GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / 6IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts available. Sorry!
How many hours have you clocked? Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Old thread:
lurking for lime or anyone else who can breed me a latios
>>18230991 how about i just breed you instead
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>>18231000 h-how does that work
Alex 1263-7357-0854
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Does anyone have a female Froakie in a dusk ball and a female Honedge in a luxury ball? Ivs don't matter
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18230991 I'm trying. Not really sure how IDs work.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
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>>18231203 i believe in you lime
>>18231203 idk if this helps but it has to be the event one i think
neluz 3024-5346-7834 IGN=Niels
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anyone have a spare aurorus/amaura?
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
Ok, got two lists here today. First list is the standard GTS giveaway list: Second list here is a handful of leftover eggs from instacheck. Being eggs they cannot be traded via GTS, you'll have to add me and send a regular trade. Upshot of this is you'll know the exact IVs of the pokemon and you can nickname it yourself when it hatches: If you want one of those, indicate which one using its number on the left (1-9).
Alex 1263-7357-0854
>>18231421 Can I have that Snorunt?
>>18231421 Disc is up for the Chikorita, thanks
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
>>18231464 09 in the second list?
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
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Does anybody have a female dream ball Lileep?
Alex 1263-7357-0854
>>18231475 Well the Moody one from the first list better since I don't care about the nickname
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
>>18231517 Put up a disc then
Alex 1263-7357-0854
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
Alex 1263-7357-0854
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>>18231538 That was fast, thanks
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
>>18231647 When someone decide to do a giveaway?
>>18231655 I would KILL for victini in level ball and shaymin in friend ball
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 24 Feb 2014 12:04:12 No. 18231859 Report Quoted By:
>>18231203 I just woke up and I see Lime is still doing giveaways. You are awesome! :D
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, ???) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 24 Feb 2014 12:06:13 No. 18231866 Report >>18231421 Shadow putting up a disc for a female Intimidate mawile
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
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>>18231658 the problem is, I think they're both banned from the GTS
Hime 1693-1815-0407
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Requesting any female pinsir with Moxie ;-;
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA Mon 24 Feb 2014 12:57:58 No. 18232058 Report I need, need, need a HA Smoochum(Hydration), I can give a 16/31/31/x/31/31 Shiny Kangaskhan for it, or breed a few other mons. I also have some egg move 4/5IV Archen/Shelder/Pawniard if you're interested in it. All I want is a Smoochum or a Jynx with their hidden abilities, I don't care about the nature or IVs.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18231421 I'll put a disc up for a Feebas , thanks.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18232160 btw swift swim female please
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
Shadow (IGN: Medrex) 4484-9160-4632
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And that's it for me tonight. Hoping to give away the last of my eggs at least so I'll be back on later.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
Opti 0044-3512-5463
I'm giving away one of these: Kyurem, Mesprit, Thundurus, Zapdos (no IVs, bad nature, whatever) for the sake of pokedex completion.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18232238 Yo can I get that Mesprit? I need that to get all 3 of them.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18232244 Fug, I forgot I already gave away that one. List should be Kyurem, Thundurus, Zapdos, Terrakion and a Suicune I just recieved via GTS.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
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>>18232238 I'll put up a Munna for that Mesprit :>
>>18232058 Disc up for a Smoochum, I'm breeding you one. We can trade directly afterwards.
What egg moves do your Pawniards have?
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18232278 Oh, np np, I'll take a suicune then since I have raikou.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18232288 Putting up a Munna for it, thanks
Opti 0044-3512-5463
IGN : Lwyn
>>18232278 Disc up for Kyurem.
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
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>>18232278 Let me got set up a disc for that Zapdos.
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 13:53:10 No. 18232349 Report >>18232278 disc up for Terrakion! if it's still available!
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18232311 Kyurem at your doorstep, sire.
Opti 0044-3512-5463
IGN : Lwyn
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18232362 ... Or not, internet be a bitch.
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA Mon 24 Feb 2014 13:56:29 No. 18232374 Report >>18232282 Are you still here? My power went out.
They have Sucker Punch.
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 13:59:16 No. 18232395 Report >>18232372 Don't worry, I don't mind waiting a bit!
Opti 0044-3512-5463
>>18232395 Finally got you, and Tariq too. Any takes for Thundurus?
>>18232374 Put a Luvdisc up on GTS, I'll give you a 5Iv Smoochum.
I'd be interested in a female Pawniard afterward, and wouldn't mind the Kang either.
