>>18413887 I think I'm going blind from how much pink there is in that picture.
Strato 3325-2963-8934
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Sun 09 Mar 2014 05:27:45 No. 18413934 Report Quoted By:
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18413887 It's late and I should be asleep but I don't want to sleep tomorrow's sunday wah. On a more serious note, I think I'm just going to make a team with Gardevoir/Gallade as my sweepers because I am bad and dunno what I really want to do. And they're nice looking in 3d except from straight on.
>>18413869 Really?
Oh god I'm out of discs again. Caught one and it's up! I need a pink crobat hnnh. The other one was a gril, would you send me a male?
(Rinneth) 4983 6227 3898
Quoted By:
And Nick #2 (or #1) takes the last Victini from
>>18411081 . I hope I got everyone and man was this giveaway a long & tedious one.
One of you Nick probably got two by accident. Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 05:32:26 No. 18413987 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Last day of break, out of drink, daylight savings means I lose an hourNot bad
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18413946 Good, you're here. I owe you something. Disc up.
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18414163 Hi. Am I discing up for poni?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414194 Holy shit it got past the censor!?
>>18414215 But will it get through the GTS?
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 05:52:35 No. 18414240 Report Quoted By:
>>18414215 "ass" is used too often in the middle of other words, such as Lass, assassin, and assistant. Banning it would ban too many other words.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18414233 Why wouldn't it?
Does anyone have a 5IV (missing atk) timid protean froakie?
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18414215 Nice.
Also I've put up disc for Twerkidash. I mean ponyta.
holy hell the captchas today though
>>18414291 I've got unmarked naive ones but most should be 5ivs.
>>18414215 >implying Nintendo's censors could ever be fast enough to catch the fastest ass on the planet Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414337 You get online too.
>>18414326 Could I please have one? I'll throw a disc up
>>18414346 Sure, hold on just a minute.
Quoted By:
>>18414358 gender? They come in luxury balls if you care.
>>18414365 >Shenanigans Thank you for the blue horse.
Did Rapidass not pass the GTS filters? Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414413 Did you want it named Rapidass? I just gave you one named 'Shenanigans' cause that's what mine is named. I can rename her.
>>18414425 Oh no, I'm fine. Thank you again.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414435 You'd consider it pentaperfect right?
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
>>18414425 Twerkidash so kawaii. I love her, thanks Lime!
Watching pokemon on netflix is so surreal, and why is Jenny such a badass?
>>18414443 I'm not sure, pentaperfect usually seems to be used when the unused attack stat is missing. Since you're going mixed I'm not sure there is such a thing as pentaperfect. You might want to specify what you mean if you plan on trading/giving it away to others.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414471 She's missing Special Defense. What her nature hinders. I'm confused as what to call it.
Quoted By:
>>18414482 No idea, now that you ask. Only missing Sp. Defense isn't too shabby, regardless.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 06:16:12 No. 18414501 Report >>18414482 It is 5iv imperfect. Mixed sweepers require 6ivs to be considered perfect: hexaperf.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18414501 Damnnnn... Oh well I guess it isn't too bad, huh?
Shura 2750-1424-2684
Quoted By:
>>18414482 Just call her 5IV missing Sp.Def. That makes it clear enough, I'd think.
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 06:19:20 No. 18414535 Report >>18414508 It is shiny, right? 5iv is fantastic for a kalos shiny, regardless.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Quoted By:
>>18414535 Yeah, once Rynn shows up I'm gonna have her clone it for me so I can distribute it. I can clone but not as fast as her with her datel.
Quoted By:
threw up a disc for a Shellder, if that giveaway is still going on.
Jonathan 5129-0925-5349
Update on invintory from last board 4 5iv eggmove feebas 2 5iv ha pansage 1 5iv ha baulbasur 1 5iv gligar with immune 7 5iv love ball ralts
Desgordu 0232-8020-3632
Quoted By:
>>18415106 I'd love a pansage
IGN: Leo
Evan 2036-7646-2965
Quoted By:
Aleksander, you around? What was that random trade for?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18414425 DUde, Lime, it's cool you hatched a shiny. I hope I hatch one soon. I'm really high right now but I saw that earlier and wanted to tell you.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18415414 Oops. I guess I kind of forget that people on 4chan don't like that. I mean, I'm not sure how much I like it right now. I apologize. I was just thinking of the thread for some reason.
Just get Adamant Munchlax with Self destruct, and now I have about 14 of leftovers, It's 4-5IV and has random nature, I have 8 Gluttony, 5 Thick Fat, and 1 Pick Up (changes to Immunity) Anybody interested, just put disc on GTS and post here. :D
>>18415425 It's okay. I'm a heroin addict.
:^) Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18415462 We're in the same boat, Ramona. Everything will be okay. I swear.
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18415464 It's over, anon.
I'm already dead. And yet, still no shiny riolu. Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
>>18415388 Ramona pls
>>18415426 Can I get the Pick Up one?
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 08:52:37 No. 18415522 Report >>18415426 All of them in pokeball ?
>>18415491 sure, just put up disc.
