Can I request a pokemon here?
Requesting 5IV Geodude, male, Jolly nature with Sucker Punch (gen 4 tutor move). Thanks!
Quoted By:
>>18234357 Also, you can send it over to your HGSS by using this: ERC 0619-4260-9525
Graciously requesting a kind anon to gen a 6IV Ditto from somewhere outside the US.
Jane 1633 5041 7083
I need someone to trade me a 6IV foreign ditto. Have 5IV preferred nature, preferred ability Gible w/Outrage, Corhpish w/Superpower, DD, an Aqua Jet, and Modest Horsea. Also have 5IV unpreferred ability Adamant Axew and Modest Deino. I'm also offering an Ability Capsule. I just need this damn Ditto already.
6 iv lvl 50 dragonite with multiscale Iron Head Extreme Speed Fire Punch Thunder Punch
Quoted By:
>>18235530 With +speed -spa nature please
>>18235362 Also, Sturdy as the abilty please.
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Could anyone do me a timid 6IV Zapdos with hidden power grass?
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
Anyone know if Extremespeed zigs pass bank?
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
>>18235917 Really? Thanks a lot
>>18235566 6iv and HP Grass may not work out since HP depends on IVs
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
>>18235977 Yeah you're right actually, it would have to have 30 in HP and 30 in Spec. Atk and then 31 in all others i think
>>18225968 So could I generate a mew with that program? I missed the free one they gave out on wi-fi for HG/SS and I regret it so much.
Quoted By:
>>18236004 Yea I'm not sure how it all works out by the math, but I had a hunch. I gen as well.
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Quoted By:
>>18236077 Yeah you can make pretty much anything I think, I used to use PokeSav on platinum
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
>>18236077 I've got an extra mew on my XY. You could have it.
>>18235562 Got your Geodude as well.
>>18235946 Not sure. I'll try it out.
>>18235962 No problem.
>>18235488 could I have the Corphish?
Alright, so all 5 requests that I took I should be on X in like ~7 minutes and ready to trade
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Quoted By:
>>18236128 I'll add you now
Jane 1633 5041 7083
Quoted By:
>>18236128 >could I have the Corphish? Sure.
Billsef 2423-2710-2083
>>18236128 >I've got an extra mew on my XY. You could have it. That would be awesome but what would you want for it?
Quoted By:
>>18236128 Geodude guy here. Adding.
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
>>18236176 I dunno. Heart scale?
Chris 2251 - 4840 - 3163
Quoted By:
>>18236128 Added you for the Dragonite
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
Billsef 2423-2710-2083
Quoted By:
>>18236185 Yeah sure I could do that. Adding you
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Quoted By:
Thanks a million Skelzore
Billsef 2423-2710-2083
Quoted By:
>>18236185 Thanks a lot man! Everyone on /vp/ is so nice!
Quoted By:
>>18236128 Thank you very much.
Quoted By:
>>18236128 Thanks Skelzore!
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
Still need to trade with:
>>18235477 Current requests:
>>18236195 LF: Ability Capsule, Air Balloon, Focus Sash
Quoted By:
Would it be possible to gen a Calm female Combee with 31/31/31/30/30/31 IV spread, in a Level Ball? If HA is possible, I'd like that as well. If not, it's fine.
Charlie 5000 - 3608 - 6160
would it be ok if you made a 6iv adamant Zekrom. I have a shiny mienshao with focus sash if thats fair to trade
Quoted By:
Is there a problem with moon balls? Everything I have in them I can't trade/use online. But my khangaskhan in a heavy ball is fine.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:43:30 No. 18237533 Report MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:21:48 No. 18238058 Report >>18237533 slight bump if any people who can gen are here.
0946 3624 2667
>>18238058 I'll do it, by the way do you have a female froakie in a luxury ball with the hidden ability that i can breed? If not it's cool.
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:27:32 No. 18238133 Report Quoted By:
>>18238108 I double check but I may not. I'll give you some stones for doing this anyway.
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:29:32 No. 18238161 Report Quoted By:
>>18238108 I have a female in a premier ball with HA if that ok with you. Also has Toxic spikes.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:31:23 No. 18238189 Report >>18238108 Oh wait got one in a luxury ball with the hidden ability.
0946 3624 2667
>>18238189 do you want to ev train yourself?
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:43:47 No. 18238349 Report Quoted By:
>>18238320 I don't mind doing ev training. Just as long as they have the 6IV (If they can) the right natures, and moves from the links.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:48:50 No. 18238407 Report >>18238320 Also Kyurem doesn't have to be shiny if you can't get it to be one.
