WAIT HOLD ON I HAVE AN IDEA. Legendaries are blanket banned despite half of them sucking anyway (Kyurem, the legendary birds, etc), but people complain about certain megas being allowed while those mediocre legends are banned. How about a team can only have either a mega OR a legendary, with Arceus being the only permabanned one because of his type shifting?
>>18270394 600 bst legends should be allowed too
i dont see any point in
>ingame gym leaders dont use legendaries well gues what?
shit like the birds is banned and the kangaroos run rampant in EVERY normal mono
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:28:07 No. 18270427 Report >>18270394 But what if a team has 2 megas on it? I mean, it is flat battles, and I run both poison megas on my team just in case.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18270394 Nope.
>>18270413 Doesn't say that in this document.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:28:13 No. 18270431 Report >>18270394 That might appease some people, but I doubt anyone would allow it. Not to mention some types have their only legendary banned by flat rules.
Quoted By:
>>18270413 What about Kyurem? He's got a higher bst but a godawful typing and like 5 weaknesses to balance it out?
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:28:38 No. 18270447 Report Guy who wanted the Venomoth, almost ready
Quoted By:
>>18270431 thats why im saying 600 bst legends and below
the birds, the johto legends, the regis
im putting actual logic here, do you seriously think the birds are more broken or even close to being broken as lets say, mega lucario or mega kangaskhan?
Quoted By:
>>18270394 fuck off heather
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:30:17 No. 18270490 Report >>18270427 oh wait, I forgot....
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Just so everyone knows. Despite this sudden outburst about legendaries nothing will change. If this puts you off entering the tournament so be it. The rules are not changing.
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:31:26 No. 18270515 Report >tfw mega kankashkan shitposting didnt allowed dedenne to bless this thread ;_;
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:34:09 No. 18270580 Report >everyone arguing whether they should be allowed to use legendaries over mega >here i am trying to choose if I want Skuntank or Drapion in my team It looks like I already know how far I'm gonna go.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:34:34 No. 18270591 Report dumping dedenne to calm the heat and make this a friendly environment
>>18270504 I like this post.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:35:37 No. 18270616 Report >>18270580 Drapion most definitely.
Despite it's name, Skuntank is a shitty tank drapion has higher defense.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:35:43 No. 18270619 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18270597 yes i upvoted it :^)
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18270354 #Our policy on legendaries is not changing. Suck it.
Shut up already about Mega Kanga, no one cares. I already accepted your butthurt challenge and I have no problem playing without Mega Kanga. I didn't even have to tho, because you're just some shitposting anon coming here to stir shit up. You won't even be around to see me succeed. You won't even feel vindicated in your twisted avarice...
If the next batch of Gym Leaders want to vote to change the rules, that's on their heads. But like Callum said, nothing is changing. Whine all you want.
Quoted By:
"This is because in-game leaders never use them" has NEVER been the reason we decided this, and has been REMOVED from the document to reflect this.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:37:29 No. 18270653 Report >>18270639 pls no more fighting
post dedenne instead
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:37:36 No. 18270656 Report Quoted By:
>>18270616 >>18270619 Oh i know drapion for the most part is better, but Skuntank has grown on me quite a lot. I know I should go all out tourny wise, but I'm trying to keep light hearted and have fun here so I dunno.
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Quoted By:
>>18270637 >what is gliscor Anonymous
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:38:46 No. 18270683 Report Quoted By:
>>18270653 >amidoinitrite.jpg Alec (2535-3620-7273)
>>18270591 Someone should seriously use Dedenne on a fairy team.
I would legitimately be okay with being swept by it.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:40:10 No. 18270703 Report >>18270639 Nah man, don't limit yourself because of some retard, if I face you in the tourney I want you to have the best options available.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:40:36 No. 18270710 Report >>18270692 nigga do you even me
thats the main reason im using fairy this time!
Alec (2535-3620-7273)
Someone should seriously use Dedenne on a fairy team. I would legitimately be okay with being swept by it.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:41:58 No. 18270735 Report >>18270721 thats a cute dedenne you have there buddy
also see
>>18270710 since you deleted the post because it had no image :3
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:42:30 No. 18270742 Report >>18270710 >Update What are you thinking for movepool wise? Its a crying shame this little guy dosent get atleast dazzling gleam. (I am actually suprised most electric types dont get it, I would assume making a bright flash of light would be no problem for them)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:42:37 No. 18270744 Report >>18270735 fite my team with your fairies mayn
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:43:21 No. 18270755 Report Quoted By:
>>18270742 i breeded Hp ice :3
>>18270744 k
Alec the Toxic Player 4012-4120-1149
>>18270639 >You won't even feel vindicated in your twisted avarice... Do you even know what either of those words mean champ?
Alec (2535-3620-7273)
Quoted By:
>>18270735 Yeah, I really like that picture.
hoped no one would notice...
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
Sorry. Normal-type got Worked Up.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>18270515 bad omen. our crops will wither, our water will be poison and our cattle will be struck with disease. thanks alot mega kangaskhan shitposter. also, i just realised that the name kangashkan is based on genghis kahn (it's called kangama in german, which is why i haven't realised).
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:50:34 No. 18270875 Report People that want legendaries are people who chose shit types to play with Prove me wrong
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:50:51 No. 18270877 Report Quoted By:
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18270760 Yes. I said what I meant to say. I don't have to explain myself.
>>18270703 I'm betting I could beat you without Mega Kanga. I wouldn't accept some idiot's challenge if I thought it would give me no hope of victory.
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
>>18270875 i want to use heatran, but i'm not constantly bitching about it. rules are rules.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:53:19 No. 18270916 Report >>18270891 Sounds like a challenge, now I'm tempted not to use it.
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:53:49 No. 18270926 Report >>18270891 I'm assuming your using both bunnies for a normal team?