>>18415522 yup
Cynthia 2.0 [0920-1099-5958]
Quoted By:
does anyone have an Ampharos? disc is already up. many thanks
>>18415487 No you're not. The dream of that shiny Riolu will keep you alive.
pls don't OD on us Ber 0345 0668 5068
Got a fuckin lot of breeding leftovers with 4 IVs to give away Eevee (some with hidden ability) Beldum Rotom Inkay Minccino Gligar Porygon Joltik Froakie Just ask
Jan 0130-2376-8710 Mawile, Klang, Klefki
Quoted By:
anyone have a hitmontop to spare? any kind will do
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18415645 Is that Minccino female? If so, I need her. I just realized that my little furry Cinccino has horrendous IVs.
>>18415645 Is that Minccino female w/ Skill Link? If so, I need her. I just realized that my little furry Cinccino has horrendous IVs.
Ber 0345 0668 5068
>>18415724 I have 6 females all with Skill Link, any IVs in particular?
Ber 0345 0668 5068
IGN: Anthony
>>18415645 I'll take a Minccino please.
Maybe a Joltik too if it's okay
Ber 0345 0668 5068
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18415741 Atk and Spe are obviously necessary. HP/Defense/SPd would be nice in addition, but as long as the first two are there, it should be fine.
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 09:50:29 No. 18415782 Report Still looking for a sandile with tutor moves :c I feel like I'll never find one :c
>>18415782 Especially not here, no.
IGN: Anthony
>>18415768 Thanks! I put up another disk for a Joltik
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 10:01:28 No. 18415817 Report Quoted By:
>>18415811 Yeah I know.
Anyway I've nest ball cottonee & dream ball petilil if someone is interested
Ber 0345 0668 5068
>>18415812 no problem, sending Joltik right now
>>18415772 sure, I have one with Hp, Atk, Def and Spe, did you deposit the luvdisc already? can¿t find it
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18415836 That's perfect. Nope, putting one up now.
Mitch 3625-9430-9743
>>18415836 Hey man, are you still here? Could I grab a porygon please?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18415836 Thanks a bunch!
Ber 0345 0668 5068
Mitch 3625-9430-9743
Ber 0345 0668 5068
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:28:12 No. 18416114 Report Quoted By:
if I made some random 4-5iv sassy eevee's with curse would anyone be interested?
Quoted By:
Can ppl add me pls?
Anyone happen to have an eevee with HA and wish/yawn?
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:32:51 No. 18416125 Report >>18416120 the one I am breeding has curse/wish with HA
>>18416125 Mind if I get one?
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:34:42 No. 18416141 Report >>18416135 im making a batch now ill let you know when it's done and when to disc up
>>18416141 awesome thanks dude
Slughy 3454-0917-9795
Quoted By:
>>18415426 Oooh, I'd love one
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:43:34 No. 18416179 Report >>18416155 sorry it took so long forgot eevee eggs take a bit. but disc up I got you one
>>18416179 no worries disc is up
Here's my list; 3 boxes of bold 4-5 IV Feebas w/ four egg moves in Dive Ball 1 box of jolly 4-5 IV HA Swirlix w/ Bellydrum in Heal Ball Since Protean Froakie are getting popular, should I get some from Pokémon Bank? I have a bunch of unmarked ones in Dusk Ball, I will put them into my in-game PC if enough people are interested
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:47:59 No. 18416197 Report Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:48:35 No. 18416199 Report >>18416195 Can I get 1 of both, female 5IV preferably?
>>18416197 thanks a ton dude saved me a ton of time, always hated breeding for egg moves
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:50:55 No. 18416205 Report >>18416195 I'd love a female swirlix
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>18416195 Can I grab a Feebas?
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:51:43 No. 18416209 Report Quoted By:
>>18416204 no problem man. I know that feeling
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sun 09 Mar 2014 11:56:10 No. 18416225 Report >>18416221 Put one up for a swirlix, will put another up for a feebas later- Thanks!
>>18416225 Swirlix has been sent
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:00:06 No. 18416237 Report >>18416229 Swirlix has been receivedddd
Disc has been offered!
Once again, thanks!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:00:09 No. 18416238 Report >>18416232 Thank you Elina
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:00:37 No. 18416243 Report Quoted By:
alright im making HA, random 5iv, Curse/wish, sassy eevees. just let me know if you want
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
Quoted By:
>>18416232 Thank you kindly. Back to Black 2 now.
>>18416237 I don't see it ;_;
Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>18416238 Oh hey, random thing, could I get your FS? I have Frogadier and Buizel and something else that I don't remember. Nothing super great but I don't have a single Fairy safari.
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:08:59 No. 18416270 Report >>18416265 was SNIPED
One is up now!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:09:41 No. 18416271 Report Sallya 0103 9541 3472
>>18416270 I'm sorry, I got into a longass trade and it got sniped again
But you're in my acquaintances, so I'll send you a trade request
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407
Hime {Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet}1693-1815-0407 Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:22:13 No. 18416310 Report Quoted By:
>>18416296 Thanksss so much! I'll need to get myself more luvdiscs to prep for the next giveawayy hahaha
Anybody still want Munchlax with Self Destruct?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:32:13 No. 18416347 Report >>18416333 Sure, I'd love one. DIsc is up.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:42:58 No. 18416376 Report Quoted By:
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish)
Joseph 1907-8567-0743 (maractus, ivysaur, oddish) Sun 09 Mar 2014 12:50:34 No. 18416398 Report >>18416333 I'd enjoy one. thanks disc is up
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
Does anyone have a Frillish in a Heal Ball/Dream Ball and a Lapras in a Dive Ball/Dream Ball?
