Hey guys. I'm back with another Mew giveaway and have around 2 boxes. These are the FAL2010 Event Mews. They are lvl 5, Modest nature, and have the Move Tutor moves Earth Power, Dragon Pulse, and Hyper Voice. Just leave your FC and IGN. I'll be adding you guys in bunches of 6. Let me initiate the trade. Please don't ask if I have any left because I'll let you know when I run out. If you ask for one, please try your best to stay online. Follow these steps so I can get to everyone as soon as possible. You can trade me whatever you want for the Mew. It is a giveaway after all.
Flavio 3067-6412-8522
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
>>18426844 I'm game for this
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk)
Ocean 5043-3032-0804 (Phantump, Banette, Golurk) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:38:55 No. 18426908 Report Thanks OP
Wasee: 2879-0514-9467
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo)
Buck 4484-7738-9275 (Lampent, Golurk, Pumkaboo) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:41:15 No. 18426938 Report Why not?
006102067997 Keith
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18426890 >>18426904 >>18426908 >>18426914 >>18426938 >>18426946 You guys are th first 6. I'll start the trade. Make sure to be online!
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill]
Andrea 0903-2986-9569 [Panpour,Floatzel,Azumarill] Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:43:36 No. 18426963 Report I'll have a mew.
Toyuri 1246 8966 4259
Quoted By:
Just got one of these today myself. Mew is such a fun little pokemon, I love being able to slap together any tm moves I want on it.
Quoted By:
It really sucks not having wifi at home. I always miss out on these giveaways
Interstellar [4785-5525-6957]
Can you sign me up for one? Thanks.
Bruce 0189-9038-4631
I would absolutely love one
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:46:25 No. 18427002 Report >>18426844 joining in, thanks op
Toyuri 1246 8966 4259
Can someone explain to me how this works? I need to add the OP to my Friends List, but then what?
OP, you already have me added from last weekend but we never got to trade. But if we can tonight, that'd be awesome! Thanks!
Lex 3153-3956-5343 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle)
Lex 3153-3956-5343 (Nosepass, Magcargo, Barbaracle) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:48:03 No. 18427015 Report Could I have one?
Nicki 5043-2601-1832 (Dragon - Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) Anonymous Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:48:08 No. 18427018 Report Would love one, OP.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427005 You need to wait. Still on the first 6 people.
Wasee: 2879-0514-9467
>>18426960 OP, our trade got DCd, please don't give up on me.
Calem 4811 7090 3508
>>18426844 Fc: 4527 8535 8125 ign: Carlos
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb)
Kurosaki.PR FC: 5429-7924-0969 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo and Spiritomb) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:51:40 No. 18427053 Report IGN: Jahn C Thanks so much OP!
Toyuri 1246 8966 4259
Quoted By:
>>18427021 Sorry, I don't mean to be impatient. I can wait, I just don't understand what I need to do in order to proceed. Should I be in game, or be at the Friends List screen?
Andrew 0748-2162-0876
>>18426844 Can I get one ? My mew is rash nature.
Jake - 1693-1651-2164 (machoke, riolu, throh)
Jake - 1693-1651-2164 (machoke, riolu, throh) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:52:20 No. 18427064 Report Hey ronaldo, I still have you on my friends list from like a day ago when you traded me a ditto. I gave you the whismur. Anyway, I'd love a Mew
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig)
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:52:22 No. 18427065 Report I'm in, thanks OP.
Wasee: 2879-0514-9467
Quoted By:
>>18427029 Thanks again bases OP.
Teddy 4785-5776-1709
Andrew 0748-2162-0876
>>18426844 And also I'm already on your friends list
Brandon 1177-8023-7095
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak)
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:54:48 No. 18427099 Report I'm down.
ign-juan-0 fc:152141826366
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak)
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:55:56 No. 18427116 Report >>18427099 oh wait, in game name, not 3DS name.
I'm Lonk
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon)
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon) Mon 10 Mar 2014 03:56:44 No. 18427124 Report >>18426844 >>18426844 Id give my balls for one of those mews. Added you OP,
Quoted By:
>>18426844 OP is so not a faggot this time.
Quoted By:
>>18427008 In-game is Jorgen, btw
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18426952 >>18426963 >>18426964 >>18426994 >>18426996 >>18427002 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. Sorry it's going kinda slow, everyone!