That would be pretty hoppin, and I applaud your for it W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 03:53:54 No. 18270928 Report >>18270901 And here I was, hoping to use poison plate Arceus.... well fuck
Daniel - 5000-2916-3199
Quoted By:
>>18270916 >inb4 everyone starts dumping mega kanga Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18270916 I am content with my decision. You are free to do as you will.
>>18270504 Callum can you post the latest registrant stats.
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:00:13 No. 18271054 Report Quoted By:
>>18270901 >>18270928 >Landorus Therian and Incarnate :^)
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18270926 I just changed my team. You really have no idea what I might use. I'm just posting pretty pictures because it helps me relax.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
>>18271011 Sure can.
Normal 4
Fighting 1
Fire 2
Water 4
Flying 3
Grass 1
Poison 3
Electric 2
GRound 4
Psychic 2
Rock 3
Ice 1
Bug 4
Dragon 1
Ghost 2
Dark 3
Steel 2
Fairy 4
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:05:52 No. 18271156 Report >>18271119 >ground >4 Yup, I'm rekt
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:06:46 No. 18271168 Report GG, daniel! That Gardevoir was scary, I was suprised you didn't use it in the last game. It turns out I need some coverage to Psychic... who woulda thought?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:07:26 No. 18271183 Report Quoted By:
>>18271168 i actually misclicked beacuse i brought dedenne instead of carbink
gg anyway
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18271156 Generally you don't battle your own type til about round 4 or 5. By then there may only be two or three left. You never know.
The more of that type, the more that have to get knocked out coming into the finals.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:08:19 No. 18271201 Report >>18271119 How are match ups gonna go? Are you gonna match people up against neutral types,weaknesses,or just match up people based on how you're feeling?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:08:55 No. 18271211 Report >>18271201 >inb4 electric vs ground W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:09:03 No. 18271214 Report >>18271119 And once again, in order
Fairy 4
Bug 4
Water 4
Ground 4
Electric 4
Normal 3
Rock 3
Dark 3
Fire 2
Grass 2
Poison 2
Psychic 2
Ghost 2
Steel 2
Fighting 1
Flying 1
Ice 1
Dragon 1
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
>>18271201 All going to be randomly generated.
Except there a few matchups that I have banned I guess.
>>18271211 Such as this one.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:11:44 No. 18271267 Report >>18271214 oh wait, some have changed
Fairy 4
Bug 4
Water 4
Ground 4
Electric 4
Normal 4
Flying 3
Poison 3
Rock 3
Dark 3
Fire 2
Psychic 2
Ghost 2
Steel 2
Grass 1
Fighting 1
Ice 1
Dragon 1
I think that's right. Did a grass person drop out or something?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:12:05 No. 18271273 Report Quoted By:
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:12:44 No. 18271280 Report Pokedex is complete Time to MM a Charmanderinb4 0 SpAtt IVs
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18271267 I just must have entered the wrong number last time.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:15:18 No. 18271320 Report Quoted By:
>>18271267 so delete the wrong one, duh
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:16:16 No. 18271332 Report >>18271250 So Basically match ups like
Psychic vs Dark
Dragons vs Fairys
Steel vs poison
Ghost vs Normal/Fighting
Flying vs ground
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:17:25 No. 18271347 Report >>18271332 Man, I really wish they made a poison steel. Would give me one more option for keeping psychics off my back for this poison team
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:17:26 No. 18271348 Report Quoted By:
>>18271332 yes
callum pls take notes
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:17:42 No. 18271351 Report Quoted By:
>>18271330 I can't delete a post that old.
I always forget I can delete posts.
Alec the Toxic Player 4012-4120-1149
>>18270447 Thanks! the eschal
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
>>18271332 All of that stuff had been written down long ago.
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:22:50 No. 18271411 Report Quoted By:
Mfw coming back and I see new gym leader sign up. Too bad everybody want to use Fairy, now I don't feel original
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:23:07 No. 18271419 Report Quoted By:
>>18271403 u r the best callum
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:23:52 No. 18271429 Report Quoted By:
>>18271390 no problem, only took 6 eggs to get a 5IV amazingly with a 5IV and 2IV parent
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:26:54 No. 18271470 Report Does anyone want to battle against my Fairy team? I haven't signed up just want to try it out
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:26:55 No. 18271471 Report >>18271347 >tfw no trash can mega garbodor Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18271471 That would be awesome.
Gen 7 when
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:31:46 No. 18271533 Report GG Callum, if you don't mind some advice, you have too many physical attackers on your team.
>>18271470 I'm up for it
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:31:53 No. 18271536 Report >>18271516 New ToTT
which gen 5 megas do you wanna see
personally i wold like mega zebstrika
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:32:53 No. 18271549 Report >>18271536 F*** all of that.
I want a Mega Muk.
Ability: Venom Spread - Doubles the amount of damage done to poisoned pokemon.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:34:23 No. 18271572 Report >>18271536 Porygon-Z
50 extra in Sp Atk, another 50 in Speed
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:35:14 No. 18271580 Report Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops]
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:35:37 No. 18271584 Report Quoted By:
>>18271549 I'm so sorry Will this is the only move I have to hit you with
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18271533 Not using my proper team at the moment. It's gotten super boring.
I just want to use my bro Tyrantrum.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:38:49 No. 18271617 Report Quoted By:
>>18271580 Oh.
Extra Attack and Speed
New Ability that makes multi hit moves hit 5 times with 1.5x power
It just gets fluffier.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18271470 Lets do it.
