GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / 6IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts available. Sorry!
How do you feel about XY pokegen potentially happening soon? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Previous Thread:
>>18174689 Anyone have an Eelektross?
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Reposting my request for a Modest/Timid Vivillon in Icysnow, Sandstorm, Garden, or Jungle in order of preference Also cool with any scatterbugs destined to meet the above reqs
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Why does this picture look so lewd.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Giving these away! Throw up a disc specifying species and gender if you want one. Riolu in quick ball, Jolly, 5IV w/BP, HJK, Crunch x5 Inner Focus females x9 HA males Stunky in premier ball, adamant, aftermath ability, 5IV w/Crunch, Pursuit, Play Rough, Haze x9 females x11 males x1 female love ball mareep x1 female moon ball absol Just hoarded more boxes of riolu and will start hatching tonight. I'll post if I get any more HA females. And hopefully a shiny
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18174765 Just be glad I didn't use this one. Amax
>>18174775 Can I get that Moon ball absol? Putting a disc up
>>18174775 Wouldn't mind one.
Give me 2-3 minutes, just finishing up a horde
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18174778 Well usually I post "NEW THREAD" in all caps and post the link to it 5-10 times so people see it. But the system would have none of it this time...
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18174765 You're l-lewd
>>18174759 I just checked my box in Bank, and the only extra I have of any of those is a shit nature Garden, sorry.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
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>>18174799 Thank you for not using that lol
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>>18174799 Hahahaha. Shit.
>>18174775 Sorry, meant to say Stunky.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
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>>18174815 >I just checked my box in Bank, and the only extra I have of any of those is a shit nature Garden, sorry. No worries man thanks for checking!
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18174775 dont lose your wayy
keep seaking that peenk dank
ramona you can do it
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18174810 Sent!
>>18174811 Which poke would you like?
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>>18174717 Forgot to say that any nature/IV/gender/ability/pokeball would do.
>>18174775 Disc up for Mareep, thanks
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18174814 Weird. Maybe they're cracking down on link spamming?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18174844 Don't worry, haven't given up on pink skunk. I'm doing a dual MM of sorts... I get bored looking at the same poke hatch over and over again, yaknow?
>>18174829 Oh, gotcha! male or female?
>>18174775 Luvdisc up. Awaiting a Stunky!
edward 4270 1531 8076
>>18174775 can you save me a stunky female ?
also is riolu good?
Still have these left for anyone interested: 7 Quick Ball Joltik 3 HA Love Ball Pichu 2 HA Repeat Ball Torchic 1 HA Level Ball Torchic Torchic and Pichu are illegal combos.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18174861 Sent!
>>18174867 Guess so, I was worried for a minute there.
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>>18174873 Preferably male? If you have some spare.
Thanks so much!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>18174889 Sent!
>>18174890 Of course, put up a luvdisc!
Lucario is objectively good, I'm sure most would agree. You can have both stunky and riolu if you want.
>>18174892 Could I get a Quick Ball Joltik. Disc is up. I think I'm starting to develop a problem...
>>18174894 Cheers, I'd like a Stunky too if you don't mind
Disc already up
SH: 4012-4402-8698
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Could any of you fine gentleman spare a Sturdy Bergmite? preferably female, but I'll take male as well.. luvdisc is up on the gts.
>>18174775 I'd like an Inner Focus Riolu! I have to go catch a Luvdisc but it'll be up momentarily.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Fri 21 Feb 2014 05:59:54 No. 18175001 Report >>18174892 Dude, do you still have that Level Ball Torchic?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Jae: 1263-7011-3822
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Can anyone help me with HA piplup, turtwig or treecko?
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>>18175001 Yep, toss a Disc up.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Fri 21 Feb 2014 06:00:55 No. 18175019 Report Quoted By:
>>18175001 Never-mind I don't want Illegal Combos.
>>18174775 Can I have a Riolu? Disc is up.
I can give away some Growlithes, Mareeps and Honedges.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18175052 Sent! Hope you don't mind a female.
>>18174997 No problem! Reply when you've disced up, I'm hatching eggs.
Is Repeat Ball a good choice for Honedge? I know, everyone and their mother already has Honedge bred.
>>18175056 I like Luxury for Honedge.
Larvesta blowout sale. They all come in Level Balls, are timid (unless otherwise stated) and have been bred for Hidden Powers. So most should have a 30 in Defense and three or four perfect stats. 5x HP Ice male 2x HP Electric female 1x HP Ice female (get it while you can!) 4x other HP males (e.g. Dragon, Bug) 2x other HP female (one timid, one pentaperfect quiet) 2x HP Water male/female (neutral natures) Disc up with you want one. If you don't specify the gender here or on GTS, you'll get a male.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18175056 Eh, I feel like luxury would look better.
>>18175055 It's up right now. Thank you!
>>18175056 >>18175092 I meant for the shiny, though it's not like I'm going to MM it.
And yes, Luxury probably would look better.
Quoted By:
>>18175110 Also meant for
>>18175083 Well, at least I'll finally have Honedge bred anyway.
>>18175089 Will totally take that HP Ice female. Now I just want to catch a box full of Luvdiscs...
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18175089 HP Ice male sounds pretty good to me.
