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First for Normal
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M-muh Fire types!
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 14:18:13 No. 18364402 Report Well Battle Spot was a terrible idea for testing my team Why the fuck does everyone have bulky dark types
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>>18364402 Weird, I never see any of those. Mostly balanced teams and children with pathetic Ubers.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
>>18364402 My first two battles there were good then suddenly jap's and fairy's everywhere.
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18364492 So how many of you (like me) have at least one Pokemon on your team from another trainer? Any of you have friends that traded you a perfect Pokemon?
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 14:58:13 No. 18364657 Report >>18364402 >tfw beating scizor and mega zard Y with ice team fucking '09er smogon teams out the ass
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18364657 2009? What was that, DPPt?
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18364723 Well, Google tells me I'm technically correct, but did you mean the early BW Smogon metagame? People still probably use some of those sets.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 15:35:18 No. 18364860 Report Quoted By:
>>18364791 Generally speaking yeah, I just mean commonly used mons that have remained OU/viable for a while.
Most opponents have just let loose their shiny squads and xerenas' though
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Hey Ice teams.... Good luck!
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 15:37:09 No. 18364874 Report Quoted By:
I've also realised I'm awful at 3v3 Really bad at predicting which ones my opponent chooses out of their team
>>18364402 All I know from battle spot is how to lose to gyrados/m kanga/talonflame at a snails pace
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>>18364886 that should be garchomp. Im tired
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 15:47:47 No. 18364937 Report Quoted By:
>>18364886 All I can do to M-Kanga is burn it and hope to get off a Fighting move
Problem is it either double Sucker Punches me, or double Earthquakes if contact moves aren't viable
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 15:51:20 No. 18364962 Report >try to test team >blaizkens that set up on me when i play against that notioon >genesects and ubers out of the ass the worst thing is when you assume your opponent is retarded for using cut against froslass on their zard after cursed body activates on them. then they use an actual move next turn. that isn't strategy, that's hedging your bets and convincing me you're stupid. This is why I hate anything other than best of three scenarios unless it's clear a game in that my team cannot win seriously, 3v3 isn't meant for ice, if I didn't love the type every which way i'd be using another - it's built for 6's
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 18:55:21 No. 18366743 Report mods are asleep post dedenne
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 18:56:26 No. 18366759 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 18:57:35 No. 18366773 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 18:58:49 No. 18366787 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 18:59:55 No. 18366803 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:00:58 No. 18366821 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:02:06 No. 18366835 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:03:14 No. 18366845 Report daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:04:19 No. 18366857 Report Quoted By:
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados)
Joaco 4270-1507-2013 Poison (Drapion/Cascoon/Ariados) Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:04:46 No. 18366863 Report Shiny charm my ass. Fuck Masuda Hatched a shiny Axew in less that one day without that piece of shit, but I can't hatch a fucking charmander now.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:05:22 No. 18366869 Report Quoted By:
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:07:39 No. 18366896 Report >Find a Shiny Geodude while horde training on Route 18 yesterday >absolutely worthless as shit IVs (as well as being a fucking Geodude)
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:10:37 No. 18366932 Report Quoted By:
welp mods hate dedenne ;_;
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 19:18:15 No. 18366996 Report Quoted By:
>>18366896 >tfw hatching snorunts >got first shiny the other day >male >shitty iv spread why
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18364962 >Leaving Froslass out against any Charizard >Complaining Top kek
>>18367635 I think a Sashed Froslass can kill Charizard/M-Charizard Y before it gets killed
>>18367721 >252 SpA Froslass Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard X: 123-145 (41.2 - 48.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO >252 SpA Froslass Ice Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 94-112 (31.5 - 37.5%) -- 90.6% chance to 3HKO Highly unlikely.
>>18367747 Ice Beam?
Thunderbolt/Thunder nigga
>>18367785 >252 SpA Froslass Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 126-150 (42.2 - 50.3%) -- 1.2% chance to 2HKO >252 SpA Froslass Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard X: 41-48 (13.7 - 16.1%) -- possible 7HKO Thunder is irrelevant because it still does fuck all to X and Y's sun makes it have an accuracy of 50%, horridly unreliable.
>>18367808 Note I didn't say Charizard X moron.
Base Charizard or Charizard Y
>>18367818 Are you fucking blind?
