Nic 4527-8133-6836 {1437} {0220}
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Sun 23 Feb 2014 22:47:52 No. 18222601 Report >>18222558 hush
1,1 - Spearow (F) - Modest - Keen Eye - [1581]
1,2 - Spearow (M) - Hasty - Keen Eye - [1497]
1,3 - Spearow (M) - Gentle - Sniper - [0596]
1,4 - Spearow (M) - Gentle - Sniper - [0840]
1,5 - Spearow (F) - Bashful - Sniper - [1769]
1,6 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Static - [3982]
2,1 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1652]
2,2 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Static - [0704]
2,3 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [3516]
2,4 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Static - [3630]
2,5 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [2431]
2,6 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [0575]
3,1 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Static - [1872]
3,2 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1081]
3,3 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [3663]
3,4 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [3578]
3,5 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1590]
3,6 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Static - [2225]
4,1 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Static - [3956]
4,2 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [3429]
4,3 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [0400]
4,4 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Static - [1677]
4,5 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [0662]
4,6 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Static - [0634]
5,1 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1354]
5,2 - Emolga (F) - Timid - Motor Drive - [3476]
5,3 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1135]
5,4 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [0291]
5,5 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Static - [3457]
5,6 - Emolga (M) - Timid - Motor Drive - [1862]
Can't wait until GF patches the game AGAIN and stops this autistic nonsense.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584}
Quoted By:
>>18222647 oh how I missed you anon
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Sun 23 Feb 2014 23:20:50 No. 18223208 Report Quoted By:
I dont understand. If you have the powersave already, why cant you just make your pokemon a shiny right away?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Sun 23 Feb 2014 23:25:13 No. 18223294 Report >>18223268 No one knows for sure if those pokemon are valid, plus doing it this way is a more authentic feel since you know the egg will be a legit shiny.
>>18223294 they are valid, nothing about the pokemon changes except for its shiny spread. You also risk getting scammed in the process.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Sun 23 Feb 2014 23:30:09 No. 18223381 Report Quoted By:
>>18223337 Scammed in the process of what, isnacheck?
>Implying I don't keep a backup of my eggs. Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Sun 23 Feb 2014 23:30:23 No. 18223387 Report Quoted By:
|Slot | Species | OT | TID | TSV |:--|:--|:--|:--|:-- 1,1 - Charmander (M) - Quirky - Blaze - [3418] 1,2 - Charmander (F) - Rash - Blaze - [1837] 1,3 - Charmander (M) - Serious - Blaze - [0091] 1,4 - Charmander (M) - Gentle - Blaze - [0461] 1,5 - Charmander (M) - Jolly - Blaze - [1261] 1,6 - Charmander (M) - Relaxed - Blaze - [1935] 2,1 - Charmander (M) - Lonely - Blaze - [0342] 2,2 - Charmander (M) - Jolly - Blaze - [3959] 2,3 - Charmander (M) - Gentle - Blaze - [0807] 2,4 - Charmander (M) - Bold - Blaze - [3740] 2,5 - Charmander (F) - Quiet - Blaze - [3781] 2,6 - Charmander (M) - Serious - Blaze - [2873] 3,1 - Charmander (M) - Mild - Blaze - [1753] 3,2 - Charmander (M) - Hardy - Blaze - [0107] 3,3 - Charmander (M) - Jolly - Blaze - [2705] 3,4 - Charmander (M) - Gentle - Blaze - [1406] 3,5 - Charmander (M) - Modest - Blaze - [1798] 3,6 - Charmander (M) - Impish - Blaze - [3411] 4,1 - Charmander (F) - Gentle - Blaze - [3762] 4,2 - Charmander (M) - Hardy - Blaze - [2502] 4,3 - Charmander (M) - Bashful - Blaze - [0239] 4,4 - Charmander (M) - Bashful - Blaze - [2841] 4,5 - Charmander (M) - Quirky - Blaze - [1890] 4,6 - Charmander (M) - Gentle - Blaze - [0811] 5,1 - Charmander (M) - Brave - Blaze - [0381] 5,2 - Charmander (F) - Lax - Blaze - [1957] 5,3 - Charmander (M) - Jolly - Blaze - [0571] 5,4 - Charmander (M) - Quirky - Blaze - [0371] 5,5 - Charmander (M) - Gentle - Blaze - [1968] 5,6 - Charmander (M) - Sassy - Blaze - [2083]
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
>>18222601 Hey frye! Check emolga 2,3 ;)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:06:32 No. 18224038 Report 6 Boxes of surskits added ^^ Would really like a penta/hexa shiny uncloned if possible! Otherwise let me know if you match
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:09:01 No. 18224082 Report >>18224038 Get in the group chat Yusu.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:09:12 No. 18224085 Report >>18223658 :O so much love right now. Can't remember, you're able to clone shit, right? If not I'll copy it afterwards.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Quoted By:
>>18224038 <0007
Sooooo close
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:11:46 No. 18224127 Report >>18224038 Hi, I match to this
> | 4,5 | Plusle (F) | Modest | Lightning Rod | | 2101 | Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
Is Powersaves worth it? Kinda on the fence since the only thing I'm going to be using it for is to hatch shinies this way.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
>>18224085 I cant clone. I mass clone lol but ill keep it as a back up and hatch it some other time if thats fine
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:17:11 No. 18224214 Report >>18224173 But I want a copy and haven't gotten any hatched ;_;
>>18224169 You wouldn't do cloning or get the megastones or use the shiny code on ONLY shiny-locked legends?
or if you're one of those kinds of people, shinifying everything Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
>>18224214 Thats why. I have to back up the save then hatch ur mon and give it to you
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
>>18224214 oh shit I forgot about cloning. how does cloning with power saves work though?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:25:31 No. 18224372 Report >>18224314 oh ok, had a brain lapse for a moment there. ok well I've got ya added.
Quoted By:
>>18224330 1.Save ur game.
2.Exit game and deposits mons in pokebank
3.Restore previous save nd voila you just doubled your shinies
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:33:10 No. 18224514 Report >>18224082 hmm. I was there already and i think steam glitched out for me?/ Nubudy was responding ;-;.
>>18224127 Oh really? Sweet ^.^. Do you think you can hatch this for me?
IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede]
IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede] Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:35:05 No. 18224552 Report is there anyone so kind as to check my TSV?
