I didn't really want nicknames but I can deal with it if redoing it is too much of a bother.
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18192693 Thanks so much, I was looking for someone for forever to help me out. Enjoy the goomy
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
0946 3624 2667
>>18192810 Do you still need a Kyurem?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18192925 I do, or rather, my friend does. Posting on his behalf
Mason 3797-7791-1597
Quoted By:
>>18192948 I could help you out if you two havn't traded already
0946 3624 2667
>>18192948 ooh ok, so what nature, ivs, evs?.
Quoted By:
What's everyone's opinion of the KEYsave shit they put out?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18193036 Timid nature. He didn't specify what else but I'm sure he'd want the best possible ivs and evs.
0946 3624 2667
>>18193150 Woo sorry this one was a little hard but now i got it.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18193568 Hm, well my friend is asleep by now but I can front him some BP if it's not too much. what did you want for it?
0946 3624 2667
Meowiekins FC:0216-1398-8953)
Quoted By:
Can someone gen a Shiny Female Adament Buneary Ability Cute Charm Thunder punch, Fire punch, Ice punch, and Focus Punch. 6ivs if you can if not then just 5ivs and 0ivs in SAtk. Can offer 6iv Shiny Timid Darkrai, Shiny 6iv Timid Thundurus, 6iv Shiny Hasty Genesect, and a 6iv Shiny Timid Shaymin.
Quoted By:
Anyone have a .pkm file with the Crown Raikou?(Weather ball and Aura Spheare)
Quoted By:
Not sure if this is the wrong thread for this, but I've been genning some pokemon, but I don't have the right internet settings to send it over via pokeGTS. Are there any other ways of sending pokegen files?
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???)
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???) Sat 22 Feb 2014 14:41:37 No. 18195986 Report Quoted By:
>>18185319 Someone did it! thanks
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???)
Montagem 4639 - 9396 - 1901 (Loudred, Dunsparce, ???) Sat 22 Feb 2014 14:44:15 No. 18196005 Report Quoted By:
>>18185319 Pref if you can trade me ingame please
Quoted By:
Why can't I do anything with this thing /vp/? Plus doing GEN service.