[14 / 1 / ?]
Quoted By: >>18176574
2 for 1 shinies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am looking for any of the following shinies: Bunnelby, Diggersby, Flabebe, Floges, Floette, Dedenne, Bergmite, Avalugg, Trevenant, Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist, Aromatisse, Barbaracle, Helioptile, Heliolisk, female Pyroar. (no nicknames plz)
I have the following shinies and more from my white 2: bulbasaur, charmander, chikorita, torchic, oshawatt, togetic, crobat, lanturn, froslass, gliscor, tangrowth, marrill, lickilicky, meowth, persian, tropius, slowbro, sableeye, oddish, rhyhorn, sunflora, tentacruel, flygon, aggron, mawile, riolu, seaking, altaria, zoroark, vanillite, rattata, durant, chansey, clefable, archeops, nuzleaf, krabby, slakoth, seviper, rhydon, gigalith, conkeldurr, togepi, mamoswine, vespiquen, lilligant, cinccino, maractus, dusknoir, yanmega, hippowdon, purugly, whimsur, sigilyph, rampardos, liepard, huntail, spiritomb. ALL ARE SHINY ENGLISH WITH NO NICKNAMES!
I will give 2 for each of the shinies i want! Pm or reply!
I am looking for any of the following shinies: Bunnelby, Diggersby, Flabebe, Floges, Floette, Dedenne, Bergmite, Avalugg, Trevenant, Pumpkaboo, Gourgeist, Aromatisse, Barbaracle, Helioptile, Heliolisk, female Pyroar. (no nicknames plz)
I have the following shinies and more from my white 2: bulbasaur, charmander, chikorita, torchic, oshawatt, togetic, crobat, lanturn, froslass, gliscor, tangrowth, marrill, lickilicky, meowth, persian, tropius, slowbro, sableeye, oddish, rhyhorn, sunflora, tentacruel, flygon, aggron, mawile, riolu, seaking, altaria, zoroark, vanillite, rattata, durant, chansey, clefable, archeops, nuzleaf, krabby, slakoth, seviper, rhydon, gigalith, conkeldurr, togepi, mamoswine, vespiquen, lilligant, cinccino, maractus, dusknoir, yanmega, hippowdon, purugly, whimsur, sigilyph, rampardos, liepard, huntail, spiritomb. ALL ARE SHINY ENGLISH WITH NO NICKNAMES!
I will give 2 for each of the shinies i want! Pm or reply!