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {?}
Ctrl + f and would someone be wiling to check my SV in Y? I restarted my game since I didn't think instacheck would ever come back.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:35:46 No. 18224570 Report >>18224464 it says you haven't added my FC that I have up unless I have you on an older 3DS.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:36:49 No. 18224589 Report IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:37:02 No. 18224593 Report >>18224514 Sure, that's why I reply you, XD
You can check 30 eggs of mine? Or how this works? D:
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:41:31 No. 18224653 Report >>18224593 It will take me some time to check these eggs and trade you. I could do 15 for you? You just need to trade me the eggs and i can go check them which will take 2 minutes then i can copy it in a pastebin for you and trade them back! ^^. Only time consuming bit is trading!. If you could hatch me that egg uncloned that would be really sweet! and i can check your eggs.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828 {3516}{0006}
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:41:53 No. 18224666 Report >>18224559 Complimentary Sh. 6IV Mewtwo
Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {?}
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:46:12 No. 18224734 Report >>18224653 15 seems ok for me
also added you
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:48:05 No. 18224761 Report >>18224734 Okay thanks a bunch!. Should only take 5 minutes to get the data and copy it into a pastebin for you. IGn is yusuf
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:49:50 No. 18224780 Report Rob/Serena [1735-9984-0054] {812} {1041}
Quoted By:
>>18224780 Thanks so much Fyre! Appreciate it. About to breed a box of something, haven't decided yet. Hopefully one of your guys' TSV matches!
Captcha: kagerou Collegiate
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:52:28 No. 18224826 Report >>18224761 Nah, thanks to you.
The Snivy is a proof that I'm not going to scam you :3
New to this. Can I participate without modding/getting instacheck?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:53:55 No. 18224864 Report >>18224831 Technically yes, though not in the same level that people with ARPS or Digital Copies of XY can.
You can have someone check your TSV by trading them a generic pokemon you catch and they can check using the program
>>18224864 Nice. If I have a shit ton of eggs, how would I send them to hatchers?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 00:57:16 No. 18224924 Report >>18224890 Well to get eggs checked you would have to have someone check them by trading the eggs to them, it doesn't work like the old days of just showing.
You'd just trade the egg to the hatcher though, just like the old days.
Quoted By:
>>18224924 So I'd have to send the eggs to someone one by one? Damn, that seems like a long process. Would people be willing to do that?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {3548}
>>18222539 ha HA I get my powersave in the mail tomorrow!!!!
I'm excited guys. I feel like someone should touch my penis to celebrate
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:01:54 No. 18224998 Report >>18224826 I'l be back as soon as i check your eggs for you ^^!.
>>18224890 You need somebody to check the value of the eggs. Realistically it'd be a long shot asking somebody to trade with you a ton of eggs to check then trade back if you yourself can't check their values!. You have to trade them to get checked and then traded back to you as well as giving the data to you. Currently doing this for danny since they are hatching me an egg!
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:02:51 No. 18225015 Report >>18224972 Well, you're not doing anything but being on here, sometimes one should touch himself.
Welcome to the club though anonfriend. I take it you'll be slapping a name on in the near future?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
frye it started hatcing when you send me the TR
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:03:54 No. 18225032 Report Quoted By:
>>18225021 Lol. I didn't know if you had tried TR'ing me or not so I just went with it.
Quoted By:
>>18225015 >I take it you'll be slapping a name on in the near future? Yep, and I just transferred today my Terrakion, Cobalion, Virizion (legit RNG abused shinies) that have perfect stats (HP Ice virizion), + perfect stats Landorus. And I taught them ALL of the possible coverage moves from the move tutor (so I can erase the moves I don't want, better safe than sorry).
My first order of business will be to use powersave to clone these fuckers and give them out to everyone. They are legitimate completely, which is probably rare, not just some pokegen shitmons, they're the real deal.
IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede]
IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede] Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:08:24 No. 18225105 Report >>18224589 added you btw. do i just trade anything to you?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:10:40 No. 18225138 Report >>18224998 You want any nickname on the Plusle?
I-it's beautiful...
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:12:50 No. 18225165 Report 1,1 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [4046]
1,2 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Arena Trap - [2475]
1,3 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [2537]
1,4 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0241]
1,5 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1045]
1,6 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0647]
2,1 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1441]
2,2 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1698]
2,3 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0233]
2,4 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [2171]
2,5 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3462]
2,6 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0312]
3,1 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0553]
3,2 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0082]
3,3 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3139]
3,4 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Arena Trap - [2855]
3,5 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0308]
Here is the data ^^. I put them ina pastebin so you don't lose it. I'm going to trade back the Eggs in that order so nothing mixes up :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:14:00 No. 18225183 Report >>18225138 Thanks so much! x_x. No nickname will be great please :).
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:14:41 No. 18225197 Report >>18225165 >>18225183 T-thanks bro, i think i love you
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:17:41 No. 18225253 Report >>18225197 lol No problem at all! Thank you too For hatching that egg for me!, I hope you find matches for your eggs!. After you send back the ledybas. I can actually check the rest of the box for you if you'd like!
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:18:09 No. 18225259 Report Quoted By:
>>18225105 as long as you caught it, yeah
Ashart 0619-4596-7795
Quoted By:
Anyone with powersaves willing to help me get pokemon X exclusive megastones? I don't have much to offer other than some 6/5iv mons. I would really appreciate it if someone can help.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:21:14 No. 18225309 Report >>18225253 omg, you can do that for me?
> Based God Yusuf Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:25:06 No. 18225378 Report Quoted By:
>>18225309 Totally!. just start sending me the eggs from Row 3 Number 6 That being the first one :) I'l put them in the correct position and check them too so you have that full box done!.
stuart IGN: Red 2872
>>18224038 i match this guy
5,6 - Surskit (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - [2872]
stuart IGN: Red 2872
Quoted By:
>>18224038 oh my friendcode is 3411-1589-3215
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Quoted By:
>>18225165 >tfw match 1,2 >with old tsv >that i got rid of Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Also, does anyone have a tutorial on how to use this? The one provided in the link is shit.
>>18225465 It seems straight forward to me. What part are you having trouble with?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:32:01 No. 18225515 Report >>18225384 Oh cool!. Do you think i could get a copy of that after you hatch it? I'm just getting traded a dozen eggs right now to check for somebody
>>18225465 i know lmao. Do you have powersave/Digital copy of X/Y ?.