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:06:11 No. 18232438 Report Quoted By:
Edison 2852-8505-6440
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>>18230948 Looking for a pickpocket sneasel
Sensei 0318-8354-6062 (Panphy-Marowak-Diggersby)
Sensei 0318-8354-6062 (Panphy-Marowak-Diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:07:35 No. 18232447 Report Quoted By:
>>18230948 have a seel OP? the luvdisc is up anyway
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
I have an extra Timid Meloetta if anyone wants it.
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:10:53 No. 18232472 Report Quoted By:
>>18232433 God fucking bless you, man, you can have all the shinies in the world in return for that brilliant Hydration Smoochum
Putting one up now, and also adding you for that Pawniard
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:13:21 No. 18232489 Report Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA
Raferis 1246-9547-0966 (Mawile, Kirlia, Clefairy) !QlaDcYrmfA Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:16:05 No. 18232515 Report Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18232489 Sure, add me, I'll add you in a second.
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:23:39 No. 18232558 Report Quoted By:
>>18232525 Sounds good! I've gotcha added.
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby)
Witch 0361-7784-6393 (phanpy dugtrio diggersby) Mon 24 Feb 2014 14:27:10 No. 18232578 Report >>18232525 Thank you thank you thank you!
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
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Does anybody have a Grimer with Poison Touch and either Ice or Fire Punch? I just noticed that they can no longer learn the punches in Gen VI and I'm... very salty, halfway through breeding one up specifically for that >.< I put a disc up on the off chance one of you good souls has one. Thanks!
Mack 2294-5355-4315
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Does anyone have any Adaptability Crawdaunts with Aqua Jet? I'm not fussed about IVs.
Edison 2852-8505-6440
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Still looking for that pickpocket sneasel, ivs dont matter.
I have a Ditto with 6 perfect IVs Im willing to trade for any pokemon holding blazikenite
Nioavellir 3840-6731-7020 [Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric]
Nioavellir 3840-6731-7020 [Electric: Emolga, Pikachu, and Manectric] Mon 24 Feb 2014 15:04:28 No. 18232847 Report >>18232831 >I have a Ditto with 6 perfect IVs I hate you so much, lucky cunt
>>18232847 Very lucky, but like i said im willing to trade it
>>18232869 What is its nature?
Jonn 0318-6758-6351
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>>18232847 Brah, just head over to a gen thread and wait for someone to offer requests
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>18232831 >>18232869 This is a giveaway thread. Go to the cloning thread or /wfg/ or wherever to trade.
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>>18231214 I've
bred Latias before, but I'm not sure what event you're referring to.
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Mon 24 Feb 2014 15:54:43 No. 18233229 Report Quoted By:
desperate for Ivysaur with chlorophyll if anyone has one Been FSing for ages.
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Mon 24 Feb 2014 15:59:21 No. 18233269 Report Quoted By:
>>18232238 can I have thundurus?
my PD sucks right now
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Stuff: RNG won't let me restock edition 2x illegal Love Ball Petilil, Healing Wish/Worry Seed/Ingrain/Sweet Scent, perfect HP Rock 3x HA Dive Ball Tentacool, Acupressure/Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Haze (Two imperfect 5iv, One 4iv all female) 3x Heavy Ball Shellder, Rapid Spin/Rock Blast/ Icicle Spear (Pentaperfect, all male) *If you take a Petilil, please check her stats in the Battle Institute so I can make sure you got the right one. Stats at lvl50 should be 120/xx/70/90/70/55
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18233938 the kids are in school m8 it will be a slow thread from this point forward
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18233974 At least that gives me some time to breed before anyone shows up.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
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>>18233987 goodluck mang i know you can do it
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18233938 Could I get a shellder and a Tentacool?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18233987 >tfw my message got auto-kill Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18233987 Pretty much.
Breeding Cyndaquils and Chikoritas, any interest in the leftovers?
Michael 2423-2757-2330
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>>18234020 I'm interested in both, I need them for my Pokedex
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18234019 Your message is still there on my end.
>>18234020 What ball are the Chikorita in?
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18234065 I'll take a
__male if you have any.
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18234080 Wait, I'll try to get them into nicer balls.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
>>18234080 disc up i will give you a
__Male one
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
>>18233938 I'd like a Shellder, what nature is it?
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18234012 Disc up for Tentacool, then Shellder after
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18234099 If it's in a nice ball, I'd like a female.
>>18234106 Disc is up.