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
>>18416437 I have Frillish in Heal Balls.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416455 Can I grab one? Discing up
>>18416398 >>18416394 Sent~
Actually, anybody here can help me in collecting vivillon?
http://i.4cdn.org/vp/src/1394328668275.jpg Thanks, much appreciated.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416473 I have Savanna. Want to trade it for an Archipelago?
Zach [0147-0413-0502]
Quoted By:
>>18416463 It's on the way.
>>18416478 sure! I'll put one up in GTS, will you send another vivillon or scatterbug?
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416473 Continental is my native pattern! Would you like one?
I also have this idea to hatch a bunch of Scatterbugs in Repeat Balls cause they look nicely with that pattern. Would anyone be interested?
>>18416437 I can give you a Dive Ball Lapras I got from WT, has a bunch of egg moves too.
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416493 I think it was sniped
>>18416517 I'd love it
>>18416539 just check and I got modern instead of savanna. Another Vivs up.
>>18416513 I'd love to! what do you want for it? Another vivi or disc is enough? :P
>>18416539 Put a disc up whenever you're ready
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416556 Put a disc for a Viv, it's gettnig sniped really fast
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 13:35:16 No. 18416576 Report I just woke up. I have a box of HA Modest Bulbsaurs with egg moves ranges from 3 to 5 IVs. They need a good home! They are in premier balls :(
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416566 :o All right, disc's up
>>18416588 Tell me when you put up the disc for the Continental Vivi, ok? :)
>>18416613 ok!
>>18416579 Lucas, I've put up the disc, after that, you can put your disc and I'll give you my archipelago.
>>18416624 I just checked and I don't have the Archipelago either. Can I put up a disc for one after you receive your Continental one?
>>18416566 Thanks Lucas!
>>18416664 sure! Disc's up. :D
Quoted By:
>>18416673 Sent! My disc is up too
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 13:54:04 No. 18416708 Report Quoted By:
>>18416624 Can I get an archipelago, too? Disc is up.
Quoted By:
Can anyone trade me a Jolly 5IV Mold Breaker Excadrill with Iron Head and Stealth Rock?
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
Quoted By:
If anyone has a joltik I'd appreciate it
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416673 You're welcome
>>18416595 Thank you
Hey, I don't know if it's too much to ask, but I'm looking for a Regenerator Tangela/Tangrowth with a Relaxed nature. Putting Disc up.
>>18416817 >Relaxed Regenerator Tangela I got you, it has HP Ice already (31/12/30/31/31/31)
>>18416834 Wow already? That's awesome, I just put it up then, had a couple of errors before.
>>18416861 Yeah I was breeding some friday and I had a few leftover.
Quoted By:
>>18416834 Thank you so much! I'll try and help out once I actually get somewhere this gen.
Callum 1891-1149-0594
>>18416576 If you're still there I would like one please
Bode - IGN:Caio 4441-9358-5919
>>18416873 Still here? If so, I want one too!
Quoted By:
>>18416935 I don't have anymore.
>>18416805 You still want the archipelago? I'm waiting for your disc.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 14:43:14 No. 18416980 Report >>18416917 disc up friend!
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18416959 Can't right now, sorry. My 3DS is out of battery and my charger is at my gf's place
Callum 1891-1149-0594
Can I please just confirm, if you fully super train a mon is there any harm in leveling it up with rare candy?
Pardon my idiocy, but how do I get the "free" pokemon offered by Nintendo? I remember when I bought X on launch they gave away a Blaziken or Torchic or something. I stopped playing for months and forgot how to access it. This was the closest thread I could find related.
Quoted By:
>>18417100 No, that's fine.
>>18417107 They stopped giving away Torchic in January, so you're probably out of luck. Try the Mystery Gift anyway, though.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:11:15 No. 18417151 Report Quoted By:
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:13:19 No. 18417172 Report I still have nest ball cottonee dream ball petilil level ball kangaskhan dream ball nidoran F/M
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}{3548}
morning peopless starting stupid box 23 of elgyems today. including this my past 3 breeds have been over 500. broken shiny charm
>>18417172 I want the Level ball Kangaskhan please.
>>18417172 Gimme a female dream ball nidoran
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:15:20 No. 18417185 Report >>18417180 I have like 5 or 6, put a disc up then
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}{3548}
>>18417185 female dream ball nido please and thanks!!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:18:31 No. 18417211 Report Quoted By:
>>18417184 >>18417196 You know what to do ^^
>>18416993 ah, okay then.
>>18417172 I'll take the Levell Ball Kanga! Thanks~
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:22:16 No. 18417243 Report >>18417227 Your disc got sniped ^^
>>18417243 :o that was fast. Another disc's up!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:26:02 No. 18417275 Report >>18417262 Sent
BTW who's up helping me evolve my Haunter ?
>>18417178 may I grab your elegyem? Disc's up. :>
>>18417275 Thanks! And I can help you
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:29:48 No. 18417311 Report >>18417293 Sweeeet, what's your FC ?
>>18417311 5241-3287-7507 There~
Callum 1891-1149-0594
>>18417172 Can I have a level ball kangaskhan please?