>>18367808 >252 SpA Froslass Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 126-150 (42.2 - 50.3%) -- 1.2% chance to 2HKO Charizard is irrelevant because ANY charizard will be mega'd.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 20:39:43 No. 18367892 Report Quoted By:
Oh god what have I done. No, I played froslass first and my other picks weren't going to function well enough. Gah 3's annoy me because generally in 6's you can lead with abomasnow or at least you could before the weather nerfs, now I have to pick so carefully even then it isn't a guaranteed safe bet. If the guy didn't fake me out using cut, i'd have gotten an extra attack in at least, I can't remember but I think my other picks were shitty . I've barely managed to get training in with this team and I still think 2 or 3 members aren't getting enough input or putting enough work in. eugh
>>18367834 >I think a Sashed Froslass can kill Charizard/M-Charizard Y before it gets killed >252 SpA Froslass Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Charizard Y: 126-150 (42.2 - 50.3%) -- 1.2% chance to 2HKO >252 SpA Froslass Thunderbolt vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Charizard: 164-194 (55 - 65.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO Looks like anon was right.
>>18367937 That implies the person doesn't immediately mega evolve, which means they caught them on the switch. How often are you going to successfully predict a charizard switching in?
>>18367970 It doesn't imply shit, you fuckhead. It can 2HKO either one, and it outspeeds both. Quit being a fucking retard.
>>18368003 >2HKO either one >1.2% chance to 2HKO If you honestly think you're going to 2HKO you're fucking retarded.
Actias 5300 9493 0648
I left this thread open as I went to sleep and I see half of it is now mods deleting adorable pikaclone pictures
>>18368037 >/vp/ janitors >competent Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:02:46 No. 18368171 Report >>18368037 >13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts. Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18368171 That shitty, avatarfagging is climatic
Tim 1478 4207 2056 [Original champion]
>>18368051 Patty I need a champ rebattle!!!
Also, hi all!
Quoted By:
>>18368171 >implying everybody on these threads doesnt avatarfag thats why this threads suck dick
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:05:30 No. 18368213 Report Quoted By:
Who wants to battle?
Tim 1478 4207 2056 [Original champion]
Quoted By:
>>18368198 Damn. Ill guess again.
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:06:37 No. 18368236 Report practice, anyone? need some general tips if something goes south my way before i train a couple other members last minute
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:07:11 No. 18368244 Report Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:09:44 No. 18368286 Report Quoted By:
Actias 5300 9493 0648
Quoted By:
>>18368236 My advice is shiny everything, but it doesn't help to win battles, apparently
>>18368016 >not comprehending the word "can" Keep being a massive fucking retard.
>>18368326 Alright. A froslass also CAN kill a ho-oh if the ho-oh misses 6 sacred fires in a row. The chances of it happening are still so low you have to be an extraordinary asshole to even consider it. Fitting.
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>>18368037 It was daniel, right? :3
>>18368390 thank you for admitting that the anon was right, and you are a wrong asshole inserting his wrongness where it doesnt belong, like an asshole.
>>18368390 except this doesnt involve any misses, it's a simple 2hko.
stop being a fucknut
>>18368444 >wrong Maybe if you idiots read what I wrote you'd know I was never wrong.
>>18367747 >Highly unlikely Point out where I said he was wrong.
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>>18368471 All I see from reading your posts is that your math is off by 50 levels.
>>18368466 >simple 2HKO You're more likely to freeze with ice beam than land a 2KHO. How on earth is that simple?
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>>18368494 because you attack once, and then attack again. how is that not simple? are you dense?
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>>18368471 >That implies the person doesn't immediately mega evolve here you go moron. this and several other things you said were horribly wrong
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:35:08 No. 18368585 Report >Toxic missed twice
Quoted By:
>>18368585 the perils of Toxic stalling
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:36:54 No. 18368607 Report Quoted By:
>>18368585 You even took the plunge to let it faint and i got a free switch in ;_;
I guess lassy is staying around, first time that moveset has worked outside of battle spot at least, 4th slot may need to be changed though.
I just think M-Abomasnow got to shine in that set really, nothing except that flamethrower had it worried.
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:37:39 No. 18368620 Report >Calcs say if I opened with chandlure I would have swept everything but Mamoswine
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:40:21 No. 18368664 Report Quoted By:
>>18368620 Probably. I need to eat for now though, can we go again later maybe?
