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Here's a pic of my Box RS I took for my first giveaway, FYI. Too lazy to update picture.
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If you don't specify what level Pokemon you want, I'll give you one of whatever I have most of. I'll only give Lv.5 Zigzagoon if specifically requested.
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
I'll take any of the zigzagoons, putting up a level 1 krabby with the message /vp/ zig. Thanks in advance
put up a disc for a lvl5 zigzagoon
>>18392741 forgot ign
ign: Jack
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>>18392735 Cameron, sent!
>>18392758 OK Jack, sending. Enjoy!
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Fri 07 Mar 2014 19:33:28 No. 18392775 Report >>18392677 Disc is up for lvl5 Zigzag
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I'll take one of those level 96 Linoones. Thanks a bunch in advance. IGN: Jill
>>18392775 OK Neko, sent!
Down to four Lv.5 Zigzagoon, so if you want one - act fast!
I put up a Luvdisc It has it's german name Liebiskus IGN is Tom Thanks in advance
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay]
Neko [0920-0969-0108] [Vullaby-Sneasel-Inkay] Fri 07 Mar 2014 19:37:26 No. 18392821 Report Quoted By:
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>>18392809 Jill - sent! You're welcome!
In case anyone's curious, I left Linoone at Lv. 96 to allow some room for re-EV training if desired.
>likes to run so youd rather a pokemon that likes to ware its self out than one thats proud of its power....ok.....
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
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Got mine, thanks a ton OP.
>>18392814 OK Tom, I sent a Lv. 49 Zigzagoon for your, um, hibiscus. Have fun!
I'd like one of the Linoones. 96 if you still have em, but 50 would be fine too. IGN is Reid, and I'm putting up a Harvest Phantump instead of a luvdisc.
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>>18392828 I didn't really choose what I got. I'm just glad to have gotten one that didn't have a -Attack or -Speed nature. It's got a good Speed IV and is "relatively superior" overall, so I got a fairly decent roll - all things considered.
>>18392840 Reid, sent you a Lv. 96. Fight!
Down to four Lv. 96 Linoone, for anyone who wants one.
>>18392677 Put up a lvl 27 Beldum
IGN is Lyon
also Zigzag lvl 49 pls
>>18392892 OK Lyon, Lv. 49 Zigzagoon sent. Have fun!
Warning to others not using a Luvdisc - if you put up a popular/rare poke, it's likely to get sniped. Don't be afraid to put up something no one else would readily want (scatterbugs, etc)
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>>18392928 Chris, have you posted anything to the GTS yet? If so, let me know!
I think I've filled everyone else's order so far. If you haven't gotten one or got a different one than I've indicated ITT, let me know and I'll get one to you!
This may sound kind of rude, but I don't get home for another three hours. Is it possible for you to hold onto a Zigzagoon for fellow anon? I don't care which, but I'd enjoy an Adamant Lv 5 if possible.
>>18392928 I just sent a Lv. 95 to a Chris, hope that's you!
Train 5000-3602-3785
Put one on the gts. If you still have any lvl 96 linoone i would prefer that one.
>>18392984 That's not rude at all. I don't have any nature other than Hardy, unfortunately.
Which can be OK if you want to make it your HM slave, as it doesn't reduce the power of Surf Still interested?
OP you're a bro. Do you think you'll still be trading in 4-5 hours?
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>>18393008 Train, one Lv. 96 Linoone coming your way!
>>18393023 I may be. My wife had surgery today so I'm home playing nurse. Not intending to go anywhere any time soon.
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>>18392993 Got it bro. Cheers!
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>>18393038 Alright, hopefully I'll be able to catch you. Hope everything goes well with your wife
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>>18393014 Definitely! I'll be sure to notify you as soon as I get home!
Train 5000-3602-3785
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Thank you, op!
Justin+4141-3532-2353 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim)
Justin+4141-3532-2353 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim) Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:10:05 No. 18393142 Report I'll take a level 5 zigzagoon for my Sableye I just put up. Thx OP, if you don't have any more lvl 5 , I'll take any level. Message: "thx for es"
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>>18393142 Lv. 5 sent your way! You're welcome!
Three Lv. 5 Zigzagoon left, but loads of the Lv. 49 and Lv. 95.
>>18392880 Thanks very much, Love Linoone, especially with Extremespeed.
