>Sapphire restart over the summer before going to college
>Want to catch regi trio, need Wailord
>Too lazy to train Wailmer
>Route 129 has a 1/100 chance of Wailord
>Surf for three hours while watching videos for online class
>Dad comes in, start explaining shiny Pokemon and how funny it would be to find one, but before I finished explaining,
So now a Wingull from there, a Rayquaza from the first Sapphire, Kadabra from Fire Red, Caterpie from the first hour of heart gold, Gyarados/Haxorus/Dratini from in-game events, Golbat from White, Weepinbell (chain), Heliolisk (friend safari), Gyarados (fishing), Clawitzer (fishing), and Psyduck (horde) from X, and the event dogs/Pichu/dimensions.
Also a Scraggy on a White rom, an exploding wild double battle Drifblim in White, and a shiny Darkrai I tweaked in Diamond. Too bad it can't go through.