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:44:12 No. 18368729 Report Quoted By:
Anyone else wanna battle?
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:46:23 No. 18368768 Report >>18368620 Why do I get the horrible feeling half our team is identical to each other
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:47:59 No. 18368794 Report >>18368768 What is your team then?
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:50:35 No. 18368831 Report Quoted By:
>>18368794 Well I also have a Chandelure for one, and I'm pretty sure you've said you have a Cofagrigus
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 21:52:36 No. 18368857 Report Quoted By:
I really want to use Jynx, Walrein and Glaceon and Cryagonal but that's like every viable Ice Type left that I don't have. gib gym leader pls
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Quoted By:
>>18368931 Kanade just challenged me, but I'll fight you afterwards
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 22:01:31 No. 18368970 Report Quoted By:
Ima gonna bp grind, need at least 200 to keep this team stocked, almost forgot, training is 2fun when things work in mono compared to battle spot
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Wed 05 Mar 2014 22:20:06 No. 18369273 Report Quoted By:
Damn your Porygon
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
>>18368931 Your ign is Serena, right?
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette)
Blake 2981-6757-4289 (Dedenne, Mawile, Floette) Wed 05 Mar 2014 22:39:32 No. 18369589 Report so, is battle test faster than running maison for bp?
3093 7346 2223 Tavo (Normal Type Team)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
>>18369572 GG your porygon's fuck shit up if left unchecked.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Training on Mountain) (The FrisPope) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:08:11 No. 18369999 Report Who wants a duel?
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:10:37 No. 18370049 Report >>18369999 Forgot to change my name
Also, holy shit my first quads
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:11:54 No. 18370075 Report probably gonna replace spiderbro with heliolisk bug isn't a very good offensive type and galv doesn't bring much else to the table besides 30% paralysis with thunder and a move that goes through subs helio has lots of useful coverage moves at least
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:13:05 No. 18370092 Report Quoted By:
>>18370079 shoot me an invite when you get on.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:30:30 No. 18370341 Report >>18370075 I still find it odd it learns Surf and Dark Pulse
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:36:21 No. 18370428 Report >>18370341 >evolves by sun stone >helio means sun >has sun frills around its neck >has solar power as an ability >DOESN'T LEARN SOLAR BEAM GAME FREEEAAAAAAK
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:38:24 No. 18370460 Report Quoted By:
>>18370428 Wait it doesn't learn Solar Beam
yet learns DARK pulse.
the fuck?
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:40:11 No. 18370500 Report >>18370079 >Leech Seed missed! >Leech Seed missed! >Leech Seed missed! >90% accuracy Fuck that bullshit.
0.1% chance of that happening.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
Man RNG was fucking up.
Quoted By:
get crit 6 times in a row by an unboosted pokemon and come see me
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:50:39 No. 18370666 Report >>18370500 >having shit accuracy when having a Minimizer sweet justice
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:53:52 No. 18370715 Report >>18370666 >complaining about minimize Muk I rarely use him, if ever. Get over it.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
Tim, if you're lurking the thread I'm ready for your re-challenge.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion] SV: 1788
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion] SV: 1788 Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:55:32 No. 18370740 Report Quoted By:
>>18370726 Awesome.
I'm out currently, but will be here in like 45 minutes.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:56:18 No. 18370753 Report >>18370715 >I rarely use him I guess we'll see starting tomorrow
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Wed 05 Mar 2014 23:56:39 No. 18370757 Report >>18370726 Do you have a monotype team? If so, fight me
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
If I hadn't already entered as electric I would totally enter under normal with an eviolite minimize chansey
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:00:18 No. 18370819 Report >>18370753 fite me
And I think I read that the competition doesn't actually start until the 8th. The registration ends tomorrow.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
>>18370757 I'll fight you.
Quoted By:
>>18370775 >252+ Atk Choice Band Machamp Dynamic Punch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Eviolite Chansey: 714-840 (101.4 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO Everyone better be mono fighting.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:03:22 No. 18370864 Report Quoted By:
>>18370819 nah, playing Darksiders at the moment (not to mention the Battle Spots I did this morning have left me a little sour at the moment)
Don't know why this game got meh praise, seems fairly decent
Guess it got overshadowed by being around stuff like Bayonetta and Mass Effect
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:03:33 No. 18370865 Report Dear Game Freak, Why is focus blast so shit?
