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Quoted By: >>18435214 >>18436776
Is this thing competitively viable at all (if we pretend for a moment that Smogonbird doesn't exist)?
I played through Platinum last week, and decided to transfer an Adamant 2IV Eevee I had bred in Emerald and didn't want to go wasted, and evolved it into Leafeon before the 2nd gym.
It's even more physically bulky than Weezing, and could switch into pretty much any physical attack and take only minuscule damage. It was fast (95) and powerful (110) enough to outspeed and OHKO/2HKO a bunch of things, and Return and Aerial Ace provided decent coverage.
Too bad Aerial Ace is worthless in multiplayer, and it has little else for coverage. But with Chlorophyll, and if it manages to get a Swords Dance off, it could surely cleave through half of any opponent's team; all while resisting Water, Electric, and Ground attacks, and being able to take any physical priority move without flinching.
Is it worth a shot? Has anyone tried it yet?
I played through Platinum last week, and decided to transfer an Adamant 2IV Eevee I had bred in Emerald and didn't want to go wasted, and evolved it into Leafeon before the 2nd gym.
It's even more physically bulky than Weezing, and could switch into pretty much any physical attack and take only minuscule damage. It was fast (95) and powerful (110) enough to outspeed and OHKO/2HKO a bunch of things, and Return and Aerial Ace provided decent coverage.
Too bad Aerial Ace is worthless in multiplayer, and it has little else for coverage. But with Chlorophyll, and if it manages to get a Swords Dance off, it could surely cleave through half of any opponent's team; all while resisting Water, Electric, and Ground attacks, and being able to take any physical priority move without flinching.
Is it worth a shot? Has anyone tried it yet?