[19 / 2 / ?]
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What would your team be? No legendaries. Post combat team or general life team. Bonus points for type loyalty. For leisure and fun: Furret, Wooper, Azurill, Chinchou, Drifloon, and Wynaut. For violence and mischief: Aegislash, Mismagius, Gourgeist, Rotom, Chandelure, and Drifblim. Picture unrelated, but amusing.
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Seeing how much of a lazy bastard I am: Ralts, Gothita, Smoochum, Chansey, Zigzagoon, and of course Braixen(Starter). Easy enough to take care of, and now that I'm in college they might see enough action to evolve.
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My alternative steel team: Magneton, Steelix, Klefki, Skarmory, Escavalier, and Empoleon.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:22:11 No. 18428608 Report Quoted By:
Charmander,Pikachu, misdreavous,mawile,espurr,gabite (all eventually evolved)
I was thinking just the other day about this and I'd love to have a Gyarados. I'm not a big fan of it, but you could make a shit ton of money from it. >show chinamen your authentic chinese dragon >sell scales for their useless ancient medicine If I'm the only one with pokemon I could sell those for 1million a pop easy. Probably wouldn't have the balls to be ripping scales off so I'd just wait for them to fall off naturally.
>>18428631 Just Gyrados? Any others you would want?
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A Golurk would be enough for me. I could go anywhere I want flying on a giant ghost robot.
Sylveon Clefable Gardevoir Florges Wigglytuff Whimsicott I love the Fairy type
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>>18428659 I'd probably get a set of my favorite eeveelutions too, but really I'd care much more about my scale business.
Vaporeon, umbreon, jolteon, espeon, glaceon
Mostly because they would be easy to care for like normal dogs but with super powers.
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quagsire, flareon, gengar, tropius, greninja, and mareep. a team full of bros for me, and also free bananas.
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder)
(IGN Cass) 2766 9670 4652 FS (Slugma, Ponyta, Fletchinder) Mon 10 Mar 2014 06:33:58 No. 18428731 Report Quoted By:
>>18428694 Fuck you I couldn't battle a team that cute.
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Dojofag here. Sawk, Poliwrath, Blaziken, Hitmonlee, Machamp and so on. Might have a small fluffy thing like a skitty or poochyena lying around. Gf is a fairy breeder. She'd wipe the floor with my ass.
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I'd probably just have a couple of chill, low-maintenance pokemon. Meowth and Quagsire. Maybe one more.
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I would get a Chespin and Brobat. I would get a Mamoswine so I could ride on it and a solosis because it's adorable and it can get stuff, that I'm too lazy to get, with its psychic powers. A Magmortar because they are just badass and finally a Kabuto because it can double as a hat.
Going try to be mildly logical and go with pokemon that would be native to my area. It's going to be a little tl;dr.>Poliwrath During the summer, it rains like no tomorrow, flooding the desert and creating artificial ponds in low areas. Toads native to the area hibernate during the dry season, come out during the monsoon, spawn then rebury themselves. The tadpoles hatch then eat all they can in a mad dash to mature before the ponds dry up. When I was small, my dad would take me to the ponds so we could catch some tadpoles and raise the in a fishbowl or similar container until they matured, then we'd release them so they could do their thing. From all of that I developed a liking for frogs.>Espeon Not fitting with what I just said, but in the pokemon universe you can find Eevees in practically every region. Plus Espeon had been my permabro since I got into pokemon. My mom has had cats since before I was born and I've grown up with them, so I would of course have an Espeon.>Cradily Where I live used to an ocean millions if years ago, so I find the fossils of the animal that Cradily is based on all over the place. Thanks to my dad, I have an affinity for rocks and fossils, so it'd be logical to have a Cradily.>Drapion Big ol' scorpions can be found all around where I live. How about that.>Volcarona You can find fucking huge caterpillars with big gnarly horns that grow into fucking huge moths a few months before it's gets below freezing at night out where I live.>Heliolisk Roughly 300 days out of the year we have sunny days where I live & we have a metric fuck-ton of lizards, so I'd more than likely have one if these little fuckers.
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My current team? Archeops Hippowdon Excadrill Mandibuzz Ferrothorn Heliolisk
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>>18429171 Straya?
If we go by location, something like:
Not bad, actually
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General Life Team.Bulbasaur: bulbasaurs are cool as fuck they are total bros. Bulbasaurs also know where to get the best weed and can get you into the best parties. Geodude: Gymbro pokemon. Lift with you all day e'reday. Will get bitches on yo dick. Made of rock, rock is badass. Dat geology. Meowth: This little nigga is cuddly as fuck. Will rub up against you and purr. Litterbox trainable so at least one pokemon whose pokeshit I wont have to clean. Will bring you coins, get money get paid - meowth gets you dat dere financial security. Aerodactyl: Can fly you around to places. Fossil as fuck. Is a motherfucking petrodacyl. Nuff said. Kabutops: Another pokebro. Takes care of all your cutting and water needs. Also fossil as fuck. Kadabra: Cool looking tail. All wise and shit. Knowledge son. Mother fucking psychic powers. Oh shit nigga.
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Metagross: Would be my bro/coffee table Diglett: Secondary bro Machamp: Tertiary bro/Gym buddy Cottonee: Not sure how big they are, but they look cuddly Golurk: to fly me around Bidoof: HM slave