Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
thanks Jace
http://pastebin.com/y62BJPbU Jeric I could use some of your stuff
http://pastebin.com/xxFHtRQr Gerardo always goes kill edition
>>18330534 sup bby
>>18330489 yay I'm trusted lol.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 03 Mar 2014 01:56:44 No. 18330605 Report 4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Quoted By:
>>18330576 Me too. I didn't really expect that.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18330555 nice trips
hasty yvetal yis
>>18330576 you're trusted because I put you there lol
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18330605 female fenniken?
S-chan(IGN: Sylvi) 1306-6232-9085
Quoted By:
>>18330534 would you trade the slurpuff for a 6iv harvest trevenant?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18330593 Can I get that Gengar, Indy? And what level is the Manectric?
>>18330626 aww thanks
uh whimsicott is with my irl friend right now. idk what he's doing. Indy has one though.
and you haven't gotten hasty evil tall yet? how
let me watch walking dead first, be back in an hour
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18330664 sure and its lv50 wheres ya list
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Quoted By:
Anyone sitting on a clone of an HP Fire shiny Greninja?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
>>18330688 >because I was too busy getting a 6iv one Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:03:47 No. 18330723 Report Sup guise.
pastebin.com/sQ8MVFSt Anyone seen Yusuf lurking about?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18330693 pinsir and beldum
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18330693 oh hey bryce i totally forgot.
Where you the one who wanted my vaporeon and jolteon?
http://pastebin.com/ZiyPy229 Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18330723 nope, he isnt in the steam chat either
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18330753 I already have the Manectric. I was just wondering if it was a different one. But I'll take the Galvantula instead.
>>18330762 Yeah, I am. What do you want from my list for them?
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
Finally done cloning, you ready Jeric?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18330764 Hey sorry was cleaning up after my dogs a bit. They made a mess. I'm inline and ready with Zorua.
>>18330605 Interested in the Female Fenn I've been hearing about.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18330804 sure thing. i have them both cloned already ready to trade.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18330820 lol did they shit on the carpet?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18330839 No they each got a pig knee cap to chew on so they're crushing those things up.
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
>>18330804 Hmm the Manectric and the Natu?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:14:50 No. 18330913 Report >>18330764 There's a chat?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Quoted By:
will lend for cloning since im doing a paper
http://pastebin.com/v7Xy8RfC Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18330913 oh no! I've said too much!
we have a group on steam of only cloners 4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18330901 That's fine. Just keep the Natu NFT please.
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:19:29 No. 18330991 Report I don't really want to clone it. She is my precious.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:19:41 No. 18330994 Report >>18330944 B-but
I'm a cloner... ;_; Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18330972 just want original back or a +1?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18330994 Well do you have a steam?] 4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:21:57 No. 18331061 Report Quoted By:
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18330972 Will do. Gimme a sec to clone them
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18330991 Please, any NFT on my list for her? ;_;
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:24:03 No. 18331109 Report Quoted By:
Morning everyone! Day 2: I've already lost about 50% of my sanity whilst waiting for my Powersave to arrive even though it's only my second day waiting.I'm extremely inpatient
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:25:03 No. 18331127 Report Idk, I just hatched her.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18331077 is the natu a magic bounce by any chance? please let me clone it if so i promise not to trade/clone it around <3
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18331127 I'm a
gender fag and that is the only female Fennekin in these threads. I need her..
>>18331148 It is. And sure, that's no problem.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18331127 oh he let you keep it?
>Captcha ndsguilt he Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:34:57 No. 18331289 Report >>18331239 I got it from a guy on Gamefags. He did.
3093 7548 0478
Quoted By:
Anyone with a 4 IV Ditto?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18331289 Very interested in it still, I'd like to use it to breed eventually so I prefer femmon most of the time.
I'm sure I have something you're interested in :) there's gotta be something!
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18331214 let em know when :)
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Anyone interested in a 5IV Shiny Farfetch'd, 5IV Starmie, or 5IV Sewaddle?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18331517 sewaddle maybe
and the rest of your birhtday mons :P Anonymous
Quoted By:
Question for the people with the datel device. Can I backup my Current file and start over with a new file? Or will that not work? I'd like to switch back and forth.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18331550 haha in time...
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18331587 well my bank runs out soon and i cant renew it yet
Im a poorfag this month cant be spending on nintendo stuff ima be clonign all my trades ready for the impedending
DOOOOM Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47
Ryuu Izumi Yumi (0576-5551-6512) SVX(2323)Y(2434) !!zNbcpJG+X47 Mon 03 Mar 2014 02:57:49 No. 18331631 Report Quoted By:
>>18331370 Maybe at some point.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:00:28 No. 18331668 Report Quoted By:
I have some X only stones (Pinsirite and Manetricite) Would anyone be interested in trading them for their equivalent Y only stones?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18331214 done cloning sorry it took so long i stupidly deleted the first back up so had to remove everything from bank and re back up lol its 3:10am here i should sleep very soon.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Indy 0662-4390-0749
still here bryce can i clone heracross?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18332164 Yeah, sure. Can I get that Glaceon of yours?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Anyone have the 5 IV Yveltal that I can get a copy of?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18332184 jaime said to keep it NFT
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332205 Sure what've you got that you're offering?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18332246 I was told to keep the Natu NFT :^) Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18332274 ok then lol im in a battle a sec some noo using legendary im killing him with klefki hahaha
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332257 I have a lot of good stuff. I'm sure you have a lot of it though. muh list
everything here is flawless, shiny, and Kalos bred
Bold Carbink
Modest Goodra
Quit Reuniclus (missing perfect DEF stat I think)
Impish Recycle Phantump
6 IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile one nicknamed Mawile" and one nicknamed "Trap Waifu" -Both male :/
6 IV Timid Hydreigon
6 IV Timid Ghastly
6 IV Adamant Metagross
6 IV Adamant Dragonite
6 IV Timid Anticipation Eevee
6 IV Adamant T-Tar
6 IF Jolly Cloyster
See anything you like for the Y-Bird?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332347 I'm interested in your cloyster
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332418 Seems good. Do you have a flawless Y-Bird for trade?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
Quoted By:
>>18332452 Nope, sorry. No flawless Y-bird.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332452 >>18332418 Sorry. That's far too much to ask. What are the details on your Espurr?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332398 That 5iv shiny honedge is it missing speed IV? And what kinda ball is it in?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332498 So you didn't see anything on muh list?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332469 Female 6iv nicked. Chen. Modest Infiltrator.
