GTS Giveaway thread! Help other anons out and collect Pokemon you need.
>How do I participate? Put a Luvdisc up on the GTS asking for a Pokemon. Version exclusives, bank Pokes, breeding leftovers, special ball pokemon, whatever!
We then seek Luvdisc and fulfill the requests of fellow anons. Everyone wins.
>DO NOT ASK FOR LEGENDS / SHINIES / 6IV DITTOS. That is not the purpose of this thread. If someone happens to be so nice to as to give one away, they will let all of us know. Do not pester them. Also, we aren't the PokeGen thread; we may not have pokemon such as Knock Off Timburr or Hyper Voice Ralts available. Sorry!
Move tutors when Please post in this thread to tell us what you've put up or what you're giving away. This makes it easier for us to find your request and also keeps the thread alive.
Also, if you request something, TELL US YOUR IGN. It makes everything so much easier. We want the 'mon to go to you, not anyone else!
List of active giveaways! We'll update this as the giveaways change, feel free to request something not on the list!
Old thread:
Quoted By:
>>18331811 Never >>18330135 I don't suppose you'll have anymore in an hour or two will you? And happy birthday to Lemon!
Lime, what did you get Lemon for his birthday?
>>18331902 A blender.
Muh list
40 Female 4-5 Fast Ball Growlithe with Body Slam/Flare Blitz/Morning Sun/Close Combat
1 Trick Room Spritzee (0 in Speed)
18Dream Ball HA Qwilfish
11 5IV Calm Rotom
5 Bold Dream Ball Regenerator Slowpoke (F)
3 Earth Power Deino
4 Brave Luxury Ball 0 Speed Pancham
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18331611 There you go Mal, you now have all three Genie. I believe Landorous is the only one that needs EV training. I hope you enjoy them.
I still got the following
9x Shiny Landorus (Adamant @ Stealth Rock, EQ, SE, and U-Turn For Therian Offensive Pivot)
9x Shiny Tornadus (Naive @ Hurriance, Superpower, Knock Off, and U-turn For Therian Pivot set)
9x Shiny Thundurus (Timid @ Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Ice, and Focus Blast for Incarnate)
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
OK, i clone 28 Icy snow shiny vivillion in premier ball 31 x 31 31 31 31 For your ❥
>>18331928 I'll snag a Pancham, putting up a disc now.
n-n-not my favorite pattern Lime 3883-5402-8331
Alright Leon, Marcos, Shura, and Natto. I have your Manectrics.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:21:38 No. 18331994 Report Quoted By:
>>18331946 Shiny Thundurus pls
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
Quoted By:
>>18331950 Can I get one of those?
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18331950 OH MY GOD YES
>>18331946 Thanks~
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18331946 Oh boy, I'd love one of each, If I can pick only one I'd like a Thundurus
What should I do? Upload a disc for one?
>>18331950 I'd like one too
>>18331950 I'll disc for one, thanks.
Shura 2750-1424-2684
>>18331988 Getting on now.
Quoted By:
>>18331946 I'll take a Tornadus in a bit.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18331950 Disc up for one.
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Landorus please, disc going up
>>18331950 I'll take one if everyone else is.
Do you know if this was hatched shiny, or was one of those powersave devices involved?
Quoted By:
>>18331950 >mfw when I'm still at uni and I don't have my 3ds on me Jun
>>18331950 Putting up a disc.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:24:15 No. 18332041 Report Quoted By:
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>18331973 Disc is up.
>>18332023 Disc will be up in a moment.
Quoted By:
>>18331946 can I have a thundurus?
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Disc up for Thundurus
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18332011 O-or not. I keep getting booted off as soon as I connect.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18332045 Pan if I was gay, I would suck your dick so hard right now.
Anybody have any competetive Vivillons?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Landourus please!
Quoted By:
>>18332054 Sent, it's Penta.
Putting up my aforementioned disc for Tornadus
>>18332091 For giveaway, or are you just curious?
Benson 1435 4770 3654
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Disc up for Lando
>>18331950 I'll grab one, Disc up in a sec.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
>>18332104 For giveaway, or possibly trade from my list I posted in the last thread. I'm starting a competitive Vivi collection, currently have High Plains, Monsoon, and now Icy Snow.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Quoted By:
>>18332071 Disc up for this lovely Vivillon
Nick 4210-5006-7796
Agatha [FC:0920-0617-2136 (Fairy)]
>>18332091 I have a pentaperfect Polar, but that's not my pattern
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18332139 Rats, I don't want to take that away from you.