>>18225465 Also there's a leddit link in the topic that's breaks it down a little more but yeah
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
>>18225497 >Save once, hard reset, save again, then export your save as "16.bin" (or 16.sav if you have a digital) --
Move them to slots 1-6 in Box 2, keep same order.
Save once, hard reset, save again, then export your save as "26.bin" (or 26.sav if you have a digital)
I'm probably the most retarded person ever, but what is hard resetting?
>>18225515 I'm hesitant to buy one unless I know how to do it.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:35:45 No. 18225577 Report >>18225522 I think they could have just used simpler words or lengthened sentences for anybody that is not familiar with things like this.
>>18225546 Hard reset is L R Start.
>>18225546 You use the power button to hard reset. You don't need to hold it like the image says, just a press is fine.
>>18225577 Incorrect
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:38:33 No. 18225638 Report >>18225606 hmm?. oh yeah thats soft reset right?. But it works just fine with save>Softreset>Save Power off.
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
>>18225664 Yes, if you have a physical copy of your game.
>>18225638 When I used that method, KeySAV wouldn't recognize my saves. Sticking to the guide works for me otherwise
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:44:01 No. 18225738 Report >>18225686 Oh that's different. Well i guess it does not matter too much if it works anyways ^^. Do you have a digital copy or a powersave?. I'm using a digital copy.
>>18225309 Be back shortly with the data!
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:44:35 No. 18225753 Report >>18225738 Ok, let me know when you're ready
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:49:56 No. 18225836 Report >>18225753 3,6 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [2732]
4,1 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [2859]
4,2 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3073]
4,3 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0801]
4,4 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3264]
4,5 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [2328]
4,6 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3109]
5,1 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [3228]
5,2 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [0412]
5,3 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1546]
5,4 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1402]
5,5 - Trapinch (M) - Jolly - Hyper Cutter - [1663]
5,6 - Trapinch (F) - Jolly - Arena Trap - [2810]
There you go ^^.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:51:43 No. 18225860 Report >>18225836 Thanks bro.
The Helix Fossil bless you
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:52:25 No. 18225873 Report IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede] TSV: {3466}
IGN: Clair | FC: 1693-2442-9174 FS: [Poison:Cascoon,Swalot,Whirlipede] TSV: {3466} Mon 24 Feb 2014 01:58:01 No. 18225984 Report Quoted By:
>>18225873 thank you very much! if there is anything you need, i'll see what i can do
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 02:01:49 No. 18226068 Report >>18225860 NP! thanks too. Guess i'm off to collect more surskit eggs.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 02:05:57 No. 18226143 Report Quoted By:
>>18226068 Good luck with that! and again, thanks
Quoted By:
I'll be getting my PowerSave sometime this week, probably around Wednesday. I can't wait! In the mean time, I plan to fill 2 extra boxes. Which 2 pokemon should I breed for you guys?
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
>>18226068 Ok, so I just ordered the powersave. But, would you be willing to check a few of my eggs please?
Quoted By:
>0 of 0 general
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 02:36:20 No. 18226653 Report >>18226275 LOL. how many ?.
Capcha Balaremb Hundred
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732}
Summer 0404-6897-6322 Quilladin, Sawsbuck, Tangela SV {3732} Mon 24 Feb 2014 02:49:31 No. 18226876 Report Quoted By: my eggs. Also reporting in for my tsv.
>>18222539 >If you have your SV someone can get their egg matched to yours and if you hatch it for them it's shiny. Could someone clarify what this means and how it works?
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Xavier 4725-9291-3506 {4016}
Quoted By:
Could someone please check one of my egg's SVs? I can offer a 31/0/30/30/30/0 (hatched female) yamask in return
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>18226903 if i have a SV of 1123 and you get an egg with the same SV as mine and trade it to me it will hatch shiny
>>18227916 OK that's pretty cool, but what exactly is an SV?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
>>18228018 Shiny Value. everyone has one most people just dont know it
>>18228018 Basically, it's a number that you can't see, like your secret ID, that's given to you when you start a new game. This is the cause why pokemon can be shiny. The reason why eggs and stuff become shiny is because they match your number.
Quoted By:
>>18228197 >>18228272 ok, that makes sense. Thanks!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:39:43 No. 18228609 Report Quoted By:
>>18227222 Sorry x-x i thought you wernt going to reply! I went to CG lol Thats where u find me >< .
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:41:21 No. 18228631 Report Quoted By:
>>18224038 Bumping this too ^_^ also i can still check those egss for you if you are around cresselia.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:44:06 No. 18228679 Report Since I have my NDS Adapter Plus going, What 6 pokemon should I start breeding next and with what egg moves?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:45:03 No. 18228693 Report >>18228679 Red flabebe lol. i love that thing. I might do it if somebody hatches me a shiny surskit
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:46:51 No. 18228723 Report >>18228693 >flabebe >gen 6 >NDS Adapater Plus Ain't happening bro.
Quoted By:
Already decided one of the pokemon I'm gonna breed. Any suggestions on what else I should breed?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:49:48 No. 18228766 Report >>18228723 oh LOL. i meant just breeding it if you have a good flabebe and a dutto. how about castform?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183}{3728}{3703}{1617}{1720} !KzC4W6owgw Mon 24 Feb 2014 04:50:19 No. 18228774 Report Quoted By:
Looking for some hatchers! 2,1 - Dratini (M) - Adamant - Marvel Scale - [4050] 2,2 - Dratini (M) - Adamant - Marvel Scale - [1228] 2,3 - Gible (F) - Jolly - Rough Skin - [1923]* 2,4 - Scyther (F) - Adamant - Technician - [0799]* 2,5 - Shellos (M) - Bold - Storm Drain - [1896]
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18229029 I'm taking all my nonmain file TSV's off of my name so the thing isn't hella long. Each day I'm going to restart my 2nd X and make backups until I have at least 10 new TSVs, preferbly 20.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18229423 List of TSV's I have as of right now before I go to sleep in a short while:
{1346} {1617} {1720} {2453} {2733} {3097} {3183} {3499} {3703} {3728}
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 06:55:12 No. 18230164 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Anyone match anything from here? Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:00:08 No. 18230224 Report Lf uncloned hatch if possible please ^^.
Quoted By:
Holy shit what?