Can I give you a Minccino instead? Fresh out of Luvdiscs
>>18175137 Disc up if you haven't.
>>18175183 Is that Minccino bred with good IVs or egg moves, or just some random one? I'll take it either way.
>>18175232 Just some random one, but I've got my old parents if you want me to breed you a good one?
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>>18175232 I did already. Thank you!
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Fri 21 Feb 2014 06:20:08 No. 18175271 Report Quoted By:
>>18175089 Ice please! Male is fine <3.
Fred 4613-7558-7849
Am killing for a noivern, ign is Fred. Only 8 mons away from dex completion
>>18174689 Would really love a Bronzor (last family I need) Putting up Lovedisc now
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18174759 >someone took my disc for a Brave Savanna Viv you're a real son of a bitch, guy
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>>18175286 What are these 8 mons, chances are that I have them?
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>>18175288 *Luvdisc my bad
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>>18175286 >tfw 71 pokemons left One day.
>>18175294 At least Savanna is somewhat rare. Better than getting sniped with an Elegant Viv.
Anyone have a Porygon they're willing to part with? I love the little bugger.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175353 ty for this optimism I will take it to heart on my journey for pretty butterflies
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175368 just traded a shiny Giratina for a random Jungle
haven't checked its nature
wish me luck
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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Just traded a cobalion for a razor fang. No regrets
I don't know how this thread works. I just want a good Ferroseed / Ferrothorn.
What's the rarest vivillon?
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175495 Hasty
could have gone so much worse, but damn is it fragile
also the one IV it has maxed is SpA
actually pretty content
this might be the end of my groveling ITT :')
>>18175510 It just so happens I have a shit ton of good Ferrothorns sitting around. Just put a luvdisc up on the GTS and I'll trade you one.
>>18175527 At least you are happy.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175539 haha yeah that's important
ty for the emotional support anon
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>>18175554 No problem, Jonn. Enjoy your butterflies.
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>>18175529 Luvdisc is up. Thanks a lot!
IGN: Michael
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>>18175524 Alaska/Poles, I believe.
>>18175257 I still don't see a Minccino from you. You don't have to breed a new one, unless you want to.
>>18175524 Hard to say. Look for a Vivillon map and make your assumptions.
Icy Snow is limited to Northern Sweden, Finland, parts of Russia the three least-inhabited regions in Northern Canada.
Ocean is only available on several Pacific islands, including Hawaii and Okinawa.
Monsoon is available in Taiwan, but apparently also in India. Just how many people in India have a 3DS?
Quoted By:
>>18175619 Whoops I must of gotten sniped.
Just at Le Wow now, won't be long sorry :(
>>18175619 All done with Le Wow.
To give you a sweeter deal for waiting, I'll instead throw in a male Jolly 5IV Zubat with Brave Bird. How's that?
Anyone have a glalie or cherrim or happiny?
Travis - 0619-5008-5122
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>>18174775 Can I have a Riolu and a Stunky?
Putting it up now.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175822 I have a Careful lvl 1 Snorunt I got from a Wonder Trade if you're interested
>>18175839 No, I already have a snorunt. I need glalie entry for dex. Thanks anyway.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18175859 ah gotcha
good luck then
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Quoted By:
>>18174775 I'll aim for that Inner Focus Riolu, what type of IVs does it have anyway?
>>18175874 Thanks, I'll need luck. ugh.
>tfw every single Glalie in GTS is asking for event mons/legendaries Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18175619 >>18175819 (Haven't put it up yet, just waiting for your confirmation)
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18175888 haha shit that's a familiar frustration
kids, man
>>18175819 I don't particularly need it. Already have an HA female with just that egg move.
Just put up whatever.
>>18175888 Want to touch trade?
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>>18175967 Nah, don't worry. Thanks for the offer, dude.
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>>18174775 Thanks a lot! Put one up for a Stunky if you have any left (female preferred).
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>>18175957 No worries then. I've got 3-4 of both abilities.
But as for putting something up, Phanphy alright? Nothing special. Hopefully it all works this time
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Santana here? I'm returning your Ditto who's now a proud father of a shiny Chatot. Anyone want a love ball Chatot? Some have hp ground.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18176030 Can you check to see if you have a pentaperfect hp ground chatot? I'd really like one!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18176030 Yep. Just gimme a sec to hop online.
>>18175957 Not too sure whether to say thanks yet or not.
Was it an ATK/SpDef/Spd Larvesta?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18176042 ._. I've over a box of Chatots that have unchecked ivs, mind if I just send you one with hp ground?
>>18176052 Thanks
>>18176068 2-3 this time
>>18176030 It took only 2-3 boxs to hatch a Chatot. Wow, congrats.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18176089 You new around here?
I've gone through 40 boxes of Hoppips before. Cuan
>>18176062 Yes. You'll probably want to re-breed the Larvesta though, as the spread should be x/0/30/x/31/31 on it. Slowly getting to the bottom of the barrel.
>>18176099 Not new, I just don't follow Giveaways thread everyday.