>There are 18 patterns This will take a while.
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle)
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:31:39 No. 18332161 Report >>18331950 Requesting one, disc is up with VP as description and holding a heart scale.
>>18332152 >I'll never be able to MM patterns I want Feels bad man
Aidan 0662-2881-1277 (IGN)
>>18331950 M-might I have one? Disc is up.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18332170 Feels real bad.
My pattern is shitty High Plains Gamefreak why.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
>>18331946 Putting up a disc for that thundurus
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
Quoted By:
>>18331950 Putting up a Vanillite, thanks.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18331946 Thanks for the Thundurus. Can I disc up for the other two?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Still have lots of 5iv frillish for anyone who wants one. Specify if you want male or female and cursed body or water absorb
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18332196 Just received it, thank you so much for the pretty butterfly.
>>18332237 I'll allow it, but just for you.
>>18332229 Coming right up
BTW, I think I just got everyone who replied to the original message.
Quoted By:
>>18332196 IGN Jonni put up a Luvdisc! Thanks so much! :D
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:40:00 No. 18332298 Report i have about 4 boxes of spare 4-5 iv pokemon that i need to get rid of, you know the drill 8 5iv modest gastly 8 5iv timid protean froakies 3 5iv timid charmanders 13 5iv modest porygon (trace/download) 3 4iv jolly swift swim kabutos 17 4-5iv adamant speed boost torchics 9 4-5iv adamant marvel scale dratini 12 5iv adamant charmanders 4 5iv modest infiltrator litwicks with heat wave 7 4-5iv adamant adaptability corphish with knock off, aqua jet, d dance, and superpower 4 5-v modest larvesta
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18332196 >>18331950 ooh wow, putting up a disc in case you have any left!
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18331928 Can I get that spritzee, disc is going up
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18331946 Rineth sorry but can i disc for tornadus? :c
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
>>18332285 You did a good job replying to the right post this time.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18331946 could I grab a landorus?
Disc is up.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Quoted By:
>>18332091 No problem, my BF wouldn't like that tho.
Nouh 3265-5585-1438
Quoted By:
>>18331950 Putting a disc with heart scale up for this one!
>>18331950 Disc up, thanks
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>18331950 Putting up a disc if you have any left.
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:42:50 No. 18332358 Report Quoted By:
>>18331946 pls can i have a thundurus, disc is up
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Can I get a Shiny Thundurus
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18332323 if you have any left that is.
>>18332282 Could I get a male water absorb frillish, disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18331946 disc up for landorus or thundrus whichever you have left
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:45:53 No. 18332403 Report >>18331950 disc up if you still have any left
Quoted By:
>>18331946 could i get one of those landorus
dics on its way up
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18332319 Sure, place a disc up.
Whose Michelle and Cleffa?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18332368 I should've specified Therian form if you have any.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18332422 But in XY it's super easy to switch their forms.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18331946 >>18331950 >go out for dinner >come back and see giveaways habbening aaaaaa do i dare ask if there are any left of either?
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>18331928 I'll grab a Pancham, thanks.
Quoted By:
>>18332463 Talk to researcher in that mirror cave place and she gives you a mirror to switch their forms if you have one in your party
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18331950 You have any one left?
Quoted By:
>>18332461 I took them all, sorry.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>18331950 disc on its way if you have any left
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18332298 May I have a timid charmander?
Female if possible
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18332530 Disc up for one then
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18332461 I got some left, though it's looking like I need to transfer more soon.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18332530 Thanks so much!!
>>18332393 traded! anyone else want a ghost jelly
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle)
Nike 0602-6314-3432(Nosepass, Onix, Barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:54:15 No. 18332575 Report Quoted By:
>>18331946 Disc up for a Tornadus, VP is description and holding a heart scale.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18332563 Can I get a Thundurus, disc is up.
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
>>18332530 ;-; I'm in the elite four and I don't have a Luvdisc, can I put up a Vantillite..?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Putting up a disc for a Landorus.
>>18332530 Thanks a lot!