Jeff (0404-6168-4124)
Could anyone gen me a 6iv ditto? Preferably foreign. I could give heart scales if needed.
0946 3624 2667
>>18238407 oh crap Kyurem is japanese you don't mind that? also is shiny and i already got it.
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:58:44 No. 18238554 Report Chs 4442-0004-9328
I would love the man who could help me my hands on a mudkip/marshtomp/swampert with stealth rock.
0946 3624 2667
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Quoted By:
>>18238607 Much appreciated
0946 3624 2667
>>18238554 Ok, whenever you're ready.
Jeff (0404-6168-4124)
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:08:12 No. 18238720 Report Quoted By:
>>18238695 Yeah, resetting internet connection.
Chs 4442-0004-9328
>>18238695 I added you. Unless theres some other way to trade?
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
Quoted By:
Guys, look the Pokemon up on Pokecheck before you get your Shinies and shit taken away, they're not that hard to find. Unless they're obscure events, I see no reason they wouldn't be hard to find?
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:11:32 No. 18238770 Report Quoted By:
>>18238695 Keep sending trade request but your not picking up.
0946 3624 2667
>>18238734 add me, also what nature, ivs, evs you want for your mudkip?.
Billsef 2423-2710-2083
Quoted By:
Anyone want to generate me a Meloetta? I'll trade a heartscale for it
Chs 4442-0004-9328
>>18238785 Jolly please. Ill leave the iv's and ev's to your discretion, but preferably something that compliments Jolly
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin]
MiniChan (IGN: Clementine) 0232-8031-3218 [Tangela, Petilil, Quilladin] Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:17:06 No. 18238860 Report Quoted By:
>>18238785 Thanks you. Enjoy the froakie and stones.
Hello pokegen general. I am in need of genesect keldeo landorus(oh my fuck this thing wont go through) manaphy jirachi Mew name you price infact, if you can just get the file up on pokecheck ill get them myself. I have been trying for days to get these through the filter and the ones I make myself just wont go.
>>18238878 Did you even read the OP?
0946 3624 2667
>>18238713 Jeff add me i got your Ditto
>>18238844 mmm you know? this is my opinion but swampert should be adamant cuz it's really slow and a jolly nature won't do much of a difference.
Quoted By:
>>18238913 i did now, does that count?
Takasu - 2723 - 8831 - 3264
anyone manage to get a contrary snivy through
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
0946 3624 2667
>>18238878 I can help you with Landorus.
Jeesh 4871-4236-7142
Quoted By:
Can anyone help me out in gaining a 6IV ditto? Heart scales a-plenty!
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Quoted By:
>>18238946 Then adamant it is! I thought jolly would've helped, but whatever. You're right. If theres some good moves to go along with him like also Ice Punch, you'd make me a happy man
Quoted By:
>>18238958 I think some people got them through, you just can't do anything online with it or trade it.
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
>>18238990 you are a saint
1 down 5 to go
Also this is me
>>18238878 Jeff 0404-6168-4124 (emolga, stunfisk)
Quoted By:
>>18238990 Let me add the heart scal to someone
Mike 2492-4502-0093
Quoted By:
This may be a silly request, but I just genned two different Magikarps that I want to breed together for shinies. I don't have B/W 1/2 or I'd transfer them myself. I could trade you some heart scales, a rare candy, or some pentaperfects I hatched in exchange for transferring them over. Anonymous
Quoted By:
With 4th gen and down, certain Natures + IV combinations aren't valid, right? I was trying to gen in a Hasty 6IV Latios caught in SS, and the PID search couldn't find a valid combination.
Takasu - 2723 - 8831 - 3264
>>18238975 is there any way you can breed me one ?
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
Quoted By:
>>18225968 how can i get a 6iv Darkrai and the other old legends just for my collection?
Quoted By:
can anyone just get me one kelpsy berry??
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Cresselia !YDxwzuc.2A
0946 3624 2667
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
Quoted By:
>>18239466 thanks man. Have you added
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Quoted By:
>>18239466 Thank you. Again, added
Quoted By:
ive been trying to gen a Seismic Toss, Crunch, Return, Sucker Punch Khang for the last hour and its not working out when it goes through the bank, any way i could get it working, something im overlooking may be?
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Quoted By:
>>18239466 You sir are my hero. Praised be!
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
0946 3624 2667
>>18239868 Wish i could help you but i'm hungry and i have to cook, sucks.