>>18234110 Jolly
>>18234113 Tentacool sent
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Strato 3325-2963-8934
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>>18234119 sent, see you guys after work
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18234119 *sigh* putting them in nicer balls will take time. I can send you one right now, but I only guarantee 2 IVs and the nature is random (just started breeding the ones I got yesterday).
Later today I can guarantee ones in nicer balls and at least 4 IVs.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18234208 It's fine. I can wait 'til later. Good luck with your breeding.
Yin 2552-1273-4377
If anybody could get me a HA staryu that'd be amazing. I'm not super-bothered about nature and IVs but timid and SpA/Spe IVs would be best.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18234257 I can breed you one. Just give me a moment to get to the daycare.
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18234208 Can I get a Chikorita and Cyndaquil? I don't care about ball or IVs or nature, these are dex fillers
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18234300 Sure, disc up. But Cyndaquil will take a while.
Michael 2423-2757-2330
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>>18234333 Thanks for Chikorita! I'll disc up for Cyndaquil now and you can get to it whenever. I have a lab in 30 minutes so I'll be gone
Santana 4399-0165-0292
YES! I finally got my shiny Shellder!
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18234373 Nice! What are you gonna name it?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18234257 Your Staryu is ready. Timid, missing speed.
>>18234397 No idea. It has the wrong ability and it's missing defense. I need to check the IVs.
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18234373 Nice! Name it love shell.
>>18234397 I think someone sniped you... not that it's bad I guess. lol
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>>18234373 Congrats! Name it Mr. Baffo
Yin 2552-1273-4377
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>>18234427 Thank you so much, you're the best!
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18234440 Oh, haha. I got a 5 IV one with Wring Out, Ancient Power, Leaf Storm, and Heal Pulse so I can't complain
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>>18230948 Mines is up can i get a tyranitar?
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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I wish there was enough room to name it Jean-Claude Van Clamme. I might just name it Van Clamme.
>>18233938 Can I take a Petilil?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18234636 Hold on, going to catch one.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:42:05 No. 18234675 Report Anyone got a shuckle? I'm like 5 pokemon away from completing the kalos dex yay! I've got spare: HA gligars HA froakies All free to a bad home
Yin 2552-1273-4377
>>18234675 I have a shuckle, I'll happily take a gligar for it.
>>18234636 Done, named it VP.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Mon 24 Feb 2014 18:44:35 No. 18234715 Report >>18234704 Chuck the shuckle up, i'll trade you the gligar
Thank you
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Yin 2552-1273-4377
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>>18234715 Awesome, thanks to you too!
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>>18234726 Thank you very much!
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Disc is up, tyranitar please?
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>>18234704 Can I have a Shuckle? :D
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18233938 You still around? I'll throw up a disc for a tentacool.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235259 Disc'd for a female, ignore the description.
13 boxes of riolu, no shiny yet. Gonna hoard another 4-8, however much I can stand aha.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18235272 Perserve and you sure will get it
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235272 Good luck with the Riolu. I finally got my Shellder. It hatched with 20-21 in Defense and the wrong ability. I'm debating on whether or not to try again.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235301 Well, 20 isn't too bad, could be worse. What ability were you going for? And how many boxes?
Thank you for the tentacool!
>>18235298 Thank you. I'm feeling a little cheated by the charm.
Will be back later to give away the blue babies.
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18235272 >>18235301 Are you guys using the shiny charm?
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey)
Lunar 4468-2110-7646 (Aipom, Kecleon, Chansey) Mon 24 Feb 2014 19:45:34 No. 18235328 Report Quoted By:
Yo! I gotta special request. Does anyone have a Heavy Ball Skarm with Stealth Rock and all the neccesary egg moves? If not Heavy Ball then regular ball will do just fine. i kinda forgot how much i need it ;-;
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235320 Skill Link, but I could always get an ability capsule. It took me roughly 18 boxes.
>>18235321 Yup
;-; Anonymous
>>18235329 Santana, got any Petilil left?
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235340 One left. Disc up and she's yours.
>>18235321 So far my luck isn't so bad with lucky charm
IGN : Lwyn
Anyone have a chespin for me? Even a shitty one, it's just for the dex.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235321 Yeah. ;_; My expectations for it were far too high.
I also hatched around 13-14 boxes of stunky before the riolu ride and got nothing.
>>18235329 Well, if you do decide to go for it again, best of luck. I'd probably just use a capsule myself... 18 feels like a lot.
I dunno how the people in /shw/ can stand doing over 30 boxes.