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230224 i match 2,2 - Surskit (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - [0599], box 5 of surskit, but i can't connect to the internet at the moment.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:12:51 No. 18230349 Report >>18230324 oh really? Thats awesome ^^!. oh dang :(. Whenever you get a chance to connect let me know. I should still be around for a few hours. Currently colelcting more eggs
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230349 alright, i'll add you now.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:20:04 No. 18230417 Report >>18230401 okey. I'l add you now too.
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230417 are you online right now?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:27:32 No. 18230509 Report >>18230491 yup my ign is yusuf. i think i see you online. So send me a T.R whenever you are ready to trade!
Aki 3110-5337-7627
Could I get someone to check my TSV?
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230509 crap, seems like i've lost connection again. i'll try again later, and if it fails, i'll try again tomorrow.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:34:08 No. 18230572 Report >>18230561 ah i noticed!. No problem at all.
>>18230559 Yup sure. do you mind putting something you hatched/caught on gts asking for a ledyba. I'm about to check 3 boxes of eggs so can do your pokemon with!>
Aki 3110-5337-7627
>>18230572 Alright, I'll put up my Gloom
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:36:58 No. 18230599 Report Quoted By:
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230572 i'm on, shoot me a tr
Curly (3539-8883-7136) {1353}
Quoted By:
1,1 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [2329] 1,2 - Swirlix (F) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [3809] 1,3 - Swirlix (F) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [1192] 1,4 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [2047] 1,5 - Swirlix (F) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [0586] 1,6 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [2562] 2,1 - Swirlix (F) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [3742] 2,2 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [2263] 2,3 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [3652] 2,4 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [2148] 2,5 - Swirlix (M) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [0648] 2,6 - Swirlix (F) - Adamant - Sweet Veil - [1121] Can I get one or two of these hatched for me?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:49:31 No. 18230706 Report >>18230581 | 5,6 | Gloom (M) | Aki | 54441 | 1405 |
Your TSV is 1405 ^^
>>18230706 can you check eggs?
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
>>18230706 Oh, thanks so much!
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:54:02 No. 18230738 Report >>18230706 Ohh based-Yusuf I'm breeding some Sableyes right now, later you can check them? If you can, of course.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:54:50 No. 18230745 Report >>18230629 Internet lol ><
>>18230728 Your welcome!
>>18230723 Yup but you have to trade them to somebody to get checked. Unless you have a digital copy of the game yourself? or a powersave AR.
Quoted By:
>>18230745 god damn that seems like a lot of work.
i'll go back to hatching my own shinies in tht case
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 07:57:50 No. 18230762 Report >>18230738 For sure ^^.
Reposting. have 6 boxes of plusles and 9 of surskits. Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230745 it hatched shiny! can i get a clone or do you want it for yourself?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:02:50 No. 18230797 Report Quoted By:
>>18230762 > | 4,5 | Plusle (F) | Modest | Lightning Rod | | 2101 | Hatched by Danny ^^ I feel special
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:03:09 No. 18230799 Report >>18230782 I was really looking for uncloned ones ><. But if you really want one i can clone a copy for you when my little brother comes back from school with his ds ^^!. I don't have powersaves l
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
Quoted By:
>>18230799 well, i was actually going to MM myself a surskit just as a trophy. if you don't want it cloned, then it's fine!
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:05:25 No. 18230814 Report Quoted By:
No matches for me yet ;-;
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:07:08 No. 18230829 Report Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:07:29 No. 18230833 Report >>18230782 And thanks so much too btw!. Is there anything here i can offer you if you don't mine me keeping it uncloned :) nothing is hacked shiny. All legit ^^ Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
So I have a digital copy. Apparently this means I don't need Powersaves for Insta check. How do?
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
>>18230829 >1406 That unborn Charmander's mocking me.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:11:38 No. 18230865 Report >>18230852 It's been like that all day ;-;
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:12:24 No. 18230869 Report Quoted By:
>>18230852 lol Yep you only need a digital copy!. Download Keysav in the OP There is a link. And follow the instructions!. >>18230865 Ryu make more eggs? maybe if you had another box or two you would get a match easier
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230833 hmm, hard to choose. i'll probably get back to you tomorrow, it's midnight right now and i have to wake up early in the morning tomorrow.
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230871 actually, i think i'll take the shiny carbink!
Shiny Carbink - Relaxed With Sturdy - 31/xx/31/31/31/00 - Stealthrock/TrickRoom/Reflect/MBlast R
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:14:55 No. 18230895 Report >>18230882 Okay!. let me just see if my friend can clone it for me real quick^^ if not i can always clone it when i get the second ds and send it over tommorow!.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
Can someone check my number?
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {599}
>>18230895 sure thing, thanks! accidentally deleted the wrong post, but i really have to go. trade me tomorrow, thanks!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:15:57 No. 18230905 Report >>18230896 yep. Put up a pokemon you caught/hatched on gts and ask for a ledyba. Preferably something you dont need.
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
oh my god, we're back? and yet again i can only be checked, not check for people. hm. oh well, making mawile eggs. can someone check me when i have a box?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:18:35 No. 18230932 Report >>18230909 It's abit different this time though. You need to actually trade them the eggs for them to check and then they need to trade back to you.
>>18230902 Okay sure thing! see you tommorow and thank you again
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18230905 Sounds good. enjoy one of my 5-IV Swirlix
Throwing up now
4527-7193-3275 ING: Zant SV:1059
>>18230932 oh i see, the process is slowed way down, huh.
sounds kind of tedious.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:23:23 No. 18230978 Report >>18230933 Got it!. I'l be about 10-15 minutes so i can check this with 29 eggs i collect if you don't mind:). I have to run upstairs each time i wanna check lol. Mac does not support keysav and i only have parallels desktop installed upstairs ><.
>>18230957 yep. Unless you have a digital copy of the game or powersav. It just depends if somebody with either of those is willing to do all that trading.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
Quoted By:
>>18230978 I'm not going anywhere soon. so just make sure to let me know when you do check
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18230978 Also thank you a crap ton!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:33:20 No. 18231074 Report Quoted By:
>>18231024 No problem at all. Half way with the box.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:37:10 No. 18231119 Report before i check this box Does anybody else need me to find out their TSV for them? ^^
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18231119 Can you check my TSV please?
If yes, Do I add you then trade you something?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:45:13 No. 18231198 Report >>18231183 oh cool i was just about to go up and check. just put anything you hatched/caught on gts and ask for a ledyba :)
Zac: 1977-0278-2935 SV: {0562}
Quoted By:
Wow. I didn't think these would return. And now I can't help anyone with my physical copy... Well now I have a reason to frequent /vp/ again. I think I'll try going for a Hawlucha soon.