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18332563 Do you have some of all 3 left? I'd love any
Quoted By:
>>18331946 Disc up for Thundurus, german luvdisk with name Liebiskus
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:56:31 No. 18332619 Report >>18332530 putting disc up thanks in advance for doing this
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:56:32 No. 18332620 Report Quoted By:
>>18332410 im michelle, just playing on my bf's 3ds
Quoted By:
>>18331946 still have a tornadus? if so a disc is on its way
Devvy 3196-4579-1460 [Rock: Magcargo, Dwebble, Rhydon]
Devvy 3196-4579-1460 [Rock: Magcargo, Dwebble, Rhydon] Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:56:49 No. 18332625 Report Any huge power Bunnelby/Diggersby floating around? Breeding leftovers/trash is perfectly fine would prefer female if so. I don't mind breeding it out myself. Just don't have a base female with huge power to start with or a safari with it. I have a disc up for bunnelby. Thanks in advance if you are able to help me out
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:57:39 No. 18332642 Report Quoted By:
>>18331928 Disc up for a growlithe, been looking for close combat egg skill, this saves me time
>>18332530 Much Appreciated!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18332632 Discing if you have anymore
Marcos 1762-3265-6363
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 03:58:11 No. 18332651 Report >>18332544 no females, sorry man but if youre still interested, put the disc up
>>18332625 I have one spare Premier Ball female, sent. It should be 5IVs, I think.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18332572 can I put up a bunnelby for a female water absorb?
Kevin 0216-1327-0302
Quoted By:
Hey, does anyone happen to have a Nidoran with hustle? Either gender's fine.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18332605 I got all three, but only have the following as of now
6x Tornadous
2x Landorus
2x Thundurus
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18332530 I've disced up for a Icy Snow Vivillion!
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18332667 Sure can! just let me know when it's up
Quoted By:
>>18332677 disk up for thundurus
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>18332619 >>18332690 Sent,
I don't see any luv❥ left did I miss anyone?
Devvy 3196-4579-1460 [Rock: Magcargo, Dwebble, Rhydon]
Devvy 3196-4579-1460 [Rock: Magcargo, Dwebble, Rhydon] Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:01:47 No. 18332724 Report Quoted By:
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18332677 Cool, I put a disc up for a landorus
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
IGN Jonni. I out up a luve idc and someone traded me a regular Vivilion! ;-;
Could I please get your shiny one!?
>>18331950 Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:03:34 No. 18332746 Report Quoted By:
>>18332677 thank you so much!
Quoted By:
>>18331950 I don't have any Lucdiscs left, would you accept a Carvanha?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:04:08 No. 18332760 Report Quoted By:
>>18332677 mind if i get a tornadus?putting disc up
>>18332721 thank you again.
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18332677 Lemme get a Landorus
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>18332646 done
>>18332730 yes, i got 4 left
IGN: Abigail
>>18332677 Put one up for Thundurus.
>>18332762 can i get one would appreciate it.
Quoted By:
>>18332762 Awesome I put an American Vivillion up for it if you don't mind!
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18332721 Got it! Thank you so much, Icy Snow is so pretty. And you've sated my balltism so hard hnnh.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18332677 can I get a Shiny Thundurus? Disc is up.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18332762 disc will be up in a second.
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>18332677 Can I please get a Tornadus?
Man, I'm having terrible trouble with gender ratios. 50% female should not mean one female every two batches of eggs. That said, I have 7 Dusk Ball Hawluchas. 5IVs Adamant and Unburden with the egg moves Baton Pass, Agility, Entrainment, and Quick Guard. I can breed more if there's more interest.
Park 1736-1319-5391
Quoted By:
>>18332677 Putting disc up for Tornadus.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18332847 Sending Girl Power now.
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:10:44 No. 18332865 Report Quoted By:
>>18331988 Ok putting disc out since I guess missed for Vivillion.
>>18332847 I'll grab one, Disc up in a sec.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18332771 And with that, the last Thundurus is gone.
>>18332761 Same with Landorus
Only got 4x Tornado Djinn left.
So many people, so little time.
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
Quoted By:
>>18332677 Putting another one up for tornadous if that's alright
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18332870 You're the best!
>>18332863 What are you, a Powerpuff Girl?
>>18332866 Of course.