Male 5ivs. Modest infiltrator
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332514 Do you have anything unlisted?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332542 Ok. I might pass on that. What kind of egg moves does your Fennekin have, if any?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332589 I do, those are just all perfect ones. (Yeah I started marking IVs halfway down, but everything unmarked is also 6 IV, or 5 IV only missing the unused attack stat)
I also can gen stuff if you're interested in that.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18332398 Could I interest you in a 6 IV Goodra for that Greninja?
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332594 Don't know what egg moves are for Fennekin since I never really got into them. But it's current moveset is Magic coat, Wish, heat wave, and hypnosis
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332647 Got any nicknameable mons? If not any 5-6iv non shinies? Mainly lookin for a Nuzleaf
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
Anyone have Jeric's FC? I forgot to add him.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332623 How well can you gen? I've been looking for 3 shiny female parent mons with egg moves in specific balls. I can get all the details if you're confident you can do it.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332708 I can gen really well. Like, I don't want to brag, but I'm kind of a master.
>>18332655 Sure I would love to trade that for the Cloyster, if you're down.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18332687 Oh, I wasn't clear, the Goodra is shiny. But not nicknameable.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
did you guys thing I was dead?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332738 No, I knew I couldn't kill you that easily
Just kidding .Welcome back you glorious faggot <3
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332722 Sure, let me just clone it real quick.
>>18332733 I know, just not really interested in it. Sorry.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
>>18332763 The pleasure is all mine
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18332770 What about a 6 IV Klefki? It's just really hard finding something that's not on your list.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18332274 coming back online in a sec.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332803 Alright, I'll trade for a Klefki
Quoted By:
Daryll, what can I get for you? Just say the word and I'll grab them for you
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332722 >nice subs Well I hope you're able to cause no one has been able to get then to work for me yet. I know nothing about genning so that might be a prob.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18332836 Alright, cool beans.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332871 There's a 3ds lite?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Bryce you want o+1?
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18332871 mmmhm thats the one I got..
whats a 3ds lite?
Furisuko 3368-2035-2828
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18332871 >ds lite 'fraid that one is for a 3ds, mate.
and yes, that's the right one <3
>>18332862 Try me.
>>18332898 >>18332902 the regular sized 3DS
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18332920 it doesnt attach to your 3ds.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18332901 Nope. Whenever you give me something, you don't need to O+1.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
im so bored guys
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18332917 >>18332889 Will this be a 1:1 trade?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
Quoted By:
>>18332991 Yes, unless that's a problem.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18332763 >Shiny 6iv Skorupi Female
Keen Eye
Poison Sting
Bug Bite
Knock Off
Luxury Ball
>Shiny 6iv Gligar Female
Hyper Cut
Poison Sting
Knock Off
Moon Ball
>shiny 6iv Shuppet Female
Cursed Body
Knock Off
Sucker Punch
Shadow Sneak
Moon Ball
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Quoted By:
>>18332991 Yeah. Cloyster for Fennekin.
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales]
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales] Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:20:29 No. 18333022 Report Can anyone trade me the Charizard Y and Blaziken Mega stones?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18332940 good to know :)
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333014 Hah! I thought this was going to be a challenge!
5 minutes and I'll be back
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333022 I have char Y what're you offering?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333042 I believe in you
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18333023 lol bryce i cloned it you can has original back now.
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales]
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales] Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:26:02 No. 18333087 Report >>18333049 I don't have much. I started my game over. I have some shinies available. Lemme check
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333063 Alright so with the Skorupi, if I put it in a lux ball, it will be really noticably hacked. I mean, I can do it, but anyone with a brain will be able to tell its hacked. A Pokeball would make it look a lot more legit. thoughts?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales]
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales] Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:28:42 No. 18333110 Report Quoted By:
>>18333102 I have a PokeGen 6 iv shiny Illumise and a shiny Charmeleon. Which do you want?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Meditite kalos born shiny 5-6iv drain punch/psycho cut/ice punch/fake out
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe 3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333099 I'm going to use it to breed for my personals so Lux ball please. Thanks for the heads up though!
>>18333121 >Gen 6 event mons Not only are those untradeable, you have a PowerSave.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333127 Alright. I can't 100% guarantee it will work.