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Quoted By:
>>18231198 kk thank you :D
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:52:47 No. 18231247 Report >>18231236 okay but what is it LOL ><
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18231247 scyther female, sorry, was too excited and forgot! I apologize for wasting your time :(
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18231247 I put up a scyther, sorry it wouldn't let me post for like 5 min. for some reason?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:56:53 No. 18231270 Report Quoted By:
>>18231251 LOL no problem at all man!. i just got it :) i'l be back in a few minutes with the data!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 08:58:02 No. 18231277 Report >>18231268 oh wait it said the pokemon was already traded :(. Can you put up another?
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456
>>18231277 okay, it's up :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:03:33 No. 18231295 Report Quoted By:
>>18231288 this time i got it ^^ will be back shortly
Capcha : asafiry successful
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:13:56 No. 18231349 Report >>18231024 |Slot | Species | OT | TID | TSV
1,1 - Swirlix (M) - Jolly - Unburden - (3153)
>>18231251 |Slot | Species | OT | TID | TSV
1,2 - Scyther (F) - Adamant - Technician - (1964)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:15:16 No. 18231362 Report Reposting. 10 Boxes of surskits and 6 boxes of plusles. Will be doing another mon now :).
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18231349 God.that one with 0 Attack. thats pretty useless lol
so if i match my (3153) with someones egg. im good to go?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:19:32 No. 18231374 Report >>18231368 LOL yeah!. Oh and yup if somebody has an egg with a SV of 3153. You can hatch it shiny for them or for yourself if it's a gift ^^
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18231374 Alrighty. thank you greatly!
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456 {1964}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:23:11 No. 18231389 Report >>18231379 >>18231385 Your welcome! be sure to check my pastebin for matches. i have 16 boxes of eggs.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18231389 I already did. you keep up the eggs and ill keep on checking for you. if you want to keep in touch on skype or something also feel free.
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456 SV: {1964}
Quoted By:
>>18231374 so now how do I check eggs? I have the hard copy, not the digital?
IGN is Hero 4785-5565-1456 SV: {1964}
>>18231389 sorry, didn't match any ;(
Wish you lots of luck though! :D
Break a leg ( not literally lol )
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 09:27:23 No. 18231404 Report >>18231399 lol thanks ^^. Oh well the only way is to send the eggs to somebody for them to check for you and then trade back :(.
>>18231393 I'l be around here for sure!.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
Quoted By:
>>18231404 Alright. ill keep a lookout
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
It seems I got the program to work. I'm gonna cook up a box of eggs and see how that goes. They're Yamasks, and not exactly guaranteed to be anything special (father has all 31 IVs, mother is missing the Sp. Atk IV), but I wanna give this a test run and see if I understand.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18231506 Ill be sure to look through them
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
>>18231540 Two more batches and the box will be full. I'll report results after.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 10:09:31 No. 18231569 Report >>18231404 Hey there Yusuf!
Again thanks! Without you I can get the Pic Related!
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 10:11:11 No. 18231572 Report Quoted By:
>>18231569 I can't get*
Lol, 4 am here...
Saris 2234-7134-8522 [3391]
It's back!? It's back! Finally! I'm looking for someone to hatch Honedge (F) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\27\31\5 [1959]** Honedge (M) - Brave, No Guard, 31\31\31\27\31\0 [1420]*** and as always postan SV
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
Alright, buckos. Dump Successful.
Get your mediocre Yamasks here Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier
Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier Mon 24 Feb 2014 13:39:20 No. 18232260 Report >>18224038 > 5,1 - Plusle (F) - Modest - Plus - [2071]
I can hatch this one for you if you want
Hunta : : : 1993-8206-7202
Anyone here willing to help me find out my TSV and the SV of one egg? Can reward you for the trouble.
Quoted By:
Am I the only one who keeps getting errors after changing the save file name?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18231615 yeah it came back a couple days ago in a slightly more complex form. If you have the ARPS or a Digital Copy of the game you're in the clear, if not I believe they're still trying to work on a way for you guys to be more useful than just as a hatcher.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18232404 Hey are you still around? If so I can help you in about 10 minutes or so.
Michael 0473-8901-0700 SV [467]
Quoted By:
Dumping my SV.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 16:43:20 No. 18233647 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
its back? This is not a ruse! alright! my SV is 1707.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
Quoted By:
Anyone want to check my sv? Would really appreciate it
Sorry for how stupid this might sound, but I tend to not get these "fad made apps" for lack of better terms. Is this program that thing that let people check what my party was before fights, or was that something else and this is strictly just for egg checking?
>>18233877 >that thing that let people check what my party was before fights no that was battle analyzer. this one is strictly for egg checking.
>>18233907 ok good, ty for the answer. In that case, I hope you all enjoy this app and have a ball folks~
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 17:44:46 No. 18234101 Report >>18231569 Wow sick! Im glad for you man!. Reposting ^^. Currently want some uncloned hatches please.
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18234101 Hey yusuf mind checking tsv? Who knows I can probably have an egg of yours that needs hatching
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 17:55:20 No. 18234182 Report >>18234101 Thanks!
Are you able to check some eggs?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 17:58:40 No. 18234215 Report >>18234171 sure just put something of yours on gts and ask for a ledyba!.
>>18234182 Yep i can do that. How many do you need checking?
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:00:20 No. 18234231 Report Can I get someone to help me figure out my shiny value? I think it'd be cool to know and I'll hatch eggs for whoever I can.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18233925 Battle Analyzer will never come back.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:00:41 No. 18234237 Report >>18234215 How many are you willing to check?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:02:06 No. 18234255 Report >>18234231 Yep put something on gts and ask for a ledyba!.
>>18234237 I can check half a box for you first ?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:04:15 No. 18234279 Report >>18234255 Ok! You can right now? Or should I wait?
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
>>18234215 Put up a luvdisc
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:07:50 No. 18234317 Report >>18234255 Cool. I've got a Swirlix up there right now with /vp/ in the message thing.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:10:23 No. 18234349 Report >>18234279 I can check it with logan and guardian ^^.
>>18234312 >>18234317 Got them thanks!. Im just going to get a few eggs from danny and i'l go check these out for you.