FC: 1762-2808-2670 IGN: Andrew Thanks a ton, OP!
Teddy 4785-5776-1700
Quoted By:
>>18427141 Its all good. Keep doing your best.
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:00:02 No. 18427157 Report Quoted By:
>>18427141 It's alright. Thanks OP. I'm online.
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042(Bibarel, Gyrados, frogadier)
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042(Bibarel, Gyrados, frogadier) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:00:12 No. 18427159 Report Adding you now, thank you very much OP!
1564-4003-8762 Tristan
Kiva 5429-8718-0972
Toyuri 1246 8966 4259
Quoted By:
>>18427141 big thanks Ronaldo!
But I'm confused - where did all these Mew come from, and how are you able to have so many of the save one?
Some sort of cheat?
1564-4003-8762 Tristan
>>18426844 FC:2036 7314 4182 IGN: Brendon
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela)
Frank (3840 7335 7807 Maractus, Sawsbuck, Tangela) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:03:54 No. 18427185 Report Quoted By:
>>18427141 Hell yeah. Thanks a bunch OP.
Serb (IGN: Soar) 1864-9774-6358 (Psychic: Munna, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Serb (IGN: Soar) 1864-9774-6358 (Psychic: Munna, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:04:03 No. 18427188 Report Standing by for Mew... Thanks in advance OP!
FC: 4639-8957-6124 IGN:Chris
Jake - 1693-1651-2164 (machoke, riolu, throh)
Jake - 1693-1651-2164 (machoke, riolu, throh) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:06:17 No. 18427202 Report >>18427141 save some for me!
Élise 2938-7338-7922 (Oddish, Maractus, Sawsbuck)
Élise 2938-7338-7922 (Oddish, Maractus, Sawsbuck) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:07:02 No. 18427209 Report Can I have one OP
Sander 4811-7017-5181 (water)
>>18426844 i want one please. Sander is my IGN
Bruce 0189-9038-4631
Quoted By:
>>18427141 Dude, you are awesome! Thank you!
0061-0206-7997 Keith
Quoted By:
>>18426844 Hey anon, internet drop, please retry, I was part of first six
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
>>18426844 May I get a Mew as well?
Breno: 2036 - 7032 - 0555
I'd like one if you still have, OP.
4656-7720-8063 IGN is Nicholaus. Online for a while now.
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon)
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:14:47 No. 18427286 Report Quoted By:
>>18427124 >>18427141 If your IGN is Uriel, internet cut out
If not, then i have my beautiful smogmon ready for you
Kevin 1521-3878-4776
>>18427141 shit... I had a power outage in my house. I guess I missed my chance?
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427008 >>18427015 >>18427018 >>18427038 >>18427039 >>18427053 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. Everyone else, add my FC so it can go by faster. Please wait patiently and don't leave this thread if you ask for one!
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu)
Ryan 3282-2113-3428 (Espurr, Drowzee, Xatu) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:17:08 No. 18427315 Report >>18427300 I'd love one if you still have some after your done with your current list. I'll wait patiently, and I'll add you now
>>18426844 hey can I get a mew?
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427291 I'll get to you, don't worry.
IGN: PriFa 3067-6074-9530
>>18427300 I would like one.
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (Steel - Skarmory, Magneton, Excadrill)
BOB 3840-7245-3573 (Steel - Skarmory, Magneton, Excadrill) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:18:38 No. 18427326 Report in.
0061-0206-7997 Keith
Quoted By:
>>18427322 Please dont for get me
Zelowa 1779-0973-2906
>>18426844 Thanks in advance OP
0061-0206-7997 Keith
Topaz 3995 7020 1180 (6th Gen)
I would love to have one. Thank you!
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427376 Don't ask that. Read the OP. I'll let everyone know when I'm out.
Jimmy 0473-7942-2640
>>18427393 doh' sorry
in any case I'd like one
Cameron 4124-6076-9422
Any chance I could get one OP? I missed out last time.