IGN Caleb 2294-4831-5522
Quoted By:
>>18239965 its fine man you helped a lot already.
Thanks for the landorus
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:37:49 No. 18240002 Report Good evening Requesting: 6IV shiny timid Heatran 252 special attack/4 sp defense/252speed Eruption earthpower stealthrocks filer if can't get and eruption one that's fine i'll take it either way.offering battle items and stuff.
Chs 4442-0004-9328
Quoted By:
Requesting an adamant Tyranitar and <insert best fit nature> Flygon. I won't be picky, but please place ev's and iv's in to a best fit. Thank you kindly
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
If anyone is still lurking, I'm willing to do some requests.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:05:26 No. 18241241 Report Rick (4184-1702-5554)
>>18241212 Could you gen a Naive Thundurus Incarnate Form with 6IVs and a regular ol Shiny Mareep? Greatly Appreciate it.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241241 Gotcha. Can't have eruption because that requires Quiet Nature.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:11:16 No. 18241321 Report >>18241292 Yea I just realized that,can i get a quiet and a timid one that I described?Offering battle items and stuff.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:12:20 No. 18241337 Report Quoted By:
>>18241321 The quiet one will be for my trickroom team.
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>18241212 Could I get an Adamant Landorus-T with Stealth Rock and Knock Off? 6IV as well please
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241321 Got both of them
>>18241399 >>18241289 Working on them. Files were off and representing as the Musketeer trio.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
>>18241289 oh and sorry, the thing is EV trained. forgot to save the file. Hope it's not a problem.
IGN: PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467
Can someone help with this? Non-Shiny Manectric lvl 50 Ability: Lightning Rod Nature: Timid IVs: 31/22/30/31/31/31 -Signal Beam -Hidden Power [Ice] -Thunderbolt -Flamethrower And if possible, in a Quick Ball? I would really appreciate it. I'd have to claim it tomorrow though. Willing to give whatever I can (battle items, competitive mons, etc).
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241516 I can get you now. Already got a Manectric Loaded.
To all out there I'm doing requests for, battle items would be nice, but mainly ability capsule. If you don't have one, don't worry.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:25:16 No. 18241557 Report Quoted By:
>>18241467 Magnificent,also what item do you want
Can some get me this? Abomasnow Gender: Male OT: Noel Poke ID: 420420 Level: 50 Shiny? No Nature: Quiet Ability: Snow Warning IVs: All 31 EV: 252 HP/152Special Attack/ 100 Attack/ 4 Sp. Def Moves: Leech Seed Focus Punch Outrage Giga Drain Thank you bro!!!
Giovanni 1907-8714-8945
Quoted By:
>>18241567 Don't know what you want. I have an Air Ballon though.
Alex/Moustaffa - 2251-4855-1697
>>18241551 Sorry, I ran out of BP recently, so I really don't have anything. And are you going to do the trade over the GTS or should I add you?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
>>18241590 Add me.
No need to worry about payment.
IGN: PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467
>>18241551 Oh man! Can you add me? I'm literally not gonna be anywhere near my 3DS for the next 20ish hours. I'll add you when I get back and request a trade when I see you online.
I hatched a 6IV Dratini and I'll attach a Weakness Policy to it for you. Or Assault Vest, Focus Sash, etc. Your choice dood
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241610 Prefer Weakness Policy, let me do some things first then I'll add you.
IGN: PKMN Mstr: 1719-4079-9467
Quoted By:
>>18241644 You're awesome. Thanks a ton.
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:32:47 No. 18241682 Report requesting a 6IV Ditto from somewhere outside the US. Can anyone help?
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:33:01 No. 18241684 Report >>18241644 Heatran dude here,I don't know what Item you want i can offer anythig except the capsule,i can after i go back to the maison
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241684 Assault Vest please.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241682 You'll be my last request. Got it loaded and transferring now. I'll be sad if none of it works
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:37:03 No. 18241752 Report Quoted By:
>>18241703 okie dokie i'm online
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:38:01 No. 18241773 Report >>18241729 Sweet deal, what would you like for it?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241773 What do you have of value?
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:41:15 No. 18241814 Report >>18241781 shiny snubbull or garchomp?
Quoted By:
Hey, I just wanted to add to this conversation. You can use Pokegen on a Mac without Parallels or Bootcamp. All you need is to Download Wine, which prompts a download for XQuartz. Once you have downloaded all these it works just fine.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241814 Take the Snubbull. Don't have one yet.
