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/vp/'s MS Paint Topic Day 60: Special Day Edition!

!!5FVS7Ai6IW9 No.18410096 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
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Today is my birthday! It seems a bit early to bend the rules, but I wanna pick today's Pokemon.
>But it's Legendary Saturday!
Oh, I know. I'm dragging out my favorite Legendary. I've done the math, you know. Next year my birthday is NOT on a Saturday.
Hope you guys don't mind! Tomorrow it'll be right back to the RNG!

>Pokemon 60: Shaymin
>Hard Mode: No References

You know the drill. Pokemon is usually selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Shaymin in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.

Archive can be found here:

P.S. You all probably already know this from when we had Meowstic, but if the daily Pokemon has multiple forms you're free to draw either/any one of them!