Totally worth, wasn't it? Hoppip shiny line is god tier Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18176106 No worries. Glad this one was yours. Thanks for that Anon/Cuan
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18176113 I still don't have one >>18176054 Thanks for the Ditto <3
>>18175354 >>18175354 If you're still here I have a Porygon, just gave one away on the GTS but I have others
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18176119 You're welcome. Did the Chatot hatch with hp ground?
<3 Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18174775 Just got the Stunky, thanks a lot!
I think my first Disc got sniped. Can I have one of the Male Riolus?
>>18176125 I'm here alright, putting a disc on the GTS
>>18176166 What's your name so I know who to give it to
>>18176168 Should be Dusk, if not Patches.
>ran out of luvdiscs FUCK. Just a moment.
Anyone interested in Heal Ball Goomy? I have 3 Gooey, 4 Hydration and 5 Sap Sipper. All female, 4-5 IVs, Calm, Counter/AcidArmor/IronTail/Curse.
>>18176199 >>18176199 We can trade just regularly if it's more convenient, give me anything in exchange it isn't important
James 4871-3882-7614
>>18176219 Add me: Travis - 0619-5008-5122
I'd love a Gooey one.
>>18176199 How do you not know what your IGN is? You're in the game right now.
>>18176240 I get my IGN, 3DS name and nickname confused.
Retarded, I know.
>>18176221 , depositing it now. Look for the disc with the PP Up
>>18176261 OK, I'll look for him, just gimme a few minutes as there's a billion Luvdics up atm
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18176219 Mind if I could get a Gooey one?
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>>18176261 >>18176278 Found him, sending now :)
Quoted By:
>>18176278 No problem man, no rush.
>>18176239 Toss up a Disc on the GTS.
>>18176219 I'd like one with Hydration. I found Gooey very disappointing on my Goodra.
>>18176314 Ok. I just put it up. IGN: Travis.
>>18176323 Yeah? I think Sap Sipper Goodra might be interesting.
>>18176288 Sent, enjoy!
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Quoted By:
>>18176327 Got it. Thank you.
>>18174892 I'll take a Joltik. Disc up.
Bush 0516-7281-0378
Can anyone spare a 5iv jolly or adamant tyrunt?
>>18176219 I'll take a Gooey one :o Discing up
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18176356 I'll breed you a jolly one with elemental fangs and DDance if no one as a spare.
>>18176219 I'll take one, any ability is fine
IGN: Doc
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>>18176327 I mostly run rain teams, so Hydration Rest is a viable tactic. Sap Sipper could make sense on a physical build (or at least with a nature that doesn't lower Attack) if you can switch in on a predicted Grass-type attack, but the immunity alone doesn't seem very worthwhile.
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>>18176377 >>18176391 Got you two.
>>18176351 Don't see your Disc, Anon.
I have 18 (8f/10m) 4V adamant adaptability Corphish with Bubble/Knock Off/Aqua Jet/Superpower that I'm willing to give away. None of them have 31 special attack so don't worry. If you want one, tell me your IGN and I'll get one to you for a luvdisc. I will judge you negatively if you don't give me an item, but I will still give you a phish.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18176452 Please can you give me one?
Quoted By:
>>18176452 I'll take one
Can't say I have the best present though
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:27:54 No. 18176509 Report Quoted By:
>>18176452 I would like one
>>18176452 >I will judge you negatively if you don't give me an item, but I will still give you a phish. >Giveaway Thread !F9APM88aHM
>>18176518 I'm still giving them away, but I would like items because I'm jewish.
I think I have 14 or 15 left still.
Quoted By:
>>18176452 I would like a female one, thanks. Adding a disc.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:31:30 No. 18176534 Report Also I have 15 boxes of Beldums all adamant and 5 iv if anyone wants one, tell me what you put up and ign
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>>18176528 Next time make your own thread.
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>>18176452 Phish please.
Put up a Pichu
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>>18176452 What kind of ball are they in? Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18176356 If you're still around, I have that Tyrunt you wanted.
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I've got a bunch of leftover mudkips. They're all careful natured, with curse and avalanche. The IVs aren't too amazing, just 2-3 for most of them. Figured I'd ask if anyone was interested before I WT'd them off my hands.
>>18176534 >15 boxes Did you get your shiny?
Also, I would like one. Putting up a luvdisc
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:37:19 No. 18176581 Report >>18176570 I am still going, I got one shiny with 4 attack ivs, might try a special metagross with him
Quoted By:
Thanks for the Corphish.
>>18176534 Send one over this way please. Thanks!
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:41:44 No. 18176619 Report >>18176534 Mind if I add you? I want to raid your Safari.
Quoted By:
>>18176581 Disc is up, gl on the shiny and thanks
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:42:36 No. 18176623 Report Quoted By:
>>18176534 What the fuck.
Yes please.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
I have four jolly Tyrunts. Two pentaperfect (1m/1f) and two 4iv (1m/1f). They come with elemental fangs and DDance. Pls take.
Last call for corphish. I'm gonna stop in 5 minutes
>>18176629 Gladly. Luvdisc is up.
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:46:16 No. 18176650 Report >>18176629 I'll put up a pichu!
>>18176646 male Phish please. Put up a Pichu.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:47:59 No. 18176661 Report >>18176626 Is whatever you put up up?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18176648 >>18176650 Sent
Two 4iv Tyrunts remain.