Also, Thundurus/Mareep Guy, Landorus Guy, add me.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:44:21 No. 18241872 Report >>18241846 What's your in game name, or are you not online just making sure i might be confusing myself
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241872 Sean. I'm getting on now.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:45:41 No. 18241901 Report Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:49:53 No. 18241957 Report Quoted By:
>>18241846 added getting it off bank now
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18241901 Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Sammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 03:51:48 No. 18242011 Report >>18241975 um not sure what's going on was that you or me?
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
>>18242011 Don't honestly know. Just said communication failed.
Try again.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18242011 Hold on. This heatran is a bitch. I WILL GET THIS TO YOU SOMEHOW!
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 04:02:38 No. 18242217 Report Quoted By:
>>18242162 I know i was wtf it said "there is a pokemon that cannot be traded in the other players party"
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18242162 Sorry, it won't let me trade it. You'll have to ask an expert of the genning ways.
If you want your vest back I can give it back.
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto)
Sammy 1805-2468-8081 (Aipom,Audino,Ditto) Tue 25 Feb 2014 04:04:27 No. 18242244 Report No it's fine you can keep it,thanks for trying
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18242244 Alright.
Thundurus/Mareep guy, I'm off. Add me whenever, and I'll try to get to you whenever.
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 04:05:56 No. 18242265 Report Quoted By:
>>18242220 ready when you are
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad
Rob:Y 0318-7376-8413(Ground)Nincada,Sandshrew,Palpitoad Tue 25 Feb 2014 04:12:22 No. 18242359 Report >>18242254 Thanks a bunch!
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Quoted By:
>>18242359 No problem man.
I'll try to be back tomorrow.
I can't seem to get the game to recognize hidden abilities as legit. I set the 0x42 to 01, i left the PID field blank what else could i be doing wrong?
>>18242537 Teach it hidden ability after its already in the game
Quoted By:
>>18242562 so gen it, then load it back up and manually edit the ability and PID to match?
Thanks bud, i'll give it a shot
0946 3624 2667
Quoted By:
Ok, i'm back taking request.
OK guys, I have a question. Is there any way to gen a kecleon so that when it passes through pokébank, it has its hidden ability, Protean? I know it can be done with unreleased HA's like totodile and snivy, but what about this one?
G 5257 9937 8141
Could someone gen me a 6iv ditto for breeding?
0946 3624 2667
>>18242899 Let me try, tell me the nature, moves, etc.
>>18242931 Give me a few mins.
Gimme 1607-3486-0661
Quoted By:
>>18235477 Could I get one of these too?
3711 8310 0503
>>18243046 pls? if you're still taking requests that is....
Quoted By:
>>18243046 Nature: Jolly
Dizzy Punch
Sucker Punch
Skill Swap
0946 3624 2667
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Tue 25 Feb 2014 05:06:39 No. 18243170 Report I would like to request a 6IV ditto from anywhere outside the US. I can't offer much in return, unless an Adamant Quick Feet Shroomish (evolves into Technician Breloom) or an Adamant Speed Boost Venipede appeal to you (IVs not guaranteed because I'm having shit breeding luck.)
>>18243170 any specific nature on the ditto?
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Tue 25 Feb 2014 05:16:05 No. 18243280 Report >>18243263 Nah, I can do natures myself. Any particular thing you want in return? I'll start breeding now.
>>18243280 not looking for anything
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Tue 25 Feb 2014 05:20:41 No. 18243343 Report >>18243310 Alrighty, I have several junk whirlipedes from the friend safari lying around, Just let me know when you're ready to transfer it.
>>18243343 put a whirlipede on the gts asking for a level 100 ditto
0946 3624 2667
>>18243086 Ok, got it.
>>18242899 Sorry dude no luck it's kinda of imposible.
Quoted By:
>>18243393 Thanks! ign: p.stone
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Tue 25 Feb 2014 05:28:02 No. 18243426 Report >>18243389 Ok, it's up. the message is "/vp/oreon" if you need confirmation.
>>18243393 Thanks for trying man, I just wanted to know if it could work.
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Sommunist 3282-2427-1399 [Dark: Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Tue 25 Feb 2014 05:29:36 No. 18243442 Report Quoted By:
>>18243426 Just got it. thank you based pokegenner.
0946 3624 2667
>>18243427 i can gen you a perfect one, so you can breed it with one that have protean i'll give it egg moves of course.
>>18242899 ill give it a shot if you're still there
>>18243488 Thanks, but it's alright. I can pokegen myself, I just wanted to know if it can be done, because I don't have access to a protean kecleon.