Aidan 0662-2881-1277 (IGN)
>>18332847 Can I grab one of those? Disc is up.
>>18332866 Did you get the pancham ?
I got an error midway
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Quoted By:
>>18332870 can you hold on to one for me?
My connection just timed out and I had to shut my game off.
Pan 4081-6672-6215 SV {3076}
>>18332778 >>18332858 done,
only 1 left :S and no ❥ at the GTS
IGN: Abigail
>>18332911 No, thought you left. I'll re-up once I get Hawlucha.
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>18332915 I will grab that off your hands
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18332298 Can I get a modest porygon download, disc is up. Can I also get a 5 IV adamant adaptability corphish
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18332870 May I have one of your tornadus? It's the one I don't have in my dex, I'll disc up for it in a second.
>>18332925 Yukari do you / were you doing Repeat Ball Fennekin earlier?
And if so please hook me up I'm addicted help. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18332870 i would be grateful for tornadus
Quoted By:
>>18332924 The Internet never fails to amaze.
>>18332910 Of course, sent.
Quoted By:
>>18332870 >>18332870 can i get a tornadus? thanks a ton
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:16:03 No. 18332965 Report >>18331988 Do I do disk for disc? than direct trade?
Park 1736-1319-5391
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:16:57 No. 18332975 Report >>18332870 Disc up for Tornadus if you got one left
>>18332911 Cosmic, I've got a Disc up for Pancham now.
IGN: Abigail
>>18332965 Disc for disc, Lime will initiate a trade afterwards.
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:17:58 No. 18332987 Report >>18332937 disc it up for the corphish
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Does Anyone want a luxury ball protean Froakie?
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
Quoted By:
>>18332870 Alright, my disc is now up from before
>>18332915 Thanks a lot Pan!
>>18332992 Are you going to be MMing that?
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18332992 >Luxury ball Froakie Why do you have that? Did you MM Froakie?
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:20:19 No. 18333019 Report Quoted By:
>>18332982 Sent
I'm out, gotta do hw.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18332870 Thank you for the Tornadus Rin!
>>18332950 Disc is up and away for balltism addiction numero fennekin's number!
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18333011 Ride began last night
>>18333012 I stole it.
Quoted By:
>>18332992 I bred those long ago, before I came to these threads. I hope I didn't give away the parents, come to think of it.
Quoted By:
>>18333028 Thank you~
>>18333032 Sent, enjoy!
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18332987 Disc is up. Can I also ask for a 5 IV adamant marvel scale dratini
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18332992 I should mention I have 6+1Frogadier right now.
>>18333034 It's going to be much more rewarding than the salads ever were.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18332975 Last one goes to you my good man.
For those I missed and/or wanted the other two, please don't worry. I'm planning on getting more shortly.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18333034 How many Torrent shinies do you think you're gonna get before a Protean shiny?
>>18333051 So...7 Frogadier?
Stop trying to trick us, I already told you I'm good at math.
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18333053 I should hope so.
>>18333054 so its safe to leave our precious disc on the gts for the genies?
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:24:55 No. 18333081 Report >>18333048 sure, go for it now
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle)
Natto 4914-4686-2443 (onix,dwebble,barbaracle) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:25:06 No. 18333082 Report Quoted By:
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
Quoted By:
>>18333062 50.
>>18333066 6 Froakie and 1 Frogadier, my brain isn't working.
I slept in on the first day back at uni (today) and nearly left my USB behind. Great start to the semester 3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
>>18333054 Can I just leave my disc up then, because I'm about to go to sleep?
Thanks anyway.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18333078 I would say so. I mean unless someone else is doing a Genie giveaway somewhere else, no one would give away their legendary for a disc.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18333093 Sure, I'll try to get you the Pokemon you're asking for first.
How can anyone tell if people delete your FC? Is it when they're shaded in between online friends?
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:34:27 No. 18333193 Report >>18333125 I am about to go to bed as well. I put up a disc for a Tornadus. Thanks a lot for the Thundurus
3411-2015-3364 nuzamaki90 (IGN: Ruby)
>>18333125 Thanks a lot mate, I put a disc up for Tornadus and I'll just let it sit out.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18333125 Can I get a thundurus? I'll leave a disc up.
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18333125 I also left one out for Tornadus whenever you get a chance. Thanks a bunch for the dex help!