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>>18393209 Linoone remains my favorite since Gen III. It's still my go-to HM user and Pickup is always welcome, so I rarely ever have a party without it.
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
Putting a Luvdisc for a Linoone, thanks! ^^
>>18393317 Just sent you a Lv.50, Lucy!
Are you a Pike Queen, by any chance? Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:27:59 No. 18393349 Report put one up, thanks OP!
>>18393349 Just saw your request and sent, Fisher!
12 orders filled so far today - I'll be here a while to hand out more!
Lucy 4313-1007-5457
>>18393345 Thanks, got it ^^
She's my favorite Frontier Brain and I'm happy that I share my name with her Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18393345 May I get a level 96 Linoone? I've put up a Rhyhorn with egg moves in a heavy ball up for you in exchange, thank you Linooneologist.
And I hope your wife makes a speedy recovery!
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:36:46 No. 18393430 Report >>18393382 Oops, I forgot to specify the level I wanted. Anyway I could get a 49 Zigzagoon or 50 Linoone? It's fine if not, since I already got one.
Dv987 - 3308-5026-5105
>>18392677 IGN is Dv987. A level 5 would be perfect!
Thank you so much for your help. Luvdisc is up!
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>>18393396 Exquisite taste, and I was half tempted to ask, alternately, if
your last name was Fleetfoot Anonymous
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>>18393396 Best Frontier Brain, for sure
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>>18393427 Cynthia, sent! And thank you, you're nice.
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>>18393433 Dv987, you are now the proud owner of a level 5 Extreme Speed Zigzagoon.
Two Lv. 5 left!
>>18393430 Fisher, I'd be happy to send you another (preferable the Linoone because I have a LOT left). Which would you prefer?
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:44:36 No. 18393515 Report >>18393502 Linoone works just fine. Would you prefer if I put the Zigzagoon I got already back up so you have more to give away?
>>18393515 No need, I reproduced them to distribute them. Pay it forward to someone else if you'd like!
I just put up a 5IV ghastly for zigzagoon IGN: Caira
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039 Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:49:01 No. 18393564 Report Am I too late? About to catch a disc in a min
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita)
Fisher 3153-3770-9337 (Drowzee, Espurr, Gothrita) Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:49:55 No. 18393567 Report >>18393554 alrighty, I'll put up a Luvdisc right now. Thanks again!
>>18393564 Not too late, put up anything if getting a disc is a pain!
>>18393563 Caira, just sent a Lv. 49!
>>18393582 Thanks OP, have always wanted one of these
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>>18393567 OK Fisher, Lv. 50 Linoone sent!
People have tended to want Zigzagoon more than Linoone, so I have bunches of Linoone to hand out.
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>>18393592 You're welcome. Box RS is expensive so I'm trying to help prevent people from having to buy it just for one of their favorite pokes.
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039 Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:55:33 No. 18393614 Report >>18393573 put dratini up w/ "fight"
>>18393614 OK J.J., just sent you a Lv. 50 Linoone.
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039
J.J: Grass (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Maractus) 3265-5109-9039 Fri 07 Mar 2014 20:58:39 No. 18393641 Report Quoted By:
>>18393636 thanks a bunch!
Hunter 5412-9987-1359
Can I get a Zigzagoon? Don't really care which.
>>18393724 yup, put up your disc! (or whatever)
Hunter 5412-9987-1359
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>>18393724 actually, make that a non 95 one.
Hunter 5412-9987-1359
>>18393739 deposited a jap bunnelby with the words vp giveaway.
put a luvdisc up for a linoone
>>18393777 Depositing a level 1 deino with the comment Fight!
Hunter 5412-9987-1359
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>>18393814 Received, thanks!
>>18393818 Pausing that, router apparently isn't letting me connect. One minute.
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Just sent a Lv 95 to a Skyvory, which is a fantastic name.
>>18393816 Gotcha, Chris. Enjoy!
>>18393835 OK anon, keeping a look out. What is your In game name?
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21 distributed so far! Any unfilled orders I've missed?
>>18393889 Now it works! Dino, comment "four IV"
>>18394108 Linoone sent for Deino! Breeding scraps are always appreciated!
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While I wait for more orders... My experience with Belly Drum Linoone has been that a dual screener with Memento is the best way to guarantee setup. Gardevoir can also Will O' Wisp to help ensure success, or Latios can handle most Fighting types to prevent them from knocking out Linoone early,
I can put up one of my breeding Zubat. What do you have left?