As for the shuppet, it's 100% illegal. You're asking for a hidden ability on a gen 4 Pokemon. That one just cant be done by anyone.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18333154 well i own a birthday glaceon and Happy hour inkay
learn you event mons retard.
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18333157 Fennekin is being a little stubborn. You gotta go anytime soon?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333157 Ok any ability you think is best is fine for Shuppet. If lux ball is bad would a Friend ball be more legit? Or would that not help?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Quoted By:
>>18333154 If you weren't retarded, you'd understand that Diancie and Floette aren't the only event mons from Gen 6.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333182 That's fine. I have like an hour and a half before I have to go.
>>18333189 Nah Pokeball is the only one that would help make it look more legit, just because we could pretend it was bred. If I put it in a Pokeball, then all of this goes green. I can try it in a lux ball, but like I say, I can't guarantee anything.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18333220 he has major balltism issues :P
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales]
Cruz 2852 7004 4212 [Fire: Growlithe Larvesta Nintales] Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:41:52 No. 18333292 Report Quoted By:
So since the other dude disappeared, can anyone trade me Charizard Y and Blaziken megastones?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Please does anybody need anything?
http://pastebin.com/y62BJPbU 4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18333293 I'll take the Luxray.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333293 I'd trade you a 6 IV Metagross (k) for that Noivern (or Slurpuff) and I'd trade you a 5 IV Tyrantrum for the Talonflame. Both are EV trained. I'm just looking to 1:1
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18333312 Come on
>18333333 Anonymous
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18333312 >>18333326 for?
>>18333328 have a metagross, and omg I need a tyrantrum to replace this bad one lol
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333382 What about a 6 IV
Adamant Aegislash? And good timing then! I'll add you.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18333382 list list list
>>18333121 it doesnt matter if you cant find anything
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333220 Keep the Lux ball and see if it will work, is that pic saying I need to change the Ability? I could take a diff ability and it might pass in a lux baw
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Wow 201.. Considering posting here again, but unsure if ill get flamed
Quoted By:
>>18333428 Alright. I'll try it.
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18333400 I do, too lazy to find your list lol
how about Squirtle?
>>18333405 rotom and cotnee?
>>18333405 I got that one too oh lord
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333460 Well maybe we could just trade my Tyrantrum for your Talonflame?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333428 The main problem is that the Pokemon you are asking for are in specific balls, so they have to be "caught" in that ball, but then you give them egg moves. Which just can't happen.
Anyway, the Gliscor looks like it worked perfectly. The shuppet still can't work with that move pool :/
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:57:26 No. 18333519 Report >>18333456 Why would you get flamed? Nice folks around here by and large.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333509 Great, I have you added.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333509 sweet. I added you already. I'm banking some Pokemon for Daryll and then I'll get online
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18333479 Just give me a shit mon for it
>>18333407 rotom and cotnee?
>>18333491 I'll hop online
Fluxxy 0318-7593-4464
>>18333527 Added just now or have I traded with you before?
Park 1736-1319-5391
Quoted By:
Hate to be that guy but I could I could really use a 6IV ditto.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333543 No, I've added you, we've never traded before.
>>18333537 A shitmon for what?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333510 Gligar? Or Gliscor?
I don't understand cause if it was caught in that ball those are moves it would learn in that ball right? I'll choose new moves for Shuppet now
Ryan 3668-7528-9363
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333588 *Gligar srry
And the problem with the Shupper isn't the moves. It's that Moon Ball only exists in HG/SS, and in those games, the ONLY place you can catch Shuppet is in the Safari Zone :S
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18333531 Shuppet
Shadow sneak
Destiny bond
Confusion ray
How about that?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/xxFHtRQr Alexander still lurking? I went kill.
Indy did you still want the zorua and kingdra or something else from my list for the nincada evos?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333617 Leave the moves then I'm sorry.
Can it be in a Safari Ball? ;_;
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18333646 i'll look tomorrow ima sleep very soon its 5am
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333652 A Safari ball would instantly fix everything.
Or any other ball that isn't HG/SS exclusive :/
I already have the Scorupi and Gligar in XY. Do you just want to call that good?
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333646 I know you have a 5 IV nn'd Beldum, but would you trade your Fennekin or Furfrou for a 6 IV EV trained Metagross?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
Quoted By:
>>18333537 I need it cloned back Kacy.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333660 Well if you can do the Shuppet in a Premier Ball that would be sweet :D
If not I can try to get it else where now that I know it's the moon ball. Thanks for all the help it's shed some light on genning for sure.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333658 Sounds good.
>>18333673 The beldum's actually a metagross now and I haven't updated it. I also can't clone
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18333723 I'll tell you what. Let's do the trade for now, because it'll be a lot of work for me to go back and bank it now that I'm this far done. And next time I use Bank for any reason, I'll do the Duskull, and then call you out in this thread. Deal?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333723 I'll tell you what. Let's do the trade for now, because it'll be a lot of work for me to go back and bank it now that I'm this far done. And next time I use Bank for any reason, I'll do the Shuppet, and then call you out in this thread. Deal?