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:03:37 No. 18370866 Report Quoted By:
>>18370831 give me a few minutes. Gotta do something.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:09:05 No. 18370931 Report Quoted By:
>>18370865 Because its a Blizzard/Thunder/Hurricane variant
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
Man... Playing through White 2, the RNG is beyond relentless! Missing Charge Beam 3 times in a row, fully paralyzed 6 times in a row, double crits, Powder Snow freezing followed by Ember burning next turn, Fire Fang missing 3 times in a row... I don't remember the RNG being such bullshit in gen 5.
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion] SV: 1788
Tim 1478-4207-2056 [Original Champion] SV: 1788 Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:48:35 No. 18371512 Report >>18370831 Home, coming on now!
>>18370865 can you fucking imagine a 100 acurracy 120 specail ighting move without drawbacks
it need nerf come fucking on
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:51:34 No. 18371560 Report >>18371544 Just make it 85/100 or something
or give aura sphere better distribution
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:52:35 No. 18371572 Report Quoted By:
>>18371560 *85% accuracy 100 BP
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:52:48 No. 18371575 Report Quoted By:
>>18371560 I'd say just give Aura Sphere better distribution
Give it to Delphox for starters
Nathan - 2878-9714-5603
Quoted By:
>>18371544 I'd gladly take focus blast with -def/sp def if it had 100% accuracy
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:53:31 No. 18371582 Report hai g-guysare mods mad at me yet?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:55:12 No. 18371620 Report >>18371582 i mean, still mad a me
sorry for bad engrish
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 00:58:54 No. 18371671 Report Sorry about the wait, had to go out and get dinner, then eat it.
>>18370831 You still here?
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:01:28 No. 18371710 Report >>18371671 >(Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) i love you W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:02:55 No. 18371735 Report Quoted By:
>>18371710 anything for my fans, NYEEEE!!!! mods
>>18371582 >>18371620 no bby we have foregiven you :3
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
>>18371512 Good games Tim.
>>18371671 I'm ready now.
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18371383 Haha, just read the rest of the thread. I had posted without refreshing for a few hours... Seems the RNG in gen 6 isn't much better!
Quoted By:
>>18371762 no you haven't
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:08:33 No. 18371809 Report >>18371790 hi aniny, not posting pika pics since m00t is mad at me ;_;
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18371786 Still champ, Patty? Or did Tim take back his chair?
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
Quoted By:
>>18371809 Yeah, I guess the mods hate pikas now or something.
Sorry bro.
Tim 1478 4207 2056 [Original champion]
>>18371853 Ill win tomorrow. Same time??
Aniny !WODDIhTl5M
>>18371853 Ooh man, and only one try left, I guess!
I wouldn't mind seeing some replays for the last champ vs champ battle. Can't see them tonight, but I can copy the code and watch them tomorrow.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Quoted By:
Question I reset my challenge but never really got around to doing it thanks to life and work so could I take my old champion team and attempt to reclaim my champ status or am I no longer aloud?
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:28:46 No. 18372096 Report ...anyone on who can clone me an ability capsule? Just hatched a perfect chinchou with fucking illuminate
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:30:19 No. 18372123 Report >>18372096 mike
but he has dissapeared
i miss him
and pikas miss him too
captcha: cry bewike
cry by mike Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:33:42 No. 18372177 Report >>18372123 nice tripcode :^) daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:34:08 No. 18372183 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
I'm tempted to check this.
>>18371853 >Destiny Bond >Sap Sipper You found 2 of the 3 things that can kill my M-Dino. GG.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
>>18371671 Good games Will, they were pretty close.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:41:06 No. 18372265 Report Stratos 3196-3681-9383
>>18372265 Like it matters at this point I'm challenging for your champ title.
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18371882 Yep. I'm so glad mid-terms are almost over, I need my free time.