>>18243515 That'd be sweet. If you get it to pass, let me know how you did it!
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
Can anyone gen me a Close to (6 or 5IV) Shiny Timid Heatran with Earth Power and HP Ice? I have any 48 bp item or some timid 5IV Noibats
0946 3624 2667
>>18243558 yeah, by the way do you have a froakie (female) in a luxury ball so i can breed? if not it's cool
>>18243545 i leave the regular ability and put an extra byte
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
>>18243599 Sorry, I don't have one. What BP item do you want?
>>18243618 I'm sorry, but how do you add an extra byte?
0946 3624 2667
>>18243637 no, nothing so what moves?
>>18243644 its in the ot/misc tab
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
>>18243673 Earth Power and HP Ice if you can
>>18243676 Really, that passes?
Thank you man!
Quoted By:
so do you just request something and post a link
Quoted By:
>>18243838 Awesome, I'll give it a shot when I get out of work. I assume that's how unreleased HA's get through too? Any idea how that works from a technical standpoint?
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
>>18243900 What's your FC?
0946 3624 2667
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
Aaron 0318-6754-9823
Quoted By:
>>18225968 FT Darkrai, Manaphy,Mew
LF: Palkia,Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, Zekrom, Reshiram Meloetta and Yveltal
Quoted By:
Can someone help me with the .pkm for a perfect moonball Lugia? I've gotten one through but I can't trade it.
Toasty 2234-7236-3708 (combee/beautifly/heracross)
Toasty 2234-7236-3708 (combee/beautifly/heracross) Tue 25 Feb 2014 06:34:36 No. 18244154 Report Hey guys, i was looking for a adamant linoone/zigzagoon with extreme speed could any of you by chance help me with this?
Quoted By:
when even i gen a pokemon in to trade on gts to complete dex (cos i cand be bothered genning all of them in) it always says its too special, help plz?
A Wood 1289-8383-5884
Quoted By:
Can someone gen me a 6IV Ditto? It doesn't have to have its HA, nor does it need to be shiny. It doesn't even need to be a specific nationality. For me, it's about dem IVs. I guess I can give a Master Ball in return.
>>18244154 This so much this. I'd love one too, will trade battle items
>>18225968 Can anyone gen me a shaymin in friend ball?
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Tue 25 Feb 2014 11:13:36 No. 18245868 Report Quoted By:
hey y'all could someone gen me an <spoiler>Arceus</spoiler> don't even care about stats.
>>18244154 >>18245840 I got one in a giveaway and lack the knowledge to use it properly :3
It sounds p rare though idk if I want to give it up
I just want to keep it a shelfmon and jack off over how exclusive it is
Quoted By:
>>18245873 actually it's Hardy not Adamant
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Tue 25 Feb 2014 11:17:19 No. 18245882 Report Quoted By:
hey y'all could someone gen me an Arceus don't even care about stats.
Quoted By:
>>18245858 Or just a normal Shaymin. I would love you for a long time. Pleeease
Quoted By:
Anyone willing to make me a 6IV Pinsir? Jolly, EQ, Return, QA, SD. Mold Breaker, not 100, not shiny, no EVs. I got mewtwo Y, Choice band/scarf, lefties, Life Orb, power items
>>18246501 If possible, with Pinsirite?
Trying to find the patrat so that I can find my secret ID. Won't show up, though. I try to search for it and just lose connection. I have the correct DNS, but it stil doesn't seem to want to work.
Quoted By:
>>18246514 Not possible to make it with pinsirite, because it didn't exist in gen 5. Items also don't carry over through poketransfer.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
I want to move my box of legendaries from Platinum to my X, can anyone help me? I'm offering a Ability Capsule
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 18:00:50 No. 18248169 Report If anyone has a 6IV ditto (preferably non-English) that they'd be willing to give me, I have a protean froakie to give hem for it.
Here's the thread with proof (I was looking for ditto safaris before I gave up and came here)
>>18248001 Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 18:04:47 No. 18248199 Report Quoted By:
>>18248169 I can also send it along with a max elixir or rare candy as well.
I'll be in class 1:20-3, and I should be around after that
Charlie 5000 - 3608 - 6160
>>18237299 If anyone could send me this i will be very greatful. i'll do my best for whatever you want in return, though i still have the shiny-focus sash
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
can i get a 6IV jolly moldbreaker excadrill?