I'll battle you
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:40:36 No. 18271636 Report >>18271549 Gg Will mfw M-Gengar outspeeds Modest Choice Scarfed Gardevoir
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:41:51 No. 18271646 Report Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops]
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:42:33 No. 18271657 Report Quoted By:
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:44:20 No. 18271688 Report >>18271646 Oh right forgot about that I can battle you again after I battle tim
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:46:50 No. 18271718 Report Quoted By:
>>18271688 Meh, I'm good. I think I'll sit out for the rest of the night, have to read 10 chapters of a book by tomorrow, and have a summarization, and am on page 20...
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 04:50:30 No. 18271758 Report Quoted By:
>>18271471 Oh how I wish. Would love to see Garbodor with some more tools
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18271536 >Poison/Steel Mega Garbodore with Aftermath and Iron Head >Ground/Ghost Mega Golurk with physical version of Flare Boost >Water/Fighting Mega Samurott with Sacred Sword and Super Luck >Rock Mega Gigalith with Solar Power and +60 SpAtk, +40 SpDef >Bug/Poison Mega Scolipede with THICK FAT >Steel Mega Klingklang with some insane design and new ability that's a better version of Plus/Minus >Electric Mega Eelektross, gets its movepool back and gets boosts to everything but speed. W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:00:01 No. 18271882 Report >>18271836 >Mega-Scolipede >Not Speed Boost That's quite possibly the second worst suggestion I've heard, right behind a Mega Blissey with 100 def and 250 sp def and an ability that gives it 1000 HP.
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18271882 You are foolish and short-sighted.
It would be better than even Mega Gyarados. All its mega points would be in Attack and bulk.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18271688 Good battles!!
Is that waifu scarfed?
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:04:41 No. 18271940 Report Quoted By:
>>18271633 Welp Tim you tore me a new one gg
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:07:04 No. 18271964 Report Quoted By:
>>18271931 Yeah, but it's Modest so it's slow
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:17:02 No. 18272085 Report Anybody up for battling an ice type team?
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:22:54 No. 18272160 Report Quoted By:
>>18272085 Man if i wasn't raising my poison team as we speak I would love to. Hopefully I can get all my memebers figured out before too late.
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 05:55:31 No. 18272325 Report Quoted By:
Hey Callum wanna have a regular 6v6?
Quoted By:
Gg Callum 2manyhazards4me haha
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>18271836 Mega Pidgeot best Mega.
>>18272500 dubs confirm.
Its criminal that so many older pokemon get left in the dust because GF creates such better mons in later gens. Talonflame and Diggersby both are pretty much the strongest of their kind.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>18272521 Talonflame is a less brave version of Pidgeot. Pidgeot bravest bird.
>dubs Pls leave.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
4chan is being a punk.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
>>18272591 Perhaps. But perhaps next time you can avoid such harshness by familiarizing yourself with board culture- or even sitewide rules- before posting.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 08:26:24 No. 18272901 Report >all these mono normals >nobody wants to use based mono dark >>18269931 >implying shit like keldeo has a good movepool Tim 1478 4207 2056 [Original champion]
Quoted By:
>>18272901 Might try out mono dragon in a bit!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 08:35:32 No. 18272946 Report >>18270875 #freezapdos >>18271347 poison needs some good pokemon full stop. I feel bad for any poison trainer, a lot of the pokemon available are either complete shit or just barely good enough to make it to a team. I hope gen 7 brings us some new great poison types!
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress)
Magcarbro (IGN: Topple) 3695-0579-1062 (Excadrill, Ferroseed, Fortress) Thu 27 Feb 2014 08:42:20 No. 18272991 Report Quoted By:
>>18272946 No kidding. Its dissapointing so many are part bug and grass. I have nothing to resist fly and only one mon in my team will handle psychic attacks. Its gonna be pretty interesting to see how it does.
Quoted By:
>4 electric trainers >ONLY ONE DRAGON TEAM
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Thu 27 Feb 2014 09:37:58 No. 18273223 Report Okay /vp/, I'm feeling pumped. Time to try and rise through the ranks. The Tricksters, Spooks, Phantasms and Spectres of my Ghost team will take me to the top, I just know it. Now I just gotta build my entire team. Fun fun fun.
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Thu 27 Feb 2014 10:36:15 No. 18273483 Report >>18273223 >mfw I'm starting to regret not choosing fighting Damn it, me, get your shit together before you fill in the form next time.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
>>18273483 Wanna change it?
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Thu 27 Feb 2014 10:41:27 No. 18273502 Report >>18273494 We're allowed to change after submitting? In that case, yeah, I think so.
I don't want to sit here regretting a call that I thought I was okay with and build a lacklustre team.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
>>18273502 I can do it for you.
This is a one off though.
Fighting it is?
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Thu 27 Feb 2014 10:51:14 No. 18273537 Report >>18273521 Yep, I think Fighting is definitely the right call. Thanks so much, Callum.
sorry for being such a spaz Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18273537 No problem.
It's good to see some more people around the threads.
Evan 5370-0785-3954
Quoted By:
Bump and Grind.
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
Pre sleep bump
>>18271332 >mfw my mono-Ghost team is wrecking Normal/Fighting momnos on OU Monotype on SHowdown Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 14:35:58 No. 18274469 Report Quoted By:
>tfw cloyster wrecking shit in Maison >get RNGed at 18th battle by a Vigoroth with Tbolt and Flamethrower crits >use knock off >it was holding a fucking brightpowder anyway horseshit
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18274339 >Not going on Battle Spot to destroy teams of Ubers Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18270355 Interesting, this is happening again...
I wonder what type I should take this time around...
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 14:51:15 No. 18274589 Report so once I have a decent team what are the few efficient ways/best ways for getting BP in maison? been farming normal singles so far and it's got me enough for power items but i really need to get those battle items asap
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
>>18274589 I find battle test to be faster.
>>18274599 Battle Test superior option.
>>18274589 >>18274599 Seconding Battle Test being faster
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 15:06:55 No. 18274707 Report >>18274599 >>18274639 >>18274643 I'll give it a go, any preference on singles/doubles?