Anybody got a Quick Feet Bullet Seed Male Shroomish they're willing to give away? Will trade a Poison Heal Bullet Seed Male Shroomish if you want.
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}{3548}
>>18417293 umm yeah definitely but there is really nothing special about it. not even sure of IV's because i wanted to breed a quick shiny and here i am lol
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:33:24 No. 18417341 Report >>18417333 Yeah ofc put a disc up
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:33:57 No. 18417348 Report >>18417320 Did i miss out in the self destruct munchlax giveaway?
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}{3548}
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529}{3548}
Quoted By:
saw shiny luvdisc up there for electivire. snatched it up hehe
>>18417348 Nope, still have some, just put up the disc. :D
>>18417349 thanks!
Callum 1891-1149-0594
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:39:01 No. 18417385 Report Quoted By:
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 15:44:14 No. 18417424 Report >>18417361 Awesome, disc up. Thanks in advance!
>>18417361 I'd like a self destruct munchlax too, putting up disc.
Quoted By:
Well, that's all for today, good night all. XD
can anyone help with moon ball gastly with egg moves (dis/dbond) or a dratini in a park ball (egg moves E.S./d.d.). both female would be awesome
evs and nature don't really matter, i'll breed for them
>>18417335 if you're still here, i can breed you one, give me a few
Chris 2793 1359 6001
any chance of a male quick feet bullet seed shroomish? I've got 5IV (no spatk) huge power marills if you want
>>18418185 Thanks, tell me when you're ready for me to put it up
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 17:23:47 No. 18418321 Report Quoted By:
Got 4 nest ball sewaddle with and w/o HA
>>18417172 Any female Nidoran left?
Quoted By:
Anyone have a loveball miltank?? I need my strawberry milk cow
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 17:42:24 No. 18418532 Report Elina
>>18418532 Niceee disc is up!
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 17:47:00 No. 18418582 Report IGN Alex
>>18418582 might i grab one of those nidoran-f as well?
>>18418582 Thanks, but why doesn't she have her HA?
oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for my Sheer Force Nidoking a bit longer Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 17:54:39 No. 18418681 Report >>18418608 Yeeeaaah ofc just put a disc up ;)
>>18418639 Trade me back i'll giveyou a HA one
Quoted By:
Anyone have a 6IV eevee for me? If possible, in a pink ball or dive ball.
Quoted By:
>>18418681 Sweet, thanks a lot!
Quoted By:
>I now have access to HA Nest Ball Bulbasaur Awww shit niggas.
Chris 2793 1359 6001
>>18418707 deposited with summary as /vp/
IGN is Chris
>>18418766 >>18418777 both traded, would have been done earlier but having a smoke and battle between the wild ride for shiny meowth
Last chance at 5 5IV Calm Rotom About 2 boxes of 5IV Knock Off/Foul Play Luxury Ball Vullaby Too many damned 5IV Fast Ball Growlithe
Chris 2793 1359 6001
Quoted By:
>>18418820 thanks a lot man
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:08:57 No. 18418857 Report Quoted By:
>>18418840 Discing up for a vullaby
Quoted By:
>>18418820 Thanks mang
Been trying to get one for an eternity.
Also, giving away Poison Heal Adamant Bullet Seed Shroomish
Quoted By:
>>18418840 actually, I'd love a growlithe
thanks in advance, disc up
Quoted By:
>>18418840 disc is up for a Vullaby
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
>>18417172 Mind if I snag a female Nidoran?
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:15:49 No. 18418950 Report Santana 4399-0165-0292
Dive Ball Tentacool Bold, Rain Dish, Acupressure/Rapid Spin/Knock Off/Haze 1x 6iv Male 2x Pentaperfect Male 1x 6iv Female 3x Pentaperfect Female 4x 4iv Female Heavy Ball Shellder Jolly, Skill Link, Rock Blast/Icicle Spear/Rapid Spin 3x Pentaperfect Male Can nickname upon requestProbably the last bit of stuff I'm gonna give away on these threads. Gonna take a break from pokemon once Dark Sooouuuls releases.
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
Quoted By:
>>18418840 Discing for a Vullaby thanks
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Silver (3325-1422-1269)
>>18418954 Discing for Shellder thanks.
>>18418954 I'd like a hexa or penta female. Name her Angie please
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy)
Fred 1650-2872-6632 (Fairy : Kirlia-Spritzee-Clefairy) Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:20:20 No. 18419001 Report >>18418982 Put a disc up ?
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>18418954 Discing up for a female Tentacool.
Quoted By:
Finally a HA Ivysaur in Nest Ball. Now I can start my MM~
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18417361 I would also like one if you have any left! Disc is up!
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:35:41 No. 18419169 Report >>18418954 i'll take a pentaperfect male, l-let me think of a name for it first
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18419169 Shellder or Tentacool?
Catherine (0920-0982-0095)
Quoted By:
>>18419001 Thanks a bunch!
Re-toast Bold 4-5IV female Feebas with Mirror Coat, Dragon Pulse, Brine and Haze in Dive Ball Jolly 4-5IV HA Swirlix with Bellydrum in Heal Ball Come get 'em (also please state which gender you prefer for Swirlix)
Quoted By:
>>18417320 Anymore self-destruct munchlax?
Bob 1993-7935-8066
Quoted By:
anyone have moxie pinsirs?