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>>18393023 >>18392984 I'm still around if you guys show up, lurking other threads and trying to finishing my Unowndex.
P and O remaining if you feel generous Anonymous
putting in a adamant charmander with Outrage and Dragon Dance for a Linoone ign = G-Money Message = "gotta go fast"
>>18394385 I have at least one more of everything listed in the OP.
>>18392677 Linooneologist
>>18394413 OK, I'll keep a lookout! Hope it doesn't get sniped - let me know if it does!
>>18394425 Okay, I'll ask for a Lv49 Zigzagoon.
Look for Travis offering a female Lv1 Zubat.
>>18394475 I got plenty more like him if it does. no guarentees on IV's. i don't usually mark the ones that don't get the IV's i wanted. Still a good start though for a Charizard x
>>18394502 Travis, sent!
>>18394523 G-Money... I haven't seen Charmander after about a dozen refreshes. Likely sniped. Ask for a Lv. 50 or above Linoone, may stick around longer that way.
>>18394586 still got him, I'll re-deposite it with the level 50 thing
Putting in a German Luvdisc (Liebiskus). Description says "Fight! Fight!"
>>18394683 Sent! Also, that's my second hibiscus of the day!
>>18394612 Still haven't seen Charmander, oddly. But I'm still looking.
>>18394728 perhaps charmander is too common? i could try switching to a luvdisc. or if you actually want the charmander i could post my fc
>>18394744 Alternately, I could put up a Linoone! I'll try that - go check, it's uploaded. Any poke is fine, a luvdisc is great. I do appreciate you attempting to give me non-garbage.
>>18394804 Got it! thanks!
I don't remember the charmander's ivs. but he's got a nature and egg moves for a zard x. so there you go.
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>>18394705 Awesome yo, thanks much.
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>>18394843 Awesome, hope it was worth the wait!
Current inventory: - Five Lv. 95 Zigzagoon - Three Lv. 49 Zigzagoon - Two Lv. 5 Zigzagoon - Two Lv. 96 Linoone - Eighteen Lv. 50 Linoone 25 handed out in total today!
Can I still get the lv 50 Linoone? I've put up lv 1 sandile. :D
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507 (Swirlix, Red Floette, Togepi)
Zoelle 1478-3847-3507 (Swirlix, Red Floette, Togepi) Fri 07 Mar 2014 23:30:20 No. 18395449 Report Quoted By:
>>18395401 Sure! Lemme get back to GTS.
>>18395401 Atlanta, Lv. 50 Linoone sent! Enjoy!
Gaston [0061 - 1163 - 1750]
>>18394962 I just deposited a disc for a lvl 96 Linoone :) thanks!
>>18394962 Hey, just put up a level one 5iv male cottonee up for a linoone. Thanks in advance.
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>>18395554 Linoone sent! No one fights like Gaston!
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>>18395611 Linoone sent! Thanks for the awesome Cottonee <3
>>18394962 Putting up a disc for the lvl. 95 Zig, IGN Anthony
Hey OP, I'm the three hour anon from earlier, can I still get a Lv 5 Zigzagoon?
>>18395657 Sure can!
I've been waiting because you asked me nicely Anonymous
>>18395677 T-Thank you Linnoneologist-kunsempai
One Luvdisc coming your way, I'll tag it with a "three hours" description.
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>>18395638 Anthony, just sent you a Lv. 95 Zigzagoon!
I'm feeling extra happy because a kind /vp/'er just traded me a 6IV ditto. I <3 nice people.
D-man 0404-6392-9293
>>18395677 Can i get a level 5 zig or possibly a level 95 zig with pickup?
>>18395699 *blush* I-I hope it makes you smile.
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>>18395716 D-man, I can get you a Lv. 95 really easily. However, the Zigzagoon will evolve into a Linoone with Gluttony, be warned.
>>18395727 It has been done.
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>>18395801 Anon, you now have a Lv. 5 Extreme Speed Zigzagoon.
Taking a break - 20 min or so Linooneologist Sat 08 Mar 2014 00:01:42 No. 18395886 Report Quoted By:
I've been asked to go on an ice cream run, so I'll be back in like 20 minutes. If you post a request in the meantime I'll fill it when I get back!