Quoted By:
>>18274707 Doubles is the format of men.
>>18274707 You might find it easier to get Master Rank on Doubles. In which case your reward is 15bp.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 15:09:55 No. 18274733 Report >>18274724 Abomasnow will make doubles a piece of piss I guess, thanks
Quoted By:
>>18274733 Not a prob. Of course however, the actual tournament is singles flat, so you might get some preemptive practice down in Battle Test.
I'd say alternate if you get bored of Doubles, once you start raking in the BP.
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Thu 27 Feb 2014 15:34:18 No. 18274904 Report Question to the floor (I don't think there's an objective right answer to this question, so I guess I'm looking more for what you guys would do in a similar situation). I've identified a major weakness to my team, but obviously not every opponent has the opportunity to exploit that weakness. I have little doubt in my mind that the types that have access to this weakness will be using it. What is better, to replace a very powerful member of your team with a weaker pokemon that can counter this weakness OR to rely on the stronger Pokemon who will be more useful in other matchups, and hope that you don't get matched against the types that can use this weakness?
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Quoted By:
>>18274904 Well if the weakness isn't that common then I would rely on strong Pokémon to take care of it.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 15:54:54 No. 18275067 Report Froslass, Mamoswine, Rotom-F This is getting difficult
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:00:23 No. 18275124 Report >>18275067 I'd say Mamoswine unless you already have a way to deal with Fire
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:03:11 No. 18275145 Report Quoted By:
>>18275124 Well, I have 4 members trained, 2 slots free, but even then I could probably replace one or two once those other 3 I named get trained, they're just the remaining viable candidates
>>18274904 From what I learned last time, focus on rounding our your team. Make sure you can fight your weaknesses, as well as teams that simply resist your STAB attacks.
Dragons WRECKED my Fire team last time, because almost the entirety of fighting our opponents was a burden placed on Megazard-X's shoulders...
Quoted By:
Friendly reminder to all Flying type entrants that if you're not running Rotom-Fan with Air Balloon, you're a scrub.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:05:05 No. 18275168 Report Eh, just finished my 10 idol run in Bastion, time to play some Pokemon. Anyone on to help me test? If not I'll go farm some BP or research some potential new members.
>>18275168 Test how? Fighting another mono team or will any team barring legendaries do?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:08:03 No. 18275192 Report >>18275181 Mono would be preferable, but any team would do, I need to figure out what doesn't really work.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:09:33 No. 18275208 Report >>18275149 How can Fire deal with Dragons? They don't have any Ice, Fairy and very few have Dragon moves
I guess Rock moves for stuff like Dragonite or Salamence?
>>18275192 Ah, I see. My mono fire team isn't too bad (yet it isn't great), but you'll get an all around better challenge from me with... well, an all around team.
I'll let you pick. Friend code is 3797-6762-8963 lumi
Quoted By:
>>18275208 Yep. That was my problem exactly. I came in overestimating Megazard-X, and underestimating Dragon destruction.
Also, Will-o-Wisp support =/= solid dragon handling strategy. ALMOST worked in combo with Arcanine's Intimidate, though...
It's just too hard to pull that off consecutively.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:15:08 No. 18275254 Report >>18275228 I've got no room on my friend list, put a Luvdisc for Luvdisc on GTS with my name in the description.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 16:30:02 No. 18275400 Report Quoted By:
>lose to a shitty stall vespiquen >freezes at 50% >perfect >thaws out and protects last turn right after being frozen why even freeze the thing then
Quoted By:
Any suggestions on building a Toxicroak? I want it to help with Fairies, but I'm not sure how to build it other than smogon's SD set or a sub-puncher.
Is Phione considered Legendary?
Quoted By:
>>18275254 Onyx, man, I tip my hat to you, sir.
Just couldn't crack your team. gg
>>18275254 Also, if you saved the battle vid, could you post it? Damn 100 cap wouldn't let me.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 17:00:05 No. 18275666 Report Quoted By:
>>18275641 I tend to not save battle videos.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 17:00:27 No. 18275668 Report Quoted By:
>Passerby wants to fight >sends out Skarmory >I send out Cofagrigus >He Stealth Rocks >I Ruse Room >connection has been interrupted
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18275208 Outrage Arcanine might not be a bad idea. Of course, you'd also need Close Combat, Flare Blitz and Extreme Speed or Morning Sun/Will-o-Wisp, depending on your teammates.
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18275573 No. Officially it probably is considered a legendary Pokemon by Nintendo, but for our purposes, because you can breed more of them, you should be allowed to use it. Plus, it's far from overpowered.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 18:36:18 No. 18276476 Report Quoted By:
>Accidently gave my only adamant swinub to Heather as a shitmon oopsie, now I have to breed 10more minutes worth or something
>mfw constantly tweaking my team in tiny increments to get the best results
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 18:51:12 No. 18276584 Report >>18276506 >tfw not even tested or finished yet and then the likelihood of needing to swap moves on some mons are already being weighted in my head also thank god Smeargle can just sketch these moves for me to breed onto field egg group mons
Clinton: 4468-1422-4591
How do any of think a modest specs probopass would work as a special attacker
I would rather breed a new 5IV Rotom than have the ones I have change form and lose the PP Ups I spent on their signature moves
Quoted By:
>>18276611 Do they keep the PP boosts?
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18276608 I have no idea. It's not going to do massive damage to neutral targets, but it has an excellent movepool to choose from. You can always google "damage calc" and use the showdown xy damage calculator.
Quoted By:
>>18276584 This is one of the reasons why Showdown exists.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:03:22 No. 18277414 Report Quoted By:
>mamoswine cant get super power unless it's from BW2 move tutor/genned I THOUGHT I WAS DONE WITH THIS SHIT. What, am I supposed to run stealth rocks in 3s with it?