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18235353 >>18235329 How do you combine it with the Masuda method? Just give your leading mon the charm, or you gotta give it to one of the parents?
>>18235383 It's a key item.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235375 I'm gonna hatch a few more boxes and hope for the best. If another shiny doesn't turn up, I'll just switch to Tentacool.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235383 The charm is actually a key item - you get the increased rate just by having it in the bag, so presumably it automatically stacks.
We don't have hard evidence that it stacks at all, but smogon's findings seem to suggest it.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235391 Do you hoard boxes or hatch as you go? Just curious.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235411 I usually hoard a few boxes at a time. If I want to distribute, I just hatch as I go. I hoarded 15 or so boxes of Shellder during my first attempt. I did the latter method over the past day or so to get to 18 boxes.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18235352 Sorry for the lateness, got distracted by another thread.
Disc up and thankyou.
>>18235375 Do you have any Stunky left? I'd love to have one.
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235445 I do! All are in premier balls, 5IV, adamant, have aftermath, and know Haze/Crunch/Pursuit/Play Rough.
Would you like a male or a female?
>>18235439 Basically doing the same.
I keep getting distracted by thoughts of "Ooh! I'll MM that poke next!"
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18235470 >>18235445 I have to get going soon, so disc up asap!
I will be back in about an hour though.
>>18235470 >Ooh! I'll MM that poke next! I've done this to the point where I'm just going to do a poke from each gen, barring Sinnoh
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Looking for an Unburden Treecko, my luvdisc will say SMOGONFISH VP
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18235470 Same here. I started with Shellder, but I gave up and switched to Petilil. When neither of the two yielded results, I decided to do Combee after. Since Combee is hell, I put that off for last. As of a few days ago, I added Tentacool to the mix.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235492 I made this list for /shw/ last night. Zoroark is calling out to me, but fuck I really need to finish riolu first.
Why not Sinnoh?
>>18235528 I already have two from Sinnoh, Rotom and Snover.
That and Sinnoh's my fav gen, so I wouldn't know what to choose.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>18235518 Sent you a female, hope that's alright!
>>18235528 Disk is up for Stunky. Good luck with the hunt!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235554 Oh yeah, did you ever breed another shiny rotom?
>>18235523 I'm glad I'm not the only one. I
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18235393 >>18235388 Oh, I see. That makes a lot more sense.
And good luck to all of you shiny hunters, I'll be joining you guys when I finish my dex. Talonflame and Milotic are my targets (even though I already started the Milotic ride).
>>18235528 I'm currently MM Zorua, I'm on my 2nd box, almost onto the third. I'm not breeding for IVs or natures though, starting to regret my decision.
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>>18235560 Thank you so much!
Santana 4399-0165-0292
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>>18235528 I actually planned to do Vulpix as my first MM, but I ended up doing Misdreavus instead because I thought it'd be rarer at the time. Took me about 453 eggs. (pre-bank and shiny charm)
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
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>>18235571 *I might start on zoroark soon and mix those eggs in with the riolu I've hoarded.
>>18235573 Well, if you haven't gotten a shiny yet, it's not too late to start!
>>18235572 Thanks dude, best of luck finishing the dex. Maybe some of us can help you out when you get close.
If you guys want, I can maybe grab some parents for you off pokecheck. Heading out I'll be back in about an hour.
Currently breeding Trick Room Spritzee (Sassy, 0 in speed) with Wish/Disable/Refresh. Tell me if you want one.
>>18235470 >5IV I don't get it? I thought you guys wanted 30 IVs? Why so low? Sorry for dumb question.
>>18235528 Good thing most of those shinies look outright terrible. Manectric is kinda cool though. And I wonder how Furfrou's trims would look shiny.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235638 5IV actually means that you have five IVs of 31.
So for example, "perfect" 5IV pokemon might have IVs that look like 31/31/31/xx/31/31.
No worries, IV breeding is a little complicated.
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>>18235643 Ask flash, pretty sure he has a shiny Furfrou
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
>>18235638 That means that 5 out of 6 IVs are 31.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235643 To each their own, I think I have a weird thing for shinies that most consider bad. Like weavile.
Even I think shiny weavile looks weird, and yet I love it so much IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Mon 24 Feb 2014 20:14:37 No. 18235696 Report Quoted By:
>>18235613 Can I have one? Putting up a Luvdisc soon.
IGN : Lwyn
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>>18235365 I don't know who give me one but thank you.