>>18176661 Just out of curiousity, how many perfect 6IVs did you get?
>>18176661 About to now.
Chucking up a level 3 Zigzagoon.
>be me >need to catch more Luvdisc Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:51:20 No. 18176700 Report Quoted By:
>>18176688 I had 6 when I was marking them, I stopped checking their IV'S about 6 boxes in
Quoted By:
>>18176695 maybe you should do more giveaways :^)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk)
Corrine 0318-8140-9670 (Meditite, Tyrogue, Sawk) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:54:21 No. 18176726 Report Quoted By:
>>18176646 If you're still there, I'm putting up a Pichu.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 08:54:40 No. 18176731 Report Anonymous
Mitch 3625-9430-9743
Quoted By:
>>18176452 Are you still here? I'd love one.
Hopeful-disc up
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Anyone want something from here? Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18176835 I'll take a Starly before heading to bed.
>>18176835 I'll take a larvesta. Putting up a luvdisc.
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 09:16:43 No. 18176871 Report >>18176835 I would like a larvesta
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Fri 21 Feb 2014 09:17:45 No. 18176879 Report Quoted By:
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
I was thinking about MMing Porygon. No idea what ability to go for though.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18176835 Disc is up for a Larvesta if you've got more to spare
Female would be great
>>18176835 Disk up for starly
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18176974 Thanks a bunch!
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Fri 21 Feb 2014 09:39:51 No. 18176998 Report >>18176974 mind if I get a larvesta?
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Fri 21 Feb 2014 09:42:08 No. 18177012 Report Quoted By:
Sophie 4441-8957-8457 !0jTXuqBdNc
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin)
Onic 3823-8530-4655 (Sawsbuck, Tangela, Quilladin) Fri 21 Feb 2014 10:48:31 No. 18177366 Report Quoted By:
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Dead hours are dead. I'm going to head to bed, unless anyone needs me for something.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18177482 Got a Mew left?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18177501 Put a disc up for a disc.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18177505 Shura, sleep is for the weak edition?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18177534 I saw you online. Go to sleep.
>>18177541 I meant you, I had sleep already, I got up.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18177548 Oh. Well, I'm going to bed soon. I promise.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 13:25:34 No. 18178146 Report Quoted By:
>>18176835 Katherine, I'll take a Larvesta please.
>>18176835 Hey, I'll take a Larvesta if you don't mind.
Quoted By:
I'm looking for GEN 5 starters. Do you guys have any spare ones? Thanks!
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18176835 Katherine can i have one Starly? Disc is up
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 14:28:56 No. 18178734 Report Quoted By:
>>18176835 My larvesta got sniped. Mind just put up another disc.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 14:39:01 No. 18178817 Report Quoted By:
>>18176534 >Beldums Would love. Disk up.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Fri 21 Feb 2014 14:39:45 No. 18178828 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Carbink with its Hidden Ability?
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 14:44:19 No. 18178877 Report Gonna breed solosis. Recommended IV spread and nature?
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
Quoted By:
>>18178877 Bold or Quiet (TR)
Adom - 3179-6434-6692
Quoted By:
>>18176534 Put a disc up, Thanks!
Have these left for anyone interested: 6 Quick Ball Joltik 6 Heal Ball Goomy (3 Sap Sipper, 3 Hydration) Reply, Disc up if you would like something.
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
>>18179079 I'll take Goomy.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18179079 Disc up for a Joltik thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18179105 >>18179129 Alright, got you two.
Fluffy The Mouse (IGN: T3chno)
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 15:17:25 No. 18179149 Report >>18179079 Yukari, may I have a 5 IV goomy?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18179079 Disc Up for Joltik
>>18179079 Gonna put a disc up for Joltik
>>18179149 >>18179150 Got you two, enjoy!
>>18179164 Sent, if you're Elena.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 15:25:32 No. 18179223 Report Quoted By:
>>18179213 Got it Yukari! Thanks!
Erin 2552-1273-4377
I'd love a shellder!
Preferably with rock blast but I'm not too bothered about IVs or natures.
>>18176534 Gonna put up a luvdisc for one of those in a few minutes
>>18179317 Never mind, a friend just gave me a Beldum. Still looking for any shellders though.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Good morning thread! I have a bunch of leftovers if anyone is interested: x8 Dream Ball Chansey (Seismic Toss/Counter/Aromatherapy/Gravity) x3 Female Repeat Ball Cyndaquil (Extrasensory) x20 Female Dive Ball Totodile (Crunch/Ice Punch/Aqua Jet/DD)
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
Quoted By:
>>18179458 Disc up for Chansey thanks!
Kabben 5215-1157-0978
Quoted By:
>>18179458 I'd love one of those Chanseys, putting up a Luvdisc.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18179458 Disc up for one of those Chansey!
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
Chansey sent, and a Cyndaquil was sent out too if you're out there Cyndaquil anon.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 16:02:53 No. 18179628 Report Quoted By:
>>18179458 disc is up for the Cyndaquil, Cynthia! :D
Mitch 3625-9430-9743
Quoted By:
Disc up for chancey
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Fri 21 Feb 2014 16:09:31 No. 18179720 Report >>18179397 I can breed you one with Rock blast
Erin 2552-1273-4377
>>18179720 That'd be really awesome, if it's not too much to ask.