>>18371904 I can post the vids tomarrow if you want, and ya, Tim has one chance left.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:44:02 No. 18372305 Report Quoted By:
>>18372265 Oh
I swear, m00t took over my computer for a minute, forgot to change the name
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:44:24 No. 18372310 Report >>18372262 >will OH SHIT GUYS WILL IS MOOT HOLY SHIT ASKDNXAWHRGNXFDF INTERNET IS OVER
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:46:53 No. 18372369 Report >>18372310 I swear, I was just hanging with moot at his house, and he wanted to do some shit. He forgot to change the name back.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:47:36 No. 18372382 Report >>18372369 k
pls say moot hi!
also ask him which one is his favorite pika
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [Current Champion]
>>18372297 I'm ready for you.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 01:48:35 No. 18372391 Report Quoted By:
>>18372382 he said Agumon
Stratos 3196-3681-9383
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:08:42 No. 18372701 Report Anyone up for a duel?
Quoted By:
>>18372701 you mean a d-d-d-d--d-d-d--dduel
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:11:04 No. 18372735 Report Patty 0705-2833-8508 [7th Champion]
>>18372423 Ah, I lost the OU: the team, the experience, the blah blah blah. But oh well, a win is a win, good job. You are the champion once again. You earned it.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [7th Champion]
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ) Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:16:59 No. 18372821 Report Champ status: Reclaimed
>>18372788 Blame Frisbee for my team he drove me to it.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [7th Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18372821 Ah, I can't blame you there.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:22:45 No. 18372892 Report Quoted By:
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:32:48 No. 18373030 Report Quoted By:
Haha, my team is so stupid
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:35:07 No. 18373066 Report Quoted By:
That switcheroo would have seriously crippled that muk though, provided I waited to use it on it
Frisbee [Flying Gym] !xGitLuxURY
>>18372821 >>18372788 >>18371786 >>18371853 >>18372262 Wow, there's an all out brawl for the final Champ title. Awesome!
If anyone still needs to challenge the Flying Gym, let me know.
>>18372821 Hehehe.
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [7th Champion]
Quoted By:
>>18373088 Actually my battle against Will was between our mono-type teams.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:52:20 No. 18373293 Report Crobat isn't nearly as good as I was hoping he'd be... I was expecting at least SOME OHKO's, but literally everything that's not super effective is around 80% damage...
Quoted By:
>>18373293 His attacking stats aren't that great
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 02:59:55 No. 18373407 Report >>18373379 I have an adamant one with 252 Attack EV's and Choice Band, and it's still barely killing anything.
Frisbee !xGitLuxURY
Quoted By:
>>18373407 You need more of a boost than 50%?
Use Thick Club, it doubles the attack stat (^:
what's a good Special Attacking Dark Type pokemon?
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:05:19 No. 18373491 Report W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:05:25 No. 18373492 Report Quoted By:
Patty 0705-2833-8508 [7th Champion]
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:12:22 No. 18373595 Report Quoted By:
Okay, someone fight this new team order that I made. plz. plz. plz. plz respond plz
Tomorrow is the last day for season 1's challenge. Tomorrow is the last day to register for season 2's tourney. HYPE HYPE HYPE
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:28:19 No. 18373817 Report ded thred edition or people furiosly training their teams for the new tourney thred edition
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:29:52 No. 18373836 Report >>18373813 I have a feeling I will be eliminated quite early on once again
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:31:42 No. 18373872 Report >>18373836 Last time, My first two opponents were Callum and Q. I was knoclked out round one. Then again, last time I only had 3 days to put together a team, and it was pretty bad...
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18373817 It's the quiet before the storm. I know my team is finished and has been for a while, now i just gotta wait for when matchups are posted. I may do a bit more testing when i have time, though obviously battle spot is out of the question.
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:33:19 No. 18373908 Report >>18373836 I fear likewise
Starting to feel Ghost aint good for Monotype.
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>18373908 You take that back. Ghost is the best monotype.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:34:56 No. 18373931 Report >>>>18373926 Fite me and prove it
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:35:02 No. 18373935 Report >>18373872 I chose grass and got matched up with types SE against grass. Also Walled by Daniel Chesnaught
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>18373931 I wasn't planning on playing tonight, but maybe maybe just this one battle. I'll pull out my gym leader team.