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I'm back! Still have a half box of Extreme Speed Zigzagoon and Linoone to give away!
Self-bumping with Mega Linoone to see if there's any more interest in my giveaway!
>>18396464 Put up a L14 Axew named Chopface if you'll give me one!
The only thing better than a Zigzagon is a Zigzagon with a game-busting move!
>>18396521 The only thing better than a Zigzagoon is
sharing it . Sent!
>>18396464 I'm very interested. Can I put up something other than a Luvdisc? (I don't think I even have any)
>>18396565 Yay!
I was hoping you'd come back after I missed your last thread.
Consider me your willing intern Linoonologist!
Zoe the Linooneologist
>>18396580 sure, just let me know what you're putting up on GTS!
Zoe the Linooneologist
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>>18396618 Y-you're welcome, friend :)
Hi! Could I please get a level 96 Linoone? Thank you very much! My ign is Riki and I put up a bergmite.
>>18396627 Great! Should be a volbeat with the name "Linoonology"
Jed | 4656-7189-3282 {3249}
>>18396627 Hi zoe! just put up a luvdisc called ziggy. You're doing god's work. btw if you need your tsv checked I can help
Zoe the Linooneologist
>>18396661 Sent! That was my last Lv. 96 Linoone! Enjoy!
Zoe the Linooneologist
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>>18396665 Okay! Just sent you a Lv. 50 Linoone! Have fun!
>>18396698 I put up the Volbeat, my ign is Ian. I'd like a Zigzagoon if you still have them.
Zoe the Linooneologist
>>18396684 Hey Jed! Just sent you a Zigzagoon!
>>18396684 Just got it. Thanks so much!
Shit, I've wanted an Extremespeed Linoone for the longest time. I'll take anything you've got left, but I'd love an EV trained one.
Zoe the Linooneologist
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>>18396721 I have more! What did you put up?
Jed | 4656-7189-3282 {3249}
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>>18396753 Amazing! You're a saint!
not sure who
>>18396760 is but its not me, regardless, thanks so much
Zoe the Linooneologist
>>18396770 I have lots of Lv. 50 left! Have you put anything up?
>>18396817 I'll put up a Luvdisc right now. Thanks so much!
Zoe the Linooneologist
>>18396838 You're welcome! I've sent you your new Linoone. Have fun!
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>>18396898 Thanks. I certainly will.
Zoe the Linooneologist
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OK, I'm sending a Zigzagoon to a "Cricket". Is there anyone I missed? I was in a battle so I was distracted :/
>>18394962 Can I get a Linoone, thanks OP.
>>18397060 You can, just let me know what you're putting up onto the GTS!
>>18397075 hey OP, do you have any of those 95/96 left?
>>18397124 II have two Lv. 95 Zigzagoon left!
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Just sent a Lv. 50 to Nike. Hope you have fun!
>>18397142 just deposited a disk with OP is love on description
>>18397264 OOPS! I just sent a Lv. 49 to you. You wanted a 95 right?
:( I-I can re-send. Put up any shitmon and I'll get you a 95.
>>18397293 haha its cool m8, dont worry about it
Thanks for the zigzagoon
i found a shiny zigzagoon on a ROM i have, he became my bro ever since Linooneologist
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>>18397346 You sure? I hope you like the one I sent. With its outdated Gen III movepool and all :D
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Last call for Extreme Speed Zigzagoon and Linoone! My remaining inventory for the night: - Thirteen Lv. 50 Linoone - Two Lv. 95 Zigzagoon - One Lv. 49 Zigzagoon - One Lv. 5 Zigzagoon Not sure if I'll do another giveaway this weekend, so get 'em while they're available!
Zoe the Linooneologist
Quoted By:
OK all, looks like the thread's gone cold. Final statistics: - Nineteen Zigzagoon given away - Eighteen Linoone given away So that's roughly 100 Extreme Speed Zigzagoon/Linoone given away to date! The fight against artificial scarcity rages on! I'll be lurking for a little while longer, but I can't guarantee I'll fill any requests later than 9:15 pm EST. Thanks for the fun! I hope to battle some of you and your Extreme Speed tanukis soon! Fight!
I threw up a Plusle with the description>extremespeed for a 95 level Zigzagoon. If I could get one that'd be awesome OP
Zoe the Linooneologist