Magni 2337-4861-0413
Quoted By:
>>18179458 I would really appreciate that Cyndaquil.
Also, would anyone happen to have a Luxury Ball female Prankster Sableye? The IVs and Nature don't matter, I can work out that myself.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Cyndaquil now gone. I'm sorry you might have to heart scale back extrasensory. ;_; Only have 2 more Chansey available. I miss counted the first time.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18179458 Disc is up for Cyndaquil
Magni 2337-4861-0413
Quoted By:
>>18179799 Thank you very much.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
IGN : Lwyn
>>18179079 Disc up for a joltik.
>>18179855 Delivered, enjoy1
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18179837 Cyndaquil are gone sorry, I do have a female Quilava if you want to reupload your disc for it.
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Fri 21 Feb 2014 16:24:21 No. 18179902 Report >>18179729 Erin, your shellder is ready, throw a luvdisc onto the GTS.
IGN : Lwyn
Erin 2552-1273-4377
Quoted By:
>>18179902 Already did, my in-game name is Yin.
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
>>18179899 sure that sounds good
disc for Quilava is up
Quoted By:
>>18177228 Sophie, you there? I'd like one of your Darumaka.
Mike 2492-4502-0093
Giveaway time! I've got 7 male and 7 female pentapefect adamant Diveball Magikarps to hand out. Put up a disc and specify a gender if you want.If anyone has a male pentaperfect non-english Magikarp I can use for MMing, I would love you long time
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Fri 21 Feb 2014 16:49:15 No. 18180249 Report Quoted By:
anyone got dive ball timid nidoran? gonna be my next mm target
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet)
[JPN] Sayuki 2878-9974-7591 (Pidgey, Woobat, Rufflet) Fri 21 Feb 2014 16:52:19 No. 18180282 Report >>18180186 I'll take one, thanks!
Mike 2492-4502-0093
IGN : Lwyn
>>18180186 Disc up. Female pls.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18180186 Disc up, male would be nice thanks!
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 17:06:40 No. 18180452 Report >>18180186 disc is up for a karp!
Mike 2492-4502-0093
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18180186 I would like one! I'll put up a Luvdisc now. Female please.
Quoted By:
>>18180186 Disc is up, I would like a female. Thanks.
Still have these to give away for anyone interested: 2 Quick Ball Jolitk 4 Heal Ball Goomy 11 Repeat Ball Scraggy Reply, toss a Disc up if you would like something.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 17:19:52 No. 18180657 Report Quoted By:
>>18180620 Throwing up a disc for Joltik :D
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18180620 Ability and nature of the Scraggy?
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle)
Trainer Gene 1461-6225-8951 (Loudred, Teddiursa, Smeargle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 17:26:00 No. 18180774 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a decent IV Timid Dry Skin Helioptile? Looking for a friend.
Quoted By:
>>18180620 Disced up for Scraggy.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18180685 Wooo okay disc for one of those Scraggy
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
I have a shitload of Tropius in dream balls, all 3 abilities to choose from, both genders, 4 egg moves (dragon dance, leech seed, nature power, synthesis). Disc up if you want one, choose gender, let me know which ability do you want - HA or one of the regulars. 5IV guaranteed.
Mike 2492-4502-0093
>>18181088 Got a disc up for a HA female. Thanks!
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
Quoted By:
>>18181177 Sent, enjoy your bananadino
Synthetik 3110-5713-4842
>>18181088 >Tropius Disc up no prefrence on gender. Thank you :)
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18180620 You still have that last Joltik?
Just put a disc up
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181088 I'm stuck in Le Wow, but I would love a Female Harvest one. I'll put up a disc as soon as I can. ;_;
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18181310 HA or no HA?
>>18181365 There's no hurry. Masuda Mambo.
Synthetik 3110-5713-4842
Quoted By:
>>18181383 HA please sorry forgot to include that
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
Quoted By:
>>18176534 Do you have any left? If so could I have one please? :)
>>18179458 Can I have a chansey please?
>>18175089 If you have any females left I would love one, thanks.
IGN: Gin
Disc: Lvl 15 Female
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181383 Good Luck on that MM! Disc is up!
>>18181482 Yeah put up a disc.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:18:40 No. 18181520 Report Quoted By:
>>18181483 Holy shit I misread that time. Genius!
On that note, anyone happen to have a female lureball Horsea? Don't care about stats or moves, I can take care of those, just need mah balls.
>>18181495 I don't have a disc, can I put up a dratini?
>>18181483 HP Ice females are gone for now. Or do you just want any female?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181528 It doesn't take much to catch a luvdisc...but okay, put it up asking for a Chansey.
Roland 3780-9347-9223
>>18181584 I gave away both of mine yesterday, I'm using dratini because it's left over from breeding.
Dratini up.
>>18181607 Give away Dratini for Luvdisc in this thread.
>>18181606 Waiting on your Disc.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181607 It's fine really! Ah I don't see Dratini, I hope it didn't get sniped.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:29:35 No. 18181642 Report >>18181581 Still around? Sweet, any female would be wonderfull
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy)
Bryan, Vivillon Fag. 1676-3673-0400 (Togepi-Swirlix-Clefairy)(Fairy) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:30:46 No. 18181654 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Heavy/Moon Ball Female Aron?