Charlie 5000 - 3608 - 6160
>>18248575 thanks man, you're awesome
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18248369 >>18248575 oh yeah, forgot to add FC
>>18248589 Can do, any special moves?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18248623 It says your FC is incorrect
Charlie 5000 - 3608 - 6160
>>18248686 sorry it's 5000-3608-6106
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>18248642 thanks! moves don't matter in this particular case
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18248780 >>18248757 Alright, transfering. Add me if you haven't already.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18248780 asking you to trade
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249041 Can get to work on it as soon as Daniel and charlie actually accept my trade offers.
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18249092 Thanks ^^ What would you want for these?
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>18249092 i can't, it said connection error and now you have the trade symbol on your avatar
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18248623 What's your IGN? are you Zoey?
>>18249133 Try to reconnect to the internet.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>18249178 thanks so much dude, and sorry for holding you up
Charlie 5000 - 3608 - 6106
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249109 Alright, getting to work on them now. Sorry for the wait. Not looking for anything in particular for them.
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 19:49:23 No. 18249451 Report Asking again, can I get a 6IV ditto?
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249451 Yes you can. Any special nature?
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 19:59:48 No. 18249624 Report >>18249563 I don't have a preference, whatever's easier for you.
Also, do you want a specific nature for the froakie, and do you want a rare candy or max elixir?
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18249563 Also, could you maybe gen this one? I don't know what item to give for it though.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249624 Getting you this, then (japanese are easier to masuda, if you ever feel like doing that)
>>18249626 Don't need an item, but can do that aswell.
Unless you have any spare megastones~ IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249624 Oh, and - Got any timid ones? I'll take a rare candy ^^
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18249666 Nice trips ^^
Sorry, but I don't have any spare ones right now. Might try to force my friend to help me clone some though, so I can try to get them for you tomorrow ^^"
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:06:44 No. 18249732 Report >>18249693 I can breed one up a minute, Once I manage to catch this damn pokemon I'll breed one up for you
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18249703 Nah, it's fine. Going away for the rest of the week tomorrow anyways.
>>18249732 Great
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:13:32 No. 18249837 Report I want to request a Rhydon with Stealth Rock since in X/Y you can't teach nor breed a Rhyhorn with stealth rock but you can get one from gen 5, I'm willing to give any BP item except Ability Capsule (because I don't have enough points to buy it, would offer it if I could), Masterball or Pokemon X Megastone. Give him careful nature, 5IV being the bad stat Special Attack, and moveset: Stealth Rock Earthquake Stone Edge Swords Dance
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249837 I can do that for ya'
Don't need an item in return, but if you're feeling generous, i'll gladly take a tyranitite off your hands
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:16:43 No. 18249878 Report >>18249865 Sure I can give you the tyranitarite.
Thank you very much
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:17:16 No. 18249886 Report Quoted By:
>>18249865 I've added you as a friend, the froakie should be ready in just a moment
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249878 What ability do you want him to have? Also, do you want a nickname on him? Could also make him a rhyperior if you'd prefer that.
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:19:35 No. 18249906 Report >>18249893 Rock Head is fine, no nicknames, leave it at Rhydon I'm going to use the eviolite with him
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18249893 Ugh..About nicknames. I totally forgot that the Liepard was supposed to be named >.< It's for my friend's birthday. Would you make a new one for Choice Specs, maybe? It's name was supposed to be Bastet
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:23:17 No. 18249956 Report >>18249893 it's not quite ready yet, 2/3 eggs have had torrent
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:25:51 No. 18249996 Report Quoted By:
>>18249969 I will get you the froakie as soon as I get a timid protean, I promise
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Requesting a Arceus I can pass through Bank.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249956 Alright. Just tell me when you got it ready.
>>18249951 Can do, but will take a bit longer, as I have to manually gen it. Your lucario is also ready.
>>18250002 If you give me a bit of time I can. Juggling alot of requests atm, noone else actually genning atm.
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:29:15 No. 18250054 Report >>18249969 252 Special def, 128 attack, 128 def
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:30:33 No. 18250077 Report >>18250040 finally ready, sorry about how long it took, ditto and the frogardier just didn't want to fuck
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18250040 Thanks ^^ I really appreciate it!
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:35:34 No. 18250157 Report Hi guys Im looking for these Eventmons with good natures/decent iv Shiny Rayquaza Meloetta Shiny Genesect I don't really have stuff to offer but I can at least go farm Heartscales if someone wanna pick these
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18250054 >>18250077 >>18250094 >>18250002 >>18250157 Currently getting for GTS. Give me 10 minutes to transfer and add, then i'll start trading em out
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 20:49:34 No. 18250365 Report Quoted By:
>>18250291 Im farming now heartscales so take your tame
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18250291 Alright, got 'em all, gonna start trading.