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
>>18333646 Hey buddy, let me get on.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333759 Ok adding an getting online now. By Duskull do to mean Shuppet? I'm confused
Quoted By:
>>18333779 I made a type and forgot my trip. :S
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333775 Cool. Btw the sun pattern was shinified if you care about that. I think about 4 out of 18 are shinified or something. You can choose another pattern if you like.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18333747 are the char/goodra cloned already or shall i clone em?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18333797 they're pre-cloned
do you need me to clone cotnee/rotom?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18333805 no i mass cloned everythign i had i only have like 5 boxes free
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
>>18333796 I'm not sure what you mean by shinified.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333768 Thanks a bunch I appreciate it and I can't wait to hatch me some eggs!!!
Sorry it took so long I had to recheck what you wanted for sure. Have a good one and I'm sure I'll see you around.
Alex - 2509-1393-3861
>>18333811 Someone used a PowerSave to change it to shiny. It was initially not shiny.
>>18333847 Mhm. I was hoping for a Timid one, missing ATK. The one you gave me is only 4 IVs and Hasty :/
Thanks anyway
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333811 It was turned into a shiny by an action replay. So it wasn't hatched shiny.
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333868 One of the stats was 29. And it's hp ice if that makes a difference.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333879 Ok, going online.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333868 It's the HP ice with 30s in HP and 29 in speed I believe. 30 is considered perfect around here since it's so close. Since you said the 5iv one I assumed you meant the one that's been going a around here. I apologize, I didn't mean to make you unhappy with the deal.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18333920 Maybe it's the other way around 30 speed and 29 Hp.
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
>>18333896 One second, let me rename the Medicham.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18333920 >>18333886 Oh I see. Sorry :)
I just took him to the IV checker
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333940 Ah ok. I thought I showed the wrong pokemon lol
daryll I was unable to gen the mons ;_;
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
>>18333961 haha, thanks a lot man. I've never really used Luxray or know how good he is but I like his shiny but Vivillon is one of my favorite new Pokemon. I might have to collect all forms shiny.
Quoted By:
Anyone got a shiny 5iv chesnaught? preferably with belly drum or curse or snthesys egg moves?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18333993 I got all the shiny vivillon forms lol.
just trade me back the originals tomorrow, I think we're both sleepy.
and thanks for those shinies, they look better than I thought they would.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18333958 It's all good I would've done/did do the same thing when I got it.
If you're able to get more Kalos Born Shiny mons with egg moves and in a nice ball I do have all x/y/z legends in both 5iv spreads and 6iv spreads. For future deals.
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
>>18334019 Oh I thought you cloned them. Yea I'll clone them now and trade them back to you tomorrow.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334022 Oh? 6 IV spread? So you have a 6 IV Yveltal? What nature?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334032 Nah I can't clone, wish I had a powersave.
thanks for those mons and I'll see you tomorrow.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18333992 It's all good man the only one I still need is that Shuppet so I need to tweak it a bit to help it pass. Thanks for trying and everything, as always I really appreciate it.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334058 Oh. Do you have a Timid 5 IV one?
although I am really happy with the mixed set
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
>>18334042 >>18334058 Lax and one that's quiet but haven't figured out the exact IVs on Quiet yet
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334079 No, just the hasty. Gerardo might have one but he keeps going kill.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334091 Alright that's cool. Thanks for the help :D
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18334079 I think only one of my Xerneas is Timid.
Heading to bed though have to work early. I'll see everyone tomorrow afternoon. Have a prosperous night of cloning!
Alexander (IGN Oedipa) 4914-3795-9174
Quoted By:
>>18334050 Word, see you tomorrow.
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
>>18334147 >>18334146 Cool Gerardo has a timid yveltal.
Kim was looking for one
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334146 Wow, you have a lot. I don't suppose you would be willing to trade a Hasty pseudo 5 IV Yveltal for your Modest one?
And if you would be kind enough, could you trade a 5 IV (missing ATK Timid Xerneas for your Modest one?
nyoron~ Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Teddiursa, Eevee & Minccino)
Kris 2594-9976-3878 (Teddiursa, Eevee & Minccino) Mon 03 Mar 2014 06:09:55 No. 18334283 Report Quoted By:
Anyone here have spare charizardite Y ?
>>18334262 I have the same yveltal lol (1st on the Ys) , got something else?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334306 >>18332347 (- the Cloyster, I just traded it)
>>18334317 n-no thanks sorry ;_;
>>18334306 Gerardo, I asked before, but you either ignored me or didn't see my post. So I'm going to ask again.
I have an Adamant Zygarde 31/31/30/x/31/31, and you don't have that one. So I was wondering if you'd like it?
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334349 o-ok... could you do it if I said "please?"
>>18334369 sorry probably didnt see it, but I already have a 6iv adamant zygarde so dont really need it
>>18334374 modest is hard trade for now
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334402 Modest Y bird or X Deer?
Timid Y bird would also be really cool :)
>>18334414 wut are you offering lol
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
Quoted By:
>>18334434 Hasty Yveltal and/or anything on the list I linked
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334372 >dat starly and scolipede Jasmine pls
http://pastebin.com/xxFHtRQr have cacnea and teddi and garchomp in premier balls as well. Also have numel, wailmer, and smoochum
Need a cloner but I don't recognize anyone here..
Kim: 2895 7622 6883 !adtcifLOss
>>18334434 I'm going to sleep soon, so.... :/
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334552 >munchlax where 0001-3485-9705
>>18334530 will do them for cacnea and garchomp in premier balls! do you need copies back?
Jace/Rick 0877-1009-1817
Quoted By:
>>18334531 What did you need cloned?