Andrew !LimaITO0j2
>>18271267 >still the only person that chose Fighting I blame Talonflame and Frisbee. ;_;
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:19:59 No. 18277613 Report >doing battle institute for BP >end up getting destroyed by another lanturn I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS
>>18277613 heather pls dont post lewd images
Quoted By:
>>18277630 nothing lewd here anon
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:26:47 No. 18277709 Report >>18277613 D-Do you still have that Adamant Swinub I gave you for the Abomasnow trade?
Im contemplating on the importance of Superpower to Mamoswine, the only other move to use is Stealth Rock and given the lesser importance of hazards... Maybe Stone Edge could suffice.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:27:16 No. 18277718 Report Quoted By:
>>18277483 Fighting would have been another option for me to run, if I wasn't the fighting leader right now.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:43:22 No. 18277953 Report Anonymous
>>18277953 Care to throw it back my way briefly before I head out?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:47:04 No. 18278005 Report >>18277982 sure, get online
So if I wanted to do rock monotype, could I use Mega Aggron even though it loses it's rock type?
>>18278005 On now
Also a word to you and any other genners in advance: Mamoswine apparently can't get superpower without BW2 tutors (Hooray) So in the meantime I can fool around with /Stone Edge, but that extra oomph fighting coverage may prove optimal
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 20:53:10 No. 18278106 Report >>18278065 I don't see you online
>>18278106 Huh, im sending a request again, reset game and all that
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 21:01:52 No. 18278201 Report >>18278169 Still not seeing you
I'll double check my friend list but I'm sure I haven't touched it since yesterday
if you need to run, I'm not going to do anything with your swinub in the meantime
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 21:04:10 No. 18278230 Report Well seeing as I've trained up every single competitive Ghost type in the games, I might as well move onto another of my favourite types
Quoted By:
>>18278201 Yeah it may be on your end, I need to hurry off in the meantime so yeah, in the future would be best. Thanks!
Keep in mind if you get genning to throw a
Mamoswine(MALE) - Adamant - Thick Fat 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe ~ Icicle Crash ~ Ice Shard ~ Earthquake ~ Superpower I still think stone edge is just as useful as super power as it can cover fire types/levitate users moreso, but I still feel the need to trial it sometime. I'm fairly certain -this- is the last genning thing I may (or may not) need.
>>18278230 >every competitive ghost type so congrats, you trained a gengar. now train a 2nd pokemon
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 21:16:16 No. 18278376 Report >>18278327 By competitive I mean stuff that isn't NFE tier
except Gengar, because fuck Gengar
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18278376 >Training every single ghost type EXCEPT a Gengar Anonymous
>>18278376 so you mean you haven't even trained a single ghost pokemon
>>18278509 >>18278542 >having to rely on Gengar Bitch please, I can do fine without him
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18278688 I have to agree with this, Gengar doesn't bring much to an all ghost team. Neither my finalist team nor any time when i was a gym leader did i ever use Gengar, and i didn't ever find myself wishing i had one.
>>18270355 Say i want to do a rock type monotype, but i want to use mega aggron. is that allowed?
can I use mega pinsir on a mono flying
>>18279246 No. Mega Pinsir is banned under the "Ugly Clause" and therefore can't be used under flat rules. Might I recommend a Pidgeot instead?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:09:03 No. 18279292 Report Quoted By:
>>18279264 >Pidgeot >Not ugly Anonymous
So do flat rules follow some smogon things like banning certain abilities? I'm new to comp
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:11:45 No. 18279332 Report I just got Wonder Traded a Palkia
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:15:00 No. 18279379 Report >>18279316 read the doc in the OP, it says what's banned and what isn't
flat rules is a game-enforced thing and it means:
>3v3 (bring 6, pick your three) >item clause >species clause >no event legendaries or box legendaries (or ones with similar power levels to box legendaries) >everything above level 50 is levelled down to 50 and that's it
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279379 Anyone have an agility modest mareep for me?
Also looking for a destiny bond houndour, preferably timid.
Thanks in advance!
Xero 0559 8163 6072
Quoted By:
>>18279332 How dare you own such beauty.
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18279400 I can breed you a mareep, if you'd like. I prefer timid for the agility set myself to outspeed base 130s but I have a modest ditto I can use to breed with anyway.
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18279400 I know Heather has one of those Houndour, and several people here probably have one of those Mareep. I don't have either of them.
Quoted By:
>>18279332 Still convinced Palkia has the best Pokemon cry, it just has dat space lord of amazingness ring to it
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:22:07 No. 18279515 Report >>18279400 I've got both actually!
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279442 Would you mind?
Timid sounds good actually, If I invest 180 Speed EVs I will outspeed timid greninja after one agility
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279515 Oh really?
I would LOVE a timid agility mareep and a timid houndour with destiny bond (i changed my mind on mareep's nature).
I already have a modest ampharos, without agility, that I will run with cotton guard, but speedy fabulous hair mon would be awesome!
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18279558 not at all
it'll also be in a quick ball from HG/SS
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18279601 Awesome! Thank you so much!!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:27:56 No. 18279619 Report >>18279591 oh
my mareep are modest
they've got electric terrain too
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279619 Oh, just a destiny bond hondour would be fine then, nathan's gonna breed me a timid mareep!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:31:38 No. 18279679 Report >>18279648 I'm on and ready
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18279681 OMG...thank you so much.
Fabulous hair rock mon!
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279679 Have you already bred a joltik for your mono electric team?
I've got some nice 5 IV ones somewhere in my boxes
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:36:27 No. 18279749 Report >>18279727 the one I have now is genned but I'll be breeding one up later
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279749 Ah..I'll see what I have in my boxes.
Send through a request whenever you are ready!