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:11:02 No. 18234353 Report Quoted By:
>>18234349 Alright. Thanks a ton.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:11:57 No. 18234366 Report >>18234349 Ok, Send the request now? :)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:14:19 No. 18234394 Report >>18234366 yup!.
Anybody else around need me to check their tsv let me know
Guardian 0061-0468-9986
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:18:58 No. 18234456 Report >>18234394 Hey Yusuf. You can add me now; but please add 5284-1923-2388 instead.
I am giving you a Scraggy egg that matches your #2125.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:22:59 No. 18234504 Report >>18234456 hey!. oh cool thanks a bunch ^^!. Do you want me to make a copy back for you too?. My little brother will be so happy. I'l add you now
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:25:57 No. 18234534 Report >>18234504 You don't have to. I already got a male and a female one hatched with 5 IV already.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:28:50 No. 18234557 Report >>18234534 oh thats awesome!. i'l be online now in a moment.
>>18232260 i think i scrolled over this. When you are back you can hatch it for yourself.
Start putting the link to handholder in the OP.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:29:15 No. 18234562 Report >>18234504 The Helix Fossil blessed you with this
>>18234456 Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:32:01 No. 18234585 Report >>18234562 Lol. il go check your eggs asap.
>>18234534 Not sure what to give in return but i hope you don't have that already. Thanks so much again!
Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier
Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:40:55 No. 18234661 Report >>18234557 I'm back and i'm ready if you want and thanks a lot Yusuf!
(Also if anyone here needs to find their TSV, I can help)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:42:22 No. 18234678 Report >>18234562 1,1 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Prankster - [3827]
1,2 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Prankster - [3881]
1,3 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Stall - [2774]
1,4 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [0389]
1,5 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [2198]
1,6 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Prankster - [2108]
2,1 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [2704]
2,2 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Prankster - [1817]
2,3 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [1964]
2,4 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [3115]
2,5 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Keen Eye - [2368]
2,6 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [2110]
3,1 - Sableye (M) - Bold - Prankster - [2064]
3,2 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [4024]
3,3 - Sableye (F) - Bold - Prankster - [2968] ^^
>>18234312 | 3,4 | Luvdisc (F) | Guardian | 50846 | 3085 |
>>18234317 | 3,5 | Swirlix (M) | Logan | 11440 | 1068 |
Done. Coming back online now Danny!
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:44:43 No. 18234718 Report Quoted By:
>>18234661 okay im adding you now ^^.
Quoted By:
>>18222539 Wait a second. It's back? Holy shit! What else did I miss in the week I was gone?!
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:45:03 No. 18234722 Report >>18234585 I never got this one before. Thank you very much.
>captcha nuts goaPar Guardian 0061-0468-9986
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:46:19 No. 18234738 Report >>18234678 Thanks again, based Yusuf
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:48:35 No. 18234754 Report >>18234678 Forgive me for being an idiot, but that would mean that my shiny value is 1068, correct?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:49:15 No. 18234759 Report >>18234722 >>18234738 your welcome!
>>18234661 Just trading danny back his eggs and il send it over!
>>18234759 hey yus, is your lati@snite tradeable or just got the no tradeable?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:51:17 No. 18234776 Report >>18234754 Yup. ^^ Can you hatch this for me please lol
2,4 - Surskit (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - [1068]
>>18234766 I don't have powersave volk lol
Guardian 0061-0468-9986 {3085}
Quoted By:
posting my tsv to help hatch some legit shinies
Logan 2664 - 2874 - 8619 Magneton, Skarmory, ?????? {1068}
Logan 2664 - 2874 - 8619 Magneton, Skarmory, ?????? {1068} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:53:55 No. 18234808 Report >>18234776 I will.
How exactly do we do the trade? I apologize, I'm relatively new to playing Pokemon with others, this is my first time playing a generation with wifi trading services.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:56:30 No. 18234836 Report >>18234808 Cool thank you! Well il add you now on my friends list! add me too. Then il send you the egg to hatch and it should hatch shiny. You can actually keep this egg for you. I just checked and somebody already hatched me a male!
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674}
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674} Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:57:44 No. 18234846 Report Quoted By:
Posting TSV here in case someone needs it
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:58:16 No. 18234856 Report >>18234836 That is very generous of you. I'll add you right away.
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
1,1 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3622] 1,2 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [2317] 1,3 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [0973] 1,4 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3072] 1,5 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [0991] 1,6 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1389] 2,1 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3873] 2,2 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [1182] 2,3 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [0046] 2,4 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [3942] 2,5 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [1507] 2,6 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [3234] 3,1 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [2974] 3,2 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [3369] 3,3 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1276] 3,4 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [3386] 3,5 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [0087] 3,6 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [1276] 4,1 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1963] 4,2 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [1735] 4,3 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [1684] 4,4 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3516] 4,5 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1159] 4,6 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1377] 5,1 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3809] 5,2 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [3997] 5,3 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [4068] 5,4 - Torkoal (M) - Bold - White Smoke - [1624] 5,5 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [0906] 5,6 - Torkoal (F) - Bold - White Smoke - [3949]
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:00:04 No. 18234876 Report >>18234856 No problem ^^. I'l add you as soon as i finish trade with danny and then send An egg over to Abricko
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:02:10 No. 18234894 Report Quoted By:
Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier
Abricko {2071} 0087-2704-9015 IGN : Gauthier Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:06:46 No. 18234935 Report >>18234876 Thanks a lot!
(Also, i can help with finding tsvs)
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:09:15 No. 18234965 Report Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one
Logan 2664 - 2874 -8619 Magneton, Skarmory, never found out the third one Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:09:46 No. 18234971 Report Quoted By:
>>18234965 Thank you very much.
Galo 0361 - 6874 - 8238 {3590}
If you could hatch me one I will love you forever OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:14:43 No. 18235025 Report hey yusef, I still have those eventmons I cloned for you
>>18230762 Match!
5,2 - Surskit (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - [3314]
1,6 - Surskit (F) - Modest - Swift Swim - [3979]
Hey guys, there's a coupple of eggs that matches some people of the /vp/ list, are they "trustable"?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:18:10 No. 18235063 Report >>18235004 So close lol.
>>18235028 Wow what! 2 matches LOL ? i need that first one ><!
>>18235045 hmm? Which list and who lol
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:19:13 No. 18235072 Report >>18235025 hey OvO!. oh i was wondering about them. I never see you in the steam group chat ever ._.