Quoted By:
>>18334558 git the quiet yveltalf from daryll and its yours lol
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334372 I have a 6IV Modest Xerneas. And a 6IV Zygarde if you want that too? I'm interested in the events Eevee's.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334570 Yes pls. Can you keep cacnea nft though?
And why aren't you around during the daytime lol
>>18334600 what balls are they in? god I'm sorry I'm just dying from balltism having the ones I have all in masterballs haahaha
Quoted By:
>>18334611 yeah I can keep it nft haha
and I'm never here during the day bc I'm busy haha
I'm online, IGN is Sero
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334616 Master. You probably aren't going to find X/Y legends in Premier/Luxury balls.
>>18334650 yeah I guess not...
sure though, do I have you added already? you seem familiar haha.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334677 Yeah. I'll be online in a second. And to clarify, I don't need the Glaceon. Just the other two. And please keep mine NFT, would you like me to do the same?
>>18334697 yes, please do the same!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334704 Sorry, I forgot to mention the Xerneas is in an Ultra ball.
Wasn't it you that despises things in Ultra balls?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18334704 I'm about to go kill. See you tomorrow noght then probably
>>18334745 ahaha.. yeah that's me. it'll probably be box fodder forever, oops.
it'd be kind of a dick move to just reject a trade after we started it though
Quoted By:
>>18334748 ah ok! good night. remind me to give your stuff back then or I won't remember probably lol. I'll write it down just in case
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334756 It's a dick move to lie about what ball it's in ;_; Sorry about that.. With that trade aside I'll go through my list and see what I have in Premier balls.
Also, I'll need clones of mine back, if you weren't already doing that.
>>18334779 yeah I'm cloning your stuff and Jeric's at the same time
sorry about my severe balltism, ahaha.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334804 is that zapdos kalos born? damn.
budew, togekiss, haxorus are what I'm interested in!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334824 No it's not. Every legendary in X/Y is shiny locked. When you get back online can we battle for one second? I need to check the IVs on one of my mons. And no passerby accepts my battle request..
>>18334843 oh damn didn't know the birds were shiny locked too. ah well, those three I'm still interested in. and sure, we can do a battle. will you disconnect when you're done?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334853 Okay, thank you. I also have these in Premier balls: Female Mawile 30/31/31/x/31/31 with 3 fangs. And 5IV Scraggy. If you're interested in those as well? I'll go through your list now and see what 3 I want.
>>18334912 I would be interested in those two as well!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18334919 Joltik, Starly, Froslass, Scyther, and 6IV female Goomy.
Quoted By:
>>18334992 ok! I'm still online haha
>>18334992 shit my female goomy is on bank I think so I'll have to get it after the first few trades, sorry about that
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18335013 That's fine. Also, could you shinify something for me?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18335034 I need to hatch it. I'll send it when we trade again.
Quoted By:
>>18335046 oh ahaha ok! I'll get the goomy and clone while you do that then
bush 0516-7281-0378
Anyone with a shiny impish chesnaught?
>>18335062 it's a chespin but yes, what do you have?
4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18335072 Thanks for the Moon Stone as well.
Quoted By:
>>18335232 yea! no problem
bush 0516-7281-0378
Quoted By:
>>18335072 is it shiny? ill trade you a shiny 5iv bergmite
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 10:31:59 No. 18335972 Report http://pastebin.com/0k9G9bsp Updated list.
I CAN clone, but it's with the snail-pace rate version using two DS's, so if you see anything on my list you want just be patient as i clone like a dinosaur.
Right now i'm looking for a 1 for 1 trade of perfect shones
I only ask for 1 for 1 trades because i hate pre-powersaves cloning, once my powersaves gets here i'll happily clone some of this stuff for peoples. Pic not related
>>18335972 I'm interested in Rotom and Larvitar. For 1:1 I have 6IV Furfrou, 4 5IV Vivillons (if interested, ask what patterns), 5IV Espurr F, 5IV Bergmite and 5IV Frogadier.
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:06:51 No. 18336271 Report >>18336079 Line 195 (Chespin) and line 154 (snivy) really interest me. I've been wanting them two for a while.
As far as cloning goes, i'm happy to clone my own stuff, but i really hesitate cloning other peoples stuff. i've never had a problem in the past but i know that if something is done SLIGHTLY wrong with the two 3DS method it can wipe that mon completely. i just don't want to run the risk of accidentally losing someone's mon' forever.
If you're interested in the two of mine you mentioned still i'd be more than happy to clone them for you on my end, but i'd highly suggest waiting for someone else with a Powersave to come into this thread and safely clone your monz' for you to trade for mine.
It's really comes down to the paranoia i have of losing/damaging something that belongs to someone else.
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18336271 If that were to happen. I could probably get those mons back pretty easy. So it's not the end of the world if something were to happen to them.
If you're still hesitant to clone, I could wait until someone with powersave gets in here. But it's pretty kill right now, and I have to leave in 2-3 hours.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
moring from uk we still alive?
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18336298 morning even haha and that list needs a slight tweak >.>
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336298 You come at really good timing.. Can you O+1 my Snivy and Chespin for me?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:34:20 No. 18336331 Report >>18336305 Got your dudes ready, just adding your FC now
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Hello everyone
http://pastebin.com/Wgjb8g6E Have some stuff for 1:1
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336331 Alright. I'll add you in a second. Indy is just cloning mine.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336350 cloning now i had to have a bathroom break sorry hahah
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:42:50 No. 18336365 Report Quoted By:
>>18336350 >>18336355 That Indy fellow is a gentleman and a scholar, i tip my hat t him
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336343 What do you have for 1:1?
