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Returning to the world of Pokemon

No.18389020 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So what with the Twitch/ gaming phenomenon that was Twitch plays Pokemon, I found my interest in the world of pocket monsters once more re-ignited for the first time In a good few manys years.

So i watched a couple of let's plays on youtube read a few reviews and well pretty soon I was shopping around for a 3DS Xl with either Pokemon X or Y, It's on its way and I've started watching the latest season of the anime once more.

Basically I'm loving falling in love with Pokemon once again It's like being a kid all over again! I'm just looking for any more suggestions or recommendations you guy's have for a 22 year old man returning to Pokemon in the modern day?

This Is also my very first post on 4chan after being a lurker for many years! So what is the Pokemon community like here?

Cheers guys!