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf]
IGN: Ricky 0146-9237-1094 [Dark: Sneasel, Absol, Nuzleaf] Mon 24 Feb 2014 20:16:59 No. 18235725 Report Quoted By:
>>18235613 Luvdisc is up. It's nicknamed I heart U with the message Ricky vp Spritz.
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>>18235667 >>18235656 Neat, thanks for the explanation.
Can I get some help filling my dex? I wanna complete the National Dex. First thing first, can I get a Rattata? Any old trash rat will do, everyone on GTS wants a goddamn Legendary for it. Disc is up, IGN Serena.
>>18235809 >everyone on GTS wants a goddamn Legendary for it.. GTS "economy" is a clusterfuck
>>18235678 I always laugh at people who send their shiny Lucarios and Scizors in against me on Battle Spot. Doesn't help that they almost never threaten me with them, often using bullshit moves like Dragon Pulse (srsly Luke?) or Night Slash.
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Oh, and never forget shiny Dragonite.
>>18235826 GTS economy is pretty interesting. A 5IV Timid Froakie is worth less than a Luvdisc. Had that up for several hours to clear surpluses and nobody wanted it.
But if you want something, make a deposit or be ready to look around more often. Good offers don't stay long, only the bullshit does.
Yay triple-posting!
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar)
Ben 2148-8715-1154 (larvesta, braixen, Magmar) Mon 24 Feb 2014 20:51:08 No. 18236127 Report Quoted By:
dumped a luvdisc for a weezing if peeps are willing
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Still have some things to clear out: 3 Repeat Ball Scraggy 1 Premier Ball Snorunt 1 Heal Ball Goomy 4 Heal Ball Mienfoo (1 HA, 3 non) 5 Dream Ball Drilbur (3 HA, 2 non) Disc up, reply if interested.
>>18236034 >>18236034 u are an idiot if you think a 5IV timid froakie is worth less than a Luvdisc. The disc is just a community derp that we all accept to give away FREE mons. When people give away free mons they dont want breeding leftovers otherwise it wouldnt be free. Now some do accept derps but when 5+ people are requesting for an item that someone is givng away its easier on the donator to just stay in the luvdisc entry and not switch to a fucking froakie just for you. fuck off faggot.
Quoted By:
>>18235809 Just breed some 'unobtainable' pokemon and put the lv 1s on the GTS.
I did it with deerlings.... it works as long as you don't ask for legendaries.
>>18236167 He has a point though.
I'm not going to switch to a fucking bunnelby, just get a luvdisc unless I state otherwise.
Quoted By:
>>18236209 thanks for the support
bro fist.jpeg Cuan
>>18236139 I put up a 5IV Timid Protean Froakie for six hours total, asking for a Luvdisc. Nobody wanted it. Most of my other leftovers I put up for a disc were traded within a couple of minutes.
Q.E.D. 5IV Timid Protean Froakies are worth less than a Luvdisc.
Quoted By:
>>18236034 thow 2 boxes on the wonder trade and you get a timid/modest 4/5iv froakie or 10... atleast I always do
>>18236241 no idiot that doesnt mean that, it just means more people look for people depositing luvdiscs than those who deposit froakies.
>>18236241 Mass producing of Froakies make them not worth shit. I doubt anyone is searching for Froakies via GTS, especially how easy it is to get one via WT.
>>18236275 Stay mad, anon.
>>18236282 B-but that's exactly how supply and demand works.
>>18236330 fuck off you anal leackage scum guzzling butt plug wearing faggot.
>>18236330 Is there a large demand for empty McDonalds cups? No. You know why? Because you can find them lying on the street and everyone could get it if they wanted to.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
IGN : Lwyn
Quoted By:
>>18236361 If you want to insult me, at least spell "cum guzzling" correctly.
>>18236387 If Froakie is an empty McDonalds cup now, you are more than proving my point. Though I merely thought of Froakie as something that is useful, but not worth much because of its abundance. Like a glass of water.
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>>18235613 Gonna put a disc up for one.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18235929 Well, keep laughing. my 6IV HA perfect nature shiny lucario (named PussyWrecker btw) will probably
lose to your ass.
I always breed for competitive spreads and get really autistic about natures/moves/etc, yet I rarely battle competitively. >>18235809 I've gotten a few Yveltals for my riolu rejects. Takes a while, but it works.