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:39:12 No. 18279805 Report >>18279777 are they in net balls? I'd love one if they were
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Quoted By:
>5 4IVs in the first batch >all without speed cocktease
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279805 I have one modest pentaperfect in a net ball, which I can definitely send your way
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:43:29 No. 18279871 Report Quoted By:
>>18279831 sorry my snake just shat all over me, be with you in a bit
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
probably the strangest thing I've read today
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18279901 I have a frog...believe it or not...reptiles and amphibians poo.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 22:50:58 No. 18279967 Report Quoted By:
Would anyone be interested in 5IV Venonat's with the egg moves Toxic Spikes, Morning Sun, Giga Drain and Agility?
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Got a 5IV mareep, going to add you and log on
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
Still trying to figure out if Snorlax is worth it. In pretty much every matchup, he's never seemed like a first pick. I barely use him because I always have something else that seems to do his job better. It's kind of frustrating. I'm not sure what exactly he's bringing to the table, here.
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18279924 Do you want a nickname on this, by the way?
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18279972 Mad..I'll send you something nice.
Something from my 'prize' box from when I was champ....back in the days.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18280006 No No, all good.
Original names are fine!
>tfw considering glaceon that raw power might be just what I need
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18280006 Thank you so much!
Enjoy your Niggersby...may his huge power quick attack win you many battles.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:02:15 No. 18280165 Report >>18280111 Pretty much every type has some way to counter Ice, so I imagine raw speed and power is your best bet
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:02:29 No. 18280171 Report what a bitch anyone want a practice battle?
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Quoted By:
>>18280141 No problem, always like to spread the mega Ampharos love.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18280171 playing the cycle simulator, but once I get a good hatch I'll be right to go!
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:09:08 No. 18280302 Report Quoted By:
>>18280165 Been researching some mono teams in the crevices of search engine pages, numerous recurring members, it's just they played a lot around hail.
Even after the snow cloak smogon ban, teams were able to function because of the 5-turn hail. Now without that, all the typing got this gen was Avalugg and MegaAbomasnow.
The type has strong offensive presence though, and despite it's small picking pool, everything brings something - It's just a matter of reading into these team-maker's thoughts and trying to apply and alter things in a 3v3 setting
Walrein is my bro, but Avalugg can get the job done quicker via recover while hitting back. Stallrein generally relies too much on toxic application and rest.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:10:11 No. 18280326 Report Quoted By:
>>18280171 Eyyy about that swinub, you free now?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:11:00 No. 18280343 Report Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:11:34 No. 18280351 Report >>18280343 against my electric or dark team?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:13:15 No. 18280385 Report >>18280351 Well you said you wanted to test, so electric.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:14:53 No. 18280413 Report >>18280385 pls no not again ;__;
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:18:00 No. 18280462 Report >>18280413 If you want to do dark go for it, could use some practice against it.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:23:52 No. 18280557 Report Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops]
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:46:22 No. 18280843 Report Anybody feel like Multi Battlin?
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
>>18280557 Woo!!
Timid pentaperfect houndour all bred and ready to be trained.
Fuck this is going to wreck shit in my mono fire team, why didn't I think of this before?
Also, im almost done in my mono dragon team too! All aboard the hype train woot woot!
Now, off to the city to get coffee and lunch.
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:51:04 No. 18280889 Report >>18280862 good luck with him! Try to pair him with something with a slow voltturn or screens, he's incredibly fragile
>>18280843 A regular multi battle or a mono-type multi battle?
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18280889 Not to give too much away
rotom-h with sunny day and heat rock or camerupt with yawn Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:53:28 No. 18280918 Report Quoted By:
>Tfw despite the small amount of choices left out of mons they're all bitchin' and stand out from one another >Lapras, Jynx, Froslass, Glaceon Truly worse than ice's defensive capability
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18280843 Tomorrow I'll probably have time to head out to McDonalds and battle people. Got paid for some side work today, feels good. The lady at Chik-Fil-A even gave me my lunch for free for no reason at all! I offered to pay but she was like, "no way, we got you this time." I was pleasantly shocked. I love that place. Man, I love how God takes care of me. I need to be a better companion for him.
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:55:13 No. 18280931 Report >>18280903 Yeah mono just need two more people
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master) Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:56:11 No. 18280941 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18280931 I wouldn't mind doing one. Give me a moment to set up my team, please.
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Thu 27 Feb 2014 23:58:52 No. 18280965 Report >>18280941 Sure adding you now
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:00:30 No. 18280985 Report >interrupted what
>>18280965 Alright, I have my team ready. I might already have you added, do you have somebody named Kate on your friends list?
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:01:47 No. 18281006 Report >>18280985 It's my shitty satellite internet being fucking shitty satellite internet.
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:02:30 No. 18281020 Report Quoted By:
>>18280995 Yeah I do I'll invite you now
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Dark Leader] (Safari: Boldore, Magcargo, Shuckle) !hoPPiPzMj6 Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:03:53 No. 18281041 Report Quoted By:
>>18281006 dat porygon2
watch out for knock off bisharps/crawdaunts when using him against dark teams though, though I figure you already know that
having to dance around pyroar... this is like my final battles with aniny all over again
can't do another battle now though, sorry. Going to bed
Fun Fact: Stone Edge has literally never hit so far. Only over the course of 15 or so games, but still.
>>18281103 >tfw stone edge always hits for me >but draco meteor feels like 70% accuracy and fire blast feels like 50% Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18281172 air slash is about 60%
>>18271119 >only dragon type trainer > 1 ice trainer Im ok with this
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:16:49 No. 18281217 Report >>18281172 I've never had a Fire Blast miss on me, I literally had to double check to see if the accuracy was 100
I kind of want to participate in the tourny but id like to get a practice match up first. so... anyone want to have a mono type battle?
