Don't listen to that hogwash.
We're going to 1,000 pokemon in total (not including Megas)
Ggen 7 - 9 will be introducing Gen 1 - 6 Mega Evolutions of every Pokemon + Legendaries, including the new Legendaries that will be coming out.
Gen 10 will Officially have 1,000 (non-Mega) pokemon + mega evolution of every Pokemon excluding Gen 10 Legendaries.
Pokemon.comPokemon Competitions (Ask the Judges)
Pokemon Conventions (Attend Panels)
Pokemon Broadcasts (Japanese usually)
and Magazine articles with interviews.
It's been said by Gamefreak (Pokemon creator(s) respectively) that they already have 1,000 drawn out/concepts. They are working on the Mega evolutions and when/what to put in at what time and with what game.
Also working on a Next Gen Pokemon platform that will succeed 3DS/DS and bridge Console play with Handhelds, while adding new online features to increase playability including a MMO like feel but limited to a party of four. Ideally they want a linked verse where two players (locally) or (internet) can be each other's rival and play in the same world with the ability to battle when you come across each other.
It's not an official mechanic yet but they're working on making that a possibility with Pokemon MMO's not entirely being out of the question though it's not in the Company's interest as of right now.
There's your Official news source and not rumors or hypothesis.