>>18236361 Looks like I came back just in time for the fun.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:25:45 No. 18236560 Report Quoted By:
Hi guys Does anyone have a spare ability capsule if not I could trade a nice mon for it : )
>>18236540 >Not PussyRekter Statistically, 5IV Froakie is better than a luvdisc, but it's since it's so easy to get no one will bother. It's not like people are actually looking for luvdiscs when they aren't giving stuff away, I've seen a shiny luvdisc up for a ditto for like 5+ hours.
Are piplups with defog a thing you can request in one of these threads?
>>18236593 Disc is up for spritzee, Cosmic.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18236593 I feel like people do search specifically for discs, but only because they want heart scales.
>>18236624 But what is frisk
>>18236614 Sent
>>18236604 There was a giveaway a few days prior, you may be out of luck however.
>>18236624 Or for sniping Maison items that people sometimes put on giveaway discs.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Giving these away! Slap up a disc if you want one and specify species/gender/ability, or I'm giving you a random one. Stunky Premier ball - Adamant - Aftermath - 5IV Haze/Crunch/Pursuit/Play Rough x6 females x10 males Riolu Quick Ball - Jolly - 5IV Bullet Punch/Hi Jump Kick/Crunch/Blaze Kick (some have vacuum wave instead of BK) x17 HA females x9 HA males x5 Inner Focus females x2 HA female quick ball lucario, ask for details x2 safari ball female shroomish x1 fast ball female pichu Please don't ask me to check IVs. 5IV doesn't mean it's gonna be penta, sorry.
Quoted By:
>>18236649 Ah, a giveaway? Oh well, I suppose I'll have to hope there's another one soon.
>>18236692 I'd love a HA male Riolu. Can you wait for a minute or so?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18236649 I know right. I'm sure some people are lazy though.
It'd sure be nice if sniping happened less but I assume that's why it happens a lot of the time.
>>18236692 You switched parents midway ?
>>18236674 Putting Maison items on a disc is asking for it
Dennis 1461 6466 8383
>>18236692 Could I have a stunky? Preferably female.
Quoted By:
I'm going to try this again because yesterday frenchies took my Luvdiscs and gave me ingame shits. If anyone has a Regenerator Solosis I really want it. IGN is Dan, thank you.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18236604 I was the one giving out Piplup with Defog/Stealth Rock. I still have a few left to give away.
my Luvdisc is up for the male riolu. Thank you in advance!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18236708 Yeah, no problem! just let me know when it's up.
>>18236723 Not exactly, those are originally from me trying to breed a 5IV HA female to be the mother. It was taking forever so Cynthia hacked me a 6IV one.
>>18236729 Yup, disc up!
Dennis 1461 6466 8383
>>18236756 Thank you very much, the disc is up
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:43:43 No. 18236783 Report >>18236692 Could I get a female Stunky please? Putting up a disc with /vp/ message.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Dennis 1461 6466 8383
seriously in need for someone to breed me a latios. what's the summoning spell for cynthia?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18236840 I can get you one off pokecheck if you want, but I can't gen.
I'd appreciate a Tirtouga if anyone's got a spare. Don't have a Luvdisc I'm afraid.
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Mon 24 Feb 2014 21:51:10 No. 18236878 Report Quoted By:
>>18236840 I can do it. Nature, moves, etc?
>>18236868 Male okay with you? Just tell me what you throw up.
>>18236865 Latios (M)
Level: 50
Shiny: Yes
Pokeball: Nest Ball
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 24 Atk / 232 SAtk / 252 Spd
Hasty Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Earthquake
- Defog
it wouldnt be on pokecheck. it's too specific
>>18236868 6 Trick Room Spritzee (Sassy, 0 in speed) with Wish/Disable/Refresh
Gonna MM
Fast Ball Growlithe
Quoted By:
>>18236904 >>18236884 That would be really nice of you!!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18236915 Anything you can give would be great, I've put up a Croagunk if that's cool.
Quoted By:
>>18236943 Oh she finished it already? yay!!!
It's not shiny ;-; Yukari can you edit it and make it shiny?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18236943 >Not shiny Meh, close enough. Not being public is a bummer
I remember someone asking for a Magic Coat/Stealth Rock Claydol. I'm interested in getting one for the person, but what nature did he/she had in mind.
>>18237013 Umm, give me a minute. BW GTS isn't connecting.
Quoted By:
>About 100 Croagunks is up for a ditto with the name Brute Squad
>>18237034 I'm in no rush!
>>18237030 I don't see this Croagunk. Did it get sniped?