Quoted By:
Anyone have a moxie murkrow with bb? Gts is being no help right now
>>18418954 If it's possible, I'd like one of the Tentacools. If you could nickname it Alfredo it'd be greatly appreciated.
Also I'm gonna start doing some breeding, is there anything in short supply that people really want?
Also I'm gonna start
Callum 1891-1149-0594
Quoted By:
>>18419252 I would like a feebas, putting up a gligar
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:52:16 No. 18419357 Report >>18419184 Tentacool, can you name it
Fakku Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18418954 Did you get your shiny tentacool?
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
>>18415621 I truly apologize for that last night, it was only weed but I was really not thinking straight at all Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ]
Stef 2165 6084 3382 [ Simisage - Sawsbuck - Quilladin ] Sun 09 Mar 2014 18:57:58 No. 18419416 Report Quoted By:
>>18418954 Can I take a pentaperfect female tentacool? Thanks!
Callum 1891-1149-0594
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18419337 Sent
>>18419357 Disc up.
I approve that nickname >>18419382 I haven't hatched an egg in over a week now. Lost the urge to continue, so I'm just gonna take a long break.
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:01:06 No. 18419448 Report Quoted By:
>>18419420 Disc is up, thanks in advance!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18419409 I laughed at your post. So hard.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:04:41 No. 18419484 Report >>18418954 I will take a Penta perfect male or female please
Ramona 1177-7874-5179
Quoted By:
>>18419482 Oh god, I still can't believe myself. My friend said I was hysterical for half of it. I did make some cool drawings though. Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:08:38 No. 18419533 Report I have a box of modest HA bulbasaurs and a box of timid protean froakies all have 3 to 5IVs
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:11:37 No. 18419564 Report >out of luvdiscs well shit, time for a small giveaway 10x Nest Ball 4-5 IV Jungle Scatterbugs with Rage Powder can name the bug if requested
Tom 1821-9945-4764
>>18419533 I would like one of those Bulbasaurs please, disc is up
Santana 4399-0165-0292
>>18419484 Sent.
Have this left:
1x male penta Heavy Ball Shellder
1x female penta Dive Ball Tentacool
4x female 4iv Dive Ball Tentacool
Pls take my seababies
Quoted By:
>>18419564 I'll take a Bug, Disc up in a sec.
IGN Alex
>>18419573 ooh, ooh, i'll take that female penta if that's alright. i'll put a disc up, would you mind calling her metroid in the meantime?
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:14:15 No. 18419601 Report >>18419569 I think you got sniped bro I don't see your disc.
Tom 1821-9945-4764
>>18419601 Hmm, game says disc is still there. Sorry, try again.
Quoted By:
>>18419564 do want. discing up!
Astarian 5026-4423-3963
>>18419533 Can I get a 5IV Bulbasaur please? Disc is up.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:16:41 No. 18419630 Report Santana 4399-0165-0292
Cynthia 4768 8010 4595
Have: Iron Fist Chimchar Quick Guard/T-Punch/Fake Out/Encore Mudkip Yawn/Curse/Double Edge/Avalanche Moon Ball Diglett Mud Bomb/Pusuit/Memento 5iv Orange Repeat Ball Flabebe Captivate/Camouflage/Copycat
IGN Alex
Quoted By:
>>18419631 thanks a lot! i really appreciate it, me and my best bro are makin' some rain teams.
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134
Trieze (Y: Electabuzz, Pachirisu, Galvantula) 4742-6710-4134 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:18:41 No. 18419654 Report juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:19:58 No. 18419675 Report Does anyone have a spritzee or aromatisse they'd be willing to part with? nature/iv's need not apply. though premier ball would be nice.
Tom 1821-9945-4764
>>18419630 Thanks a lot!
>>18419564 Heck I'll take one of those bugs.
Have some things to clear out: 4 Safari Ball Larvitar 8 HA Dusk Ball Phantump 3 HA Dream Ball Gible 7 Luxury Ball Honedge Disc up, reply if interested.
>>18419675 I have one in a Heal Ball. Do you want it?
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:24:39 No. 18419730 Report >>18419693 i'll take a gible, discing up in a moment
>>18419687 I'm giving them away as scatterbugs, you're asking for a vivillon. Could you fix that?
Astarian 5026-4423-3963
Quoted By:
>>18419654 Thanks!
>>18419564 I'll take one of those Scatterbugs, please. Disc is up.
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:26:58 No. 18419754 Report Also, I know these are things everyone probably already has by now, but if anyone wants any of these pokes:
4 IV premier ball Gothita's with mirror coat and dark pulse
4-5IV ice/fire punch buneary's
4IV premier ball flabebe's
4-5IV spiritomb
4IV luxary ball shuppet's with shadow sneak and destiny bond.
>>18419713 Yes please. Disc is up for spritzee.
Quoted By:
>>18419564 Putting up a disc.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:27:06 No. 18419758 Report Quoted By:
>>18415106 What nature are the Ralts?
Tom 1821-9945-4764
Quoted By:
>>18419730 Sorry, my bad. It's fixed now.
>>18419754 I'll take a Flabebe, thanks!