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:36:03 No. 18373955 Report >>18373935 all the starters this gen got boss HA
Protean, Bulletproof, and Magician are freaking OP
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear]
Kanade: 4871-4647-5445 [Charmeleon/Ninetails/Pansear] Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:36:56 No. 18373973 Report Quoted By:
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir)
Ironseraph (IGN: Morgana) 2406 6554 4269 (Parasect, Beautifly, Pinsir) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:37:00 No. 18373975 Report Quoted By:
>>18373955 if only Serperior had access to its fucking HA
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 03:37:05 No. 18373976 Report >>18373952 yes plz
I wanna see if my team can go against one of my biggest threats last season.
>>18373976 your uncontrollable erection?
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18373976 GG Will, Venasaur walls me pretty hard. I think i oughta fix up that Drifblim set because its the only conceivable way i can beat it.
>>18374302 I laughed harder than I should have at this
Gg, Mike. M-Venusaur 2 stronk. That Spiritomb was scary, though. I can't believe I forgot about your trick rotom, and didn't switch to Venusaur. I think I'm ready for the tournament. Are you entering, and if so, what type are you running?
Mike 2122-6778-7179
>>18374337 You saw my dino team before didn't you? I'm going rock type this time around.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 04:31:32 No. 18374766 Report >>18374354 omg hi mike
i missed u
and pikas missed u too
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 04:34:32 No. 18374815 Report Quoted By:
Mike 2122-6778-7179
Quoted By:
>>18374766 Hi daniel, sorry i haven't been on much i've been really busy
plaing the shit out of morrowind because i reinstalled it , but tomorrow i plan on being on as much as i can. Hopefully we can get some multibattles going and i can see if a Drifblim is enough to stop bulky grass types. I also saw there was a bit of an issue with a mod earlier.
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw
daniel - 0619 4281 7615 (Grass gym) !pikaWbWnAw Thu 06 Mar 2014 04:53:46 No. 18375082 Report Quoted By:
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:12:02 No. 18375312 Report Quoted By:
>>18375276 only because you said pls
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Any one wanna practice for a battle or two?
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:23:57 No. 18375493 Report Quoted By:
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:30:13 No. 18375590 Report >>18375422 You still here?
If not, I'm going to go to sleep...
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:32:35 No. 18375621 Report >>18375613 A passerby chalenged me, i'll get to you after this
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Don't like browsing these threads often, so someone tell me, will there be email notifications when the competition starts? There was for the first comp but I know this one is run by someone different. Just wanna confirm
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:42:58 No. 18375759 Report >>18375648 OK, the faggot ragequit
What's your IGN? Have you added me yet?
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Quoted By:
>>18375673 Oh yes. There will be.
I'm sending emails out when the matchups are all sorted.
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18375759 Lawrence, yeah and I was challenged and I never give up
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 05:45:10 No. 18375799 Report >>18375777 It says you're in a battle
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Latest numbers. Normal 6 Fighting 5 Fire 4 Water 8 Flying 5 Grass 3 Poison 4 Electric 3 Ground 5 Psychic 4 Rock 3 Ice 3 Bug 6 Dragon 4 Ghost 5 Dark 6 Steel 3 Fairy 4
Lawrence 2294-4678-2838
>>18375799 we gonna do best 2/3?
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader)
W3 2106-0057-4383 (Autismo, the Joey Wheeler Leader) Thu 06 Mar 2014 06:08:34 No. 18376117 Report Quoted By:
>>18375943 What the hell was that at the end
spamming sacred sword on my M-Venusaur?
What moves does your Aegislash have?
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ)
Stratos 3196-3681-9383)(Current /vp/ Champ) Thu 06 Mar 2014 06:12:45 No. 18376141 Report Quoted By:
>>18375833 Since you're here I'm champ again so can you update the doc.
Now to go work bye all.
Quoted By:
>>18376275 NEW THREAD
>>18376275 NEW THREAD
>>18376275 NEW THREAD
>>18376275 NEW THREAD
>>18376275 Callum [Rock Leader] 4098-2678-4492
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6
Heather 2895-6998-6566 [Electric] !hoPPiPzMj6 Thu 06 Mar 2014 08:25:52 No. 18377195 Report Quoted By:
>>18373469 like these have said,
>>18373491 and
>>18373545 are great candidates. Hydreigon goes great with a scarf and draco meteor, while greninja is fantastic with a sash and has loads of coverage moves for your team. Just be careful if you're running ttar, since the sandstorm breaks his sash.