Quoted By:
Augh, damnit. Mew is one of my favorite Pokemon, but due to shenanigans, I need to wait on a data transfer from my old and busted 3DS to my new one, which can take 4-6 business days. So I could be waiting till the 14th or so. And until then, I don't know if I wanna start up X before the data transfer happens, so I can't get a Mew from you, OP. Old FC just in case -Not using my new one in case they change it; I'm new to this- and sage since I can't necessarily accept one.>ePeyis insects
Mack 2294-5355-4315
4527-7855-0330 witey
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:34:02 No. 18427462 Report I'll take one OP, thanks!
Cj 0044-3804-6874
Thanks dude I seriously appreciate this.
Cassandra 1478-4586-3655
If there's any left, thank you so much in advance.
Darren 4253-4314-3306
I would love to have a Mew!
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
>>18427141 Add me please! :)
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427061 >>18427063 >>18427064 >>18427065 >>18427078 Invalid FC>>18427090 >>18427116 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. Again, sorry it's going slowly, guys. Some guys go MIA. Make sure if you've asked for one, stay on this thread and be online! Thanks guys!
Teddy 4785-5776-1700
>>18427516 Sorry about that. Here it is.
Name: Denny FC: 4828-5679-9456 I'd like one if possible<3
1650-2932-2522 RyGuy I will love you forever
Calem 4811 7090 3508
>>18427516 I've been requesting trades for a while, is there something I'm doing wrong?
Quoted By:
>>18427575 did you read the OP?
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon)
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:42:37 No. 18427588 Report Quoted By:
>>18427516 >mfw next in line for my long time bro since gen III > Ill keep waiting while trying to get a shiny pinsir from lord masuda Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>18427570 I would love a mew if you can can find it in your heart.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427575 Don't request trades. I make the trades. You went missing for a n=bit, so I'll get to you soon.
Calem 4811 7090 3508
Quoted By:
>>18427107 im sorry i lasted a little adding you, i hope that doesn't affect me
Zaros 4441 9306 8566
I'd love to get one from you
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak)
Pete 2337-4511-3018 (Gloom, Venemoth, Toxicroak) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:47:06 No. 18427640 Report Quoted By:
>>18427516 thanks man, enjoy your green Vivillon for what it's worth.
Zach 3995-7922-3484
>>18426844 adding! ty vm Op
Calem 4811 7090 3508
king afro 2423-2732-4252
could i get one OP if your still online
4098-3870-8748 Sissy I would like one please
Nic 3540 - 0685 - 2047 (Abra, Wobbufett, Duosion)
Nic 3540 - 0685 - 2047 (Abra, Wobbufett, Duosion) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:51:30 No. 18427678 Report Quoted By:
If there are still any around, I'd love one, thanks friend :)
Marcus 3239-4097-2631
Quoted By:
>>18426844 I'd like one please!
Quoted By:
I'd like one, but won't be near my DS until tomorrow morning.
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig)
Iphis 4382-2226-7172 (Abra Espurr Girafarig) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:52:38 No. 18427686 Report Quoted By:
>>18427516 Wow, thanks for the trade, friend.
Serebii 4184 2998 4452
Randy 4613-7585-3722 Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder
Randy 4613-7585-3722 Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:55:12 No. 18427713 Report Quoted By:
>>18426844 >>18427597 Oh man, my all time favorite, I'd love one if there are any left.
Serebii 4184 2998 4452
Quoted By:
>>18427691 I'd like one btw if possible
Clark 4570 7175 6911
Quoted By:
Please let me know what you'd like in return, I don't have much but I will try to accommodate as best as possible. In fact, if you'd like to use game chat to discuss, we can.
I can also do art requests n shit for you as compensation. Examples of my work:
http://cisqur.tumblr.com (yeah yeah, I know.)
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427124 >>18427153 >>18427159 >>18427161 >>18427162 >>18427184 You guys are next. I'll start the trade, so be online. Everyone else, wait patiently. If you ask for one, pleas don't leave the thread or never get online, it makes it more difficult for me to get to everyone quicker.
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon]
Jermaine 0232 8777 0787 [Shellgon, Fraxure, Druddigon] Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:57:24 No. 18427743 Report Quoted By:
Any of these dudes left? I'll happily take one!