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:39:09 No. 18333242 Report Quoted By:
>>18333160 I'm quite sure they just become provisionally registered (back of your friends list) again.
>Also; Anyone got a Swift Swim (HA) Anorith?
Quoted By:
>>18333160 Can't tell for sure 100%. Shaded in friends just means they're offline and that there's a person who had logged in before they did (to their right) that's still online and a person who logged in after they did (to their left) online.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18333193 >>18333215 >>18333224 >>18333229 I think I got you all. Enjoy the Pokemon
Got two nicks (one asking for a Lando, another a Tornad) and Sal. Are you guys still here?
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:47:35 No. 18333388 Report Quoted By:
>>18333360 yes i asked for lando
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18333360 Can I also get Tornadus?
Quoted By:
>>18331950 are you still doing this?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18333397 Place a disc up and find out
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:52:53 No. 18333455 Report Quoted By:
>>18333360 Thanks a bunch Rinneth! Sleep time for me!
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18333420 Can I also get Landorus? if so a disc is up
>>18333360 Any left, buddy?
Quoted By:
>>18333420 ok disc is up for landorus and thundurus
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18333472 That's great. Can I have a Landorus?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18333472 I don't want to be greedy but f*ck i want all the 3 of them :c Disc up sorry for the abuse
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Man I missed a great giveaway. I wanted a shiny buge. ;_; And most of today. I still have 3 Knock Off Bisharp from yesterday. I also have Iron Fist Chimchar with Encore/Fake Out/T-Punch/Quick Guard. No females though sorry! Moon Ball Diglett available too with egg moves~
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Quoted By:
>>18333522 >>18333472 Ohh i want thundu by the way
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 04:59:34 No. 18333550 Report >>18333525 Hey, Cynthia! I'll take that diglett :3
I need a sec to catch a few discs, though.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:00:45 No. 18333563 Report >>18333472 ive placed a disc up for thundorus.sorry for the trouble
>>18333525 can you save me a bisharp? i missed it yesterday would appreciate it
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
Lime, are you still around?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Quoted By:
>>18333550 No problem! Just tell me when it's up. Egg moves are: Memento/Pursuit/Reversal/Mud Bomb if you're curious
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333563 No problem, just tell me when your disc is up for it.
Quoted By:
>>18333525 i just put a disc up for bisharp thank you for this awesome pokemon
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18333525 can I get a diglett? female if possible? disc is up. Can I also get an iron fist chimchar?
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:03:38 No. 18333592 Report >>18333525 Can I take a bisharp as well? I'll slap that one up first.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:05:42 No. 18333614 Report Quoted By:
>>18333582 coolbeans disc is up. thank you again
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333589 You can have both. I'm sorry my Diglett females all ended up have sand veil even though it had a Arena Trap parent. :/
>>18333592 Can I rain check you on that Bisharp? It turns out one of the ones I have left is one with a nickname...and I'm not sure if you want one named boxcutter.
Quoted By:
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333592 I will definitely get you one tomorrow though, I just don't have much time tonight to Pokebank things. ;_;
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:08:13 No. 18333640 Report >>18333622 >>18333634 Oh that's no problem. Are the IVs in the correct places? If not I'll be breeding that anyway, but the name is fitting, and I nickname all my mons.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18333622 Its cool, Thanks for the great mons.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333640 IVs should be okay I think, but not perfect. I was breeding for IVs still. I don't remember much about the Diglett journey. I'm such a bad breeder. ;_;
Oh so you want this bisharp, or would you rather wait for an un-nicknamed one?
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:11:11 No. 18333663 Report >>18333655 I'm putting a disc up for the bisharp.
>>18333622 Can I get a Diglett? Disc is up
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18333525 Can i have a female diglett please?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333663 Boxcutter sent!
I can't wait for the day 6th gen finally have move tutors. I MMed for a Bisharp and I love him but not having Knock off is suffering. ;_;
>>18333682 You were either sniped or I got you. Check for that moon ball!
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:16:07 No. 18333707 Report >>18333699 You don't know how many mons I've bred and EV trained and had to work around their lack of tutor moves that so many sets are based around. Shit is killing me.
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333690 Yeah of course, upload that disc. Females are all I give~
Unless they're husbando or 8-1 gender ratios.