Quoted By:
>>18237049 Still not connecting, I'll try again later.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18236943 I tried but I dunno if it'll transfer.
>>18237105 It did, yeah. I thought it was you.
Appreciate it anyway man.
And thanks if it was someone else in here.
>>18237136 Yea, sorry, didn't know that was directed towards me at first so was a bit late. If you still want a 5IV one, feel free to throw something up again.
Quoted By:
>>18237150 Worth a shot.
I've put up a Poliwag.
Does someone have a Spinda with Wish (and maybe Fake Out) for passing egg moves to Smoochum?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18236692 Still giving these out.
Five boxes of riolu. Time to start hatchin.
>>18237192 I have a smoochum with both you can borrow, if you give me a Smoochum back.
Quoted By:
>>18237204 Good luck, may Masuda be with you :-)
>>18237225 Too bad Smoochums don't have penises.
What ball? I originally wanted to breed from my beautiful Jynx.
IGN Jeran
>>18237204 >Riolu Quick Ball - Jolly - 5IV
Bullet Punch/Hi Jump Kick/Crunch/Blaze Kick (some have vacuum wave instead of BK)
I'd love one of these, gender doesnt matter.
Putting up a female lvl 15 luvdisk
>>18237260 Dream, with HA.
>>18237272 You can keep that ugly thing, but thanks.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Does anyone have a female Honedge in a Luxury ball or a female Froakie in a Dusk ball? Ivs don't matter
IGN Jeran
Quoted By:
>>18237337 Thanks Based Anon!
Gonna Wonder Trade about 5~ boxes of stuff. Should I record results ?
>>18237352 Put up a disc for Honedge
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>18237394 Disc up, thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Okay, still have some nice Mons to give out! - x6 (1 female, 5 males, some with HA) pentaperfect Bold Spritzees in Heal Balls with Wish - x6 (2 females, 4 males, some with lightning rod, some with static) imperfect Timid HP Ice Electrikes in Quick Balls - x2 (female, male, infiltrator) pentaperfect Timid Noibats in Premier Balls with Switcheroo - x2 (male, blaze) pentaperfect Adamant and Jolly Charmanders with Outrage and Dragon Dance - x4 (male, swift swim) pentaperfect Adamant Tirtougas in Dive Balls with Knock Off - x1 (male, rock head) pentaperfect Relaxed Aron in a Heavy Ball with Superpower, Head Smash, Stealth Rock, and Curse - x2 (female, male, Unburden) pentaperfect Adamant Swirlixs in Premier Balls with Belly Drum - x2 (female, lightning rod) nearly pentaperfect Timid HP Ice Pikachus in Loves Balls with Encore, Wish, Endure, and Nasty Plot !!Fully Trained in Special Attack and Speed!! - x1 (male, lightning rod) imperfect Timid HP Ice Pichu in a Love Ball with Encore, Wish, Endure, Reversal Get 'em while they're hot!
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>18237460 Gib male Noibat please
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18237460 Give me a sec and i put a disc for Aron
>>18237460 Are you still planning on
cloning your hexa Noibat?
IGN Jeran
Quoted By:
>>18237460 Could I get a Lightning Rod Electrike?
I have a disk up.
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:42:52 No. 18237519 Report Quoted By:
>>18237460 Can I grab a Tirtouga?
Quoted By:
>>18237460 can i have a female one? discin' up!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18237508 If I can find her. Lemon's at work right now and she might be on his game.
IGN : Lwyn
Quoted By:
>>18237460 Disc up for a tirtougas.
Quoted By:
>>18237460 I'm going to put up a disc for a tirtouga
>>18237523 Ok, gotcha.
Rosa, your mon just went through. Toss a Disc up.
Quoted By:
>>18237460 can I have a female noibat? i'll disc uppp
Lime 3883-5402-8331
David 2836-0415-5588
Quoted By:
Does anyone want premier ball phantumps? have a bunch, both genders. 3+ IV's.
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
>>18237579 Yeah, someone traded me a "Batman", putting up a new disc
Quoted By:
>>18237568 i don't have a disc :( i'll toss a munchlax in a second. i'm eating lunch
Alex 1263 - 7357 - 0854
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot, Lime.
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio)
Meggs 1048 9958 1862 (Emolga, Helioptile, Luxio) Mon 24 Feb 2014 22:56:38 No. 18237750 Report Quoted By:
>>18237460 Coould I get a female Electrike please? Discing right meow!