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon)
Johnny: 3582-9072-4091 (Gabite/Shelgon/Druddigon) Mon 10 Mar 2014 04:59:31 No. 18427764 Report Quoted By:
>>18427723 >>18427723 Hope you like PinchYoBuns
I love you OP
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042(Bibarel, Gyrados, frogadier)
Merryn: 0361-7865-8042(Bibarel, Gyrados, frogadier) Mon 10 Mar 2014 05:01:10 No. 18427787 Report Quoted By:
>>18427723 Cheers OP, wish I could have given you something better in return! Much appreciated!
Teddy 4785-5776-1700
>>18427723 Just wanted to make sure you got my revised FC
1564-4003-8762 Tristan
Quoted By:
>>18427723 hey i hope you don't skip me i send you a request a little too late after the comment because i has connection troubles
Quoted By:
>>18427570 > Ryan
sorry didn't know what IGN meant that was my ds name
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Quoted By:
>>18427789 I'll add you right after im done with this group.
Quoted By:
Odjin 4098-3870-8748 I would love one
Kiva 5429-8718-0972
Quoted By:
>>18427723 Thank you, excellent sir
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427543 >>18427188 >>18427196 >>18427202 >>18427209 >>18427213 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trades. Please wait patiently. Remember if you asked for one, stay on this thread and be online so things can go smoothly.
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
Quoted By:
>>18427915 >tfw I'm second in line now I'm still here online, ready to go
Élise 2938-7338-7922 (Oddish, Maractus, Sawsbuck)
Élise 2938-7338-7922 (Oddish, Maractus, Sawsbuck) Mon 10 Mar 2014 05:23:14 No. 18428021 Report Quoted By:
ty based OP
Cj 0044-3804-6874
Quoted By:
>>18427468 Also my name in pokemon is Calvin
Serb (IGN: Soar) 1864-9774-6358 (Psychic: Munna, Sigilyph, Girafarig)
Serb (IGN: Soar) 1864-9774-6358 (Psychic: Munna, Sigilyph, Girafarig) Mon 10 Mar 2014 05:24:53 No. 18428039 Report Quoted By:
Sander 4811-7017-5181 (water)
Quoted By:
>>18427915 thanks OP! you are amazing
Topaz 3995 7020 1180 (6th Gen)
>>18426844 >>18427373 Really cool of you to do this OP. Posting to let you know I'm still here
Teddy 4785-5776-1700
Quoted By:
Thanks for dealing with my Ethopoeian-tier college internet OP! Hope what I gave you will serve well for a future giveaway!
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427236 >>18427255 Invalid FC>>18427260 >>18427315 >>18427320 >>18427324 >>18427326 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. Everyone else, wait patiently. I will get to you. If you asked for one, don't leave th thread ad be online.
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
>>18427501 Just letting you know im still here OP
Anthony: 1650 2501 1837
Quoted By:
>>18428126 Thank you based OP
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Quoted By:
>>18428046 >>18428148 Don't worry, guys. I will get to you. This OP delivers!
Breno: 2036 - 7032 - 0555
>>18428126 I'm sorry, but it is pretty valid.
Chico Pez 1993-8203--2082(shuppet,phantump,spiritomb)
Chico Pez 1993-8203--2082(shuppet,phantump,spiritomb) Mon 10 Mar 2014 05:39:40 No. 18428181 Report Quoted By:
thanks my ign is rutee
BrightRai (IGN: Denny) FC: 4828-5679-9456
BrightRai (IGN: Denny) FC: 4828-5679-9456 Mon 10 Mar 2014 05:40:34 No. 18428188 Report Quoted By:
>>18427568 I'm staying online all night, I'll be here :3
Quoted By:
>>18428126 Thank You. I love you.
Ryan 4811-7267-3730
Quoted By:
>>18426844 I would like one please
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Quoted By:
>>18428179 I'll retry, then.
Derek 4682-8478-0186
Quoted By:
One here please!
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427361 >>18427373 >>18427402 >>18427421 >>18427427 >>18427430 >>18428179 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. If you asked for a Mew, stay on the thread and be online so I can get to you quicker!
Topaz 3995 7020 1180 (6th Gen)
Quoted By:
>>18428283 Thanks so much Ronaldo!