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333707 Soon! Soon our bros will be useful when Z comes out. Just gotta wait...soon. ;_;
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:21:02 No. 18333771 Report >>18333758 I slapped a disc up for that Diglett, is send?
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
>>18333771 It is sent.
Sorry my internet just decided to die on me all of a sudden? No clue why. Well I'm off to bed thread~ See you all next time!
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto)
Seokseen: 1306-6297-6496 (Lillipup, Audino, Ditto) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:30:31 No. 18333845 Report Quoted By:
>>18333816 Thanks for the mons! G'night Cynthia!
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon)
Will 0576 5018 7142 (dragon: gabite, shelgon, druddigon) Mon 03 Mar 2014 05:33:27 No. 18333866 Report Quoted By:
>>18333525 putting up a disc for that chimchar, pls still be there ;_;
>>18331946 any chance you have any of these left to give?
IGN: Anthony
Quoted By:
Looking for a Chinchou with Heal Bell. I don't have access to transfer a tutored one from earlier generations. Put up a VP disc. Thanks to any who can help.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18333947 I still have some left, but I'm going to bed soon. I may have time to give you one.
Venser 0989-1796-2892
Quoted By:
>>18331950 if ur still doing it i put up my luv disc
>>18334132 sweet thanks ill pick thunderus. i dont have any of them in my dex so getting even just one helps me out. disc is going up
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18334148 Where's the disc at?
>>18334294 it should be up. lvl 15 disc for Thunderus
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18334310 >Thunderus >Thundurus I see the problem now.
>>18334327 Whoops wow I didnt even pay attention to the misspelling. I thought GTS checked for that so I assumed it was correct, my bad. It's up now for real
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18334360 You should have it now. Now if you want, you can direct trade me for the other two.
>>18334327 I just got it thank you very much. hopefully ill get here earlier when theres another one of these legendary giveaways so i can nab them all haha
Dan (0576 - 5576 -5937)
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a goomy or noibat with decent IVs?
>>18334384 >>18334388 thanks for all three wasnt expecting it lol awesome!
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Alright guys I have 9 female charmanders in premier balls. They're timid with scratch, dragon dance, flare blitz, and dragon pulse. 2 of them need to relearn egg moves.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18334424 Not a problem. To be honest I was only planning on giving your Thundurus before hitting the sack, but your misspelling of it's name created enough time for me to think over if I should stay on a bit longer to give you the other two. Enough ranting from me, glad you like the Pokemon and hope you enjoy them.
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18334470 can I get one? Disc is up.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
>>18334470 Putting a disc up. Thanks!
Quoted By:
Looking for a bulbasaur and any other hard to find/unavailable starters
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Quoted By:
>>18334525 Geez I was so sad when I read that. Thanks for the Charmader though.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
Hey guys.. how were your weekends?
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928}
Jay- 2664-2216-2324(Ledyba, Illumise, heracross){1928} Mon 03 Mar 2014 06:50:13 No. 18334739 Report Quoted By:
I know this is an odd request but...does anyone have a 31/31/31/xx/31/0 male Honedge or mineral group male pokemon
>>18334724 Hi Mal! I finally started on the shiny chinchou ride
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18334741 Good luck! Want a charmander?
>>18334470 Jay
>>18331988 was this the manectric w/ mega that were gonna be given out for someones bday? damn i was hoping it didnt happen yet rather that i missed it
>>18334774 Nah it's fine. Got myself a shiny charmander a long time ago.
Quoted By:
>>18334470 I'll grab a Charmander, Disc up in a sec.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18334805 How many shinies have you hatched anyways?
>>18334825 oh man... definitely over 20 since i got the charm
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
>>18334832 I kinda want to start MM'ing all my favorite mons, but I'm also tempted with creating a living dex of competitive mons.
>>18334867 i'm going for all the pink ones.
I kinda want a living dex but I have about 7 days until my 50+ boxes of rejects in bank get deleted so maybe i'll actually pay for it eventully
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18334832 How long has your longest MM been since getting the charm?
I've gotten diddly squat with it. Nearing box 29 of riolu.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
>>18334885 Ive already purchased another year of bank, and I still have ~14 boxes of hawlucha in there.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18334913 Longest had to be 600 somethin eggs which was munchlax... I usually keep going in case i don't get a 5IV the first time but i'm reeeeally lucky.