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:30:12 No. 18419797 Report Quoted By:
>>18415106 disc up for bulbasaur
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:32:44 No. 18419835 Report >>18419754 Disc is up for a Gothita please.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Have a few things to get rid of, better get ones before they're wonder traded. 6 imperfect female Super Luck Togepi in Premier Balls (Calm; Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Stored Power) 3 imperfect female Lightning Rod/Static Pichu in Fast Balls (Naive and Jolly; Wish, Endure, Reversal, Volt Tackle) 1 pentaperfect male Sap Sipper Skiddo in a Nest Ball (Careful; Milk Drink) 5 imperfect female Hustle Nidoran in Dive Balls (Modest) 8 imperfect female and male Hustle Nidorans in Heavy Balls (Bold; Counter, Iron Tail, Take Down) 8 pentaperfect male Serene Grace/Super Luck Togepis in Premier Balls (Calm; Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Stored Power) 1 nearly pentaperfect female Lightning Rod Pikachu in a Love Ball (Timid; Encore, Wish, Endure, Nasty Plot, has HP Ice) 19 imperfect female Flash Fire Ponyta in Premier Balls (Naive; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash) 4 hexaperfect male Flash Fire/Run Away Ponyta in Premier Balls (Naive; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash) 4 pentaperfect female and male Flash Fire Ponyta in Fast Balls (Jolly; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash) 2 pentaperfect female and male Sturdy Bergmites in Dive Balls (Impish; Mirror Coat, Mist, Barrier, Recover) 4 pentaperfect Clear Body Carbinks (Impish)
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:37:57 No. 18419890 Report >>18419870 I'll take a pentaperfect togepi if you don't mind.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:38:08 No. 18419895 Report >>18419870 I could rescue a female Togepi and Jolly Pichu please.
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:39:25 No. 18419910 Report >>18419870 If i'm allowed to take more than 1, can i have the skiddo and the bergmite?
>>18419870 Holyy-
I'd like a Togepi, Pichu, Ponyta (fast ball) and Carbink
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Oh man, I was getting ready to MM for a ponyta. Could I have one of the hexaperfects maybe?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:42:29 No. 18419944 Report >>18419870 Could I get a Togepi? Discing up for it.
>>18419870 Diskin up for a male dive ball Nidoran
>>18419870 Could I take a naive hexa ponyta?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18419890 Sent.
>>18419895 Sent Togepi.
>>18419910 Asking for more than one is welcome.
>>18419914 Sent Togepi.
>>18419937 Just a father, right? I'll give you the run away one.
>>18419944 Sure, disc up.
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:45:44 No. 18419986 Report Quoted By:
Astarian 5026-4423-3963
>>18419870 Disc up for 5IV Serene Grace Togepi, please.
Chris 4914-3603-2609 Pinsir, Illumise, Combee
Chris 4914-3603-2609 Pinsir, Illumise, Combee Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:47:33 No. 18420008 Report >>18419870 I'd love a carbink.
Quoted By:
>>18419971 Disc is up for Pichu
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18419971 that sounds great!
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:49:18 No. 18420038 Report Quoted By:
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:50:22 No. 18420052 Report I have 7 5 iv Inkays 1 Harvest 5iv Phantump 3 Natural cure 5iv Phantumps and a whole bunch of 5 iv beldums
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:51:07 No. 18420065 Report Quoted By:
>>18419971 Also could I get the male Togepi?
Quoted By:
>>18419870 disc up for togepi! thanks!
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:51:38 No. 18420072 Report >>18420052 Could I get that harvest phantump?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Also, any of these are up for grabs: -1-5 iv scatterbugs (just modern, sorry) -4iv Bold eevees (most have HA) -4iv Jolly minccinos (knock off, most have HA) -5iv Bold frillish (cursed body or water absorb) Let me know what you want, including which ability and male or female if it matters
>>18419870 >>18419964 actually yo i just realized this doesnt exist
Disk up for female imperfect Ponyta!
Chris 4914-3603-2609 Pinsir, Illumise, Combee
Chris 4914-3603-2609 Pinsir, Illumise, Combee Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:53:47 No. 18420103 Report Quoted By:
>>18420052 Could I get an Inkay?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:54:09 No. 18420110 Report >>18420052 Discing up for a Beldum in a bit. Could I get an adamant one if possible? Anything works for me as long as it has the 5 ivs
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:54:30 No. 18420112 Report Kouji
>>18419870 Disc up for a female Super Luck Togepi :)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:55:34 No. 18420129 Report >>18420110 They all have adamant
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18419970 Sent.
>>18419944 Sent.
>>18419914 Sent Pichu.
>>18420008 Sent.
>>18419895 Sent Pichu.
>>18420092 Sent.
>>18420024 Sent.
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:57:52 No. 18420153 Report >>18420112 Thank you!
>>18420090 Could I get a cursed body frillish please?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:57:58 No. 18420156 Report >>18420129 Just put up the disc.
>>18420143 Thanks!
Lime 3883-5402-8331
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:58:33 No. 18420166 Report >>18419971 Awesome! Can you name the skiddo
Milkman and the iceberg
Quoted By:
>>18420143 Discing up for Ponyta. I also changed my mind about Carbink, sorry
Astarian 5026-4423-3963
Quoted By:
>>18420143 Awesome! Thanks.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 19:59:10 No. 18420176 Report >>18420090 Could I get a HA female eevee?
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18420090 Oh I forgot to mention, all of the minccinos are in luxury balls, the rest are regular pokeballs.