Schulties 2852-8627-2532
Quoted By:
it'd be really cool to get one trying to complete the dex
Breno: 2036 - 7032 - 0555
Quoted By:
>>18428283 Thanks man, I'll be waiting
Izzi 3668-8582-6215
Quoted By:
thanks so much anon
Phocas 0061-1313-3802
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427462 >>18427468 >>18427473 >>18427476 >>18427501 >>18427568 Just added you guys. Get online and I'll start the trade. Please wait patiently. Stay on this thread and stay online so I can get to you!
OP I'm still here, had internet troubles
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Quoted By:
>>18428434 I'll get you right now.
travis 5284 1474 3009
Quoted By:
>>18428428 Any left? Id be so greatful for one.
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier
Sywyn 4441-9819-6929 Water: bidoof, wartortle, frogadier Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:05:43 No. 18428462 Report Quoted By:
>>18428428 Thanks a bunch! that pinsir should be a 5IV breeding leftover
Cj 0044-3804-6874
Quoted By:
>>18428428 You show up now ready when you are.
Schulties 2852-8627-2532
Quoted By:
any left? I know im kinda late
Cj 0044-3804-6874
Quoted By:
>>18428428 Wow thanks brah you're the shit.
Cassandra 1478-4586-3655
Quoted By:
Thank you so much OP, super appreciated.
Darren 4253-4314-3306
Quoted By:
Thanks so much Ronaldo!
BrightRai (IGN: Denny) FC: 4828-5679-9456
BrightRai (IGN: Denny) FC: 4828-5679-9456 Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:17:22 No. 18428578 Report Quoted By:
>>18428428 Ronaldo is my favorite person ever. Thanks OP!
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18427570 >>18427637 >>18427645 >>18427672 >>18427674 You guys get the last of the Mews. Sorry to everyone who didn't get one. I ran out of room in m Friends List, too. Will do another Mew Giveaway in the future!!!
Marcus 3239-4097-2631
>>18428599 Literally one away :(
Quoted By:
WOOOOOW i was almost certain i wasnt going to get one, and then im last on the list. How about that luck.
>>18428599 mfw when i miss the giveaway by 5 posts and stay up to wait
oh well, you tried op.
Quoted By:
Thank you based anon!
Randy 4613-7585-3722 Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder
Randy 4613-7585-3722 Flying: Pidgey, Swanna, Fletchinder Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:26:46 No. 18428639 Report Zaros 4441 9306 8566
Quoted By:
>>18428599 Thanks a ton man, sorry I got nothing decent to give in return
Clark 4570 7175 6911
>>18428619 Me too...
Well, I'm not going to shit on OP for not delivering a free thing out of the kindness of his own heart. I've just never had a Mew and I've wanted one literally my entire Pokemon career of 12-some years. Ah well. Be well OP, I'll be waiting for your return.
king afro 2423-2732-4252
Quoted By:
>>18428599 thank you so much op
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
Quoted By:
>>18428606 >>18428619 >>18428639 >>18428655 So sorry, guys :(. There's always next time. This has been my 4th Mew giveaway. Better luck next time!
>>18428655 I don't really know how these whole give away things work, but if you really really want a mew just use
pokegts.us to send one to gen 4 or 5 then transfer up. You can get a .pkm file from
pokecheck.org that is the same as the one OP used.
Quoted By:
Thanks a lot dude!!! Ive been wanting a mew since back in the red and blue days x,x You've made this old trainers dream come true.
Ronaldo 4914-4313-7920
>>18428680 Some people don't have access to previous gen games. That's what these giveaways are for.
Clark 4570 7175 6911
>>18428680 I don't have a gen 5 game and I don't know where my Diamond is (shame, I've put all the Pokemon I've been able to salvage from my entire play history on that cartridge), but I'll look into it. Short story, it would be either very inconvenient (would have to find the cartridge) or costly (don't have enough money right now for more pogey games)...
Thank you for your advice though. I will keep it in mind.
>>18428745 Sounds like the inconvenience has it's own payoff besides that you can get a Mew.
Clark 4570 7175 6911
Quoted By:
>>18428699 By the way, I registered your friendcode so even if you don't have any more Mews you can register mine back at any time (if you decide to clear some of your friendcodes).
Clark 4570 7175 6911
Quoted By:
>>18428758 By inconvenient I meant I could spend hours upon hours looking for that cartridge and still possibly not find it. So really what I meant was that it would be unlikely.
Lamp 2809-8558-7506
Quoted By:
>>18428428 Faggot skipped me