[69 / 6 / ?]
Back with a box of Dittos. Half are Modest and the other half are Adamant. They are Korean with 6IVs. Put up something on the GTS and post here what it is, what kind of Ditto you want and your IGN. Put "anon pls" as the message. Make sure to ask for a Lv 100 Ditto so what ever you put up wont get sniped. Make sure to follow these steps so it can be a bit easier for me. Would appreciate 4-5IV leftovers or mons with egg moves. NO LUVDISC
>>18411391 >Would appreciate 4-5IV leftovers or mons with egg moves. NO LUVDISC No, I bet the dittos you have are just one of my KOR dittos I made.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SMaaaILKuI YES LUVDISK, you should only ask for luvdisk and nothing more, 8 boxes free to go, no item, no iv-mon.
Ask for nature or else.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18411467 Appreciate. That means I don't require them. I said no Luvdisc because every other giveaway uses that mon.
Tamrick 1504-5722-4381
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IGN: Tamrick posted a 4 or 5 iv drought vulpix Don't care nature of dittos, just need to help breed
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woah woo I'll like a modest one this time plz puting up a scyther
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18411523 Sent
>>18411612 >Korean Ditto with English name characterset top lel
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Thanks man now I have both Adamant and modest ditto I'll breed a better team now .
IGN Nina 5343-8554-0360
I dumped an Eevee hoping to get an Adamant. Thanks, OP!
>>18411391 putting up a corphish
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>>18411689 lvl one, adamant
Tamrick 1504-5722-4381
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IGN: Tamrick posted a 4 or 5 iv drought vulpix Don't care nature of dittos
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>>18411391 I still have you on my friends list from something before. So do you still want me to post something on GTS or can I just do a direct trade.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
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>>18411661 >>18411467 Okay guys, this anon wants to take over my thread. I guess I'll let him deliver.
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IGN: Tamrick posted a 4 or 5 iv drought vulpix Don't care nature of dittos, just need to help breed
>>18411391 You are still on my friendslist from something before. Still want me to post a mon on gts or can i just send you a direct trade request
>>18411688 >>18411689 Sent
>>18411612 >Using pokecheck pokemons Nice bad-genned ditto bro
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
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>>18411774 send me a trade request
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Put up a 5IV Diglett for you OP, nature doesn't matter Thanks!
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18411782 Stop being such a sperglord
>>18411816 Stop scamming good mons from people with shitty genned dittos
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18411835 I'm not scamming, you fuck-tard. I'm just trying to be a nice person. I'm asking for leftovers, not Pentaperfect mons. I don't understand what your problem is.
>>18411871 I don't have a problem, Im gifting ditto too, but Im not asking for anything at all.
I'm just pointing that you're cloning and gifting bad hacked mons, that's all. You angry about that?
Adolf 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby)
Adolf 3668 7232 1342 (Dugtrio, Sandshrew, Diggersby) Sun 09 Mar 2014 03:01:24 No. 18411902 Report Anonymous
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
>>18411391 can i get 2 one modest and one adament?
I have lots of breeding leftovers like
5iv feebas wth confuse ray hypnosis mirror coat and dragon pulse ill put on of them up for a modest ditto thank you
James 1220-7710-8516
>>18411928 Put luvdisc up man, no need for anything else.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
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>>18411892 The Dittos are okay. I've bread plenty of shinys from these Dittos. Go ahead and take over the thread, you spergelord. You obviously like the attention.
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>>18411892 Disc is up for a Jolly one
Dawnwind 0018-2122-9387 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Dawnwind 0018-2122-9387 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sun 09 Mar 2014 03:06:11 No. 18411986 Report Got some 4IV Froakie/Gastly leftovers if that will suffice, OP? Alsdo some female HA Froakies
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
>>18411391 ill send up a penta axew. Would be nice to get an adamant one.
>>18411986 >>18411993 Put a luvdisc up or whatever
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Not doing the giveaway anymore, guys.
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
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>>18411944 ok can i get a modest one disc up
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18411391 Hey OP or
>>18411467 Putting up a 5 IV Timid Eevee for you. Modest or Adamant Ditto doesn't matter, I'll take either one. Thanks. IGN Danny.
Danny 3969-5481-6535
>>18412007 I'd like one of yours, if you're still willing. Eevee is up. IGN Danny.
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>>18411391 >Giveaway >No Luvdisc Mojachi
IGN: Mojachi JPN Larvitar 4IV I don't care about the nature, I really need a decent ditto though.
>>18412007 Go to the wifi trading general or something, giveaway means you gift things without asking anything on return, if anons do give you something good then is fine but you were asking for dittos all the past week and you're just cloning bad ones and ASKING people something in return.
That is morally wrong to me.
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>>18412082 thank you so much!
Dawnwind 0018-2122-9387 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Dawnwind 0018-2122-9387 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sun 09 Mar 2014 03:15:24 No. 18412158 Report Quoted By:
>>18411996 Put a Froakie up, Anon.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
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>>18412128 Okay I get it. You won. Whoop-di-do.
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
To bad i can't get a adament one also if i could i would be a breeding mainiac
Gaston [0061 - 1163 - 1750]
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>>18411391 or >>18411467 I just put a 5 IV Ferroseed with egg moves. I would love an adamant ditto!
Scrublord93 1435-5013-8513
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>>18411996 oh alright. didnt see this msf.
Still there, OP? I put up a 4IV Sneasel with egg moves and Pickpocket
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>>18411467 Putting up disc. Please anon I need a ditto.
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>>18412349 Put whatever you like, luvdisc is ok.
I put a goomy lv 1 with goods IV and good nature IGN: Zero Modest pls
Mike 4871-3702-1838
If you still have some OP I'll take a Modest Ditto. I'll put up a 5IV Snorunt with Spikes for one.
I put up a 5IV protean froakie for you OP. I'll take an adamant one please.
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>>18412829 My IGN is Teddy btw
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I put up a 4IV female Bagon with egg moves and jolly nature. I want a modest please
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Would you like an Imprison Duskull or a Muddy Water Horsea? Don't know the IVs on them, as they're from the Pokewalker...
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Sun 09 Mar 2014 04:24:32 No. 18413108 Report Quoted By:
stuck up a jolly moxie female pinser with 5 IVs (Unfortunately the non max IV is a zero, a breeding reject, but it has hidden ability and some egg moves) would pref and adamant, but not fussy
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Still here but with internet problems, wait me 20 mins anons, be patient!
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>>18411467 disc is up anon.
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>>18411467 Luvdisc is up
IGN: Simon
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I'm finishing delivering like 5 I see up on the gts, if you had yours up or should be more delivered
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Calm ditto sent ;3
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IGN: H. Bergeron Would prefer modest. Putting up scatterbug.
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>>18412808 I just was looking for a Snorunt to breed over Switcheroo onto my Klefki, I think I just took yours for one of my spare PerfectIVs Italian dittos.