>>18317330There are multiple good users of Rapid Spin and Defog. There are only two good users of unaware, Clefable and Quagsire. And if the evasion user is using something good against those mons they don't help.
>>18317380>>18317458As annoying as hazards are, Stealth Rock is a really good way of handling things that would other wise be bordline OP, like Mega Pinsir. Fucking every other person on /vp/ hates Talonflame yet pebbles get so much hate, too. Sure, stuff like Moltres which could otherwise be amazing gets screwed, but banning Stealth Rock would just mean other things would become OP and also end up banned.
You're also not required to have a spinner. It's highly advisable if your team is weak to rock, but it's not a necessity.
And evasion doesn't have any good counters. There are many good spinners and defoggers that can consistently do their job and then some. But nothing can be a consistently answer to evasion spam.