>>18235063 It's alright, I can hatch the {3979} now and I'll switch carts and then you trade me the {3314} and I'll give it back to you
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:20:28 No. 18235084 Report >>18235072 I've been busy and lazy and retarded so I haven't been in it in a while. I'll hop on when I get home
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:23:56 No. 18235108 Report >>18235084 One of my eggs match your #1849. You can have it though; I don't need it.
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:24:55 No. 18235120 Report >>18235084 ohh. you should go in more often.
>>18235083 Cool thanks so much!. il send over 3979 as soon as i add you.
>>18235045 If you are worried about somebody cloning your egg Then ask them to stay online while they hatch it. If you are worried about somebody running off with your egg...well. lets hope that doesent happen.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:26:54 No. 18235138 Report >>18235045 >>18235116 Dat Crowley Lf someone to hatch his Dratini o/
>>18235120 Okay added back
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:29:07 No. 18235159 Report >>18235149 kevin right lol ?.
>>18235159 Yeah, let me hatch this one and then I'll switch carts
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:31:58 No. 18235184 Report Quoted By:
>>18235108 awesome. I'll add you when I get home.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:32:20 No. 18235189 Report >>18235175 okay ^^ was just wondering lol. thanks again!.
>>18235189 Thanks for the Surskit, I'll switch carts and initiate trade after
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:37:10 No. 18235239 Report >>18235219 okay thanks ^^!.
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619}
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]{1619} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:37:22 No. 18235240 Report Quoted By:
Posting, as I'd be glad to help hatch eggs.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:43:18 No. 18235303 Report >>18235152 Lemme spam you one FB group
>>18235239 Based Yusuf is based.
Pic related
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:46:48 No. 18235338 Report >>18235303 Already haha! thats so sweet man!. congrats!.
>>18235275 Keysav is in a link in the OP. you need a digital copy of the came or a powersave.
>>18235219 Thanks again kevin!. Enjoy the surskit
Quoted By:
>>18235338 No problem, thanks again
>>18235338 so you can't use it on regular carts?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:56:28 No. 18235435 Report Quoted By:
>>18235360 You can but you need a powersave to be able to do that. Digital works without powersave but for physical copy you need it.
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
Quoted By:
>>18235338 Sure! which group?
>>18222539 Hold the phone, can you transfer eggs with Pokebank?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
>>18235762 no, nor can u deposit them
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:15:09 No. 18236416 Report Quoted By: Reposting 16 boxes :). can find your tsv if you need it
can other people check other people's boxes with keysav just like the old instacheck?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:27:15 No. 18236583 Report >>18236455 You have to trade them the eggs if you want them checked.
>>18236583 what if i have an entire box?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:30:40 No. 18236625 Report >>18236612 Then trade them the entire box? and they check and trade back to you.
>>18231362 Matched one of your 'mons.
Added you. Let me know if you want to keep it.
Quoted By:
>>18236625 that must be a total chore
the person doing that deserves no less than 3 fishing shinies and 3 5iv/6iv pokemon
>>18236995 >>18231362 Also, that friend code of yours doesn't seem to be valid.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:14:35 No. 18237194 Report >>18236995 oops lmao. There i fixed it ^^
1,6 - Surskit (M) - Modest - Swift Swim - [1310]
Box 10 . I'll ad you now :)
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:23:01 No. 18237296 Report Large update. Many eggs removed, 2 boxes added. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18237194 alright, works now
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:30:06 No. 18237380 Report >>18237296 Why?
> 1,2 - Noibat (M) - Timid - Infiltrator - [2102] Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:32:21 No. 18237409 Report Quoted By:
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:40:06 No. 18237486 Report Quoted By:
>>18237062 Added you ^^ sorry about the wait.
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866)
OvO 4468-1200-2346 water (1849)/ Metamorph 5172-1148-8715 Ditto (866) Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:52:35 No. 18237683 Report >>18235108 got you added. add me?
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674}
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:11:42 No. 18237963 Report Posting again if anyone has something with my SV that needs hatching
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:13:43 No. 18237981 Report >>18237963 LOL maybe you should Ctrl F their pastebins.
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949]
Yukari 1478-4240-5850 (Onix, Boldore, Rhydon) [949] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:16:50 No. 18238015 Report Quoted By:
>>18222539 Now I have to Ctrl+F for 0949 and not 949 lol
Just reposting my Mawile eggs and a lone espurr, I haven't had the time to do more breeding, and honestly I rather wait until I transfer a bunch of Kurt ball Pokemon over from Soul Silver :-[
#17 from Box 1 was given away, only outdated bit of this pastebin Still keeping an eye out if Dix 4511-0448-1342 is still around and if he still has his boxes of Hawlucha because I matched one of them
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674}
IGN Ace 4570 - 7289 - 3625 Dragon (Noibat, Gabite, Sliggoo) TSV {1674} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:16:55 No. 18238017 Report Quoted By:
>>18237981 I did it with some, Yus , but couldn't find one and I'm splitting my attention between different threads. So I can't really check one by one. Just posting in case someone is lurking and has one that matches
dan the man 1950-9111-8424
Can someone check my tsv? Would appreciate it
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 {SV:1707}
Posting my pastebin feels good to say that again.
>>18224038 if your still around, I match:
>1,6 - Plusle (F) - Modest - Lightning Rod - [1707] eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk)
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk) Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:22:33 No. 18238066 Report Quoted By:
yay~ I'm so happy Instacheck is (sorta) back~
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:22:33 No. 18238067 Report >>18238055 Wait what. i nid dat .-. LOL. Could you hatch that for me please?. Also is there anything i can offer you for doing that.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:24:23 No. 18238088 Report >>18238054 totally. I can do that in about 5 minutes?
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 {SV:1707}
>>18238067 Adding
anything is fine
dan the man 1950-9111-8424
Quoted By:
>>18238088 i'll put a slowpoke up in 5 mins asking for a ledyba. thanks
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2604 SV {2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:30:53 No. 18238179 Report Quoted By:
>>18238126 >>18238126 cool! thanks so much. I have a spare Pretty much 6IV Hasty yveltal spare on me. il add you now
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:36:22 No. 18238246 Report Does anyone know if a Shiny Value changes when you restart your game? I assume it does. If so, can anyone check my value for me?
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:38:03 No. 18238275 Report >>18238055 I match:
Zorua (M) - Naive, Illusion, 24\31\2\26\31\31 [3984]
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 {SV:1707}
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:40:50 No. 18238319 Report >>18238301 Do you want this one back/nicknamed?
