Alright /vp/ here's the deal, im not sure about this thread but i figure i could give it a try. I got my PowerSaves yesterday, and since the codes work perfectly i tought i would like to share this with people here who don't have it, so, in this thread i will be doing: 1) Helping people make their Pokemon shiny, onlye 6 Pokemon per person, MUST be Pokes with right nature/nature/IVs 2) Cloning Pokemon at request, must be legal Pokemon/obtainable, and the same, decent Pokemon 3) Checking their eggs SV, same rules, 6 Pokes per person and must be a decent Pokemon (SV = Shiny value and it's for Instacheck purposes) 1) Checking TSV (TSV = Trainer Shiny Value for Instacheck purposes) *I would not be cloning the Pokemon for me UNLESS you want me to do it as "tip" you need to make this reaaaaallly clear when requesting for the service, something like "Hey dude i'd like your help, i want to shinyfy 6 pokebros, you can clone them if you like" or "Hey dude i'd like your help, i want to shinyfy 6 pokebros, but i would apreciate if you don't clone them i can give you X Pokemon for the help tough" You don't really need to give me anything, but something would be nice i guess, let me know what you guys think about the general idea, i'm going to be near the PC for about 3 or 4 more hours.>inb4 scamer faggot
>>18400643 Would you be able to make my Honedge shiny? IGN is Artalias, FC is 0447 5910 1026.
Sounds cool OP I have a couple of pokes I'd like shiny. Also can you make items with the powersave? FC is 1950 8055 4242
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000
>>18400698 Yes, add me, in 5 minutes i'll be online, please use a Nickname with your FC
>>18400699 I can, but for now im helping with the things listed above also, please use a Nickname with your FC
>>18400738 Tyrell And that's cool. I'll get online and trade you the pokes
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18400756 I'll be there in a minute, also trying this tripcode thing for safety reasons of the thread.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18400756 Online, send the trade when you are ready.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18400844 I don't see you
I'll check the FC's again
>>18400643 Hey OP, can you help me clone some Pokemon?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18400865 Yeap, let mi finish with this two guys and you are next.
>>18400875 Alright, thanks m8. The FC is 2509-1393-3861.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
Thanks a ton for doing this, man. I hope I'm not swarming you too much, but could you Shinify my Aegislash, Manectric, Starly, and my Goodra , please? I don't have anything of use in return, but it'd be very nice.
So how does the shinify work? We trade the Pokemon to you, exit the trade, you make it shiny, then trade it back?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18400890 No problem, you're number 4 just bear with me.
>>18400891 Pretty much, 6 per person tough.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
Quoted By:
>>18400890 Shit, meant to say Staraptor, but oh well.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
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>>18400756 I'll be back in 5 minutes with the Pokemon shiny
Now we wait to see if OP will deliver I have trust you OPkun
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18400922 [Silence instensifies]
Trading them back now, all of them are shiny now
Op delivered and confirmed for good guy. Also OP if you ever need an ability capsule just let me know
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18401013 No problem but please please guys, use Names in your Names? lol and FC and if you can tripcodes so people dont think i'm samefagging the thread!!! remember this is for helping including myself
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18400883 Adding you, then
>>18400890 Just give me 5 minutes.
Shad 0602-6501-8253
Quoted By:
>>18401045 No worries, take your time!
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18400883 You only need 1 cloned?
Quoted By:
>>18401106 No, just prefer if you could clone one at a time, not keen on giving out all of muh shones to a stranger without collateral.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401106 It would be way more slow dude the process itself takes time, i'll clone you this one and then go with Shad.
So, I just give you my mon, and I get them back shiny? This sounds suspiciously easy.
>>18401121 I understand, and hopefully you understand my hesitation. But this thread's surprisingly dead, so after Shad, if you don't mind, I could still use your services.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401133 No problem, be back in 5 minutes, going to clon de Goodra.
>>18401127 Yeah, pretty much, read the thread, already helped the first guy making 5 Pokemon shiny for him
You can keep the Rotom, it's not Kalos born. Anyways let me know when you're free OP, thanks for the clone.
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 07:39:19 No. 18401253 Report Quoted By:
>>18401141 I've got some I'd like to make shiny if you don't mind.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401244 The tarde failed, i still have one Goodra, send the trade again please
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401256 Sure, im going with Shad now, and then you're next
Also, for people who need the Pokemon cloned, please don't aquip any items on it, the process involves Pokebank and the item will be lost.
Quoted By:
>>18401275 Sorry OP, didn't know about that.
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18400643 Can you get me a shiny gligar with hyper cutter and shiny froakie with protean please
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401306 If you have them i can make them shinys/cloned, this is not Poekegen dude.