>>18420153 Sure thing! Do you have a gender preference?
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:00:17 No. 18420196 Report Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth]
Kaeru 2793-0657-9607 [Beautifly, Paras, Venomoth] Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:00:28 No. 18420198 Report Quoted By:
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:00:47 No. 18420205 Report >>18420180 Now that I think about it, a female would be nice.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18420205 Sent! Hope you like her.
i almost accidentally sent you the hexaperfect female I've been using to breed Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:02:08 No. 18420230 Report >>18420090 Can I have the scatterbug and HA minccinos please?
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:02:28 No. 18420233 Report Quoted By:
>>18420196 Thanks for the Beldum!
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:03:11 No. 18420242 Report >>18420227 Thank you! I just recently decided to MM for one, and this saves me a bit of a hassle.
>>18420157 Disc is up again.
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:04:29 No. 18420255 Report >>18420174 Disc up for skiddo
>>18418954 Shellder named "The Clamps"
The luvdisc will be named "VP" for easier location
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:07:45 No. 18420306 Report Quoted By:
>>18420174 Thanks, disc up for bergmite now
polite sage Santana 4399-0165-0292
Quoted By:
>>18420166 We are looking for the Milkman. We don't know where he is. >>18420294 Sent
Lime 3883-5402-8331
3 imperfect female Super Luck Togepi in Premier Balls (Calm; Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Stored Power)
1 imperfect female Static Pichu in a Fast Ball (Naive; Wish, Endure, Reversal, Volt Tackle)
5 imperfect female Hustle Nidoran in Dive Balls (Modest)
8 imperfect female and male Hustle Nidorans in Heavy Balls (Bold; Counter, Iron Tail, Take Down)
4 pentaperfect male Super Luck Togepis in Premier Balls (Calm; Nasty Plot, Extrasensory, Stored Power)
1 nearly pentaperfect female Lightning Rod Pikachu in a Love Ball (Timid; Encore, Wish, Endure, Nasty Plot, has HP Ice)
17 imperfect female Flash Fire Ponyta in Premier Balls (Naive; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash)
2 hexaperfect male Flash Fire/Run Away Ponyta in Premier Balls (Naive; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash)
3 pentaperfect female and male Flash Fire Ponyta in Fast Balls (Jolly; Low Kick, Double Edge, Morning Sun, Thrash)
1 pentaperfect female Sturdy Bergmite in a Dive Ball (Impish; Mirror Coat, Mist, Barrier, Recover)
3 pentaperfect Clear Body Carbinks (Impish)
5 imperfect female Reckless Starylys in Luxury Balls (Jolly; Pursuit, Roost, Double Edge)
>>18420245 Both sent.
>>18420255 Sent.
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18420354 Starlys*
>>18420245 Disregard that both. Meant to say that to Azure.
Hika 0087-2542-8020
>>18420354 Putting up a disc for a Starly.
anyone intrested in moon ball sneasel fast ball carvanha fast ball scraggy luxury sandile have couple left
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion)
Alejandro 4511-1601-3589 Psychic (Espurr, Abra , Duosion) Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:17:33 No. 18420432 Report >>18420354 Disc up for a starly
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:18:26 No. 18420456 Report Quoted By:
>>18420422 I'll take a scraggy.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
I've got two perfect moonball shinx with thunder fang, fire fang, and ice fang. Anyone want one?
Lime 3883-5402-8331
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:20:06 No. 18420479 Report Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:20:07 No. 18420480 Report Quoted By:
>>18420422 Discing up for Sandile.
>>18419564 Name: Beelzebub
The luvdisc will be named "VP"
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18420372 My dis got sniped, trying again
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18420489 Sent.
I think that's everything.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:24:31 No. 18420533 Report Quoted By:
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:25:20 No. 18420549 Report >>18420488 can you name it Saiyan 4 for me >>18420483 Sent.
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
I see two people with discs up for shinx but their message is reddit, so I have no idea if they are asking for my shinx or what.
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Can a have a female avalugg with avalanche please?
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
here is what I have for Trade 4 Female Foul Play Spiritomb Dusk Ball 5 Male Foul Play Spiritomb Dusk Ball 6 Female Egg Move Scraggy Repeat Ball 2 Male Egg Move Scraggy Repeat Ball 2 Female Egg Move Sneasel Moon Ball (may need Heart Scale) 4 Female Sucker Punch+Psycho Cut Pawniard Timer Balls 6 Male Sucker Punch + Psycho Cut Pawniard Timer Ball
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:26:44 No. 18420572 Report >>18420564 i'll take the sneasel, i'm guessing you want a heart scale with the luvdisc?
Quoted By:
>>18420564 female Spiritomb and Pawniard please
Lime 3883-5402-8331
>>18420572 No, she meant that you may need to reteach moves to it cause it was a parent.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>18420572 if you want but it's not necessary
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
>>18420549 yes, is your disc up?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:28:41 No. 18420601 Report >>18420564 >Scraggy Can I have a Scraggy please?
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard]
juu-chan 3368-2325-8120 [DARK: pawniard, crawdaunt, liepard] Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:29:12 No. 18420605 Report Quoted By:
>>18420564 I'll take a scraggy.
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:29:22 No. 18420608 Report >>18420589 yeah i understood what he meant way too late.
>>18420596 It is, thanks!