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:47:13 No. 18336374 Report Can anyone touch trade me an entei? It's the last legendary I need for the shiny charm
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18336368 Ugh.
Xerneas lv 100
Espurr m/f
Rotom oven
Chesnaught (only for something nft)
flabebe white
Big O Golett
Crindy 2294-4603-0358
i cloned some celebis, anyone want to fling a keldeo/meloetta/victini my way?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336350 ready lols
>>18336379 >implying none of us have bank celebi >>18336374 no 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336376 >Ugh. I-I'm sorry?
;_; But I have everything on that list...
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18336388 Haha, I just always forget to save it and have to check/type manually. It was a myself ugh.
And yeah, it's popular stuff. Can't make any other +1s untill I get my datel which will take anyway from 1 to 10 days, bleh.
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:54:48 No. 18336396 Report >>18336379 fuck you, you sick fuck!
Why would you post that image here?
You don't just show an ex-junkie a baggie of crack when they've been clean for over 10 years, not cool....
i guess there's a part of me that still resents kelloggs for taking this marvelous breakfast treat away from me 4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336374 I would, but mine can't be traded.
>>18336379 Do you care about the IVs?
>>18336386 Indy, you get nowhere in life being jew. :^)
>>18336393 I'm tempted to buy a powersave. But knowing my luck, I feel like it will somehow get patched by the time I get it.
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:56:48 No. 18336404 Report Quoted By:
>>18336401 All the rich Jews beg to differ.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336401 im no jew ahah i am lovely now accept trade
Crindy 2294-4603-0358
>>18336401 Not at all. Just building a dex/cloning.
>>18336396 Feel with it
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:00:57 No. 18336414 Report Quoted By:
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336406 >implying you're online I think it's glitching.
>>18336409 Okay. I have a shitty Meloetta you can have. Don't bother giving me a Celebi.
Crindy 2294-4603-0358
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336417 something's going on hahaha O_O
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336423 I pushed b+a right when the trade started for some reason..
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336431 lols no worries
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Crindy 2294-4603-0358
>>18336442 cheers4the melo
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6
Tenfold~[FC: 5069-5240-7348]~{1558} !j22b6IwCk6 Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:16:30 No. 18336466 Report >>18336442 Thankyou kind sir, i've been wanting both of them as shones for some time now.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
Quoted By:
>>18336447 >>18336466 You're both welcome!
4355-9934-8504 Bryce
>>18336477 I got a 6IV Joltik. But it has
Spider Web.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336489 that;ll do looks like he cant learn sticky web in gen 6 eggmoves QQ
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336556 o wait he can via move reminder when hes galvantula
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18336562 o wait thats wrong too haha lv 65 galvantula learns it. the shiny one i have is missing speed iv so yeah i need ed 6iv one
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
http://pastebin.com/xxFHtRQr +kingdra and zorua with counter
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336908 we all [spoilerKill[/spoiler:lit]
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18336489 Is that Joltik KB? I didn't know you had that fella I'm gonna want him probably when I'm off work.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336938 derp fucked up a spoiler hahah
>>18336942 yes it is
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18336942 Bruh let me get that quiet evil tall
>>18336938 this is how you spoiler and I'm on my phone did you clone piglett?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336965 piglett? what lol
ok 4355-9934-8504 Bryce {919}
>>18336942 Yes it is. I got it yesterday. So that's probably why.
>>18336954 Don't steal my trade nigga. I'll cut you.
>>18336376 Could I perhaps trade for the Noivern? (6IV, timid, infiltrator)
I don't have a huge amount to offer, except maybe things like 5iv Honchkrow (w/ Moxie of course)
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18336978 i was just telling him it was jeez lighten up butthurt.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18336977 swinub I also have a reckless starly in a premier ball amd something else I forgot
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18336985 Is the Honchkrow shiny and kalos born?
I'm only looking to trade these for 5-6iv shiny kalosborns unfortunately, I don't have a need for anything that's just well-bred, with HA or genned, sorry.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18336997 o i forget i'll clone you one now.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18337008 i have some pre cloned.
I have everything pre cloned i forgot i did that i need ot sleep more and not stay up till 5am Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337005 Did you already have an oshawott or carvahna? I can 1:1 a couple other things for buneary and smeargle.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337061 I have a Carvanha, lv. 1, male, (5iv -spA), Adamant, Speed Boost, don't have an Oshawott.
Smeargle is nicnameable, if you're after that.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337081 I also have rock head with aron and timid adapt eevee both with egg moves and pentaperf for straight trades.
yours are 5iv pentaperfs right?
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337018 Btw Alexander's medicham only has psycho cut as an egg move... I was reallyhopong for bullet punch too at the very least
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337119 Aron and Oshawott are okay.
But no, stats are:
Buneary, lv. 1, female (4iv -At, spA), Jolly, Klutz
Smeargle, lv. 1, male, (5iv -Def), Gentle, Own Tempo,
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337134 Darn I was hoping for 5iv and jolly or timid for the smeargle.
nvm ;_;
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18337133 yeah sadtimes..
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337148 Sorry, it was an accidental hatch, ugh.