>>18181634 Nope, it's still up, I'll take it down and re-put it up.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:31:32 No. 18181666 Report Quoted By:
>>18181581 Disc is up under the same information
Lvl 15 female
IGN: Gin
Roland 3780-9347-9223
>>18179458 Can I get a Totodile?
>>18181630 Thanks for the Goomy.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181663 Found it! IGN Link right? Sent it.
Quoted By:
>>18181663 It's up again, I put the message as /vp/ Cynthia
>>18181697 Yeah, that's it, Thank you :'3
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18181713 No problem! I wonder why I couldn't see it the first time. ;_;
>>18181688 Yeah of course! Put up a disc.
Molma [3652-0643-3937][Rock: Corsola, Dwebble, Shuckle]
Molma [3652-0643-3937][Rock: Corsola, Dwebble, Shuckle] Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:36:23 No. 18181726 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Molma Request: Nidoran Female w/ Hustle (HA) I think 50 attempts is enough to be concerned...
Morning. What's new? As per OP spreadsheet, I have Lure Ball and Friend Ball Yanmas, and Quick Ball Electrikes.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:42:47 No. 18181814 Report Eh, I'll give something away. MMing for a Marill, so yeah. Lureball Marill all with 4/5 IV's just say the word if you want one.
>>18181642 I'll get to you once I've decided on a ball for Diglett/Dugtrio.
>>18181743 Hey there. I think I asked you for HA Goldeen earlier this week, but then passed out from exhaustion or simply forgot about it again.
Did you get to those?
Quoted By:
No more balltism list?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18181743 Tropiuses
oh wait, that's not new
fuk u masuda ; ;
Quoted By:
>>18181820 Same for me. I'll do then right now :) Give me a few minutes
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:46:50 No. 18181879 Report >>18181743 I'll grab a female in a friend ball if you don't mind.
IGN: Gin
Disc: Lvl 15 Male named Drugs
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:48:08 No. 18181891 Report Quoted By:
>>18181820 No hurry man, free stuff is free stuff, take as long as you need.
Quoted By:
>>18181846 :O I want a Dream Harvest Tropius. I'll disc up for one
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 18:55:54 No. 18182010 Report >>18181814 Bourbon I'll take a 5IV off your hands. Gender doesn't matter. I just need to catch a Disc.
Roland 3780-9347-9223
>>18181717 Can you find my disc? My ign is Dan. I put it up before I made the previous post
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18182036 I thought I sent it and went to go get breakfast but it turns out I was stuck in the choose a Pokemon screen. I'm dumb.
It's sent now. Sorry about the wait.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:01:35 No. 18182097 Report Quoted By:
>>18182010 Aight, gimme a minute to look through them.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:01:36 No. 18182098 Report >>18181814 Disc is up bro.
Roland 3780-9347-9223
Quoted By:
>>18182074 No problem, I thought I made a mistake in the description or something. Thanks for the totodile.
>>18181879 Say me when you put the disc back up again.
If you want the Larvesta for breeding and have something to get the desired nature onto it, the quiet or one of the neutrals might be best for that.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:05:55 No. 18182169 Report >>18182098 Sent, Should be Adamant/Huge power
Let me know if it isn't and ill just trade you one through the friend list
Quoted By:
My updated list: 3 Heal Ball Goomy 9 Repeat Ball Scraggy (Jolly/Moxie) 8 Repeat Ball Scraggy (Careful/Shed Skin) Reply, Disc up if you're interested.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:07:39 No. 18182189 Report Quoted By:
>>18182144 That was my plan, but whatever you're willing to give me would be great.
IGN: Gin
Disc: Lvl 15 Female
Message: Mah Balls
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:09:33 No. 18182213 Report Quoted By:
>>18182169 Thanks a bunch Bourbon! I have my own God of Destruction again! :D
>>18181820 Got your Goldeen. They're built according to Smogon, I think, which says they're supposed to be Lonely (+Att, -Def) and ideal spread is supposed to be -Def I think.
Anyways, disc up :o
Shaymin is best in a Nest Ball right? i'm about to catch one.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:22:47 No. 18182375 Report >>18182305 Obvious point is obvious,
But make sure to save beforehand.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Is anyone participating on the tournament that started today? I also need a Scyther leftover, but I've given up hope to find one.
>>18182384 Give me a minute I can breed you one.
>>18181814 Can you send me one? Disc is up.
Guys I have these pokes to give away:
2 x Growlithe, 4/5 IV, Jolly nature, males
2 x Eevee, 4 IV, modest natue, males.
2 x Goomy, 3/4 IV, modest nature, 1 male and 1 female (premier balls).
3 x Gligar, 3 IV, immunity, impish nature, female and males.
1 x Mareep, 4 IV, modest nature, female.
2 x Honedge, random IVs, brave nature, male/female (premier balls).
Mike 2492-4502-0093
>>18182384 What kind of Scyther do you need? I've got a male pentaperfect net ball technician if you want it.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:30:34 No. 18182475 Report >>18182462 Can I ask for growlithe and Honedge. I might ask for more, thank you.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>18182435 oh thanks! but I asked for a leftover since those have egg moves that is what I wanted for breeding..
do you have any of those?