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
>>18250545 Want anything?
But also, could you send a pic or file of the Arceus? I tried genning the Movie one for DPPt but couldn't get one over.
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:03:08 No. 18250586 Report Quoted By:
>>18250545 Im also ready, got the heartscales
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18250291 Thanks ^^ And sorry about that incident with Liepard. I thought you already finished the trade ^^"
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18250618 No problem. Happy birthday to your friend
:^) Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18249893 Sorry about the long wait. Got your rhydon now, though.
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:08:48 No. 18250681 Report Quoted By:
>>18250545 I'm ready too, I'll give you one of my leftovers Adamant 5IV charmanders with the tyranitarite, It's perfect to build a Charizard X if you want.
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby)
IGN: Yamaya 2895-7647-5201 (sandshrew, dugtrio, diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:09:47 No. 18250696 Report >>18250650 thanks alot! Sorry I just had discs with heartscales to give
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18250696 It's fine, enjoy your eventmons ^^
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
Quoted By:
>>18250650 Yeah..It's tomorrow though ^^" Thanks for your help anyway!
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:12:23 No. 18250753 Report Quoted By:
Just noticed I wasn't online, sorry, connecting now
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18250568 Nah, i'm fine with what I have. I used that one.
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon)
IGN Manel 4699-7196-7504 (Trapinch, Dugtrio, Gastrodon) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:17:00 No. 18250817 Report Quoted By:
Thank you a lot man, here, you also get a cute Tyrunt as thanks
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18249624 Just noticed I never traded you that ditto. You still want it?
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:18:23 No. 18250840 Report >>18250824 yes please, your froakie's set, sorry it took a while
Sean | 1478 - 3218 - 3058
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:20:52 No. 18250882 Report >>18250840 one of our connections fucked, try again?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18250882 Yup. Mine died. Is okay now though. Retrade.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18250882 Why isn't it working? Worked with everyone else.
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby)
Stefan 1392-6011-0216 (Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby) Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:24:16 No. 18250941 Report >>18250909 I don't know, I've traded just fine before without problems, it looks like it's going through now, though, so thank you!
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18250941 Yeah, we got there in the end. Enjoy your
Dildo[/spotify] Ditto! IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18250941 Yeah, we got there in the end. Enjoy your
Dildo Ditto!
Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049}
Leftovers from genning Skelzore 2165 6642 0438 {2049} Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:36:15 No. 18251055 Report Alright, got some Pokemon that I genned that no one claimed so they're fair game. All I want are the dead remains of Luvdiscs Here's what I've got: Pinsir L:100 Adamant Moxie 252 Atk/252 Spe Quick Attack/Return/EQ/X-Scissor JPN Zekrom named B i l l L:75 Shitty moves, ivs, nature. Perfect for PokeDex entry I guess 6iv Ditto with an autistic name of MOTHER Adamant 6iv Shiny JPN Ditto Adamant
Iglooghost 1118-0691-9471 (IGN: Seamus)
Quoted By:
yo uh.. it would make my day if someone genn'd a shiny latias? just like one caught in hoenn or something but shiny. thanks in advance if anyone is selfless enough to do this shit, yall are literally too kind! :)))
Iglooghost 1118-0691-9471 (IGN: Seamus)
Quoted By:
>>18251055 yoooooo i would kindly take that zekrom off your hands bro!
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:50:49 No. 18251210 Report >>18251055 I'll take that Ditto please
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder Tue 25 Feb 2014 21:53:13 No. 18251247 Report >>18251055 I have a Luvdisc in already for another giveaway but I'll throw another one on once it's done for a Ditto.
Iglooghost 1118-0691-9471 (IGN: Seamus)
Quoted By:
>>18251055 put up a luvdisk called HELLOSKELZOR for the zekrom. much appreciated rudeboi.
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM
Whoops 2981 7087 5603 (Electrode, Pikachu, Galvantula) !KSzVdyJ1vM Tue 25 Feb 2014 22:02:11 No. 18251370 Report Quoted By:
>>18251210 my In game name is Erich, putting a luvdisc up for it
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder Tue 25 Feb 2014 22:05:55 No. 18251433 Report >>18251247 Fucking shit, forgot that was my last one. Grabbing another disc for you.