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18401306 And can you make the gligars nickname be Batman
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
>>18401338 Oh I'm retarded. I do have then I'll add you
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
OP, can you clone my shiny eevee 3 times? Please, clone it for yourself; 6 IVs, bashful and kalos born. Of course, if its too much, just 1 time, then.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401363 Yeah, but you'll have to wait a little bit, im with Shad now, then goes Chris and then Ryan. also if you have more than one Pokemon to clone that'd be great, cloning for only one Pokemon is a little bit a waste of time
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401378 Sorry, Shad, then Alex again, then Chris and then Ryan
Saico - FC: 2535 3975 7862
Quoted By:
>>18401378 oh, well you see, i was planning to keep 1 as an eevee, the other as a sylveon, the other as an umbreon and the other as an espeon.
of course, if it bothers you...
Quoted By:
>>18401383 Also now that I know you're legit I'll give you the rest to clone. You're free to clone a third to keep for yourself.
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
You said six right? Is it okay if I get 5 of my guys shinified? Thank you in advance!
Shad 0602-6501-8253
>>18401383 Thanks a ton, based OP, sorry I had nothing to give ya.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401415 Sure, are they Pokemon with good IVs/Nature/Ability?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401426 No prob, enjoy them
IGN Goose 4699 - 6933 - 0146
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
>>18401432 Is it alright if I throw in another pokemon to get shiny?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18401141 Alright then. I have some mon for you to shinify:
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
>>18400643 How do I know the right IVs and nature???
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
I'll be online when you're done cloning OP, again thanks for everything.
Mal 4356-0699-7722 !ZPg8v5zpgA
Quoted By:
Hey OP, looking for someone to shinify these: Poochyena, Manectric, Eevee, Goomy, Scatterbug, and Sharpedo. If you'd like, you can clone any of 'em to keep.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401525 Did you send me 5 or 6 Pokemon?
>>18401544 I sent you the following:
So, five.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
>>18401549 lol i was freak out, i tought you sent me 6 and there only 5 in my box 1 lol, im cloing them now
Everyone else please wait a little ill get to you
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
You still there OP?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401549 It seems like im having some technical difficulties (internet being stupid) please get online so i give you your Pokemon back and wait until i post again in this thread!
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 08:30:02 No. 18401633 Report >>18401275 Cool beans. I'll be waiting!
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18401633 About how long does it take to do a set of pokemon?
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
>>18401671 My bad you aren't OP
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 08:44:07 No. 18401692 Report Quoted By:
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
OP are you still working in the other guy?
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Guys i might have a problem with Pokebank, my internet went off when Pokebank was saving and now it says that my ID si not the same that i used the last time i was using it and send me back, lol i didnt have anything on the Pokebank so i dont care about that BUT without Pokebank i can't help you guys, anyone have any idea on how to fix this? i reinstalled the Pokebank app already and still the same.
>>18401721 Who is kill?
Who is kill?
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
>>18401734 No idea but thanks for trying to help
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:04:42 No. 18401780 Report Quoted By:
>>18401734 That's really weird. Wish I could help ya out...
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
welp, i guess this is the end of the thread for now hehe, i will make another one when i solve my problem! actually i can still make non shiny Pokemon into shiny Pokemon but i'd rather seak help for my Pokebank problem
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:22:16 No. 18401841 Report >>18401831 Well, if it's all fine could I get the pokemon I wanted made shiny then?
What does the error say exactly? I can try finding a solution of there's an error code or maybe a quote from what it tells you about your bank.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401841 I guess i can :/ i'll add you, the problem i¿m having is the same that this guy had: Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:35:30 No. 18401881 Report >>18401850 > Well damn. That's a hard fix. I've been looking around but the only thing so far is some sort of error when you start a new game, though I assume you haven't started a new one recently... I'll keep looking.
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:44:49 No. 18401909 Report >>18401881 Okay, so from the sounds of it, it may have to do with your 3DS, not the game itself. Did the settings on the 3DS change or maybe you're using multiple club Nintendo accounts? Just going through a list of maybes here at the moment.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401909 Not really, everything is set as its always been.
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:53:36 No. 18401950 Report >>18401927 Ehnk. I got nothing. I'll keep looking. There's surprisingly little information about this on the net. Hope the shiny pokemon make up for the troubles a bit. Appoligies.
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
>>18401950 I'll wait and see if they repoly to my email, did i give you back your Armura? because i have one on my Box 1
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:57:00 No. 18401961 Report >>18401956 OH! That's the one I missed! No, I didn't get that one back!
IGN Crowley 1005-9764-0000 !NgdPabPE9I
Quoted By:
Anyways, that's all for today, sorry if anyeone else need help is 4 in the morning here and im going to bed, i'll make another thread when i get my problem solved, good night people.
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise)
Chris 3995-6706-8097 Bug (Paras, Venomoth, Illumise) Sat 08 Mar 2014 09:59:08 No. 18401967 Report Quoted By:
>>18401961 Either way, thanks for the help, I hope you can get this resolved. You're awesome!