Also, guys, is there any way of checking if the mon was shinified through the powersave? And is that frowned upon?
When (if) I finally get it should I shinyfiy some of my penta ballmons? I have tons of them, most with eggmoves and such.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337163 I would be interested in your shinified mons. I honestly don't care as long as they're legal and can be used online.
Just specify which ones are shinified as there are a lot of people here that are purists so to speak.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337195 Ah, that sounds reasonable.
I want my datel, ugh. Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18337163 the only way to tell is give it to its original trainer if they cant rename its shinified.
and yes most people dont like to accept shinifed as trades.If you do you will be blacklisted maybe
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18337209 Also if there are two different trainer ids that you know are from the same trainer that's another way.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18337286 i released the 3 i shinifed haha it felt so wrong.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337253 >>18337286 >>18337320 Haha. Well I guess I'll just make a separate list of these, for people who don't mind.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18337366 i only deal in shinified if someone wants me to shiny a pokemon for them.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337414 So you have a datel, yes? Is it hard to use? Or do I just install the program, stick the card into the device, click some stuff, plug it back into the DS?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18337483 i didnt even have to install i just plugged it into my usb and it worked. its stupid easy to use.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
>>18337494 That's what I like to hear. Thanks!
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18338047 We kill.
Does anyone have a good name for a baby-evolution of Absol? I need to create one for a fakedex on this forum but I have no idea for a good name.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18338077 Lunis? idunnolol
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18338098 Wrote that down, it's pretty fitting actually.
Also, horyshit, shiny absol looks cool.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18338165 not seen it lol i used to love absol then it got a mega.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
Quoted By:
Name it dicks and trade him on the GTS or wonder trade to some little kid.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
wooo 367 days left on my poke bank haha
http://pastebin.com/4r3b4cNe Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18338739 Hey Indy. Are you taking cloning requests?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339067 yeah i always can cloen for anyone just ask.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339081 Why didn't I know that.
Could you +2 a few of my mons whenever you have the time, then? I'm having a real life meeting with some pokemon playing players (which is pretty fucking rare in my country, never met anyone in person yet), and I was hoping to do a shiny giveaway. And I'm not sure my datel will get here in time.
So I would be very grateful if you could +2 3 or 4 pokemon for me.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339123 i'll sort josh out first then i should be free
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339139 Coolio! I'll get ready then~ Is it okay if I prepare 4? You'd have to send me 12 back, is that okay?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18339081 Thanks! Can you clone my doduo,Mankey,clefairy and Jigglypuff?
Also is there a chance you could give them moon stones so I can evolve them? Thanks Indy!
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339170 sure thing you want o +1 or more?
>>18339162 so 4 mons how many of each?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339183 +2 if you'd be so kind?
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18339183 I just need an extra clone haha I'm not a Jew :p
Thanks! Btw doduo is a kalos hack
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339196 i am so cloning mankey clefairy and jiggyl for myself hhaha
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18339238 That's cool. Can you keep the clefairy and jiggly as NFT?
Thanks Indy!
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18339243 Holy shit I've been looking for a jiggly for a while. Let me post my list in a bit in case you're interested in anything I have
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339372 gimme your birthday mons hahahaha
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18339400 You sly devil. Alright which one do you want next?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339430 ALL OF THEM MWAHAHAHA >not glaceon Jay 1203-9327-2949
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18339217 gonna add you now Rynn
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18339438 Well I happen to have just received a Flareon. It would nicely complement the Glaceon
Josh FC:2251-5224-5193
>>18339372 Sounds good. I'll check out your list.
>>18339400 Thanks for your help Indy!
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18339467 i'll pass for now i just want them cuase they are eeveelutions i need for dex and i cba to lv an eevee or evolve it.
>>18339496 most welcome
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339217 0+2 ?do you need any items ? i have everything.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339538 Yes, O+2 would be great.
Um, do you have any spare megastones? I'm missing some because I'm too lazy to get them, so they would be awesome, but I'm not sure if you have infinite of these, too.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339552 i have 999 of all mega rocks [cant trade lati stones]
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339565 Cool~
I'd appreciate if you threw in the ones for aggron and banette, with the other ones I guess I can wait till my datel finally arrives in a week or two~
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18339600 sure no worries.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18339565 Can i have a couple mons cloned as well with some stones attached, if you don't mind. Once you're done with everyone you've got so far I mean.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339600 there ready. ill just attach items and send a trade.
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18339444 This thread is as dead as ever.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18339644 sure thing. give me a minute or 2.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 20:06:32 No. 18339774 Report >>18339658 He said, in the midst of a stream of posts.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18339644 so what you need cloning? and what items are yo uafter?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339651 Thank you so much!
>>18339774 Hi bby.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339812 You're more than welcome mas cloning is easy lol.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339835 I know, but trading takes a while so it's super-nice of you to do it <3 I hope I can spread the love when I get my mass cloning device.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18339658 can i clone the birthday umbreon and sylveon?
>>18339871 i hope you don't mind i cloned myself a set.
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 20:17:25 No. 18339906 Report >>18339812 Hey you. <3
How goes the wait for the Powersaves?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18339890 Of course not,
I'm kinda against all that NFT stuff >>18339906 HORRIBLE
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18339890 I can clone myself. May I see your list?
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Gamby 3196-4332-6556 (Octillery, Wartortle, Frogadier) Mon 03 Mar 2014 20:20:39 No. 18339951 Report Quoted By:
>>18339916 Lol, sorry to hear that.