>>18281211 >4 Fairy type trainers good luck mate
>>18281217 I hate using moves below 85% accuracy as they are guaranteed to fuck me over
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18281223 The tourney isn't for 8 days or so, you've got time to practice and make adjustments to your team. What type are you entering as?
Christopher(3797-7065-7945)[Pumpkaboo/Lampent/Dusclops] Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:20:15 No. 18281259 Report Quoted By:
Gg I thought I would be the first knocked out considering my type
Quoted By:
>>18281239 I really really wish focus blast was 100 BP with 85%ish accuracy instead of this 70% garbage
it's literally only used because it has fantastic distribution and fighting is a good coverage type. If aura sphere was a TM with as good of distribution as focus blast, everyone would be using it instead
>>18281253 I was thinking of water, let me know if you're interested in a battle.
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18281278 I'm using an electric team, I'll battle you a few times if you want.
Quoted By:
>>18281172 whenever i do battle tests or challenge the battle maison, rng is completely stacked against me.
90% accuracy might as well be 0%, para/freeze/burn/flinch all secondary effects happen 100% of the time when opponent uses a move, 0% of the time when I use it. Fucking bullshit right there.
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>18281287 alright, let me read up on the rules for a bit before we get this match going
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:25:06 No. 18281335 Report Quoted By:
Someone duel me
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>cloyster avoided the attack wow. uh, good game? Lets redo this battle
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>18281423 >arf arf Eh? Lets hope this match is more interesting
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:38:21 No. 18281495 Report Hello, I signed up for the tournament as a ghost type. I was in the last tourney but got knocked out in the second round because I'm terrible at pokemon and grass is a shit type. I have come to try and reclaim my honor. Yoroshiku
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:40:00 No. 18281509 Report >>18281495 You have a team? If so
fite me
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:42:22 No. 18281541 Report Quoted By:
>>18281509 N-No. I haven't touched my grass team since the last tourney and I think I traded one away
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
NOt bad this time. I think blastoise is an unnecessary team slot. Mayb I should get lanturn or gastrodon to replace it.
>>18281509 I could battle you, if you want.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:44:58 No. 18281574 Report Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18281574 3866 - 8114 - 8231
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:48:41 No. 18281618 Report I wonder if there are any "tournament favorites".
Quoted By:
>>18281495 Welcome, Kanade! Stick around and battle/trade with us for a while. Hope you do well in the tournament. It's always interesting to see how different people handle different types.
>>18281234 oh, i have something for the fairies mate.
thanks for caring :^)
Quoted By:
>>18281618 What does that even mean?
>>18281624 Iron head doesnt help you know
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:54:25 No. 18281683 Report >>18277483 Don't worry, buddy, even though we're seperated by many hours. We're in this together. We'll fight those birds out of the sky, I just know it.
If you come back and see this, Andrew, know that I believe in us. The us that can defeat Talonflame, with clever team-building and extremely gimmicky strategies.
Even if that means I'm playing Infernape instead of Mega Blaziken.
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Those were some good battles, im surprised I did so well considering my type disadvantage
Quoted By:
>>18281683 >Starfire >Cyborg >together Don't start a /co/ war in here, boy.
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
>>18281718 at the end of the day, water is still a powerhouse type
Quad 0318 7325 9053
Quoted By:
>>18281729 yeah, although ive been a water type person since gen 1, I feel like its an easy type to manage. I feel like going fighting now since thats the most difficult type to manage.
fairies and talonflame be damned
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 00:59:52 No. 18281773 Report fuck the rng
Quoted By:
I just signed up for the Tourney and I hope my team and my work schedule allow me to go far in it.
Quoted By:
>>18281773 Are we seriously going to play this game?
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:03:12 No. 18281816 Report Quoted By:
>>18281495 Welcome fellow Ghost user
does anyone want 5IV Venonats? I'm trying to get one with Tinted Lens but it's being a right pain in the ass
Quoted By:
>>18281773 Simmer down, fluffy. It's just a game. When are going to learn not to get so buttmad over a swing and a miss?
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:04:40 No. 18281826 Report >>18281618 Everyone wants me to bring the supreme chilled pain, if that's what you mean
>>18281826 The RNG was pretty terrible for him,
But then he used a minimize muk. I think he deserves it. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>mfw Heracross doesn't learn Poison Jab My team went from hero to zero.
>>18281858 Yeah seriously... you use a Minimize Muk and you complain about RNG? LOOOOOLOLOLOL
>>18281906 >Minimize Muk oh boy
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon
Vareki (2552-2133-0093) Dragon - Fraxure / Shelgon / Druddigon Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:15:02 No. 18281964 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>Frisbee online in pokemon >Not posting in thread
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
>>18281945 Where do those pictures come from? They look like the ones from the old POJO magazine!
Quoted By:
callumk pls check ur eamil
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Finally woke up. Normal 4 Fighting 3 Fire 2 Water 4 Flying 3 Grass 2 Poison 3 Electric 2 Ground 4 Psychic 2 Rock 3 Ice 1 Bug 4 Dragon 2 Ghost 3 Dark 4 Steel 3 Fairy 3
Quoted By:
Man I hate Maison so much trying to get to 50 in Super 50 is so hard why can are they allowed to use events berries and moves not normally known
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:44:50 No. 18282383 Report >>18282357 In order
Normal 4
Water 4
Ground 4
Bug 4
Dark 4
Fighting 3
Flying 3
Poison 3
Rock 3
Ghost 3
Steel 3
Fairy 3
Fire 2
Grass 2
Electric 2
Psychic 2
Dragon 2
Ice 1
Quoted By:
>>18282001 that's exactly where they came from
Quoted By:
>>18282383 Alphabetically as well
Bug 4
Dark 4
Ground 4
Normal 4
Water 4
Fairy 3
Fighting 3
Flying 3
Ghost 3
Poison 3
Rock 3
Steel 3
Dragon 2
Electric 2
Fire 2
Grass 2
Psychic 2
Ice 1
>>18282383 Why is Bug so popular?.
