[75 / 8 / ?]
FIGHT ARTIFICIAL SCARCITY Hello, /vp/. I have boxes full of Extreme Speed Zigzagoon and Linoone to give away. Linoone is my favorite Pokemon, and I consider the artificial scarcity of Extreme Speed on Linoone to be unacceptable. Also, Box RS runs about $100 minimum on Ebay and Amazon. Therefore, we fight. Pic related; it's the base stats. > Zigzagoon egg obtained legit from Box RS (hence the neutral nature and imperfect stats) > Cloned using the Emerald Battle Tower cloning trick. If you disagree that cloning is not hacking, that's fine. Don't take one. > Some Zigzagoon subsequently raised to different levels and EV trained for competitive use. Stopped just short of Lv. 100 in case you want to retrain EVs. The Lv. 5 Zigzagoons are "mint"; i.e. untouched and in as-hatched condition. - Every Linoone has Pickup as its ability. Zigzagoon is confirmed to replace ability with Gluttony upon evolution. I'm not asking for anything in particular in return. Put up a Luvdisc on the GTS with "fight" in the comment, and let me know ITT what your IGN is. Don't have a Luvdisc? Just put up any poke, but let me know ITT what poke you put up because I'll only be nominally monitoring the Luvdisc section of the GTS. I will be here until 9 pm EST. I have: - 32 Zigzagoon (Some Lv. 95, some Lv. 49, some Lv. 5) - 28 Linoone (Some Lv. 96, some Lv. 50) If you don't ask for a particular level, I'll give you one of what I have most of. I gave away 38 of these guys on Saturday, time to send more out into the fray! Remember to put "fight" in your GTS comment! Wage the war on artificial scarcity!
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Also, here's the pic I took on Saturday with stats/moveset/proof of Box RS. I'm too lazy to take a new one.
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And here's the stats for Linoone. Surprisingly, not at all different.
Esaí [0705-3663-9691] Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama
Esaí [0705-3663-9691] Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama Tue 25 Feb 2014 00:56:18 No. 18239411 Report Ill take one lvl 95 ( to avoid getting snipped) i put up a female swirlix
Esaí [0705-3663-9691] Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama
Esaí [0705-3663-9691] Mankey, Pancham, Hariyama Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:00:30 No. 18239453 Report Quoted By:
>>18239426 Thank you very much.
Just sent a Zigzagoon to an "Angel".
>>18239298 nice to see some zigzagon/linoone love around here, i'll take a zigzagoon first if you don't mind kind sir, lvl 5 could it be? disc with "fight" is up
IGN: Jared I put up a level 32 japanese beautifly so I won't get sniped Level 5 would be great
>>18239457 Were you angel? Because I sent a Lv. 5 to angel before I saw your post. If not, then I'll keep an eye out for your disc!
5043 2677 2933
>>18239298 Ign Aaron I put a disc up
>>18239469 Sent! Hope you enjoy it!
Also, just like Saturday - Zigzagoon appears to be more popular than Linoone for distro.
What's /vp/'s opinion on why Zigzagoon would be more popular than Linoone?
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>>18239506 Just sent you a Zigzagoon, Lv. 49. Have fun!
5043 2677 2933
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>>18239512 You fucking rule!!!
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Also, just sent a Lv. 5 to Rocka. Glad to see this thread generating interest! Fight!
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>>18239482 not angel but i got it already, thanks a lot man!
Sparky 4141-3453-3120
>>18239512 Thanks man!
I think it's because a mint zigzagoon can be raised however the person wants, but a linoone is already somewhat trained
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>>18239566 Interesting. I would have thought that people would be more drawn to Pickup than Gluttony as an ability.
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>>18239563 Order up! One Lv. 5 Zigzagoon sent to Sparky.
I'm down to seven Lv. 5 Zigzagoon, so if you want a Zigzagoon and don't specify I'll be sending a Lv. 49.
IGN Angel
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>>18239454 Sorry for no replying. My damn phone wouldn't let me post. Thanks for the zigzagoon.
I'll take one of those level 5s, tossing a lvl1 aipom on the gts now, IGN Natalie
IGN Fauxton, hoping for a ziggy! any level is fine
5043 2677 2933
>>18239298 >get zigzagoon >let's ev train this bitch >go to weepinbell hordes with macho brace >switch to super training to check progress, it's fully trained in attack and speed >OP you just might be my nigga Linooneologist
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I think I've filled all the orders in this thread so far. Anyone have a different poke put up, waiting for a Linoone or Zigzagoon? Recommendation: don't put up a poke likely to get sniped. If the OT of your Linoone or Zigzagoon isn't Tony, I didn't send it. Just post ITT if you got sniped and I'll be happy to retry sending you one!
>>18239653 Lv. 5 sent! Thank you so much for the Starf berry!!
IGN: G just put up a luvdisc
>>18239657 As far as EV training goes: I mis-set the HP stat on some of the Zigzagoons, such that you get an odd HP on Lv. 50 Linoone and Belly Drum won't activate Sitrus Berry. I subsequently fixed the HP on future batches but I still have some odd HP Zigzagoons/Linoones laying around. Just be advised that you may have to adjust the EVs. If you see 6 EVs in Defense, it's been corrected.
Manta 1263 6426 2502
Putting a disc up now, thanks so much
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>>18239663 Haha this
>>18239742 was meant for you.
Fauxton, G - Zigzagoons sent!
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>>18239763 Manta, sent! Enjoy it!