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Katherine 5300-9372-9430
>>18334470 do you have any physical charmanders?
Fuccboi 5155- 3949 -2947 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
Fuccboi 5155- 3949 -2947 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Mon 03 Mar 2014 08:03:42 No. 18335345 Report Why do you guys lack Aromatisse. Last pokemon to fill my dex. Wondertrade and GTS not working.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
>>18331950 Jesus, please tell me you're still doing this...
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Mon 03 Mar 2014 08:21:05 No. 18335465 Report anybody got a penta perfect phantump with harvest they mind tossing my way?
Kip FC: 3411 0580 3763
>>18335318 >>18335318 I have a jolly shiny charizard for trade
Quoted By:
>>18335755 >trade This is a giveaway thread.
Quoted By:
>>18335345 No one is going to willingly give you a trade item that needs and item.
It's fairly easy to get if you know what you're doing.
Falsehood 1736 - 0748 - 0534
Quoted By:
>>18332298 Can I get a Corphish? Putting disc up <3
Quoted By:
>>18335346 are you still giving away those charmanders
Morten 2036-7263-4838
Quoted By:
>>18335346 Hey Mal, do you have any Zangoose left? I've been trying to get one for ages.
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:38:34 No. 18336347 Report Anyone got any of these? Never mind the formatting...
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion)
PlagueDoc 3411-2276-7058 (Aidspurr-Munna-Duosion) Mon 03 Mar 2014 12:43:50 No. 18336367 Report Quoted By:
>>18336347 Oh, also, I have breeding spares. All at least 4iv all HA:
Rotom, honedge, curselax, icepunch+fakeout sneasel, gligar (no moves), froakie, ralts, stealth rock + leech seed ferroseed.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:19:40 No. 18336479 Report Quoted By:
just gonna ask again to see if I get different results anyone got a HA careful phantump?
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18335465 I have one put your disc man
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:35:36 No. 18336544 Report Quoted By:
>>18336480 disc is up sorry went for some food
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18333360 Never ended up getting one but that's okay. I hope to catch you again
DB 4055-4755-4502
Anyone got a Accelgor/Escavalier? I need it for kalos dex.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18336549 I clearly remember giving you at least a Landorus last night.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:45:02 No. 18336579 Report >>18336480 throwing up another. other one got sniped
Santi (1693-1338-7447)
>>18336552 Put up a Karrablast asking for a Shelmet and vice versa. Takes less than 5 minutes normally.
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Mon 03 Mar 2014 13:51:02 No. 18336605 Report Quoted By:
DB 4055-4755-4502
>>18336599 Alright, well now i have a accelgor. Just need escavalier and i can move on.
>>18336609 Now you do the opposite, put up a Shelmet for a Karrablast. It's not hard.
DB 4055-4755-4502
Quoted By:
>>18336618 Welp, time to go catch a shelmet.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Tariq 4699-7157-1718 IGN Magenera
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18336577 Yeah I got the Landorus. I thought the post I responded to was you saying you also handed out the tornadous too. My mistake if that's not what you meant
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
Hey, does anybody have a 5IV Infiltrator Timid Noivern? (31/0/31/31/31/31) Honestly, I've spent ages looking for this thing but no luck. Help would be greatly appreciated.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18337101 Oh, I thought you meant you never got any of the three genies in general, which isn't true since I gave you at least one of them. If you're truly didn't get Thundurus/Tornadus, I'm willing to direct trade them to you.
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
Quoted By:
>>18337139 Also IGN is Reaver.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18337139 I have a pentaperfect one, but it has frisk. :/
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
>>18337165 That'll be fine, I'll buy an ability capsule. Is it Timid?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18337179 Sure does, bred it myself. Put up a disc!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
>>18337206 Already done so, thank you! IGN is Reaver I believe. Message simply says "timid 5iv please"
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18337139 >>18337219 Oh shit, I have a noibat, not a noivern. I'm sorry - does that still work?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18337231 I probably shouldn't try to be doing this right after I get out of bed Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
>>18337231 Yes that's perfectly fine, all I need is the nature and IVs. Thank you for clarifying though!