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 {SV:1707}
>>18238319 Nope its all yours
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:44:28 No. 18238357 Report >>18238330 Whenever your ready im online ^^
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2
Artdeux 3754-7620-1245 {2692}{1008}{3984} !ArTDeux9q2 Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:53:49 No. 18238486 Report Quoted By:
>>18238330 Thank you very much.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:55:47 No. 18238504 Report >>18238330 Thank you so much!.
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:56:43 No. 18238520 Report >>18238357 Able to check 30 Eggs of 2 different kind of Pokémon? C: please?
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 {SV:1707}
Quoted By:
>>18238504 Thanks for the Yveltal!
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367}
0361 6955 2665 - Muk Garbodor Seviper - Y: {937} / X: {2000} / X*: {3367} Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:57:42 No. 18238535 Report Quoted By:
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:12:16 No. 18238781 Report >>18238520 Sure thing danny x_x im just checking a bunch of peoples TSVs atm. I can do that in about an hour?.
dan the man 1950-9111-8424
>>18238504 Hey yusuf did you get my slowpoke?
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:14:08 No. 18238808 Report >>18238781 Sure bro, one day I'm going to give one shiny in exchange of all of your help
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:16:06 No. 18238843 Report Quoted By:
>>18238786 hey dan. Im going to pick that up now :) Just getting an egg to somebody
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
Alright, time to try some more o' this
current pastebin: I can check for people too. I'm working on a box of eggs.
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:30:32 No. 18239059 Report >>18238786 dan can you throw up another? im at the gts but somebody has sniped it it seems lol.
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
>>18238246 Yes it changes.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:35:03 No. 18239126 Report >>18239099 I figured as much.
Can anybody help a nigga out? Need my TSV
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:38:52 No. 18239180 Report >>18239126 yep. put something on gts asking for ledyba :)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
I think my SV is {4047}. I can help hatch if anyone needs it.
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:42:25 No. 18239236 Report >>18239180 Putting up a Zweilous right now!
dan the man 1950-9111-8424
>>18239059 Throwing up a magnemite right now
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:43:50 No. 18239255 Report >>18239236 Just got it ^^, il be about 10 ,minutes if thats okay. Just ned to copy paste the data to people across multiple places when i get it :).
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:44:29 No. 18239263 Report Quoted By:
>>18239255 No problem at all, thanks for helping, I appreciate it
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
>>18239255 Yusuf, were you going to send me a FB group before to get some of my eggs hatched or did i get that wrong? hehe
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:45:58 No. 18239288 Report Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:47:02 No. 18239303 Report >>18239287 i think you have the wrong dude lol x-x ,
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
>>18239303 Aw shit, you're right, sorry mate.
>>18238808 Danny are you on IRC?
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:52:48 No. 18239369 Report Quoted By:
dan the man 1950-9111-8424
>>18239288 Ok ill put a hardy ditto
no one wants that
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier)
IGN Danny, 0645-6693-6165 SV {2101} (Krabby, Wartortle, Frogadier) Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:56:08 No. 18239408 Report Quoted By:
>>18239339 Yep
>>18239303 Tell me when you're available c:
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:01:21 No. 18239465 Report >>18239375 >>18239236 1,3 | Zweilous (F) | Ryan | 36654 | 0952 |
| 1,4 | Magnemite | Dan the man! | 36923 | 2238 |
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
Two full boxes of Yamasks up. Anyone a match? Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:05:42 No. 18239515 Report >>18239465 the TSV is 0952 right? Should I ignore the 5 digit number? Also, thank you
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:07:23 No. 18239538 Report Quoted By:
>>18239515 yup! the 5 digit number is your TID lol your TSV is 0952
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
>>18239515 5 digit number should be TID so it's kinda irrelevant.
dan the man 1950-9111-8424 {2238}
Quoted By:
posting my tsv to help hatch shinies
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:15:13 No. 18239635 Report >>18239542 How many TSV's do u have now ?.
dan the man 1950-9111-8424 {2238}
>>18239465 is it 2236 or 2238?
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:17:59 No. 18239673 Report Quoted By:
>>18239645 2238 lol. it says there
| 1,4 | Magnemite | Dan the man! | 36923 | 2238 |
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV{2814} {2125} {2479} Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:25:10 No. 18239792 Report >>18239662 lol i think some dude on gamefaqs jewed off with a surskit i asked him to hatch for me after getting him his 2 TSV's :(.
Crowley (2760) 1005-9764-0000
Quoted By:
>>18239792 Fucking people man :/
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk)
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk) Tue 25 Feb 2014 02:19:56 No. 18240592 Report Quoted By:
I guess I should hurry and get those boxes ready to get checked before the next update! (tyrantrum and shuckles coming up~)
Quoted By:
>>18239792 hey yus could ya help me with my second 3ds's tsv
Evan 1263-6861-9424 {0599}
Quoted By:
slow thread today. anyways, reposting my TSV.
Whacka Bump 3539-8994-5439 {0203}
Quoted By:
I've got a few to post tonight 1,6 - Furfrou (M) - Impish - Fur Coat - [3502] 2,1 - Furfrou (F) - Impish - Fur Coat - [0364] 2,2 - Furfrou (M) - Impish - Fur Coat - [2574]
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk)
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:03:16 No. 18241208 Report So if I want a whole box checked but don't have the program, I have to find someone who does and trade them all my eggs, they analyze them and send them back? What am I missing?
>>18241208 Someone who'd be willing to do all that..
Quoted By:
>>18241208 When I get my powersave in a couple of days I plan to help people check their boxes. If no one can help you now, wait until then! eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk)
eyeheart 4656-6755-1525 poison {3592}( cascoon, ariados, muk) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:19:37 No. 18241452 Report >>18241277 yeah that's what I thought. . .
Aki (3110-5337-7627) {1405}
Quoted By:
>>18241452 I can check for you if you don't have a digital copy. Just gotta clear out my PC so I can use more boxes for this. Sound good?
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814}
Yusuf 0302 0000 2704 SV: {2125} {2479} {2814} Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:38:35 No. 18241782 Report maybe it'd be better making a new thread? i duno. leaving it till the bump limit won't speed things up lol.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw
Quoted By:
>>18241782 It's on page 9. I'll make new thread.
Fyre 3411-2326-9936 {3183} !KzC4W6owgw