>>18182375 Well friend ball looks good too but there's no way tog et that in Platinum. Oh man Darkrai would look best in a luxu---oh god I have you /vp/ now I'm choosing which balls to capture mons in. I went SIX generations without thinking like this, thanks a lot.
>>18182462 I'd love a gligar, putting up a disc
If it was one with speed or sp. def I'd be especially happy
Quoted By:
>>18182491 Night Slash/Baton Pass/Defog
Quoted By:
>>18182240 Disc is up. Thanks.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>18182471 much kind of you! I really want one because of egg moves, I heard defog is a thing now.. other things like IVs and Ball is not so relevant (male, of course)
Santana 4399-0165-0292
I come bearing gifts! 6 Dive Ball Tentacool HA (3 penta Males/3 4-imperfect 5iv females) Acupressure/Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Haze 5 Quick Ball Electrike (3 perfect HP Ice Males/1 borderline perfect HP Ice Male/1 borderline HP Ice Female) Switcheroo/Electro Ball/Flame Burst/Crunch 3 Safari Ball Larvitar (1 penta male/2 imperfect 5iv females) DDance/Sneaky Pebbles/Pursuit/Iron Head 2 4iv Tyrunt (1 male/1 female) with Elemental Fangs and DDance *Will nickname upon request **Borderline Perfect means one IV is off by 2 points, but still has the right Hidden Power
Elia - 1805 2727 7477
>>18182462 May I have an Eevee?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:36:46 No. 18182563 Report >>18182528 >Larvitar Name him Barney , please and thank you.
Mike 2492-4502-0093
>>18182524 Sorry, my scythers didn't have any egg moves. I bred these when I was a noob and didn't even think about it.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:37:53 No. 18182585 Report >>18182462 Sorry about the wait, Was watching TV and forget to check thread.
Since Scyther was mentioned, I should probably tell yall that I can make fairly decent ones in sports balls.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18182563 He's ready for you. Disc up.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18182528 Tentacool is perfect?
>>18182524 So do you want it or not? I just hatched a male and female in Sport Ball.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18182599 Just the males unfortunately. RNG has not been kind to me.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:39:42 No. 18182611 Report Quoted By:
>>18182571 Want one with B-pass Defog and Night slash? I can spook one up real quick if you like.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:39:57 No. 18182613 Report IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak)
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:40:23 No. 18182618 Report No one probably wants but I'm MM pumpkaboos right now Super size Impish frisk in dusk balls with all egg moves implying the egg moves are good Only giving away females with 5 IVs (request which IV you do not want. NOT guaranteed though) Disc up Heart scales appreciated but not needed.
>>18182528 Interested in female borderline Electrike and penta male Tentacool. Disced up for the former.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18182609 Perfect then can you name it Squid-Kun? I'll put the disc up when you tell me
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>18182608 A male would be perfect!
Should I put up a disc for it?
>>18182571 thanks anyway, Yukari is helping me with that.
Quoted By:
>>18182497 I hope you are the "Doc" guy, because you didn't post your IGN.
>>18182475 >>18182543 Sent.
>>18182585 No problem.
>>18182641 Yeah, toss a Disc up.
>>18182618 I'd love a pumpkaboo. Any IVs is fine. Discing up in a sec!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18182660 But it evolves into I don't know what. It's like Finneon all over again.
>>18182689 you can stop it from evolving
Quoted By:
>>18182689 Finneon evolves by level-up.
>>18182698 No, you can't. It has to carry an Everstone to prevent trade evolutions.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak)
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:47:24 No. 18182715 Report Quoted By:
Dan 1547 6339 4135
Quoted By:
>>18182649 Got it. Thanks a lot!
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak)
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:49:03 No. 18182744 Report >>18182660 if you want an everstone on it put up a disc again, I can easily do that
Rotom egg hoarding begins. Nice thing about this project is that I also made my first perfect competitive mon out of it.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:52:24 No. 18182789 Report >>18182618 The big ones? Sure. Want a lureball marill in return? I sick of looking at them and don't want to send them to the abyss.
>>18182528 Can you send me a larvitar? Disc is up.
>>18182475 Waiting for your second disc, so I can send you the Honedge.
Quoted By:
>>18182761 leader of the free world rookie, lookie, how can 6 dicks be pussies? Talking 'bout shits creak, bitch you can be on piss creak with pattles "-" this deep, you still gonna sneak. Your a discrase, yeah they call me rabbit, this is a turtle race.
>>18182744 Nah, it's ok. I'll probably breed it for myself. Are there any special tips I need to know for Pumpkaboo breeding?
>>18182789 Any extra Marills? I'd love a spare female.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:54:26 No. 18182813 Report >>18182796 Done, sorry about that.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak)
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:55:11 No. 18182825 Report >>18182789 Sure put it up!
>>18182803 nothing really. I like the impish nature and a pentaperfect is the one that you have with that nature, (doesnt have sp attack) otherwise just breed it normally haha.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:55:22 No. 18182828 Report >>18182803 got a box full at the moment. With or without aqua jet?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037
>>18182618 I'd like one, I'll disc up.