Oh right, list.
pastebin.com/sQ8MVFSt Can't clone right now, but if someone needs to clone something from my list just ask.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Jay 1203-9327-2949
>>18339998 Interested in Birthday Glaceon and Happy Hour Inkay. Possible 2:2 trade?
Also, are the events I'm asking for UT (or at least semi-UT)?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340038 event for event makes sense UT? is that like NFT? lol im bad with letters.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>18340038 I can vouch that they're UT
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18339890 I have 6 mons to clone
I need (no clue how to spell these)
2 Destiny knots
And any good items you feel like attaching to the clones :D
Is all that cool?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18340090 I still don't know what that means.
As opposed to what? Molested? Jay 1203-9327-2949
UT = Untouched. No deal breaker if they aren't. Just asking.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18340105 lol it just means it hasn't been used in battle or ev trained
Jay 1203-9327-2949
Quoted By:
>>18340105 Untouched means it hasn't gained any experience, moves in tact, etc.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18340115 yes they have never been in battle or levelled up.
adding now.
>>18340101 gonna have to make some blazekenite its the one mega stone i dont have cuase immyopinionlol using blaziken = faggot. same with d knot i dont think i have any lol
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18340146 I still need me some of your mons :)
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>18340177 I'm in the process of updating my list. got me some goodies :)
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18340160 I want the knots for breeding :)
I don't even have a good torchic or anything yet I need one for the mega Evo collection.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340256 i can get you them don't worry lol. brb a minute hungry and need a drink
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
>>18340256 Do you have a good IV Budew, ENG region?
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18340287 I can't remember the exact ivs but I think it's 4 maybe 3 perfects and 30 in one or two as well. Pretty sure it's 5ivs total.
Jaime 3695-0353-5789
Quoted By:
>>18340342 Oh it's just that I have an Hp fire Roselia. It's english named but the KOR emblem next to the name is bugging me
Quoted By:
Anyone need BP items/mega stones/cloning services (fo free of course)
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340342 got the items x999 lol. repost what you need and how many of please.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
>>18340342 I need your quiet evil tall bruh
Indy 0662-4390-0749
anyone else getting a maintenance message when trying to get online? Oo
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
They better not be making a patch for powersaver goddamit.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340556 weekly maintenance most likely. PGL site is down.
IGN: Inon (Gerardo) - 1564 2718 3364
Haven't been here in a while. Any cloner have shiny 5IV Furfrou, Trevenant, Chesnaught, Klefki or Hawlucha? I can lend for cloning: Most X Mega-stones Blazikenite Shiny 4IV Gourgeist Shiny 5IV Espurr-F Shiny 5IV Litleo Shiny 5IV Talonflame in a horrible Pokéball Shiny 4IV Nicknameable Greninja Shiny 6IV Malamar Some other Kalos-born non-Gen 6 shinies.
3952-7100-5673 TSV: {2507} {3502} Daryll
>>18340515 What're you offering amigo?
>>18340537 Yes im getting the same error :/ wonder how long it will be down.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340597 US: Monday, February 24, 2014, at 3:00 p.m. (EST) until Tuesday, February 25, 2014, at 7:00 a.m.
UK: Monday, February 24, 2014, at 8:00 p.m. (GMT) until Tuesday, February 25, 2014, at 12:00 noon
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18340592 I have a spare 6iv furfrou, but I can't clone, so do you have anything for 1:1?
IGN: Inon (Gerardo) - 1564 2718 3364
>>18340633 Not a lot, from that list I'm only willing to 1:1 the Litleo and the Talonflame. Or a 6IV Kalos-born Azumarill with Superpower, Aqua Jet and Aqua Tail.
Jeric 0946 3159 6516
Quoted By:
http://pastebin.com/xxFHtRQr >>18340597 also got a premier ball starly, teddi, scolipede. Wailmer, smoochum, kingdra in other balls
did you figure out what the spread for that was?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18340700 Is the litleo male or female?
IGN: Inon (Gerardo) - 1564 2718 3364
>>18340728 Male, Timid, Moxie.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18340744 I'm cool for 1:1 then, I don't have a male one yet~
But if the server is down I guess this will have to wait anyway?
IGN: Inon (Gerardo) - 1564 2718 3364
>>18340760 Yep. It's not gonna be up until tomorrow, is it?
Indy 0662-4390-0749
Quoted By:
>>18340776 looks like it. im playing PSP2:infinity then sleeping it should be back up when i wake up.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
>>18340776 Seems so. I'll be here though so I'll save you that Furfrou.
IGN: Kael FC: 3239-3011-2845
Anyone have a spare lefties, going stir crazy with only one to work with
>>18341144 hi there, I do! do you have any female pokemon in premier balls to trade for it? not shiny, just pokemon in premier balls.
Indy 0662-4390-0749
>>18341144 >>18341339 go request stuff in trading or make a shitpost thread. wifi is down for maintenance and no one can online till its done.
Quoted By:
>>18341354 oic shoulda read the above posts before saying anything. why maintenance so early I wonder? oh well
>>18341144 I have 999x but servers are under maintenance
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
>>18341371 the nintendo wifi is down?
Kacy 0018-1134-1070 {0584} {2615}
Quoted By:
>>18341416 aw damn it how am I supposed to do my giveaway now?