IGN: Montina - 4441 - 9465 - 8584 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Montina - 4441 - 9465 - 8584 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:27:14 No. 18239829 Report Got a Vulpix up. I'll take a Zigzagoon if you don't mind!
>>18239298 Putting up a Absol for one, thanks!
Cobalt 2750-2509-0586
Could I get a Zigzagoon? Name is as shown above with a Luvdisc on GTS. Thanks!
>>18239829 Montina, Lv. 49 Zigzagoon sent! Have fun!
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>>18239688 Thanks OP, hopefully they'll make it an egg move like they did with dragonite
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>>18239718 thanks a bunch OP!
>>18239851 Colbalt, you actually asked for a Zygarde...
So I sent you an extra one that I had Anonymous
IGN Jakub. I put up a Fltechling. A level 5 one would be appreciated. Thanks!
IGN: Montina - 4441 - 9465 - 8584 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir)
IGN: Montina - 4441 - 9465 - 8584 (Ledyba, Masquerain, Pinsir) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:31:08 No. 18239893 Report Quoted By:
>>18239854 Thanks very much! Noticed I flubbed the message but you still had no trouble finding me.
IGN: Lord 0877-0867-1138 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Luxio)
IGN: Lord 0877-0867-1138 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Luxio) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:31:53 No. 18239909 Report >>18239298 Put up a 5IV HA Dusk Ball Phantump in exchange for a level 95 one.
>>18239836 Anon who put up an Absol: it may have been sniped, I haven't seen it.
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:33:34 No. 18239938 Report Putting up a luvdisc, thanks!
Cobalt 2750-2509-0586
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>>18239882 That was done so it wouldn't get traded prematurely by some troll. Uhh, guess I'll try again... Thanks for the Zygarde though.
>>18239909 Lord: sent your Lv. 95! Enjoy!
>>18239884 Jakub, sent! Have fun!
Hika 0087-2542-8020
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>>18239920 I was getting connection errors (and forgot my name), It's up now.
>>18239920 Okay, I just sent a Zigzagoon for an Absol, hope it was for:
>>18239836 >>18239851 Cobalt, sent!
Josh 3196-4385-5484
putting up a disc for a ziggy. op you rock
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>>18239938 Stef, sent a Lv. 49!
Cobalt 2750-2509-0586
>>18239999 Josh, just sent you a Lv. 49!
I haven't sent a single Linoone yet tonight!
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I just sent a Josephine a Lv. 95 Zigzagoon, though I didn't see a post ITT for a particular level. Sorry if I missed it. I think I'm caught up now.
Josh 3196-4385-5484
>>18240031 i'll put up a fletchling for a linoone if that's ok :)
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I'm here for another 15 minutes. I've sent 18 Zigzagoon tonight, and no Linoone! I'll keep that in mind when I make my next batch.
Jordan, deposited Luvvy the Luvdisc for a Ziggy if thats okay
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>>18240090 Haha, that's fine. I just sent you a Lv. 50 Linoone. I was worried that I would have to recruit some Girl Scouts to help me sell some of these Linoone!
Josh 3196-4385-5484
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>>18240090 got it. thanks based OP
Putting up a luvdisc now. IGN is Anthony
IGN: Lord 0877-0867-1138 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Luxio)
IGN: Lord 0877-0867-1138 (Emolga, Electabuzz, Luxio) Tue 25 Feb 2014 01:49:24 No. 18240146 Report Quoted By:
>>18239972 Got it thank you based OP
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>>18240129 Jordan: Lv. 95 Zigzagoon sent! Have a blast!
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Got muh Ziggy! Thanks OP!
>>18240140 Anthony - Lv. 95 Zigzagoon sent (because that's what I have most of left).
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18240191 Ill take a Ziggy
Throwing up lovedisk
Thank you Kind Anon
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I may be able to stick around a little later than 9 pm EST, if there's still interest. Still, that's 60 Extreme Speed Zigzagoon/Linoone distributed since Saturday! The army is growing!
Put up a Shiftry. Been wanting one of these since December.
Linoone is also one of my favourite Pokemon, I'll be putting a Luvdisc up now. IGN is Brad. If you'd rather give me a Zig then I'll gladly switch what I'm asking for on the GTS!
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>>18240274 Haven't seen your 'disc yet, D-man, but I'll keep looking.
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>>18240354 Brad, I'm happy to have sent you a Linoone!
>>18240347 Corrick, sent!
>>18240274 D-man, if you're Devlin, than I've sent you a Lv. 95 Zigzagoon! Hope you have fun with it.
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Last bump for interest! Significantly more Zigzagoon sent than Linoone tonight. I'd Wonder Trade the rest, but I'd fear that everyone would just think they were shitmons and box them away forever without checking the moveset.
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OK, /vp/. 25 Extreme Speed Zigzagoon and Linoone sent tonight, for a grand total of 65 sent since Saturday. Hope all of you who got one have as much fun with it as I do! I've stopped monitoring this thread as of 9:30 pm EST 2/24; I can't guarantee that I'll fill any requests after this time. Continue the fight against artificial scarcity!
D-man 0404-6392-9293
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>>18240421 I am Devlin, Thank you greatly GOOD MAN
Damas 5000-2674-3492
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Hey OP are you still there? i need a lv 96 pickup linoone please. i sent a luvdisc.
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My IGN is Jammy and I apologize for not making the deadline, but it would mean so much if I could get this for my friend, because he's wanted one of these for ages.