Hika 0087-2542-8020
Quoted By:
>>18420564 Disc up for a Sneasel.
Quoted By:
>>18419633 I could go for the Mudkip (Named: Slappening)
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
>>18420601 looks like someone sniped it
Santana 4399-0165-0292
Welp, looks like I'm out of stuff to give away. G'bye thread. I hope these threads don't end up dying out ;-;
Quoted By:
>>18419633 Can I have one mudkip?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:32:45 No. 18420653 Report Quoted By:
>>18419633 Cynthia, could I have a mudkip please?
>>18420564 Thank you.
Quoted By:
>>18420650 We'll miss you, brave soldier
;_;7 not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869
not Azure (sawsbuck, maractus, and tangela) FC: 3609-1230-2869 Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:34:31 No. 18420677 Report Quoted By:
>>18420593 Disc is up, thanks!
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:34:48 No. 18420679 Report Quoted By:
>>18420646 I just got one with 4 egg moves and the same in IVs, so i cant complain.
Quoted By:
>>18420564 Disc up for Male spiritomb
Now I need Dream Ball Spiritomb Anonymous
>>18419633 Hello? Are you there?
Alice- insect- 4184 1461 2541
Quoted By:
>>18420608 I sent it, did you get it alright?
Lucas 4184 1266 0854
>>18420564 Discing up for Spiritomb
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18420176 >>18420230 I didnt see these til just now. if your discs are still up I'll trade you guys
>>18420242 No problem! I'm doing that myself, both the shinies are so good
Hey guys, been away from VP for a bit. What's new? I have some new stuff. If anyone's interested, I can get started breeding these. Dream Ball HA Shellos (Pink West Sea) Dream Ball HA Vanillite Moon Ball Seel Love Ball Seel Love Ball Kangaskhan Dream Ball HA Snover Dream Ball Skorupi Moon Ball Diglett Also have some female imperfect HP Grass reject Dream Ball HA Omanytes.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18420789 Didn't see em. Reupload if either of you see this
>>18420799 we have Diglett/Skorupi
Gimme a Omanyte
Quoted By:
>>18419633 >>18420714 ...Well, someone else have a mudkip with avalanche for me?
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:43:55 No. 18420834 Report Quoted By:
>>18420789 Sure, Will put up another disc.
>>18420799 Dream Ball Shellos pls
Zilla | 0576-4815-8732 | {3529} {3548}
Quoted By:
>>18420799 discing up for shellos
>>18420830 Dang nab it. Heavy Ball Diglett too?
Found some more new
to me ;-; stuff:
Dream Ball HA Slugma
Dream Ball HA Wingull
Love Ball Sewaddle
Dream Ball HA Surskit
Moon Ball Zubat
Anyone know if Dream Ball HA Pikachu/Pichu is legal?
Tundra 0130-2068-7240
Quoted By:
>>18420717 did you put your disk up I don't see it
>>18420869 I have Dream Ball Surskit too, but Dream Ball Slugma sounds cool.
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:48:14 No. 18420895 Report >>18420789 Thanks for the Sandile and Eevee!
Quoted By:
>>18420830 ze disc.
>>18420848 >>18420884 Ok, I'll start with Shellos and Slugma.
Quoted By:
>>18419693 Larvitar named: Tristram
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 20:50:57 No. 18420941 Report >>18420816 I have a disc up for the Chinccino.
Quoted By:
>>18420869 I'm not sure. I saw it mentioned but I'm not sure.
Disc is up
Quoted By:
>>18419754 Spiritomb plz named: Dunk Souls
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Someone make a new thread, we're overdue for one.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
Quoted By:
>>18420799 Could I get a shellos? Discing up now
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18420941 er, i have minccinos, not cinccinos.
>>18420895 Didn't get one yet, please put up another disc if you still want an eevee
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 21:04:34 No. 18421128 Report >>18421108 lol... will redisc up sorry.
Quoted By:
>>18419870 Ill take a good Togepi muh brother named: Stutter
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 21:06:41 No. 18421153 Report >>18421108 Oh, the Luvdisc I put up for Eevee was sniped. I'll put up another disc for a HA female one in a sec.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18421128 There we go! Did you still want a scatterbug?
>>18421153 I'll have an eye out!
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 21:09:37 No. 18421222 Report >>18421108 Ty, disc is up for a scatterbug now.
Kelly 5343-8612-3752
>>18421222 sniped i think (why...)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails)
Ramirez 0645 - 6179 - 8099 (Growlithe, Charmeleon, Ninetails) Sun 09 Mar 2014 21:11:55 No. 18421261 Report Quoted By:
>>18421217 I put the disc up.
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna
Kjedoran - 3926-5649-9400 Flying - Fletchinder - Spearow - Swanna Sun 09 Mar 2014 21:12:17 No. 18421268 Report Quoted By:
>>18421251 People love giving out scatterbugs. We've not been very successful today >_<
Quoted By:
>>18420052 Id like an Inkay named: Same
luvdisc will be named "VP"
Quoted By:
>>18420090 Eevees with HA please named: True Prophet
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Quoted By:
>>18420564 Pawniard (any gender) named: Agravain
Luvdisc will be named "VP"
Quoted By:
>>18420799 Ill bite a snover named: Pellinore
Luvdisc will be named "VP"