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder
Paul (3540-0427-5340) Doduo, Woobat, Fletchinder Tue 25 Feb 2014 22:09:01 No. 18251481 Report Quoted By:
>>18251433 Okay, it's on there. I'll take a shiny if you got any left.
i'm having some trouble nicknaming the pokemon, when i check them in pokecheck their name is always in japanese and it says hacked in the analysis. Can anyone help me?
Nathan - 0688-5723-8264
Quoted By:
I know all about adding the extra byte, but you gen wizards must share your secrets. Secrets on how to pass a Pokemon in any ball WITH egg moves. It has been done before and I must know how.
Can I get a shiny foreign 6IV Timid Ditto? Y IGN: Sophitis FC: Gimme 1607-3486-0661
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18252632 On it. Give me 10 minutes. Ish.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18252302 I could do it for you. Just give me the pokecheck link.
You know, if you're still here >>18252632 Ditto is transferring
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Quoted By:
>>18253758 >tfw realise both of these requests were put here over an hour ago >mfw Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Could anyone do me a 6IV ditto?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18253866 seeing as the other is probably offline, sure. Got one for ya.
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Quoted By:
>>18253885 Thanks bro, adding you now
Mars (3239-4318-0565)
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Can someone help me gen a shiny furret in a lov ball with some decent IVs? I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I give it move tutor moves of fire punch and a tm of shadow claw, but still no dice. If someone can help and give It the name Winery, that would be awesome! I love the furry pink ball.
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Quoted By:
>>18254290 Oh, I in turn have some illegal love ball timid petilils with egg moves.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18254290 Trying my luck on one.
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
0946 3624 2667
>>18254475 >>18254582 I'll try too if thats ok.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
Okay this is my first time doing this, I still need to complete my dex so if someone could do this for me it would be awesome. In return I have some Heart Scales and Rare Candies, as well as some mons, a Dream Ball Glameow with HA, a Friend Ball Lickitung and a Moon Ball Larvitar. I could probably try getting some evo stones if needed too
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18254784 That would be great! I have a ton of illegal love ball petilils.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255051 I got one transferred for you. Keep in mind it's level 50, but it's still a shiny love ball shadow claw fire punch good IV adamant furret, so ye.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255043 Got you covered.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>18255130 Thanks mate, what you'd like in return?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255197 I'd be happy to take a heart scale off your hands
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
>>18255225 Sure thing, should we do it over GTS or with FC?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255271 FC is normally easier, so i'd say we go for that.
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
Quoted By:
>>18255307 Alright just added you
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18255088 Level 50 is great! I'll add you and hand off a love ball lil for it!
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Quoted By:
>>18255431 I have to hatch it real quick
Cheetoz 0232-8759-6546
Quoted By:
>>18255431 Thank you so much for the trade, godspeed too!
1 less legendary to get, 28 left
David 3926-5754-2050
If someone could gen me a 6 IV hasty shiny Rayquaza and/or a 6 IV shiny Adamant Regigigas, I'd really appreciate it. I can give 5 IV Kalos native pokemon and some non-BP items in return.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255608 I would, but it's 3am here and I really just want to get this furret out the doors so I can fuck off to bed.
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18255632 Holy fuck I fucked up that nickname
I meant Winry
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255684 >_> Sorry to tell ya, but if you fuck up like that's it's on you. Spent upwards to half an hour getting that guy to work and am too tired to do it again now.
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18255715 Yeah shit man, I'm so sorry. I have a phone so the autocorrect must have happened. I am sorry for wasting your time.
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255729 if you're here in the morning, I suppose I can fix it then, but right now I really just want to sleep.
Prese undarstandu Izzy 1521-3413-4831
>>18255745 I have work in the morning, so I probably won't be around. I'm just sorry I wasted your time.
Austin 1418-6836-0649
Quoted By:
Could any one trade me a keldeo or genesect?
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18255632 That's cool. Anyone else?
IGN Pénis 1950-9283-0402
>>18255775 Not like I had anything better to do. Don't sweat it ^^
Izzy 1521-3413-4831
Quoted By:
If I add a wonder card to my game with Poke Gen is the resulting pokemon basically legitimate, from the game perspective? Obviously that's not any more "legitimate" then normal pokegenning, I'm just curious.
David 3926-5754-2050
Quoted By:
>>18255608 Bumping my request. Are there any more genners about?
0946 3624 2667
Quoted By:
>>18255804 still trying lol.
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
Requesting an HA Nidoran (F). If anyone's got the time, It'd be much appreciated. Thanks in advance
Salt (4055-4199-0524)
Quoted By:
>>18259722 Forgot to mention that i'd like it to be Modest and have 0 Attack. Thanks again