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18337255 Okay, cool. Could you re-up asking for a noibat?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
I have timid compound eyes premier ball scatterbugs, continental pattern. They should be 4-5iv. Also female Tropius in Dream Balls, Harvest, 5iv, Modest, 4 egg moves. Disc up if you want either of those.
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
>>18337262 Just done so then
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18337288 Sent, I hope it's helpful!
Wriggers 0146-9817-2590
Quoted By:
>>18337296 It is, thanks again! You've helped me amazingly.
Okay, now I really need to get bank or release stuff.
>>18337141 >tfw I went to bed right before the genies. At least I didn't miss Manectric. Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18337459 I also had a Disc up asking for Lv. 1–10 Charizard, just to see what would happen. Didn't let me on GTS though.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Mon 03 Mar 2014 16:08:05 No. 18337495 Report I've got some Shuppets to give away. Cursed Body in Luxury Ball. Jolly Females Egg Moves: Disable, Phantom Force, Destiny Bond, Gunk Shot 5x with 5IV 2x With 4IV (5 Really as there is a 0 IV on SPC Attack) 1x Don't know what the IVs are. 1x infuriating 6 IV Insomnia Shuppet.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
>>18337493 Oh. Get the bank then, it's worth it imho, even though in my coutry it's pricey as shit compared to the us.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18337428 Jesus and I thought I was a pack rat within Pokemon games.
I'll take a wild guess and say most of it is/are leftover Pokemon from breeding project that are great breeding material. Have the same problem.
>>18337495 I would love the insomnia Shuppet. Is it female? Discing up anyway, ign is Exbo
Quoted By:
>>18337511 I have one box for about every type (Normal, Bug and Water have two, Flying has none), two additional boxes for all starters, two boxes for legendaries. That already claims 24 in-game boxes.
The rest are breeding leftovers, planned projects, stuff I haven't given away yet and one 1½ boxes of fully-trained competitive mons.
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Mon 03 Mar 2014 16:18:52 No. 18337585 Report Quoted By:
>>18337535 Shuppet inbound. Female Insomnia 6 IV
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
Is anyone else having a problem with refreshing this thread?
>>18337495 I'll grab one of the 5 IV ones, thanks Andrea!
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Mon 03 Mar 2014 16:26:09 No. 18337661 Report Quoted By:
>>18337638 Sent, and you are welcome!
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18337141 That would be awesome if you really don't mind and if you're still around... Sorry for the late response. I had to go to class. I've got about 10 mins before I need to leave again If you're around later tonight that would work better.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18337842 I'm still here, breeding Mantine. I can trade with you right now if you like, but I'll probably be on later if you think you don't have enough time.
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18337910 Class canceled apparently
I've already added you
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Guys, is moon ball absol a thing?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
>>18338135 Added you, you should see me now.
Is there any point to breeding HP Electric onto Mantine within 6th gen?
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
Quoted By:
>>18338186 Appreciate it!
Sorry for the drilblurs... Left overs and such.
>>18338184 Fits the sickle. I got one from Yamille, so it's not a particularly new thing.
>>18338186 Sounds like a dumb idea.
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
>>18338357 You're probably right as the set I'm aiming for also recommends Ice Beam in place of HP Electric.Beside these Mantine don't want to cooperate with me at the moment.
>>18338357 I...think it was a joke? I mean unless rynn got some nasty amnesia
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
>>18338521 I've just got shit memory, sorry ; ;
I'm kinda tempted to MM an absol but I think I want it in a premier ball, fits better than moon, with certain egg moves and I would have to have a 6iv female.
Maybe I'll just ask Gray to gen me the parents.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {3548}
Quoted By:
IGN: Zilla was hoping to get a level ball numel please and thank you put a lvl.15 JPN Luvdisc up. Message /vp/(hearts)
Would anybody have an extra 5iv Kangaskhan laying around? It would be much appreciated!
Morning all! What's new?
I've been on a D3 rampage >>18338803 I have an imperfect 5IV Safari Ball Kangaskhan if you want it.
>>18338533 Premier works far better with the shiny. Red/white, and pokeball a shit
Quoted By:
>>18339125 I would thanks! Putting up a Luvdisc right now.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
>>18339146 Yeah, I know. I somehow forgot about the normal pokeballs and not apricorn ones and I just realised that when I opened the pokeball chart thingy.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 {2086}
Quoted By:
>>18339502 Thread is autosaging.