Water and Ground I can kinda understand as they are fairly OP types, and Normal has massive variety and M-Kanga
I guess because Bug has lots of dual type variations?
>>18282432 Normal has and M-Kanga
FTFY because you wont see much variety since all normals will use that thing
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18282432 People just like the pokemon.
It's not all about picking the 'best' type.
Quoted By:
>>18282432 Bug has a lot of today's strongest pokemon.
Galvantula is a great lead/Sp. Attacker.
Bug/Steel for 10/10 defense, Forretress is a solid physical wall and hazard layer/spinner. Scizor can defog and do dommage.
Yanmega or Volcarona can both sweep fairly well, Volcarona also capable of set up sweeping.
Scolipede for set up sweeping or baton passing.
I could go on for a while, but they're a very solid type all around.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:51:19 No. 18282478 Report >>18282454 Oh hey it's shitposter anon.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Former Internet Champion] (Flying: Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropenis) {1808} (Bug)
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Former Internet Champion] (Flying: Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropenis) {1808} (Bug) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:51:51 No. 18282484 Report >>18282432 Bug type is best type
>>18282478 oh hey its ragequit gymleader
are any of those field moves viable enough to use in battle like could Electric terrain and Misty Terrain be Darkrai counter
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:53:30 No. 18282515 Report >>18282484 >calling bug the best type >not saying jk, it's bug Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18282502 I've seen a bit of them in doubles.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:54:27 No. 18282537 Report Quoted By:
>>18282493 That made me laugh, good job.
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Former Internet Champion] (Flying: Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropenis) {1808} (Bug)
Actias 5300 9493 0648 [Former Internet Champion] (Flying: Pidgey/Hoothoot/Tropenis) {1808} (Bug) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:55:19 No. 18282549 Report >>18282515 Current strategy:
Lead with Galvantula and
get three paralyze thunders in a row Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18282549 >mfw At least ghost beats bug.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 01:56:36 No. 18282568 Report >>18282549 >seriously relying on RNG > Good juob, my minimize muk is proud of you >git gud Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18282568 You must have missed it.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
Quoted By:
I would like to test my Tourney team so could anyone help me out with a battle to see if I need to make any last minute adjustments
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:01:00 No. 18282626 Report m-m-m-m-m-multis??
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>18282626 Sure, I'll join in. Let me throw together some stupid crap i made. Been too long since i had a multi.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:02:59 No. 18282658 Report >>18282626 I'll join. Mono or just any team?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:03:39 No. 18282668 Report Quoted By:
>>18282639 m-m-m-m-m-mike
>>18282658 m-m-m-m-m-mono
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:03:41 No. 18282670 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:05:50 No. 18282709 Report Quoted By:
>>18282639 >>18282658 >>18282670 k
i will send the invite any moment so please stay tuned
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Anyone want to help me test my team?
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383(5th Champ and the real Dragon master) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:14:19 No. 18282848 Report Quoted By:
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:14:23 No. 18282849 Report Tundra 0130-2068-7240
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:15:19 No. 18282864 Report >>18282849 i never got an invite
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
>>18282860 I'll fight you after Stratos
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:16:22 No. 18282887 Report Quoted By:
>>18282849 >>18282864 nevermind, I got it now
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>18282874 alright I'll use my Tourney team too
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:21:28 No. 18282976 Report wat
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:22:18 No. 18282989 Report >>18282976 uuuuhhhhh
Was it your connection?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:22:38 No. 18282996 Report Quoted By:
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:22:41 No. 18282997 Report Well at least it wasn't me that time.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:25:57 No. 18283067 Report Quoted By:
>>18282997 remebr pls no boomburst
Mike 2122-6778-7179
This is slow as hell, someones internet is really shitting the bed
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:27:23 No. 18283096 Report >wild charge wat
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:29:08 No. 18283145 Report oh my god wtf
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:29:12 No. 18283146 Report Quoted By:
>>18283084 welp its my internet today
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:30:38 No. 18283180 Report Quoted By:
>>18283084 My internet is slow as balls, but I know I'm not causing the interruptions, since when it's me I get booted off the internet too.
>>18283096 I was expecting a switch to Gengar or something.
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18283145 We were gonna win anyways, as if there was ever any doubt. Even though Diggersby would have annihilated all other teams in the battle by itself.
Aniny 3540 0120 0225 !WODDIhTl5M
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Quoted By:
>>18282902 Alright, I'm ready for you now.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:33:30 No. 18283233 Report So Mike and Will, if you're still up for multis we can see if we can get one more.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:34:09 No. 18283248 Report Quoted By:
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>18283233 I am, with our monotypes or just random stuff.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:35:53 No. 18283282 Report >>18283254 Doesn't matter I guess, multis aren't really good practice for monos anyways.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:37:23 No. 18283308 Report >>18283282 but its still fun. Lets stick with monos, invite me when you find someone else.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:38:24 No. 18283340 Report Quoted By:
>>18283308 I was gonna use an all shiny team, but okay.
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:40:06 No. 18283377 Report I just noticed we're overdue for a new thread. I'd make it but I've got no fitting OP images.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:40:58 No. 18283406 Report >>18283233 >>18283377 onyx pls staph the dubs Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk
Onyx 3480-3093-7120 [Fighting Gym] !rSq1I9fmDk Fri 28 Feb 2014 02:42:18 No. 18283431 Report Quoted By:
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Sorry Onyx, I was trying to trade you hoping to evolve my Swirlix, but he knows an HM move so he couldn't leave my party, I just moved him to the box. mind helping me still?
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>>18283572 NEW THREAD
>>18283572 NEW THREAD
>>18283572 NEW THREAD
>>18283572 NEW THREAD