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No.18180586 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I think it's time we all thought of the Pokémon games as separate from the battling scene. People still get worked up about Pokégen and all forms of obtaining mons that are considered hacked, but I think a simple way to alleviate that is by looking at competitive battling as separate from the actual game.

Even the most vehement of anti-hackers can't deny that a legit bred mon, a Genned mon, and an RNG'd mon have zero difference between each other. It's also true that the method of obtaining them has zero bearing on battling skill. Hence why sites like Showdown are so popular. All simulators do is replicate what competitive mons' data would be, so you can have whatever team you want. The point isn't making the mons, it's battling. Simulator play is the best way to do it right now because it removes all the breeding vs. hacking debates, and solely focuses on the battling. Which is what competitive play should be about. But not everyone has access to Showdown all the time, and let's face it; playing on the cart is more fun and satisfying.

So why don't we look at the games and the battling scene as separate thing, and say "All that matters is your skill as a battler, not how you obtain moons"? As long as everything's legal, I don't see what's the issue. We should look at it as the same as Showdown teambuilding. Whatever way you want to make your team is fine, as long as everything's legal. Why not focus your energy on your strategy and your skill as a battler rather than how other people are getting their team together? I think if we all started looking at it like this, maybe the hate would dry up a little. Thoughts?

tl;dr All competitive players should care about is their skill as a battler, not how others are obtaining their mons. Can't we all just get along?

Pic not related.

I know making a thread to promote genuine discussion is fruitless here, but fuck it I needed to blog about this.