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Pokemon-style MMORPG

!!QSvwrQMMkoH No.18334923 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I'm building a Pokemon-style MMORPG. For legal and creative reason I'll be ditching Pokemon copyright material, but I'll be sticking closely to the feel of battling, breeding, training, etc.

The game is very early on in development. I'm still developing concepts, shopping and experimenting with different engines and libraries (to the point where I don't have a good name picked out), but I'd still like to have a place to chuck out ideas and get feedback. So, I've got two questions for you guys:

1) I'm looking for a game or RPG community that'd help facilitate balancing numbers for stats, weaknesses, etc. If you know of one, please let me know.

2) I'd like to hear what you guys personally would like to see in a Pokemon game if you had the power to influence development. Any ideas are welcomed.

You can follow development of the game here, but keep expectations reasonably low as I work a full time job in the software industry.

(the logo is a joke, by the way)