Worthy 3695 0435 6036
Do you still have noibat available? If not can I have a jolly charmander? thanks
my munchklax is up. thank you !!
Quoted By:
Any spare Dittos going?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18237781 All Noibats are gone currently. Maybe I'll breed more.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
I have a Latios just like that in a Nest Ball, but Shiny, it's even RNGed and not Genned. I'm sorry I was late Rosa. ;_; I have 5iv Dive Ball Totodiles still available. Breeding some Carbink for everyone, though 90% of them keep hatching with Clear Body.
Quoted By:
>>18237803 Sent, let me know if I got something wrong.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18237822 Did you get your shiny toto, Cynthia?
My boyfriend says I have to name the Riolu Snoop if it hatches in the last egg in the 14th box.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:03:45 No. 18237856 Report Quoted By:
>>18237460 Can I get a Electrike with Static please? Disc is up.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18237846 Oh yeah a long time ago, I'm just still trying to push out the rest of these Females, I feel kinda guilty giving them out over WT since they seem kinda rare. I don't know.
I think you should name the Riolu that, it's great omg. I'm suprised you haven't gotten it yet, Shiny Charm is a curse.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18237880 I know... I'm on box 14 so far, have another four hoarded. If the rate with the charm really is 1/400-something, I'm hopefully getting close.
>>18237864 Two more batches to go in 14... Plz blaze me, Masuda
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:16:16 No. 18238007 Report >>18237822 I would love a totodile! Can i have one?
I need to trade a haunter and a gurdurr back and forth. can someone help me?
i have these mons:
5x adamant HA magikarp
2x timid flame body larvesta
4x timid HA tentacool w/ raapid spin (3 females only)
1x 5iv brave snover
2x timid HA snorunts (females only)
2x adamant sheer force timburr w/ drain punch and detect
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18237976 This will help you out
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:19:14 No. 18238038 Report >>18238007 Add me, I can help you evolve your 'mons.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18238007 Yeah of course, put a disc up!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18238013 Ha, I should print out a picture of Masuda and put it on my wall just for the hell of it.
And to please him '"Love me!' begs a riolu with the wrong IV spread/ability."
"If it doesn't hatch on the 420th egg, it's worthless."
-my bf being supportive
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:21:59 No. 18238061 Report Quoted By:
>>18238038 Added! Thanks!
>>18238040 Thanks! Disc is up!
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:22:24 No. 18238065 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have a spare ability capsule i can have :( if you're willing to trade i have a few mons to offer for one
>>18238047 You are stupid, please drown yourself in a puddle of your bf's piss in a saintly act of mercy upon the entire human race. Future generations will compose songs dedicated entirely to your bravery.
>>18238007 Are you giving out those pokemon for luvdiscs?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18238070 Oh. That post ended somewhat better than I expected.
Slevin - 1736-1845-3606
Quoted By:
>>18238070 I have 4 IVs calm natured Chikoritas to give away. I will be breeding Cyndaquil next.
I've got 6 adamant 4IV marvel scale dratinis with extremespeed leftover if anyone wants one. They're all males, because if the RNG had given me females of the same quality I'd have gotten my pentaperfect one much sooner. There's some other 4IVs too, but I'm going to assume that no one cares if they don't have marvel scale.
Michael 2423-2757-2330
>>18238118 I'd love a Dratini! Discing up
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:33:57 No. 18238218 Report >>18238007 That Zoura is shiny, can i have it back please?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross)
Anders 3239-3883-6657 (Bug: Combee-Volbeat-Heracross) Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:36:31 No. 18238249 Report >>18238233 we're only on page 2!
>>18238007 I'll disc up for a Timburr in just a minute.
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:37:39 No. 18238269 Report >>18238038 Thanks bro! I tried trading them off to random people this weekend but they always just wanto show off or rip you off... You're a life saver!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18238249 Yeah, I thought we were making a new one every time we fell off the front page though. I could be wrong
maybe if we don't it'll make the angry trolls go away Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:38:23 No. 18238279 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>18238272 We are, make it please.
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:40:21 No. 18238309 Report Quoted By:
>>18238218 I thought you were giving it away hahaha, sorry if i misinterpreted you back there :)
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu]
Lyra 1693 1288 8526 [Fighting: Machoke - Throh - Riolu] Mon 24 Feb 2014 23:42:11 No. 18238331 Report >>18238078 well, sure anon! gimme your IGN and i will trade them to you!
>>18238265 Sure!
Quoted By:
>>18238331 May I have one of those magikarp?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179