>>18182813 Do you want me to nickname it?
>>18182618 I put up a Litleo for one if that's alright.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:57:12 No. 18182851 Report >>18182825 Lvl 1 Female
IGN: Gin
Message: Mah Balls
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:57:23 No. 18182855 Report Quoted By:
>>18182839 Yes, let me think for a bit.
>>18182825 Thanks!
>>18182828 With, please :) Discing up in a sec.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 19:59:24 No. 18182886 Report >>18182839 Name it Binary. Seriously lacking idea for a good name.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18182633 Still waiting on your disc.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:02:13 No. 18182935 Report Quoted By:
>>18182886 Disc up (or maybe someone took your disc).
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:06:01 No. 18182997 Report >>18182839 >>18182839 I guess it got sniped.
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak)
IGN: Katie X 1091 7556 2542 Poison: (Gloom, Swalot, Toxicroak) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:06:15 No. 18183002 Report >>18182851 >>18182849 >>18182836 sent, sorry it took so long. wifi is spotty in the dorms
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:06:52 No. 18183012 Report Quoted By:
>>18182997 Your disc looking for the sword? It was there a minute ago.
Quoted By:
>>18183002 That's alright, thank you!
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:09:02 No. 18183046 Report Quoted By:
>>18183002 No prob, thanks for the 'boo
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:19:19 No. 18183204 Report Quoted By:
>>18182528 Hey Santana, do you have any of the Tentacool left? Please respond and I'll put a Disc up right away if so.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183245 Male or female?
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:23:27 No. 18183274 Report Checking just in case, anyone have female Lureball horsea, or fastball ponyta?
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>>18183270 Male please. Thanks so much! Putting it up now.
>>18183270 It's up. Has HP Up, so be fast please!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183404 Gracias dude! Do you have any Tyrunts left?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183428 Yup. Which would you like?
>>18183438 I'd love the Female one. Just put a Disc up.
>>18183274 I've got fastball Ponyta. You want female right? Any nickname or default?
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:33:55 No. 18183484 Report Aight dudes and dudettes. I'm off to bathe and feed the family. Have fun yall.
Quoted By:
>>18183484 I want one of your Slugmas when you return, please.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:35:51 No. 18183519 Report >>18183481 Just saw post, female default is fine. Disc is up
Male: Lvl 15
IGN: Gin
Message: Mah balls
thank you kindly
>>18183508 <3
I haven't learned how to breed near-perfect Pokemon yet, so I really appreciate you guys giving away such awesome Mons.
Quoted By:
>>18183519 Ponyta has been sent. Enjoy!
>>18183537 Give this a read.
>>18183610 OK that's cool and all, but I don't have a perfect Ditto. Does anyone wanna lend me one to clone? Or is that frowned upon in this thread?
Quoted By:
>>18183651 Don't need a perfect ditto. Just use the best IV male in the same egg group
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183651 Meh. I can lend you one to clone. Give me a sec.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Shouldn't we make a new thread? Starting to hatch more riolu, no shiny yet
>>18183686 Wow thanks. Add me, if you have any space on your Friend List: Travis (0619-5008-5122)
Premier or Dive Ball for Frosslass?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183737 Added. Just shoot me a tr for the Ditto if you see me online. I should be in your acquaintance list if anything.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:56:49 No. 18183845 Report Quoted By:
>>18183737 Heck, if you're cloning perfect Ditto, shoot me one.
Also, whoever wanted a slugma has to add me to get at my Safari.
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales)
Bourbon 0344-9898-6243 (Slugma, Pansear, Ninetales) Fri 21 Feb 2014 20:58:13 No. 18183865 Report Quoted By:
>>18183749 If you're shooting for colour scheme I would have to say premier.
>>18183735 You make it
Senpai >>18183749 Premier.
Dan 1547 6339 4135
>>18183800 Ok. About to duplicate it. Then I'll trade you it back.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18183990 Sure thing.
In case anyone is interested, I have this stuff:
3 Dive Ball Tentacool HA (3 4-imperfect 5iv females) Acupressure/Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Haze
4 Quick Ball Electrike (3 perfect HP Ice Males/1 borderline perfect HP Ice Male) Switcheroo/Electro Ball/Flame Burst/Crunch
1 Safari Ball Larvitar (1 imperfect 5iv female) DDance/Sneaky Pebbles/Pursuit/Iron Head
1 4iv Tyrunt (male) with Elemental Fangs and DDance
*Will nickname upon request
**Borderline Perfect means one IV is off by 2 points, but still has the right Hidden Power
>>18184042 I'll take a Perfect HP Ice Electrike
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18183897 fine ;-;
>>18184070 NEW THREAD. Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 21:12:13 No. 18184103 Report >>18184042 Do that Tyrunt have Hidden Ability?
>>18184103 >implying that it's been released. Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18184103 Tyrunt's HA is unreleased.
>>18184061 Disc up
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Fri 21 Feb 2014 21:14:17 No. 18184126 Report Quoted By:
>>18184115 >>18184116 Wishful thinking from me.
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>>18181814 Can I have a Marill please? If there are any left. Disc is up. :3
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18182909 Sorry my internet was falling now i disc up